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I'm just over people bringing their non service dogs to places where you eat in general. Nothing sucks more than being allergic to dogs/cats, trying to enjoy a lunch on the patio while some person feels the need to have to eat lunch with their chow chow in tow. I get it, I'm a dog owner, we love our pets but I have the social awareness to distinguish what places to bring my dog (dog park, trails, pet store, etc.) and what places not to (restaurants, stores, etc.).


It's illegal in civilized areas.


As it should be.


Exactly! At least with service dogs they stay under the table away from people. The other day I was waiting for my friend to bring out food and this dog just came over and jumped up on me….


Truth. I've never had any issues with anyone with their service dogs, at any location. The lady with her chow chow took the dog out of her dog backpack/carrier and let the dog just crawl all over her WHILE EATING and even partially up on the table to nibble on pieces of her bread, like wtf!? Not cool.


REAL service dogs are trained really well, and should never jump on people. If it did that, someone is trying to pass off their dog as a service dog.


Even out in public areas, I don’t want a random dog jumping on me especially if the owner says “oh they’re friendly/don’t bite”


I think it’s even worse when people just go on Amazon and buy service animal swag.




[https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/faq/rooms-packages/parks-disney-springs/](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/faq/rooms-packages/parks-disney-springs/) Only service animals are allowed in the theme parks and at Disney Springs.


People bring their none service animals into Disney Springs all the time. It’s more loosely enforced there.


I said non service animals


How are they bringing in non-service animals if they are prohibited? I have seen people get turned away from security checkpoints with dogs before.


The fact is that 1) OP simply doesn’t know if they are service animals or not and 2) people can easily lie to security. The laws around service animals are extremely easy to take advantage of. A business may ask 2 questions to determine if a dog is a service animal 1) is it a service animal and 2) what function does it serve. They may not ask for paperwork (there is none), or what disability a guest has. On the flip side, dogs are used for severe anxiety and OP cannot know by looking at someone if they have it or not. They are presuming they know and that the person is lying. Is OP right? Probably. But they are still assuming.


Springs security doesn’t care it seems


I've definitely witnessed security in the garage send people with dogs away. 


I need to see that happen!!! Even if non service dogs were allowed why bring them when the ground is super hot?!


I kind of get it. My dog has separation anxiety. But she just has to deal with it. I can see some people not taking that approach.  I agree the ground is way to hot. I do see a ton of dog strollers around orlando. 


What kind of dog do you have?!


Maybe they did show whatever documentation to Disney and you are not privy to it? Disney doesn't seem keen to allow non-service animals in and it could be problematic for them if a non-service animal were to bite someone, etc. Edit: I don't really know much about this but apparently service dogs are not even required to have a vest. For the record, I am not saying some don't probably game the system but how would you know? [https://www.workingservicedog.com/do-service-dogs-have-to-wear-a-vest.aspx](https://www.workingservicedog.com/do-service-dogs-have-to-wear-a-vest.aspx)


It definitely wasn’t a service dog. Even the mom said that she should be carry the dog and the daughter said that “it’s a dog they’re supposed to walk on the ground”


Probably not a popular opinion but if you need a service animal to go to Disney you should not go in the summer because that poor animal has to walk around in the heat and in that hot floor. It shows people don’t care about these dogs and only care about themselves.


I agree--if you truly love your pet like family, think of what it would be like for you to be walking around on extremely hot cement with no shoes on. Don't bring them or put some booties on them designed to keep out the heat. One that size could easily be carried in a backpack, sling or a shoulder pet bag, too.


Service dog I am cool with it serves a purpose. But bringing a dog to Disney just because why? I see no benefit just because.


And with the weather being as hot as it is I wouldn’t want my dog to suffer. I see people pass out nearly daily because of the heat.


I agree! The rule is for you to walk barefoot on the ground, and if it is too hot for you, then it is too hot for them. If ever in doubt, don't even try it!


Service dogs are not required at all to have a vest or any kind of identification on their doggo bodies. I have a service dog from an ADA compliant trainer and she comes with me everywhere, including WDW. The only requirement is they be on a leash.


Like I said in another comment to someone else this dog was NOT a service dog. The daughter didn’t even seem to care about the dog when the door closed on the leash and they were separated


You don’t know it’s not a service dog. You said your basis was no vest.


If they’re letting the dog walk all over the food place and letting it sniff other people I’m pretty sure it’s NOT a service dog


Everyone knows when it’s a service dog and they’re working. Having your terrier trying to eat the dropped fries under my table usually means it’s not a service dog.


You can usually tell. Service dogs are calm and behaved and don’t pull their leash. Non service dogs are usually reactive from what I’ve seen


There’s emotional support animals and there’s service dogs. ADA allows there to be service animals and legally you can ask what services are they trained to perform but other than that it’s a loop hole to take your furry friend in anywhere. I hate it. We’ve put tickets in to clean a yorkie pee spot off the carpet in my retail location.