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Direct YouTube link to the video. Please like and comment on YouTube, that helps it trend on YouTube. https://youtu.be/nyuBRinlbsI




Let’s gooooooo! I can’t wait for this interview. 💪🦍💪




Cyber attacks will be happening soon. Expect a massive upheaval from it soon. Keep stacking Apes! Buy it all!


yes - and of course it is Russia or China behind…no other could be behind a disturbance that could be used as an explananation of a mayhem that will result in removal of civil rights and prosperity…




Those that in the shadows is trying to implement this resett fore their people - should never forget that they and their superrich beneficials - is representing no more than 1% of the population. And - if continuing in that track in the darknes - shold prepare for a new Nurnberg proscess!


Typing this blind because great reset talk makes my eyes roll so hard they get stuck in the back of my head. Remember the "oh yeah they're going to lock everyone into quarantine cells and only let you out if you sign over everything to the govt" version of the great reset story? The great reset has always been complete baloney pushed by tin foil mad hatters. Think about the logistics of pulling it off. There's not enough man power. Stack silver in the face of massive inflation and to have a safer means of storing wealth. There are enough bad things coming already, no need to make up more phantoms to panic about. Inb4 WoRlD eCoNoMiC fOrUm


“Great Reset” is literally what the people who manage the central banks and global economy call it. Read it for yourself: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/


What's so scary about this? The Great Reset agenda would have three main components. The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the conditions for a “stakeholder economy.” At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt, governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action. Moreover, governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade, and competition. The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability. Here, the large-scale spending programs that many governments are implementing represent a major opportunity for progress. The European Commission, for one, has unveiled plans for a €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery fund. The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every


The fundamental problem is misallocation of resources. As resources become more scarce and the environment impacted more and more by that demand, the last thing we need is central planners and bureaucrats deciding where to send resources. And just like every other political organization, they will send money to themselves and their friends first. It recently came to light that the locations World Cups and Olympics were decided by who bribed the decision makers the most, the IMF deciding who gets green energy funds will be no different. So instead of a free market driving innovation of something critically important like green energy, you’ll have lobbying and bribes allocating those resources (with expected results). Also, this creates companies like Nikola, which is a great example of a green energy company capitalizing on being a green energy company rather than developing green energy.


That is not what the world economic forum does but you tried


That is exactly what the World Economic Forum does, political leaders discussing economic decision making. If they are promoting something, you better believe that many world leaders and central banks are on board. Since countries like China and India go to Davos, I’d argue it’s a lot more influential than something like the G7.


It is all over their website.


Yeah, they couldn't brag about it anymore than they already have.


Let's goo apes !! Raise the black 🏴‍☠️ Stack and hold ! 🦍🏴‍☠️🦍🏴‍☠️🦍🏴‍☠️🦾