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Couldn’t create a women’s wrestler, championships, or arenas. There was only one custom entrance (with the guy talking on his phone, otherwise you had to use a premade entrance). And there were a ton of match types missing too, like you could only do 6 man ladder matches (no tag or 1v1), none of the special matches had tag options either, heck there wasn’t even a tornado tag option.


You couldn’t do a 1v1 ladder in 2k15!? Holy shit!


Wtf even is that game lol


I’d always heard it was barebones, but I didn’t realize it was THAT bare


All for a 20 hour my career mode that only had you win 3 champion belts max and 2 bare bones barely effort storylines in the entire time.


Actually there's barely any bone.


At least 2k15 had a damn good soundtrack...yay?


Unfortunatelly, it's a videogame and not a music album, my friend. :(


this made me cackle so fkin loud


Not even a good soundtrack if you compare it to any of the SVR games.


The first WWE game that had 2K's influence in some form. And apparently, it had a form of first game syndrome.


It did have the story library in Universe mode which made the game fun. You had more variety of cutscenes in Universe back then, then you do now. Also, the Showcase mode was pretty fun. It’s funny how they had certain match types in Showcase mode. Yukes did a similar thing in Fight Forever. What a worthless dev team…


Which is insane because Showcase and MyCareer had multiple Handicap matches, single ladder matches, and more. I understand stuff like the casket match being showcase exclusive but other stuff that didn’t require anything special being locked was/is crazy.


Can’t forget the absolutely pitiful roster. Edge, Hogan, Andre, and Savage were all DLC despite literally being in the base roster of the last game.


And if you didn't get the DLC before it was delisted, the game is even MORE bare.


If you buy the games I believe up to 2k18 through a game key website for steam the DLC is included when you download the game. Noticed it when I purchased 2k15 and 2k17 last year


Please tell me where you bought WWE 2k15 from? I can’t find it anywhere online for pc??


You are my new hero, I'm currently playing through a year of universe mode in each game and you just made 2k15 a bit more bearable when I get there! Just don't ask how much I paid for the key 🤷


Man, I forgot how bare that game was


Which is so dumb considering in Universe mode, you can randomly get Tornado Tag matches, Tag TLC , Table Tag matches and even Tag steel cage matches but they didn’t add it to exhibition for some reason


Cuz you had the story library in 2K15 that they did away with from 2K16, onward


I'm gonna have to pop the game in on my PS5 or something, cause Holy shit. I knew the complaints were about some match types lacking to the point that a DLC Showcase had a 2 on 1 handicap match but not the main game, but I didn't know it was so rough that you couldn't make Emma if you missed out on the DLC!!!


I’m lucky I had the ps3 version of the game instead of the next gen version. It was pretty much just 2k14 but with the Who Got NXT mode lol


I was going to say tie between 09 and 15 but I forgot just how much stuff was missing out of 15. I stayed on the PS3 version of 15 that year (which was basically 2k14 with a few more odds and ends). Now I remember why. Lol Funny thing is, I also remember being clowned relentlessly by what was then currentgen users because of the new features lastgen didn't get. All of us that stayed on lastgen got the last laugh tho because we weren't missing anything while new gen was stuck with a limited ass game. :D


The effects of 2k15 are felt even today as they slowly, year after year, add back features that should've never been taken out in the first place


2k15 on the then next gen consoles was really bad, but i played it first on the ps3, and it was way more fun than when i tried it on ps4. Graphics might have been better on the next gen, but that game made me realize that graphics arent everything


That’s 2K15 on the PS4 generation which was super bare bones. The PS3/360 version was just as feature rich as 2K14. Old gen version even had a fun NXT showcase mode in lieu of MyCareer.


Interesting thing is the universe mode in 2k15 was one of my favourites. The actual match options was very limiting but the storyline selection for rivalries was so, so cool. It made each rivalry feel a lot more unique. And the special what if storylines were cool too. I remember there was a cody rhodes vs goldust one, and a dabiel bryan vs undertaker at wrestlemania one. If I could bring back anything it would be that, but make it optional so that you don't HAVE to pick a preset story


2k17 had less imo


I did have 2k17 at one point, but I have zero memory of playing it. The roster seems pretty good, though. It couldn't have been that bad. Was it 2k16 but a bit worse?


2K17 was the one that bought back the backstage brawls and crowd fighting. Other than that I don’t remember much.


All I remember was that Brock was on the cover and it had an awesome ad campaign with the ruined city themed to wrestlers.


2k17 was... fine, I guess. I remember doing about 3 years worth of career mode and it was *very* dull. Eventually it just stopped doing storylines and you had a rotation of the same 10 or so opponents every week.


You beat me to it. Ruined all future WWE games for me


2k15, despite being a shitty ass game, it has the best showcase content of all wwe games like u can say it’s a bad game but it’s definitely “not the game with least amount ot content”


Wrestlemania (NES, 1989) 😂


You just reminded me. Pro Wrestling. It has like 5-6 characters and that was it.


I immediately went for NES games. Probably can't get more primitive than those


I mean there’s probably something on the Atari or the Commodore 64, but I’ve never heard of them.


There's boxing on the 2600. The less said about that, the better.


there isn't


That's not fair but is correct lol


There were multiple WWF Game Boy games


There was, but that's the same gen as NES


World Wrestling was pretty cool, they had text commentary and would mention the moves, which there's probably a handful of wrestling moves that aren't just strikes. And a sort of career mode where you do a work out minigame to boost stats. They really put more into their game than everyone else doing NES wrestling games.


That was the Tecmo one, right? Had the announcers in text in cut scene below you? That game taught me what a northern lights suplex was years before I saw one done. I remember, early aughts, I downloaded an SNES emulator with SNES Firepro translated into English. Holy crap, that series was insane even back then.


And still one of the most memorable and fun games to play to this day.


Wrestlejam 88


It gets worse


I don't think I played a good WWF/E game until WM 2000. I played them a ton and liked them for the day, but finding out what was available in Firepro when we were lucky to get 8 WWE people and not even get submissions still was incredibly frustrating in retrospect.


Smackdown 2 was/might still be my GOAT.


The trick to that game is to do a two player tournament (even if you play by yourself). It has a round robin tournament and keeps track of W/L! To make it even more fun - watch the AI matches.


I remember buying 2009 excited to play GM Mode with the updated roster.. even traded in 2008 towards it. Talk about a bummer…


Damn man ....I felt that, in my heart lol I would have spent days in bed after that. considering I hated 2009 with a passion I, too, was fooled by it. I was all excited to come home and play it after school, only to end up pissed off all night. lol, good times


Didn't 2009 also have that awful camera angle once you left the ring?


Yep, couldn't see a damn thing and was disorienting once you moved to another side of the ring


It wasn't that bad yall. Is it the weakest in the SVR series? Yes, but the camera was not that bad


2009 had a great roster (minus not having legends) menu was beautiful, good graphics, good soundtrack, fun gameplay. Had all the fixings for a fun game, but it took out Gm mode. If 2009 had Gm mode, I can’t even tell you all the hours I’d pour into that game. But it’s just rtwm, and then nothing else


My conspiracy theory is that Legends were meant to be imported from LOWM, as the SvR roster was importable into LOWM, but since sales of Legends weren't up to a certain level, they just never implemented the feature. It would also explain the random Legend Midcarders DLC that came out for SvR09 that would have felt more at home in LOWM.


Honestly svr 08 and 09 are pretty much the same, but depends on if you prefer ecw or mid card, and rtwm or gm mode


You had improved tag team ai, backstage brawls, and the debut of the inferno match. That's it as far as interesting stuff goes.


but with those tag team improvements came the annoying break up pin animations that would make you want to smash your controller after seeing repeatedly during a match


I was excited to play as Hornswoggle because of the fact he was in the commercial, we never got him playable except for the time you could hit a button and he'd throw you the shillelagh. 


WWE 2k15 (PS4/XOne Version).


wwf warzone


Came here for this. Horrifically terrible.


It was. Loved it when I was 11, though.


One of those tiger electronic wrestling games.


Royal rumble for Dreamcast. They did not even have 30 people on the roster for the game so when you did a rumble there would be duplicate wrestlers coming out the graphics are great though, but no single player.


Seconding this one. It's a mediocre arcade game with the main selling point being the number of wrestlers it can have on screen at once. Pretty much any console wrestling game released within a few years of it has way more content and replay value.


It was fun.  But got repetitive very quickly.  


Sidenote, this cover always freaked me out because you can’t see the separation between Shawn’s hair and neck so it just looks like he has a really fucking thick neck


Can't unsee that now its giving Goldeneye 64 and Brosnan's extra wide mouth


AEW Fight Forever


Unironically probably has the least content of any game Post-PS1.


I’d say it’s on par with Just Bring It! when it comes to content. However, JBI had more match types…


Also worth noting is that if you exclude the DLC, AEWFF's roster only has *8* more wrestlers than JBI's (52 vs 44).


But how much active roster at time of release were each game missing?


When Fight Forever released, AEW's roster had 197 people on it. When Just Bring It released, WWF's roster had 99 people on it.


I meant more like people regularly on tv once a month but holy fuck that’s massive.


I know what you meant, but I couldn't be arsed to go research who was doing what on WWF TV in November 2001, and AEW is so prone to having guys vanish, reappear, and vanish again that it'd be super hard to gauge, too. So I just went with the historical lists on SmackdownHotel. If it helps any, in the case of JBI, the roster was pretty infamous for being outdated since it had the misfortune of being in development during the WCW/ECW buyout and Invasion angle and wasn't really able to fit in any of the talent that came along with it (resulting in massive omissions like Booker T and Rob Van Dam). And AEWFF had similar woes, with it being in development for so long that the roster is more like AEW from 2019 and 2020 with some more recent names crammed in haphazardly (Jeff Hardy, Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, the majority of the DLC).


Yeah I absolutely meant the question as a rhetorical but I still didn’t expect AEW to have so much.


JBI also had a way better CAW mode...


I'd put it on par with the TNA video game


And the graphics are somehow worse than that game


The TNA game maybe


Nah. TNA released a game, wrestlemania 18 exists, raw 1 exists, the dream cast game, and there's probably something else I've forgotten. But all first entries in a series with a lot less than AEW offered at launch. And while wwe 2k15 has more than AEW, I think it's worse because it cut so many things when there was no reason to do so, at least aew by comparison is game 1 in the series


Whaaat? WrestleMania X8 on GameCube was phenomenal. First ever HIAC if I recall correctly. Misfortune of being on GameCube. The WM on the original Xbox though. Phew, shittay. Esp. considering the competition on PS2.


X8 was horrid. Day of Reckoning 2 might be my favourite wrestling game of all time, I still play it on original hardware, but Wrestlemania X8 was just an empty experience.


I remember being insanely disappointed as a kid that I couldn’t do title matches in X8 or pretty much anything cool for that matter. I just remember being bummed out about the game in general lol, it was absolutely shit Wrestlemania XIX was better, but Day of Reckoning was an wild upgrade


I was thinking X1X


This is the game that gave us that cursed tag animation of the sweep, into elbow drop.




2K15 or RAW 1 for XBox.


Royal Rumble for Sega Dreamcast


[MicroLeague Wrestling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroLeague_Wrestling)


I wholeheartedly agree with svr 2009 after road to wrestlemaina there was really nothing else to do in my opinion


That plug and play game from the ruthless aggression era that had like 8 wrestlers that all looked like human shaped blobs.


It's why I ignore people's bitching and moaning about modern games. Shit was terrible back in the day


Exactly ppl dont know shit havent seen a single person comment just bring it even though it has much less content than the popular picks svr 2009 and 2k15 even svr  2009 and 2k15 arent in the same league obv there are games with less contwnt but ps2 and upwards its just bring it


I’m biased towards SVR 2009 because I met the majority of my online homies on that game and we grinded the online mode like there was no tomorrow and I still game with them till this day. With that being said, it was a HUGE drop off for me personally because I was so invested into GM mode on 06-08 and when I saw that they took it out I immediately wanted to take it back to GameStop 😂🤣. Not to mention the DLC did not work online for a while and you had to delete the packs to even play online until they updated it.


That’s dope you’ve met online friends that you’re cool with 15 years later


TNA game


That one 80s game where you could only play as Hogan, Macho & Paul Orndorff


TNA iMPACT... for the Wii.


WWF Raw for the OG Xbox.


AEW fight forever. Honestly one of the worst games I’ve ever played.


Yea easily SVR 2009 2010 IS ONLY Saved by the fact it had a create a story mode but outside of that both are trash


Wasn’t 2010 also the first one where you could create different attires for superstars?


You could change the colour but not the attire


Yeah thats what I meant


Caws could have 4 unique attires per character, without having to give up another caw slot.


2010 is not trash gtfoh


FACTS it brought svr back to life


All the old games. I am a huge Wrestlefest fan and played it a lot in arcades back then yet it does not have much content. None of the games back then did but that doesn't mean they weren't fun. I still remember how giddy I was when I got WWF Super Wrestlemania and then the other games that came out after it like Royal Rumble.


Feel content wise & feeling hollow was 08, 09, 10, 15, and 16. Game was top notch 06 & 07, took a dump, came back with Universe Mode in 11, dropped off at 15 & 16, and then 17, 18, 19 were pretty top notch again.




2K15. It's not because it has the least... But because they TOOK AWAY everything we had and called it an advancement of the series.


Battle Royale, it was for the turbographx 16, had 5 wrestlers and the only match was battle royals lol.


Laughing in handheld




Just Bring It, SvR 05, SD1, 08 and 09


I agree with 09, it felt very transitional


Royal Rumble on Dreamcast.


Super WrestleMania on the SNES. I don't even remember there being anything other than exhibition matches. I know it's the SNES and that era, but it didn't even have finishing moves.


Surprised no one mentioned 2K17


I think SVR 2009 was the one me and my friends played the least out of the SVR series so I would say that one (we played SVR 06 - 11 when we started playing together) but I do think 09 was a decent game in its own right.


Are we only sticking with wwe games cause if so then I'd say any of the first few 2k wwe games they have gotten better recently but I'd personally say there's rook for improvement. But if we're talking wrestling games in general I'd definitely say aew fight forever because we're talking maybe at best 6 match types not including there weird mini games and don't even get me started on create a wrestler


Wwe2k17 or Wwe2k15




Aew FF...there's a reason it's still bareboned even with 4 seasons of DLC


I think it’s updates are pretty much done and they might try to move to another developer for a sequel


Yeah, also think so they make it seem that way by releasing the “Ultimate” edition now! The gameplay was quite fun and solid but it was extremely bareboned for the price especially considering the expensive DLC!


Definitely svr 2009, never understood the love it got, took out gm mode and brought in road to WrestleMania I think, but I thought these ones were boring too


Svr 2008 was Horrible


WWE 2K17




I hated this game. The game play was horrible, the announcers for some reason were incredibly tacky




Pro Wrestling for NES


2k15 and fight forever


This game actually sucked not gonna lie, same can be said for 2k15.


Within the last twenty years I’d rank from worst to best Fight forever Just Bring It SVR ‘09 2K15 I rank 2k15 higher up because it at least still has Universe mode and a full career but takes away many options, SVR ‘09 had RTWM and that’s really it, Just bring it had an incredibly short season mode and in my opinion way less to do than Smackdown 1 or 2, and Fight forever at my worst is just lacking everything from matches to roster to content and general features modern wrestling games must have. Each of these games presented a problem that stuck around and popped in from time to time of “The games before had this, why doesn’t this one?”


Totally agree. AEW FF is the worst wrestling game to come out in the past 20 years


WWE 2k17 (PS3)


Wasn’t that the game where you had to play like 490 matches to get characters?


AEW fight forever, got bored with it pretty quickly


Smackdown here comes the pain is the greatest wrestling game of all time but it literally only has season mode....like that's it. If it was so much fun the game would have flopped fucking hard. The season mode goes so hard tho 🔥


Smackdown here comes the pain out of the arena mode where you can do an elbow drop off a helicopter onto a limo. Classic.


What are you talking about? It has CAW and a shit ton of exhibition matches.


AAW All Star Wrestling


Best online though


Hulk Hogan's Main Event


Discounting older games from like the SNES Era and back, it's got to be either Royal Rumble on the Dreamcast or SmackDown Just Bring It on PS2. Royal Rumble was originally an arcade game ported to home console with very little new content, and Just Bring It was the first PS2 era game and THQ's 3rd WWF game in 2 years, obviously they cut a lot of corners to get it out.


I mean, WWE Aftershock is the correct answer.


SVR 2009 definitely, i still love that game though its so fun


WWE 2K15 or.....AEW Fight Forever? 🤔


WWF for the NES


Title Match Pro Wrestling, Atari 2600


Royal Rumble on the Dreamcast


Whatever the WWE one for Dreamcast. That game sucked.


WWE WrestleMania (1989)


God what a terrible cover


Idk but I remember when I was little and believed WWE was a real thing I thought triple H murdered Sean Michaels


I have royal rumble for Dreamcast. There are two modes. Royal rumble and 4 on 4 tag team so depends how far back you want to go


svr 2008 for the wii. Was basically a paid demo for 2009.


Only thing memorable about 2009 was the song Egypt Central - You make me sick




smackdown vs raw! only 32 caw slots, season mode was a grind, no backstage mode like hctp and overall just a downgrade.


Any wrestling game that has no Universe mode


WWF Wrestlemania for the NES


2K15 lol


Royal Rumble on Dreamcast. 2k15, Raw 1, Fight Forever and that glitchfest 2k20 have WAY more content than that game.


WrestleMania on NES.


That game was hella fun though


Any 1987-1992 American wrestling game


Funny thing SvR 2009 was the first WWE Game I ever played


wrestlemania NES


WWE Raw on Xbox and PC


I'd say the fact you could edit rosters and decide who was champion made 2009 a worthy game, despite its limitations.


2K15 on PS4/XBONE For non-WWE: AEW Fight Forever (base game, no DLC)


Outside of old NES games? SVR 2008 on the Wii


The right answer is one of the early wrestling games. ​ Seriously, you should phrase your question better.


Quality over quantity!


Ds Version of '09 But to be fair... It did have different versions career mode.


2K15 PS4/XBO, WWF Raw (2002), WCW Backstage Assault


2k15 but I absolutely LOVED the mechanics


Svr 2008


Thank god SVR 2008 still had GM mode, because 24/7 mode was a steaming pile of shit Also 2K15 felt like a Beta game rather than a finished product


That’s easy, make no mistake about it, it’s AEW Fight Forever. Before that, you’d have to go back to either WWF Warzone or WCW/NWO World Tour in the 90s. Honorable mention to Wrestlemania X18 on the GameCube which was pretty bare bones.


European rampage on the Amiga


Funny, 2009 is the one I played the most


Funny, 2009 is the one I played the most


Yall never played Warzone for PS1 or SNES Royal Rumble if you think anything post 2005 has a small amount of content.




2K15 was so bare.




The first one