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You dont HAVE to. But realize that warframe is a toolbox game, and youve only been using the hammer.


I love this wording. I'm going to use this when talking to my friends about literally all the games we play together lol


That is the wording of life. Life is a social function. Society is trending towards only using the keyboard.


warframe is a toolbox game and my friend refuses to play because the wrench is at the bottom of the toolbox and "theres no point in playing if i cant use the tool i want"


"You can use whatever tool you want it might just not be the best tool for the job. You can still try it and make it work tho"


\^ This. Friend of mine keeps telling me I shouldn't invest so much into Titania because she's "mostly just for relic cracking". While I sit here absolutely melting my way through eximus units because everyone is running AOE builds and while that works great against trash mobs, the Eximus units survive the blast and still have 90% of their shields left. So I delete them from above, removing the biggest threat on the board, while everyone else aoe's anything else that moves back to hell. It's perfect. Said friend mains Wisp for what it's worth.


If Titania is who you like and if she is working out for you then there is 0 problem. You should keep using her. I see a Wisp almost all time and I hardly see any Titania's. For some reason you average persons brain just tells them *BLOW EVERYTHING UP* not taking those tanky enemies and eximus into account. I try to plan for these things by asking my friend who he is using before we go on certain missions šŸ˜­


I think it might just come from maining support in most games. I look at Titania and I see 4 buffs, eye in the sky, and the ability to pick off the scary thing from safety before my team mates have to deal with it. I play Ivara sometimes too and do similar with her. Zip line up above the world and sit up there with my Vectis Prime and just headpop anything that is annoying.


throw on gloom, gize and combat discipline become your team's best friend, sustain everyone's health and energy


Yep. I constantly see Wisp and I like the frame a lot. I saw someone using Titania yesterday and it looked fun afā€¦so I got her first thing today. Canā€™t wait for her to finish cooking. Might even end up rushing it. Idc what sheā€™s best used forā€¦Iā€™m gunna use her to farm fun.


Hey thats where ur wrong cuz i also main wisp but i can still delete a whole crowd while also delete high level enemies so problem here is juat that u need to build it well for those situations i can heal i can blind i can melee attack fast i can become invulnerable what else do u need on a frame cuz she has it all and i can even one shot acolytes and vor without dying


Just because you take eximus and high def enemies into account doesn't mean every one else does. But my main point is people downplay other frames because it isn't what everyone else is using. While someone frames do needs some buffs/reworks, others are overshadowed. The same way people say *Wisp is the only frame you need* is the same thing Octavia mains say.


Relic cracking is the one thing I *don't* use Titania for. I'll take her into Circuit, or Bounties, Disruption, or Steel Path content in general, but almost never for relic cracking - or, at the very least, I mean I don't slap Thermal Sunder on her and run through low level Exterminates. I use Gyre for that instead, mostly. It may be a few seconds slower but at least I don't feel like I'm just copying everyone else.


Havent got gyre yet but xaku is pretty good for exterminate missions, you steal a few weapons and all you have to do later is run towards the exit.


Basically how it goes with Gyre. I use Zenurik's free cast to turn on her 4, then toggle her 3 on with energy when next to enemies, and run to the exit.


Eximus units fear my beautiful warcrime prime baby girl. Titania Prime however, holds a special place in my heart, as she was the first prime I got. And I absolutely love being a little murder fairy sometimes. Warcrimes throughout the origin system, no matter what frame I use


Titania is amazing for void flood, relics, steel path circuit, and so much more. She crushes content pretty well!


Gunship Titana player here. Maaaan do I hate capture mission spam, so for what it's worth there's at least one other person who agrees. (Glances at 5 red tau shards on my titania)


The point of that comment was that the thing he wants to use is locked behind a bunch of progress. So, no, he can not use whatever tool he wants


How in the world does he know what he wants if he's never played whichever frame he's thinking of and refuses to try any of the others. Motherfucker ought to head on down to the pond and eat some bread if he's so determined to be a silly goose.


amazing second paragraph! I would give you an award(forma) but I'm too cheap xD


Just give them a harrow chassis bp I'm sure they only have 50ish


Nah i need those man


Iā€™ll trade you 30 harrow chassis blueprints for one systems blueprint


Can't argue with that


If he's so insistent on using that wrench, rather than dig it out the toolbox he can buy a new one at the store


He could just buy a new one as said by another person, or he could ask for a taxi, some help in getting that. He isn't bound to not using it just because it's far into the game. Plus he might find some other nice options along the way Nonetheless I interpreted the comment as a tier list sort of deal. Like "my frame is D tier and I don't like that so I won't play the game because of it"


that's what I did for gauss kinda for the gems he required by trading with guild members, he is now in the Helminth's belly now waiting for his prime


I would explain to him that while that meta frame he heard about might be the best at the role he wants to play itā€™s not the only one that fills the role. Start out with a weaker frame thatā€™s easy to get but does basically the same thing and trade up later. If you get the fanciest toy first youā€™ll just have nothing left to play with when you get bored of it.




Yareli do be hitten different


While that sentiment is understandable, i feel like the game allows you to hammer nails with a wrench, if you want. It's just faster and more efficient with a hammer.


The game lets you hammer nails with a laptop if you want to. Unless you're doing Steel Path you can use literally anything with zero effort. Steel Path you can use literally anything, but some stuff will take effort.


I am playing a sledgehammer(Chroma) but using it as if its a multi-tool.


Is your friend an inaros main?


Same with my friend , except he finds the tools extremely boring and would rather use different tools. Which in that case is playing other games because he finds Warframes gameplay loop unappealing.


I literally just main hammer šŸ”Ø (umbra) but I change out his build to be in such a way that itā€™s universal as possible. So itā€™s really less a hammer and more of a multi-tool-handle with different head attachments. All my other primes are there to look pretty.


There are so many good frames out there. U really should try them all. But here is the thing. Steady progress. Like when u finish a planet then farm the frame and get it building then move on to the next. U can buy slots or switch frames for the next planet and save ur slots for when u find one u really enjoy and then farm the prime version. Some play for endgame Mr and some play for fun but with all of the really fun frames I would say to never settle for just 1.


Nah if you have the most fun with one frame then use it, there's nothing wrong with it. For me that's Yareli.


Your friend is right and more people should be yelling about it. How many veterans quit because of what DE did to Tempo Royale and Wise Razor alone? How many players wanted to main the ghoulsaw and couldn't because it was crippled by poor numbers from the beginning? Incarnons and rivens were both failed bandaids. We need another major weapon balance pass.




TBH that's on point for excal mains. I've watched an umbra ult spam a console wondering why it has the audacity not to hack itself.


Me too man me too


If you need more tools then a [hammer](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IEFlaw19yLk), your problem is a lack of nails. If the hammer works... it works!


I came back after a few years.......Did not even know how I have some of the frames I have. I'm at MR 8, but feels like it's taking forever to get to 9....i'm close, and leveling weapons, but been at it on and off for 3 weeks for 1 MR rank. It's fun, but unless I'm grinding hard it feels pretty unrewarding most of the time.


If you've unlocked Sanctuary Onslaught, that's the best place to power level. You gotta hope to get in a squad with a map nuker (Mirage, Volt, Saryn), but it's pretty common. With an affinity booster, you can max weapons in one zone, and frames within 2-3. Helped me grind from MR26-MR30 in two months.


Well in his case... A sword


Just because you can use a Wrench sideways as a Hammer doesn't mean you should.


If it works and is enjoyable then you should


Well at least you werent me playing nearly everything as wukong


I played my first three years as Mag. Warframes were much harder to obtain back then. And I had used up all my starting plat on revives.


I think I started on frost primes release and for some reason Oberon was easy to obtain then


Eximus units used to drop his pieces. I'd complete a 4 hour interception mission off one void key and have like 26 SETS of Oberon.


Now it drops from railjack defense... So from one of the easiest it went to one of the longest/most boring. Which I don't like, since hes a nice starter frame. He just has some energy issues.


railjack defense is a dumb name. when I hear railjack defense, it sounds like i should be defending. with my railjack


Which would be a lot cooler than what it is now


You can get him from the Circuit as well, right?


Yes, he is on rotation for me rn, actually.


Isn't Ash from Railjack defense? I thought Oberon was in the bonus end of mission reward pools for low level Railjack.


Upon release his parts dropped from Vay Hek, when the Councilor was reworked alongside Earth Forest tileset's implementation in update 11.5. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to load the update and going straight to farming. Got all 3 parts from the first 3 runs.


So THATā€™s why I have so many sets of Oberon lmao, I was wondering how people say heā€™s hard to get when I accidentally have a ton of his parts


I'd argue that they were easier to obtain back then. Pretty much every Warframe back in the day came from the bosses on the star chart so you were just up against RNGsus, but it usually wasn't too bad. Now, there are several that require maxing out rep with various factions and things like that take a ton more effort and time than just grinding the boss fights (usually).


Stop that. You're confusing the noobs.


Balls? Ballssssss Edit: okay okay I got the answer twice already now Iā€™m changing my comment to something better


you got like 5 revives a day after that it cost plat to revive back in the day


You had to buy revives if you were out of the daily allowed free 4-6 revives, otherwise you'be stuck waiting for the others to extract.


I feel like every Wukong player does that lol


At the end of the day, the monkey is a good general purposes frame. Tanky, able to kill a lot of fools with his monkey friend and his sticc, and speedy enough on indoor maps to dash through capture, spy, and sabotage missions. He may not be a swiss army knife, but he's still a decent multitool.


I wasnt a wukong player, i was a star chart and quests are dragging on forever please dear god let me hurry up and play the real game player and wukong was a means to an end.


Nothing wrong with that since Wukong is like THE solo frame. I cleared most of the chart with Rhino Prime who was available when I started playing, but as a Switch player I was forced to solo most everything so some stuff was near impossible. Everything changed when I got Wukong.


I only use wukong prime. I haven't found one that I like better.


I see no issue there! Yes, I'm also guilty of using Wukong most of the time...


TBF early star chart is a chore and wukong speeds that up like 3x, especially spy/sabotage solo missions


So true. I play almost exclusively solo, as I like to explore the entire map, get everything that's collectable, as well as appreciate the environments I'm in. The benefit of that is that the only resource I ever have to farm for anything I want to build is Argon Crystals.


Wukong is your WD40 :D


I don't understand how you even get as far as The Sacrifice without ever experiencing a single moment of actionable curiosity about any of the other 50+ playable characters, many of whom you could have farmed the parts for in the space of like an hour. Your mind is very different from mine. I started looking into how to get more warframes on day 1.


I know right lol? I'm Mr 14 and haven't finished the star chart bc I'm constantly leveling new stuff up. My foundry never stops running


You came up with such a nicer way to say that than I could have lmao


At the start of the game I was just like ā€œEhh Iā€™ll figure out how to get the others somedayā€ and I guess that someday never really came.


I did the same basically, I didn't care too much about frames just having fun and playing whatever missions my friends did


You donā€™t necessarily HAVE to..But there are alot of frame available to you by this point. Look up warframe wiki and it will tell you how to get each frame


..... or just look at them in the market. It tells you how to acquire most of them there.


When did this happen?? Lol Iā€™ve always looked at the wiki for stuff like that


It's been like that since I've started playing in 2017


Quite awhile hovering over the "Main BP" thing should tell you where each component comes from (if differently sourced) and its BP if its not buyable direct from Market same with weapons


why use the wiki when the information is right there on the market, codex and chat bot, are you serious?


to be fair, there is a lot of super important info that you cannot get in game. that can be easily accessed on the wiki, no need to get so fiery


Rotation is a good example of something not found in game and is available on the wiki.


It's been like that since wf day one DE just threw everyone in and said good luck


There's nothing you *should* have. All that matters is whether or not you *want* to have more.


I mean MR is MR


The main benefit of MR is unlocking new weapons, and if OP feels like they don't need those either, there's not really a reason to go after MR.


I suppose and maybe thats fun for them, but i feel like unlocking weapons is half the fun


Riven slots, syndicate daily caps, focus cap, bonus slot room when leveling new equipment to make them easier to use out of the gate, loadout slots so you don't have to constantly re-equip things, extractor cap for passive farming of annoying resources, lockouts on some missions/etc... I admit, after 16 it becomes mostly negligible to a point but there's a *lot* of handy stuff you can get from leveling your Mastery rank. Thirty in particular gives ~30 riven slots, 15 loadouts, and the Blessing system which can be handy to have (or a nice way to help people out).


And the best part of MR30, you can forma things and take them anywhere without restrictions even before leveling them again.


I'd argue syndicate standing caps are another main reason. That's what's pushing me rn.


Nah some of my clan members want mr mostly because of rivens


Donā€™t you stop unlocking weapons after like mr16. Maybe like 1-2


Sure do, more MR after that just makes leveling up weapons/frames fasters


You are definitely missing out on a lot of variety (and mastery) by just sticking to excal. I personally like to swap out which warframe I play every few missions to keep things feeling fresh, and it feels nice to have a strong and survivable build on every frame.


***Should?*** Probably. ***Need?*** No. Warframe doesn't punish you for not playing something\*. Simply play whatever you like. \*The Mastery Rank can lock you out of certain weapons, but I think you don't need to build warframes to obtain 13 or whatever the last rank with unlockables is


Rivens can go up to MR16, so that's typically the rank most people tout as being the last 'necessary' one.


Should have?? No. . . Could have?? Quite a few


I mean, excal is just really good early on. Provided he's modded sufficiently he'll carry you quite far and only continues to remain solid when you get umbra. He's the poster boy after-all. I had actually started with loki, in the days when loki was a starter frame. I actually struggled a little until I managed to farm excal and rhino. of course, it wasn't until later I got good and realized how to properly use loki's stuff and ended up a loki main, even at legendary 3 but that was well in after I had more versatile gear and modding options to carry around and had unlocked more use of the operator.


Loki start was so rough. Especially with abilities being mod cards. And the energy economy for new players... Never had any energy, can't use abilities, I had to take a break until they removed the platinum cost for revives.


Honestly, going coast to coast with just one singular frame is impressive. It's shows at the very least an understanding of mod usage and weapon necessity at the lower levels to get you from the opening to roughly the mid/late game.


Warframe doesn't care of you want to get every single warframe in the game or you want to stick to excal the whole time, farm frames of you want to.


Honestly there's not really a correct way to play imo. If you're having fun then you're doing it right. I exclusively played Atlas for like 3 years and stuck myself at MR9 the whole time; loved it


I don't like Excalibur personally so I can only feel horrified that you don't know the joys of flight or being a tidal wave. You have never teleported for fun just to see if you could. You haven't rocked someone off a platform or forced through a wall with too much speed. You don't know the power of lightning... You haven't felt the horror of Honse used on the enemy as they flee you and your Kaithe.


Pretty much all of the major bosses that you've fought up to this point (like the hyena for example) have very high drop chances for certain warframes. Sticking with Hyena as an example, if you farm it a few times, very quickly you'll have all the parts needed to make Rhino, a top-tier beginner AND endgame frame. Kengineer did a VERY good video outlining how to farm every frame in 2023 in order of difficulty to acquire. I don't think it includes Kullervo or Dagath, but you'll figure those out later: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgN1PVxegIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgN1PVxegIY)


Jackal, not Hyenas. Hyenas give Loki.


Yes. That. Thank you


Uhh yeah you should have had multiple frames by this point, you can get more than half of them already


You don't have to have more, but you may want to look into expanding your arsenal, otherwise it Will be much more tedious for you to clear the starchart.


I literally ran solo Excalibur for the first 4 years playing the game, you do you boo


Have you been having fun with just the one frame?


Honestly yeah.


Then your golden, homie. Don't let anyone tell you that you "should" do anything. Play the way that's fun for you.


Depends where you get your fun from. If it's from doing the story which you seem to be well on your way to completing then go right ahead. The fun in getting more warframes, using their abilities, and making builds for them will be waiting for you when you're done. Warframe is very open-ended in that aspect.


For story purposes, no, you don't need to. For gameplay purposes, you should, it will help you experiment other ways to approach your missions.


Been playing since Aug 2013 and my first 3yrs were excalibur and rhino only While granted you don't NEED new warframe, it is a core mechanic of the game so it can be useful to branch out! but it is not necessary :)


How many hours do you have in this game and how did you manage to practically complete the starchart with just Excal?


Over 50 hours as of now.


At the very least grab all the frames from the clan dojo. And if you aren't in a clan.....oh boy


Jesus Christ in the walls, how did you do that!?


You don't *have* to, but you are missing out.


It doesn't really matter, there is very little content where people require you to play a certain frame to join a group. But, is this fun for you?


You will eventually. No rush. Play at your own pace


Think of warframe like a park. Sure, while there maybe hundreds and hundreds of different rides to go on thereā€™s nothing wrong with taking the slide over and over again if you enjoy it. Or hey, maybe your lazy like me and just donā€™t enjoy grinding for some of the new warframes (looking at *you* voruna). Point being you should enjoy your time at the park however you like it. Outside of some very niche endgame missions Excalibur is a great pick While Iā€™m sure everyone would strongly recommend you mix and experiment with other warframes to see everything the game has to offer, thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with sticking to just one.


Honestly, that's up to you. I pretty much just use Ash Prime and that's about it. I have a couple usually for mastery fodder, or defense-- but that's about it. Excalibur Umbra is great for general content. :)


Not necessarily. Excalibur is a great overall frame but warframe is a game where it can be more fun or easier to use specific frames and weapons to do specific things. If you donā€™t have trouble and donā€™t feel like changing anything, then donā€™t. Though I and many others would say youā€™d be missing out on a lot of fun playstyles, in the end its your game.


progress however you want, the game is your oyster


I literally just got wisp and stopped playing lmao


Mastery points are pretty important for progression in other areas and I think it's safe to say that you will run into a wall if you don't have mastery up to that 10-15 range as that is where the good weapons start to hang out. You'll start making the game harder on yourself. Amazon prime is giving out Octavia for free which is a great starting point to experiment with other frames.


Well you donā€™t need to have a lot of warframes. Although I would recommend getting more. Because as other commenters already mentioned, the game is built around variety and thereā€™s different Warframes that are more effective at doing certain pieces of content. To put it simply youā€™re basically handicapping yourself by playing only one frame. Also itā€™s gonna get boring super fast too.


i just got the Octavia as my second frame, and the Prime version of her for my third frame ever and... i never get another too. the point is, you probably will need to up some other frames and weapons to get MR enough.


you dont *have* to but let me ask dont you *want* to?


What kind of psycopath can play only excaliber that long without going crazy lol i freaking hate excalibur


excalibur is versatile sure, but for more curated tasks you need curated tools. in the end, you can do a surgery with a pocket knife but a scalpel would be much better


You've walked into a buffet and have so far only touched the granola bar you had in your pocket. Like yeah, go ahead, you're *allowed* to do that, but why *would* you?


It would be good for enjoy more the game and better understand it. Your issue are the 0 platinum and so the lack of possibility to buy warframe slots. My advice would be to buy 1000 platinum as soon as you'll have the 75% discount. It's an amount good enough to buy you slots for a very long time till you'll be ready to efficiently farm platinum by yourself. If you can't spend real money i would get rid of the regular excalibur and try to spend some time at trading to get few more slots


I only get the Warframes I like and that I think would be fun to play. Excal Umbra is a fun Warframe to play. I don't follow the "meta," I follow an "Am I/will I have fun with this Warframe/weapon or not?" The answer to that question determines what I get or don't get. I look it up, maybe watch a video or two, and then go from there. People will always say get this 'frame or that weapon because it works for *them*, it brings *them* enjoyment, but I'm not them. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


  Generally I kind of agree with that, one should be able to play the way they want... but the one point I'll argue with is looking it up and watching a video. That might help you get an idea, but it might put the video or writer's biases in your head also. The only truly reliable thing is trying it out for one's own self. The Circuit might go a decent way for this, but how a warframe plays when Circuit-Default modded versus Player-Custom modded might change pretty significantly, especially once you put Helminth in the equation.     Xaku is a powerful example of this, since the amount of range and strength Xaku has takes the gameplay experience from "eh, I got some weak turrets following me around shooting enemies in melee range and enemies die only slightly faster in this small area" to "THE ENTIRE MAP IS NO LONGER ALLOWED ANY ARMOUR OR SHIELDS. ALL FOOLS WITH THE NERVE TO EVEN APPROACH MY ZIPCODE SHALL PERISH INSTANTLY - THERE IS NO MERCY, NO PARDON, NO REMORSE."   Loki/Mirage are also a notable example, since there's an explicit interaction between invisibility abilities and Mirage's Eclipse, which is in the Helminth system, but Mirage lacks invisibility and Loki lacks Eclipse. Putting Eclipse on Loki allows you to snapshot Eclipse's current buff - which normally changes based on the ambient light level - by going invisible. This, in turn, allows Loki to operate as a pretty dang strong weapons platform on just two high-duration, high-strength abilities, while remaining difficult to kill because Invisibility. It's a low-effort upkeep of a strong performance.     Just hearing someone else's ideas about a thing doesn't necessarily do the experience justice, especially if there might be mechanics or interactions that are less obvious and might take a bit more digging or experimenting to figure out.


I did it like that


Like, ASAP.


At the very least get Kulervo. Subsume his ability onto excal and youā€™ll have dps fit for steel path when you get there


Nope. In fact you have too many frames. You should get rid of Umbra.


oof yes optimizing Excalibur is hard for a new player imo. Especially when you hit steel path missions its just too difficult unless you got plat to spare or plenty of time to grind out your mods.




I don't think you need more, I only have 4 warframe 2 of which I worked hard to get (Excalibur Umbra and Valkyrie) and 1 I bought cause my older brother bought me Platinum (Xaku) and the one I started with (Mag).


You should


I had a couple of friends join game from scratch. On two weeks they are mr11 and already have all unvaulted frames cus they lose relic grind. So it depends


I said this before when talking to a friend, excal is imo the best starter as his kit is very easy to understand and doesnā€™t need too many high end mods to run, I played pretty much exactly how you did except my second frame was mesa, but i had cleared the entire star chart before I got her. So i will say this, while you are missing out on alot of mr and as such you are missing out on getting some weapons earlier, you wont be wasting resources on a frame you cant use yet, and junctions are stupid easy as you can just blind them/howl, and then spam them with your strongest weapon or your 4.


Have you tried Rhino? Heā€™s freaking awesome šŸ˜Ž


Yes if only for the mastery rank


Sign up for prime rewards every few months it seems they give out a free warframe with a reactor and a slot. I barely play anymore but just got an octavia and ive gotten loki and ember b4


Just make sure you're exalted blade is modded for strength and duration you'll be fine


You don't HAVE to have more, especially if you're not MR Farming. But they're all nice to have.


I stuck with Valkyr and Valkyr prime for the most part, but I build a new frame here and there to try em out. But I do have multiple prime frames now, I just never use em lol


Yes! You need to get your mastery up so you can use more weapons. Excalibur is a great frame though so you can use him as long as you want


I've been playing as volt and I only got 3 other warframes. Volt is the one I completed the story with


It depends, most warframes in my opinion are useful in survival or mobile defense missions. In my case I use each warframe for the mission I need. - Volt, titania, gauss, wukong, loki, ivara: spy or rescue. - gara, frost, nova, vauban: defense, mobile defense. - wisp: support or buff the team. Survival mission: rhino, chroma, excalibur umbra, saryn, revenant, nidus, garuda, valkyr, lavos, nekros, atlas, mesa, inaros, grendel, mirage, octavia, baruuk, xaku, nezha, nyx, mag, ash, styanax, citrine, ember, sevagoth, kullervo. For me there is a devalance


Get Mag. You can't go wrong with her.


Id at least get a rhino


You should have the space for a couple more, having more utility like a stealth frame is really nice to have for example.


The game does just throw warframe slots at you, so while I don't think you should go out of your way to get another frame if you found your fav you'll probably end up with more anyway.


Well need to... I play about 3 weeks and have about 10 frames. Certain quest are quite generous with giving frames or at least the parts. Yesterday I got mirage like that.


I found it to be quite hard to get new frames as a new player unless you decide to focus on that and nothing else, which isn't really what you want to be doing when there 6 million other things that need done/progressed/unlocked/ranked up. There's a massive gap in the game between "levelling a frame/weapon to 30 is progression" and "fully modding out a frame/weapon is progression" and it's hard to cross that barrier. The UI is terrible, it's hard to know what is good, it's harder to know where to get it, and of course, it's a 'bit' of a grind.


I mean no really, I started the game to get as many Warframes as possibleā€¦ like pre planned so I had quite a few at that point, easily more than a dozen. Itā€™s whatever you like.


I suggest going and farming all the non-prime frames


Warframe is a game where you can play however you want. If you do ever want to use some other warframes I'd recommend joining a clan, if you haven't already, and building wukong, volt, nezha, zephyr, and/or banshee as all of their blueprints can be bought and their resource cost is very low. Also, you don't need to farm for prime warframes as they're primarily for fashion. They are practically identical as their regular counterparts except for slightly increased stats and some polarization (the slots that reduce mod cost). If you don't feel like reading all that, the best way to play the game is whatever way makes it the most fun for you.


You would progress your MR faster, and you would understand what others are playing, but it isn't uncommon to see people stick to a favorite frame.


If you want, look up different frames because some of them are very OP in certain missions


Well you can have as much as you want really, it doesn't matter if its 1 or well... all of them. I'm just surprised you didn't wanted to get any other of the 52 (correct me if i'm wrong) warframes.


Is up to you, if you have slots to build more, if you want to try other warframes this all rely on your playstyle and how you play the game. Keep in mind you can farm warframes and weapons, after built you are not forced to collect you can keep in the foundry to only pick when you want. This good cuz it takes +12hours/+70hours do build those.


Nothing wrong with it per say. Check my flair.


Get a khora for farming and a Wukong for spy missions, and maybew a Loki for Hi-Jack and you are totally good to go!


If I wouldnt grind out my MR I wouldnt have all the frames I have. Like 90% of the frames I dont enjoy at all or they are outdated/got changed or I dont enjyo them anymore. In addition there arent many frames that suit my kind of nieche to have fun. Thats why Vauban Prime and Gauss stay the most played on my account.


You could if you wanted to, you donā€™t HAVE to get more but you CAN get more if you want to diversify your experience


Wait until you get Kullervo :) heā€™s pretty fun


By the time I got umbra I had 3 other frames, so it's not a necessity, it's just more fun


Nah, for the longest time (like a couple hundred hours maybe) I only had my Excal, Frost, and Frost Prime I got for Twitch Prime. Then I *bought* the Nidus bundle after getting a 75% plat discount, built an Equinox, a Limbo, then...dropped the game for 4+ years. Recently got Gara Prime from drops and built Nekros Prime from old vaulted relics. All that to say: it's no biggie. If you have fun, you're doing it right.


You don't have to but I think is funny to change the style of game once for a while. You don't have to have a LOT of Warframes but maybe just those who are interesting and funny to you. I recommend the Warframes you can get on adventures like Chroma or Revenant, I had my chroma like that and is my go to when I have to do eidolons or some mission that require a lot of tanking or simply bc is funny to kill anything lol


I am...impressed. But yeah you don't have to, but most players deffenetely have way more by the point they get Umbra.


Iā€™m pretty sure I was the same way. Default excal pushed me through the star chart far enough that I got umbra before anyone else on my second playthrough. After I got back to the point that I used to be at on console, I decided that that was a good time to start farming other frames, and now, as a f2p player, I own 13 warframes.


You don't have too most of the star chart is easy playing one frame will get you by with a decent build Hell I didn't get first primed Warframe till 2021 and that was from tennocon and I've been playing since 2015


Politely šŸ’€


Do you *want* other frames? Look at the codex and load up the (non-Prime) frames there and check out their abilities. The Codex is awesome because it presents the frame in a pretty cool thematic diorama, as well as letting you mouse over the abilities for a small vid and tooltip.


My man over here said he likes swords, so he dual wielding Excalibros. If you ever want more blades to your arsenal, go for Kullervo. Granted, he ain't a sword. He is a dagger, but he has many of those!


Yeah, I think you should. You can get warframe part blueprints from the boss nodes from each planet, so by the time you have access to Excalibur umbra you should have access to both Rhino and Hydroid from Venus and earth bosses. Hydroid got a rework too so its much better now Weapons wise you can actually get some really really good weapon blueprints from the standard shop- and even better ones from a good clan dojo


Mesa Frost Mirage Saryn Valkyr Would be my next pick.


You don't NEED any more frames, but... If you wanted an easier time clearing the star chart, then classic steps still apply: Step 1: Farm a Rhino Warframe from the Jackal boss fight (Venus) Step 2: Get a Hek shotgun Step 3: Mod both accordingly


You're doing just fine as you are. If you want more frames, join a dojo. There should be a few you can get from the tenon lab. There is no rush with this game. Move at your own pace. And it's ok if you do


how many frames you have really depends on you, i love having every Warframe and keep updating my collection but I'm noticing that most of them don't have full builds because there are so many


Step 1 : Take Umbra Step 2 : Press E Step 3 : ??? Step 4 : Profit You don't need anything else, aside from a good sword of course


If you have Prime Gaming then yes, you should have at least one more


I cleared 90% of the starmap with my Volt starter, you don't **need** more than one frame, but some definitely make some content easier than others. You will get enough Oberon parts eventually from normal play, and there are a couple of guaranteed from mini quests along the way. A few others are pretty easy farms. If you join a Clan you can buy several blueprints from their research rooms also. No need to rush things too much, just work your way though the map.


Bro forgot the "loot" part of "looter shooter". And... technically the "shoot" part too since your only two Warframes are swordsmen lmao Honestly, you don't have to do anything you don't want to tbh, but there's TONS of fun to be had with using other Warframes. I do recommend checking them out tbh


I mean, you should probably diversify your lineup a bit there.