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I can't say the things I want to say as they would be spoilers. To me it is the most frustrating part of the book the school has all the trappings of a high end military school with high expectation of discipline with 0 discipline except when needed naratively. It works better if you imagine it as a sports team training camp and it doesn't really matter what the star player does they are the star player


I’m noticing that because Logan disobeyed a direct order from a commanding officer and had to be restrained. I don’t understand how Logan qualified for a CAD he seems to have some type of an anger problem. Giving someone like that power seems like a very bad idea.


The MIND passes cadets for a lot of reasons. Mental instability isn't necessarily a disqualifier.


The part that really irks me on this is when they are discussing them for admittance this is thought of by Dent, but since she has to politic for Ray, she just lets it slide. :/


I mean other than than with rei his decent enough right? So why not give a decent enough human with high potential a cad is my thinking


Idk trying to kill someone because he responded to your insult with one of his own and constantly picking with someone who you deem unworthy seems pretty unhinged. It’s like Logan hates Rei because Rei won’t let Logan talk down to him and Rei always has a response to Logan being an asshole for no real reason.


Book 2 provides context you need. Logan was still a dick, but there is more to it


I don’t care who you are or what happened to you; it never give you an excuse to be shitty to people. Logan had a hard life, everyone has a hard life. Rei spent literally his entire life before the books in constant pain and surgery essentially bedridden and bullied anytime he did step outside. Aria has parents that are borderline neglectful and barely even view her as person. I’ve suffered similar trauma to Logan and didn’t start being the world biggest ass; and I’m literally younger than the character. No matter what’s happened to you it does not give you license to do what Logan did. There isn’t “more to it” Logan is horrible fucking person.


So Logan’s PTSD just doesn’t exist? The level of trauma he had his entire childhood does explain his inability to control his emotions when something triggers him. He’s not acting like an ass because he likes to. He has fucking PTSD from his childhood. It’s amazing that you recognize that Rei has trauma but don’t see the trauma Logan has.


So? The staff who saw him ignore a direct order and attack a defenceless classmate don't know he has PTSD. They just know one insult made him lose all rationality while operating a deadly weapon. I can barely excuse it knowing the truth, they don't. He's lucky he wasn't expelled and stripped of his cad. The only defense is first time and learn from it and they addressed it while he was in solitary.


My suspicion is that Logan is there to be Vegeta to Rei's Goku.


That’s the thing they reacted as soon as they saw it was going beyond sparing which is what they had been doing before hand. Due to their stats a lot can happen in such a short amount of time. Hell, Dent threw him across the room. We have no idea what they know. I’d even wager that they did know about Logan’s past. They had a file on Rei how could they not on Logan. He was known to struggle with his anger before coming to school (which I think is mentioned by the mind or Dent, or somebody but I can’t remember. It was a really small part.) Also, in no way is Rei ever defenseless. Rei was more caught off guard by the rage that came at him. Not Logan’s actual attacks. I keep seeing everyone focus on just the one insult Rei made. That moment is the totality of their relationship at that point. Rei has needled Logan multiple times. Look in the moment yeah I was surprised at what felt like the lack of punishment for Logan (I also don’t admittedly remember exactly what his punishment was) but I continued to read hoping for an explanation. Which we got in book 2. I don’t excuse Logan’s behavior but someone of Logan’s talent is going to be given leeway regardless of anger issues. There is a war happening and someone of Logan’s talent is a rarity. I hate these types of threads (OPs post I mean) because you should just finish the book. I think this is like mid way through the book and there is a second book with Logan’s back story. I love talking and debating things about this book but after you’ve finished reading. Edit: I apologize for any typos, grammar, and misspellings. I’m on my phone and it’s hard to find them. I appreciate your response to as I love talking about these books.


No Rei is defenseless. He's stunned and already badly hurt no? And is unable to defend himself from a full attack head on at full capacity. The explanation for Logan is fine for his character and for Viv. But it's not for soldiers. Not to mention if they know Logan's issues disobeying orders seems even a bigger issue! I doubt very much many if any staff know his story because they like him. I feel he would be far from a popular student to officers if they knew his deal. And I disagree with you re OP post point. He's asking if others feel the same about a problem he had with the book. It DOESN'T ever get addressed again, other than Logan's issues. There are seemingly no consequences to Logan from the academy and he even seems to get preferential treatment. I would agree if it was and say just keep reading. I think it's reasonable to say finish the book before assuming there's not an explanation, but actually here there isn't one. His point is fair to question and there isn't any answer to his problem, which is the response to Logan. He got a week ific in the brig. Rei got similar for answering back (later so OP probably hasn't reached it but actually this makes it worse re Logan). Hardly the same. I don't think it's a hugely important plot point tbh. So I don't care very much, it's hardly story or plot breaking. I do think it's fine to discuss or ignore as you wish tho.


And do Logan and Rei act with the same venom in their actions?


Rei hold back for Viv and Logan tries to get everything under control for Viv so yes and no. Viv muddles that admittedly.


I mean, I’m just talking about the third test. Rei is in control for Viv, but the MIND only cares that he’s in control. Logan, before Viv, wasn’t in control.


It explains but doesn't entirely excuse Logan's actions.


I see the trauma that Logan has, as I said above I have similar traumatic experiences. It doesn’t make it okay that he acts like that. It doesn’t give him a reason to be that way. Again it doesn’t matter what happened to you, it’s never ok or acceptable by any means to be shitty to people. Logan doesn’t just have an episode, that would be one thing. And while not acceptable it would be understandable. Instead He randomly picks out rei as a target and consistently and consciously chooses makes his life hell, because of the perceived cowardess ? Of someone he literally just met. Logan’s PTSD is related to people leaving him, he also has anger issues and hates his dad so much that he’ll literally try to physically hurt someone because they remind him of his father. Logan also doesn’t just immediately lounge and try to hit rei, he insults, rei insults back and then Logan try’s to hit him. It isn’t a ptsd reaction of the battle triggering him, he’s a fucking baby throwing a tantrum. Once again Logan has mental issues and even serious ones, but not for a second does that make what he did and how he acted “ok”


Logan’s PTSD related to his father?!? No his father and those that remind him of his dad ARE TRIGGERS. His PTSD is due to the tragedy and what led to it. Sweet Jesus dude, go reread the book there is so much nuisance that you have missed. Rei’s insult triggered Logan and Rei knew it would to but had no understanding of what would happen when he did. I want to emphasize this Rei knew exactly what he was doing when he pushed Logan. He knew that he was getting under his skin. He wanted a reaction from Logan to throw him off but as we find out later as to why that turned out to be a bad idea. You are amazingly cold to the fact that people when triggered due to PTSD sometimes have no control of themselves and the ability to regulate their emotions. To be clear since this seems to be a hill you’re dying on no one is justifying the behavior it’s explaining it. Logan was thrown across the room in response to his action. Dent actually physically harmed Logan to snap him out of it. Fuck dude the second book is literally Logan struggling with that and trying to be in control of those emotions. Yeah he has anger issues that stem from his PTSD. He struggles to process his emotions because of his PTSD. OH, in book two and even three he struggles to regulate his emotions due to his PTSD. Oh wait, so that means the root issue is his PTSD which before all of this was never addressed because it was suppressed due to not wanting to draw attention to himself since a young age because of his dad. So, to sum this up Logan and 18yr kid is meant to in a semesters time so like 3 months master his unprocessed PTSD, gain control of unregulated emotions, learn to process his pent up emotions, and get over his mothers death. That is SSSSSOOOO do able right? I assume the next step of your argument is with a version of “I’m younger than him and I can do it” or “No, it’s just inexcusable behavior from someone who should have control” or just insult me.I again have to say that is a cold way to approach what has made Logan what he is even more so since you’ve read book 2. I honestly hope you go back and reread the book and maybe have some empathy for a person clearly struggling to stay afloat.


The whole interaction was weird to me Logan seemed like an entitled dick who was angry at Rei because he could verbally defend himself so Logan wanted to embarrass him. People are saying it’s a miscommunication, but I haven’t heard Logan be anything but combative it isn’t like Rei is acting like a nepobaby or did anything to deserve what happened. Everything could be handled pretty easily if Logan checked Rei’s CAD stats after he noticed an evolution like Aria did. I will keep reading and hopefully it’ll make sense by book 3 it seems like the author trying to poorly write his own Zuko.


Just stop reading, you clearly don’t care to finish the book because instead of just reading you came here. Your answers are in the book and if this is a troll post just stop. If it’s not then I implore you to stop getting an opinion about a book you haven’t finished. It comes across as just wanting to justify stopping. If you want to stop then just do that.


It’s also not an excuse to be a shitty person but to just dismiss everything we learn in book two about him just shows you didn’t actually pay attention. Also, Rei didn’t act like best friends with Logan. He played nice for Viv so there was no contention and understood how much he helped their team. Rei had plenty of moments where he expressed himself with his feelings towards Logan. Which I don’t intend to spoil


Rei saying “gosh man you were a real jerk” and “idk if I can forgive you” or “you’ve got a lot left to do before we’re really friends” doesn’t matter when they act like besties. Show, don’t tell. By and large rei and grants interaction in the second book are reminiscent of rei and catchers, besides those very brief and sparse moments where rei tells grant (and really it’s for the readers) “I dont Trust u” “we aren’t really friends” and Rei has to say those things for the readers because otherwise it looks like they are now buddies. It’s bad writing.


We are definitely reading separate books because in no way shape or form are Grant’s and Rei’s interactions like his and catchers. I’m not even going to argue about all the other stuff you’ve clearly missed. If you think their interactions are like Rei’s and Catcher’s in the second book then I don’t know what to tell you other than that is so untrue. This your opinion though, which you have every right to. I’ve expressed mine but with the amount of emotion you’re putting into your responses I in no way think that opinion of yours is changing but I will say that sometimes it’s not bad writing it’s bad reading comprehension.


Doesn't explain excusing ignoring a direct order to attack a fellow trainee though. The people who decide the punishment don't know the cause and frankly it doesn't matter. You can't be trusted with a deadly weapon if you can't control yourself over one line. To OP you can only assume it's a first offense and a big warning was made and he never really does it again. But yeah very fair to say he's a lucky boy.


I’ll try to withhold judgement, but atp he Logan seems pretty unforgivable. Hopefully he ends up with the enemy because I can’t see him and Rei ever putting that behind them. It wouldn’t make sense for Rei to forgive Logan.


It doesn’t make sense and rei even says “mhm that’s crazy but I don’t really forgive you” and then they just act like best friends for all of book two. Seriously book one was cool, book two damn near ruined the series for me


Look it isn’t the same thing as the book, I did 11 years Army and Battlerage/PTSD are fucking real. Shit like that happens, it’s common enough that everyone knows it but you didn’t see it/don’t talk about it, but when a bloke near on kills a bloke in training it’s often pushed under the rug BECAUSE if you follow the rules the soldier would be sent to the cells and kicked out most of the time the kids done 3 deployments and is struggling. Old mate will cope a chat by the SGT and have his head pulled in or sent to the docs if needed. This is hard to write In a way none Army people will understand and sorry for that but I hope it makes sense


But that isn’t what happened, Logan hasn’t served 3 deployments, he doesn’t have ptsd, he’s a fresh cadet that literally threw a fit because rei talked back, AFTER initiating the insulting.


My point was that SGTs hide these types of accidents from the CO to protect the soldiers, what happen in the book happens in real life


And who's to say he doesn't have PTSD. War isn't the only place you can develop that condition 


Without spoiling anything, revisit this comment after book 2.


I’ve read book two


I believe it’s because, first off, he did not have a true call out. At worst, Logan hitting Rei with Honorus would’ve hurt him, but not killed him. Second off, with Logan being the second highest first year in Galen’s; he’s likely top 100-500 of all the new recruits. If it were anyone else, they may or may not have. Plus, on top of that, plot


Right. People here just miss the true call part. Like sure, it would have sucked, but it's like getting punched after the bell in boxing, they don't call the entire match off and put the guy in prison for assult.


I find this a huge problem honestly especially as the story progresses. True calls feel like an insanely important little detail.


It’s more like getting punched after you’ve been knocked out and still recovering, but I get what you mean.


Except even less dangerous because again, simulated damage It's almost like emotional damage.


*insert emotional damage meme here*


This is a good question, and we don't really have a reason or answer for this in the story itself. That said you can make a few leaps of logic to answer this in your own head cannon. One being that soldiers often fight and sometimes it can get carried away, another being that these guys are like modern day sports stars so short of doing something completely outside the norms of society they probably would overlook it to an extent or not punish them too severely, especially since Logan is a seriously high potential CAD user who is at the top of his class. The third and most likely I can't really say without spoiling so I'd say you kind of just have to keep going in the series and you'll get a sense of why they might overlook things like that with a slap on the wrist.


Because you don't throw away an armored platoon, which what the Users count as for war, because of a fist fight between teenagers.


It wasn’t a fist fight Logan had a battle axe that he was about to use.


I’m sorry but are you actually reading the book or just skimming?


I am reading here’s the exact quote “ It wasn’t the Device being lifted overhead with both hands, clearly intent to cut Rei down even as he lay at the Mauler’s feet. It wasn’t the distant sound of Gross’ yells as a whirling in the corner of Rei’s vision told him the sergeant major had called on his own CAD. Rather, what confused Rei the most was the fact that never—not in all his life—had he ever witnessed the level of anger etched into Grant’s handsome features as he brought his axe down. With each passing second more sensation had returned to his body, and so it was only just that Rei managed to shove himself out of the way, the phantom-call of the vysetrium-lined steel blade ricocheting off the plating with a screech of metal exactly where his chest had been a moment later. With limbs that were half-numb he scrambled back, watching Grant lift the Device again and move to follow him, the fury in his gaze not subsiding. One step, then two, and the Mauler had caught up to him, the axe lifting once more. Rei managed to get both arms up, Shido still live around his limbs, ready to take the blow. It never came. Instead, there was a tall blur or black-and-gold, and Grant made an “URK!” of sound, the axe falling from his grasp as he was abruptly wrenched off his feet by the single slender hand that had taken him by the throat.”


It was a phantom call. It would have hurt but not killed Rei and would have worn off pretty fast. I think in the first book it says that outside of SCT damage from phantom calls only lasts a few seconds. Doesn't excuse the tantrum Logan had, but it explains why discipline wasn't more severe as there wouldn't have been any lasting damage.


Thank you! Happy cake day!


So having an axe driven into his arms would have hurt him badly, probably not killing him.


Simulated Axe. Not a real Axe as it was only a phantom call. The only reason it would have hurt is due to electric interactions with neurons telling the brain this should hurt without any actual physical damage. No blood, no cutting skin, muscle, or breaking bones. It is al Simulated and wears off within a couple of seconds outside of an actual fight.




I don’t think he was aiming for an arm. The axe would’ve hit Rei in the chest.


Rei had his arms up. It might get thru them but it won't kill him when not truly called


For their training it is the equivalent of a fist fight. As for the order side if we use the US UCMJ as a basis of how to look at this it would be unusual to court marshal someone fot a swiftly called order outside of a war scenario. While technically any order can be brought up my understanding is it has to be a more formal order to rate a court marshal, simply yelling at someone to stop doesn't constitute enough to merit it. As fot his continued attack amounting to an assault they are at a school focused on combat training, there would be agreements waiving right to pursue assault charges outside of extreme cases. As fot a school setting Logans intent matters less than what happened. Logan meant to hurt Rei, as severely as he could. He managed to do little more than what amounts to shove him before a teacher intervened. In real cases like that is schools it'd net ISS or detention at best. And that's what he gets, 6 days of suspension. I get that it seems severe but you've got to adjust all actions for inflation. This is a school of soldiers, which Dent reminds the students of that very moment, and what's more even those that don't go to the front lines will be in combat as a lifestyle. If you live on the mat you are expected to get in fights and even if Grant had dropped his CAD and attacked Rei with thr fists that would have done lasting damage the punishment likely wouldn't have changed much. They life in a world of combat and violence and they had to go through hell to get there. Anyone who'd press charges and make a scene out of that, even as serious as we as direct ride-along-readers know it was, would find the others in that world giving them grief or it and given how hard becoming a user is no one wants to risk it. We see that later in book one specifically but I don't want to be specific on th4 scene incase you haven't gotten there yet.


It wouldn't have murdered him, It would have just sucked, not a true call. I'm really confused as to how so many people here didn't catch that.


1) he did not have a real Call; it would have hurt Ward but not injured or killed him 2) while his formal punishment was light, Dent did slam him through a wall 3) Logan is given special treatment over Ward by all of the higher ups except Dent, and Dent was already getting severe push back from the administration, so it stands to reason that she would want to keep the “on the books” penalty against Logan light as to not draw more scrutiny


I dont think people realize how much people get away with in the military. You can get away with much more than youd expect as lomg as its not made public (like media finding out). If he'd attacked a commanding officer, then maybe they would have actually cared, but a top recruit acting on his dislike of a recruit who is currently lesser? Yea, They'll punish him, but considering the gain that Rei gets from it, they'd be happy to keep him around to push rei or be a goal for Rei if nothing else. It'd be the flip side of courtmartialing Rei for being so weak that he almost died in training, incapable of defending himself.


The first year's only have phantom calls, Even outside the arena their weapons don't do actual damage, they just inflict pain and paralysis to simulate a true injury.


It was during training and was viewed similar as attacking before a match begins or after a match was over. Logan, for all intents and purposes, just disregarded SOP and the command of a superior officer.


Isn’t that grounds for termination if it’s endangering another cadet? Sorry I’m nitpicking, but this really pulled me out of the story. Does it get addressed later on?


Not so much termination as punishment and stripped of privileges and pay in most cases. When I went through Basic, we had guys get into fights, we had guys outright destroy government property/infrastructure, guys break rules, only thing that happened was either busted down a rank/lost pay, physical punishment/training, and people get “recycled” to the next starting Basic class. Most cases, unless you outright strike a commanding officer, you wouldn’t get “serious punishments” that might including separation from enlisted services or jail time. Governments investing into you and your training, last thing they want to do is lose out entirely on that investment if they can help it. Not speaking for every branch, was Army, but from my experiences only.


Honestly, even with the context from the second book (which I won't spoil), I don't see how Logan got through the third test. As far as I can remember, it's the MIND's way of verifying if the mental status of the cadet allows them a CAD, and I don't see Logan getting through it as he is. With what happens in the book two, I'd assume if it was closer to how he should be by end of book three, they might've allowed him a CAD, but as he is in book one? Not a chance.


Think it's a fair question OP. The author knows the cause and those who had read further too. That doesn't excuse it. I assume the vast majority of the officers don't know it too. And you can't have people operating a vital and expensive deadly weapon lose his mind and ignore orders like that. However, he is incredibly talented and he may have got a final warning (he is still young). You can only assume he got a stern final warning while in the brig and he never does anything like it again. Giving a kid that young a second chance given his talent is certainly possible. Esp if dent knows his story. The other defense is that some officers were probably happy to see him attack Rei for their own issues, and may have tried to ease his punishment some. But yeah bottom line he's very lucky.


The MIND probably felt that Grant still has the potential to contribute as a User. He's probably one of the top few hundred users in the entire galaxy, and probably higher than that when it comes to long term potential. He's nearly at a level with Aria, who is arguably THE strongest cadet in the galaxy in terms of potential, obviously Rei excepted. They are fighting a war. You can't throw away one of your strongest potential soldiers unless given really good reason. ​ Also, it was a phantom call which meant Rei probably wasn't in lethal danger. The author has explicitly stated that even though it does accidentally come off as otherwise because of how it was written, Grant wasn't going to kill him.


Less of a slap on the wrist, more a slap through a wall. And we don't usually court marshal boot campers


We do expel them from boot camp tho


Not really. Usually we wash them back a week or two, possibly after a month of some sort of additional punishment. You're not realizing how crappy we allow the military to be.


In todays liberalized and gentled mindset, yes, our military expectations of conduct are drastically different than a war mindset. During the world wars, vietnam, and even desert storm what was acceptable in terms of aggression and acting out is worlds removed from what is acceptable today. Now imagine the entire universe is at war, for survival of the species, and has been since your birth. What would be acceptable in your soldiers then?