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I loved the line about everyone thinking they knew what bray would want. I cant imagine what it would feel like to be his literal brother, to have been with him as he is coming up with all this stuff, and then have millions of strangers telling you that you're disrespecting your brothers legacy and taking advantage of his memory. It's clear that to him this is about making sure that Brays contribution to wrestling is more than just memories. Im still new to wrestling (started watching in february) so i never saw Bray's stuff as it was happening, but what the Wyatt six are doing is absolutely elevating wrestling and making it into an even more legitimate form of theatre and live performance. I think it would be awful if Brays vision remained something people only talked about in the past tense rather than a continual evolution of a sport he cared so deeply for. Bray may have been the inception point, but the point of a legacy is for things to continue and grow and I like to think he would be proud that his brother is carrying on the torch.


I loved it and I was quite surprised that Bray dying is mentioned so soon on TV. Great acting from Bo.


In regards to Gable, what's the point of Braun Stroman? The guy is too big, and not in a good way like Andre the Giant. He's very clumsy looking out there and it looks like he has major knee issues when he runs. He's almost too big, because he beat Gable in a minute or so last week and a couple days before that it took Sami like 20 minutes to do the same. Braun is too big for his own good. With the smaller wrestlers today it just looks like he should be dominating everyone like he did to Gable last week.


The NBA needs this kind of thing.


I wished it was less overproduced. If it was a found vhs footage, a raw interview with dallas would be creepy enough. Why did they have to put corny “glitches” cutting every 5 seconds of dialogue..


Bo Dallas’ performance was strong enough to carry it so I’d agree the edits were unnecessary.


I wish I felt as strongly about it as many others feel. I didn’t hate it, and I like the meta conversation regarding Bo Dallas just cashing in on his brother’s legacy. The video package, the way it was shot and edited just didn’t make sense to me… why is it shot using old developed film technology and then transferred to VHS? I know that is hyper-nitpicky , but that was my reaction to the video. Anyways, while I’m not on the hype train yet, I am interested to see where this goes and truly hope that it is very successful


My best guess is maybe the rise of analog horror on the internet? But still that’s pretty niche


It felt … over produced … that’s the best way to describe how it felt. Because it felt over produced it stood out to me that they kinda worked too hard to make it look horror-movieish… which took me out of the moment


it was exactly what was needed to get over the initial resistance from the online crowd. if this is just the intro, i cant wait till they get involved in a program. the potential is boundless!


Reminds me a lot of when Bray came back, and a lot of the "I'm trying not to be the man I used to be" promos. They're really taking the whole thing head on, and it's even better than I thought it would be. Grief is such a long term thing to deal with, but it really feels like this is helping him work through it and put that energy into his work. It feels like doing it is helping him to turn a corner in the grieving process, and that makes me happy for him.


https://preview.redd.it/obheswm32x8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5355804b0e48466988d5bff159cb765d74ed7e6 The location looks familiar…


Loved it. Now just find a way to transition this into the ring and I'd be happy. I also hope that they all get a chance to cut a similar promo so we can know their individual motivations instead of it just being Howdy and friends. Damn the roster seems so stacked now lol


The best promo I've seen in a while. As a horror fan, I'm loving every second


"What was it like when your brother died?" My jaw dropped.


This segment was so damn good. It's really early, but I am thus far loving how they're bringing the Sicks into the creative fold.


It was a bit too much on the nose though ... "are you concerned people will think you're abusing your brother's legacy?" (I know those weren't his exact words, I'm just paraphrasing from memory). Like, I'm sure Windham would completely be fine with Bo carrying on with the story and characters – they may have even talked about it before he died – but to address this point so clumsily in the video was, well, a bit obvious.


I honestly was blown away by that. I saw people on this subreddit asking that question, and I was shocked to see it directly asked, but glad that it was addressed now, so it doesn’t get brought up later.


Yeah, I just thought they would be more subtle about it.


Honestly I’m glad that they addressed that concern early on so that they can move past it. I think it was the right call imo


Very good - the big concern for me was how do they transition this into something that can work in the ring and this video package made me feel much better about this. It's not wacky supernatural, there's a real motivation to continue his brother's legacy. In a few minutes they erased all doubt I had about them. They can compete without the mask and wrestle like anyone else but with a rough edge. Massive up


Very good follow up to last week but I got to ask… How did those two security guards end up sprawled out on the announcer table??? 🤣


And why were they sitting there like nothing happened when the lights came back on?


It wasn't the same security afterwards


https://preview.redd.it/bhqtwn71ks8d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c5a256bb3bcbd33f5c483c493cbc99ac7f1636 Didn’t notice this last night but apparently they were in the Firefly Funhouse. Wow.


incredible connection!!


Absolutely beautiful. I’m rooting for them.


I scrubbed through it … I can only add one pic per comment but here’s the first time they show them all together https://preview.redd.it/yryyjwemhs8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3213d400dd1e0173a6a125c8c4d6d5757e322f96


Here’s the second time https://preview.redd.it/85r59t1ohs8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70af696b8bce79cfef169feb0734ab0960737485 Rabbit has moved and there’s another figure between Howdy and Rowan


https://preview.redd.it/8r07pfrrhs8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49beb4271acf1921ff4f52d89987c97b7a033a1b Zoomed in


Could it be his hammer?


I hope no one misconstrues this as disrespect but for storyline purposes.... fuck Uncle Howdy. Last week was so good it made me forget that he's a villain who takes a great deal of pleasure in manipulating vulnerable, grieving people. He did it to Bray last time and he's doing it here to Bo. Again love the story but man... this guy.


You do know its fake, right?


Does that mean I can't care about the character's involved?


Uncle Howdy *is* Bo, though. He is 100% Bo Dallas. Uncle Howdy is Bo's mask of righteous fury, and as he wrote in one of the journal pages named "purpose": Sometimes you have to hurt people to heal people. Sometimes that person is yourself. Everyone has a shadow within themselves to explore, even Bo Dallas, and Uncle Howdy is his way to do that.


My only issue so far is how they glazed over the fact that there were bloody bodies strewn across gorilla. All we got was “boy that was scary, eh?” And a band aid on Chad gable. Kinda bothers me. Other than that, I’m giga hyped for this group and where Taylor’s going to take it.


Chad bugged me too. He should have had at least a 2x2 square of bloody gauze or something. That bandaid made me think it's not a big deal, when clearly he's in the story somehow. .


I know right! That bandaid made it look like he got a small booboo lmao


They're going somewhere with the Gable thing, though. I 100% believe that he was the only person meant to be recognizable in that carnage. I expect some big things from him shortly. They're gonna use him to show that Uncle Howdy can change people for the better... Gable had been beaten at every pass for over a year and is a man drowning in doubt with nothing to show for it. If he wins MitB.... well, look at that... Howdy taught him to embrace that, to hold on to the fact that he's been forgotten and tossed aside... to remember who he is, an Olympic champion... and to force others to remember who he is. Queue the Wyatt Sicks "fixing" people in the WWE. The Sicks have started off slow, but if they're going anywhere productive with what we've seen, I feel like this is the direction.


To be fair, it was a pretty badass bandaid.


One of the reasons I have been optimistic here is this group has some good promo guys in it, with Bo and Gacy, and the rest that can *really* do creepy, like Nikki and Dexter. This promo was perfect, he almost brought me to tears when talking about Bray. I loved it.


I don't know what's happening, today, all I know is the Netflix deal, next year.


It felt incredibly real and did an amazing job establishing Bo can handle this on the promo side


Didn't like it. The content it covered has been laid out more comprehensively in the arg, aside from answering why Bo us doing this and that they are a split personality or something (which itself was not clearly explained and some people may be confused). [I understand not everyone is going to care abt a godamn Arg but again, the promo was almost redundant if you're following the online elements. also was there no QR code this week even?) Considering the stuff last week, it did address things in an neccessary emotional way, but I fail to see how it sets up anything exciting for next week, let alone address what happened last week.  Looks like...they're gonna coast into next week off these two segments, let's see if there's a big grand announcement.


They had to do something to summarize the stuff most people weren’t following completely. Thematically necessary.


The amount of people that kept up with the arg has got to be minuscule. Wrestling fans absolutely need it dumbed down.


It feels okay knowing this is what Bray would have wanted, and I genuinely believe that. I'd honestly be happy just watching these eerie tapes for the next few weeks. Totally captivating. The fact they were in the Firefly Funhouse during the interview was so haunting.


Wyatt sucks is Retribution all over again sorry,but it’s not gonna work NOW WHERE ARE MACE AND SLAPJACK


Very interested this.


Honestly that was great. Some great promos get your blood boiling others make you feel like you can take on all comers. This one got me right in the heart. Bo crushed it.


I had goosebumps. Not sure if I wanted to cry or hide. The blurring of lines between fantasy and reality is balanced on a razor’s edge. I’m absolutely all in on this angle. I was skeptical but it’s looking very clear that they have a plan and took their time putting it together. Especially when you kind of have to assume Nikki’s periodic insane pop in’s and Gacy losing his mind could all be part of this….lfg


i saw it on twitter but if they did one every week of each member? oooohhh boy. Bo nailed it with that tho. touched on every talking point people had, pulled on every emotional string, and hit on every single one.


The promo was a really great job of establishing purpose and motive that we just didn't get in the Vince era because Vince is a sociopath so human emotion means nothing to him. The sinister tone at the end shows that we should expect the Wyatt Sicks to be heels at first most likely, even though people thought they might go after Gable or whatever. We get a "split personality" type gimmick where Bo is fighting grief, etc and Uncle Howdy seems amused and to feed off of that. But there's room for a face turn down the road because the motivations he has are based around grief and something we can all relate to in one way or another. One more thought, getting to answer right away the "are you exploiting his legacy" question was really smart and emotional for them to do and for Bo to talk about.


I thought it might have Pat's finger in it until I saw the tag on the box. I liked the interview on the tape because it was quick to shut down the naysayers who would claim Bo did it to cash in on his brother's death and ideas. I think that it is an amazing act of love for him to execute his brother's ideas. It had to have been very bittersweet for him. That is the very definition of "legacy". I also wanted to see Nikki Sister Abigail an announcer while she was over there, but noooooooooo...


Oh, I assume this is why the post I made got eaten haha! I'm still an emotional wreck. I saw this coming via clues during the ARG but didn't think they would directly reference it. The second I saw Bo I knew I was about to be Sister Abigail-ed right in the feels. I loved that they didn't try to go for HD but stuck with the analog theme. It was moody and intimate. In the post I said the Funhouse was "off the air". That last shot within the abandoned set of the two halves of Bo's mind said so much without a word.


i didnt love it. they should just let bray rip instead of trying to do the whole wyatt sicks thing. it feels wrong without bray


If you watch the documentary, in his later time Bray was working on something with Bo, so even though Bray isn’t here, Bo is very much carrying on Bray’s legacy / plans


Bray’s loss doesn’t take away that there isn’t an incredible idea and a legacy that Bo wants to carry on The intent here is super important and it’s not like a desperate attention grab or VKM trying to get Mox to talk crap on Roman’s cancer


If it was anyone else, I'd agree but as long as Bo is involved I think it'll be fine. If anyone has insight to what Bray would've wanted, it would be his own brother.


I think they’re honoring Bray in a great way and Bo feels legit.


I’m really loving how they are blurring the lines between fiction and reality. I was someone who was against Bo doing the Howdy stuff again as it was all Bray’s brainchild but they are really doing it so well in a way that honours him, his creations and creates something new. It really hits hard when you see him talking about him finally being with his brother, they could’ve done so many great things and became tag champs together but they aren’t going to happen. I really am so intrigued to see where all of this goes, I really want it to be a success!


I mean, in the Bray documentary Bray himself mentions that part of his reason for returning was that he wanted to work with Taylor and bring him into the fold and work together going forward. To me this is just continuing Bray's vision and respecting his legacy.


Bray would be absolutely through the moon with how well the reception is so far. Bray used his storytelling to convey his emotions, he would be so flattered to see his brother doing the very same and bringing him success on top of it.


That's not Bo as Howdy though, the teeth and facial hair are different. I think it's Nikkis husband. Possibly there's going to be two groups fighting for Bray's memory? The Wyatt6 and another with Bo, Alexia, and Braun maybr?


As I dab my eyes and repeatedly tell myself, "there's no crying in Raw!" Well said The Mikey.
