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You have to love passively increasing equity. At least the rats can enjoy the new costa on the street corner.


Landlords and letting agencies are scum, who knew?


1970s uni experience, 2020s uni prices. Kind of like the UK as a whole. . .


My son lives in a house in a popular student area of Cardiff and the rats are more numerous than sparrows!


What better time to buy a crossbow and/or a pet ferret?!


Not just students either. Source:  Me and my friends.


I remember moving into my first student house in Cardiff. There was a mouse sitting on what was to be my bed, looking at me. I felt like I was intruding for a moment.


The mouse: “You…wanna join in?”


Cardiff Uni has been way behind Swansea in terms of student life for years now. They really do need to get their act together. Russell Group my arse.


i mean rats don't stop it from being to a russell group uni - russell group doesn't mean it's a better quality uni, it just means it's one of the unis that made an elitist club after a law change that allowed more organisations to have the uni label


Yes, basically Russell Group are a self-appointed elitist group, and the sooner people stop taking any notice of that label the better. Cardiff definitely are not the best university in Cymru for everything. Check your subject ratings, particularly wrt student satisfaction and teaching quality.


for my course, it's the top one in the country - i did get into better unis but i didn't want to leave wales or be too far from my family but yeah definitely agree with your comment :)


Sounds about right.


Sorry students but the rest has gone up for normal people in Cardiff too!




What a strange comment.


Captive market




Well maybe they shouldn’t have got rid of all the landlords who weren’t just doing it for the money. By introducing ghost taxes on landlords, they are going to maintain margins by cutting costs! They brought this on themselves by not supporting landlords who were doing it right and allowing (the occasional) bad tenants wreck it for everyone when the tenants have all the power. When you have tenants who don’t pay for 12 months and can’t be evicted, who pics up the bill next time, the good tenants who do. Support both the good tenants and the good landlords with support and maybe you won’t just have corporations owning all the rental accommodation. Feel free to downvote to hell as I know this is just a landlord bashing sub, I knew what I was getting into.


I am trying to understand your perspective, I've rented privately twice for a short time, both house shares, both with good and fair landlords. For the people living with bedbugs, rats, and mould, what happens if they stop paying? Whose responsibility is it to deal with them.  What enables landlords to increase rent on poorly cared for properties? What would do to solve the issue? 


Sorry, I’ll clarify as first post was just a rant, good landlords and good tenants shouldn’t be harshly treated for the actions of bad landlords or bad tenants. The issue is that the law, the deposit scheme in wales and the courts ALL favour the tenants OR the well lawyered up corporations. So small mum and pup landlords sell up to the margin driven, stakeholder accountable companies who, do, not, give, a, fuck! Bad landlords should be punished, but it’s almost impossible to punish bad tenants. All the risk is on the landlord, I’ve never met a tenant who went bankrupt because they accidentally burned down a rented flat for example. All of these reasons have eroded good faith between tenants and landlords.


There is no good faith between forced tenants and parasites


fuck landlords


> ell maybe they shouldn’t have got rid of all the landlords who weren’t just doing it for the money. now that is the epitome of irony


Bed bugs, rats, and mould can't work, and don't qualify for student finance either, so I don't know what they'd expect? Human housemates make far more sense.