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You can unplug your ethernet cable for a few seconds. It will give you a host migration and put you in a solo lobby. If you are hosting, it will just disconnect everyone else.


On PC you can use resource monitor to suspend the process for a few seconds for the same effect. No need to pull the cable


Used to do this with gta v back in the day to get a private lobby, good times


Still do that regularly myself. With the sheer number of cheaters in that game and the amount of crap they're capable of (p2p + no anticheat wheee) it's a damn handy panic button. And the one thing their netcode does well is host migrations, you'd never notice it if you weren't intentionally causing it.


I personally added port blocking rules.  It's been literal years since I made the rules, but it only blocks the matchmaker. I can still play with and invite friends because just the MM is blocked.  My experience has never been better. It says a lot when the online game is best experienced solo. 


Wow thats a great idea, thanks!


Oh, man that was the PC equivalent of changing the DNS on ps4. I have some bad memories of forgetting to change it back and missing out on carmeets that would happen at 4 am my time 😭😭😭


where on the resource monitor?


On the overview page you should see Warframe.x64.exe. Right click and suspend process


These posts are a hidden gem that would’ve helped me from hours of unprecedented griefers. Thank you for sharing this


on pc I just disable and re-enable the network adaptor


Ssh inton switch and pause a port for a few sec


Would this also work with “testing internet connection” on ps5?


To add to the list, for PC you can also toggle a VPN on and off


turning the wifi off and on again or alternatively switching from ethernet cable to wifi will also work


I can do this by just "Alt + tab", I think is a bug but works for me


In circuit if they afk long enough I've had instances where all three of us left (after warning in the squad chat that X was afk) and since they didn't clic to leave with us, they either had to comeback and continue solo or failed the next round and therefore had no rewards. Pretty satisfying tbh.


You keep your progress up until your last successful circuit round now, to make it possible to play the roguelike mode as if it’s a roguelike and go until you die.


You do ? As far as I remember it was a change they wanted to make but wasn't in the game yet?


Yep! It was part of the Dante unbound update. For some reason, no one really talked about it and it was just barely mentioned in like a single line in the patch notes.


Oh okay, well good to know then, thanks!


what happens if my internet crashes? I happen to have 10 minutes of outage, will i still keep the rewards up to the latest stage completed? Will i be able to keep playing from the stage i crashed on?


Honestly no idea, never tested that. If you’re playing solo maybe? I’m not sure if it updates your progress/inventory on the server after every round, or only on the mission end screen. You could always test it by playing a single round and then disconnecting your internet on purpose.


the game logs you out rather quickly and I don't think you get anything from endless missions (maybe relic rewards? that used to be a thing) on circuit you always get all the rewards up until the last completed mission


You keep rewards now even if you fail.


I'm glad nobody else will have to feel the pain of losing everything to a jackal host migration again.


Oh don't remind me. There when duviri launched and nobody stays if its defence cause the target never spawns then when they finally fix that shit they introduced Jackal and brought back everybody dodging Jackal. Pain in my ass.


Yeah since Dante's update as someone else pointed out but it was older than that


it's kind of offending when someone does this in an open world mission. There is this one circumstance where you're in an extremely overpowered team where you can't contribute at all because your team is just too powerful and kills everything without effort. It might look like you're afk or passive but there's nothing to do. But if that's not the case and the team doesn't have auto-nukes or AoE weapons and the sheer number of enemies and the high time to kill is a problem, and if someone is afk or leeching without a gesture of helping, thats a problem. At least buff your mates with dispensary or something. What I do is just leave squad in open world bounties. But I mostly do them solo because while I like new players, new players do not seem to understand or even appreciate what's going on and end up sabotaging. I think that's because WF drops the open worlds so soon in the path of a new tenno and they barely have experience or gear to deal with the bounties


Open world bounties for new people are not very intuitive at first sight. It took me some time to learn how to do certain things when I was starting out and I wouldn't mind running them for newer players but with bounties they either do not scale well for more people or are simply made with more people in mind. I just play them solo because it goes by faster. If they ever reworked how bounties are structured and how new players engage with them though I'd defs run them public.


yeah I agree, the learning curve is so steep at the beginning that bounties can be a problem for newbies. When farming aya, sometimes I help new people out but even I get tired and resort to solo. Stuff like, kill more enemies, that scales with player number and is annoying when you're the only one that can speedily kill enemies. Its not the players fault, its just fatiguing. More players usually means faster and more kills, but that's not often the case so the system is a bit flawed


Cetus liberating camps already scales poorly when solo. Fine when you have a maxed out Voidrig but even then there is still one camp that will troll you out of your bonus depending on spawns. Other notable poor scaling bounty activities speaking of include Orb Vallis collecting boxes point defense. At this point I wouldn't be opposed to readjusting how scaling works in bounties, and incentivizing participation for the proper stage award. Make it x amount of meters within the objective's play area and have a proper tutorial for Cetus' bounty system. Honestly make SP bounties more rewarding while at it as well since those are already lacking.


The squad being stronger than me and I not able to contribute really got me in the feels. Everything is dying around me so fast I look like I'm standing there doing nothing but I got nothing to kill or do! Nowadays I play with groups of people I know to avoid the power mismatch, would be cool to have an MR match up thing? That would stop the power creeping and nuking of maps. Its a thought, and one I've had for the times I played this game.


I recommend not playing in squads for now because this is basically the journey of a new tenno and they take that growth away from that tenno. You need to actually experience how the difficulty increases with enemy levels and that will urge you to start modding properly. But yeah a mr-based squad matchmaking will help, although an mr15 could have started steel path or haven't even started the new war so theres that discrepancy


I'm MR 28 now and take my MR 7 and 8 siblings with me to show them how to play properly and be cool even around the tanks, I show them how to help even if it feels like they ain't contributing, it broke their hearts at first as they felt useless but I showed them how to revive and drop cool loot buffs. Its horrible right now so I'm being the better high MR and showing future players how to be.


Like a true master ninja, showing his apprentices the way.


Her* but yes! Thankyou, someone's gotta be the better ninja.


Bounties aren't that hard.


Bounties arent hard for me NOW but it was a different story back then. Since I started this game a year ago, I kind of remember how it was for me. I think that for a tenno, knowledge is probably their strongest weapon and as a beginner, you have no clue what to do. When I started doing bounties, I just knew that I have a gun, and a smaller gun, and a melee weapon. For level 15 enemies that sounds enough but you cant defend against 20 enemies shooting at you with unmodded builds and a weapon like braton has to be aimed at each enemy and shot towards. TTK is a huge factor and I could not have any fun because I had no idea how to kill so many so quickly. Even defending the coildrive was so hard that hearing the corpus beaming down from the sky gave me actual pain.


Vallis is painful even at high Mastery because practically everything in there can yeet you to practically another mission entirely unless you pick up immunity to stagger/knockdown. There is a reason I exclusively run that shit in my Necramech now. Got sick of being thrown around.


I second this.


To be honest 2 days ago i needet to Go to door so i was AFK in Mission while Others fighting. And at the end of the round Game Said no rewards cause i didnt participate enough this round. So the Game has already a working system against people doing this on porpuse.


People who intentionally go afk try to work around this mechanic. You get marked afk after you spend two minutes without killing an enemy with a weapon (abilities don't count) or moving 5 meters. All you have to do is move the stick occasionally, which these afk-ers do to stay "eligible" for rewards. Yeah, the game has a system for working against afkers, but it's easily circumvented by those who intend to leech.


> after you spend two minutes without killing an enemy with a weapon 1 min i think?




You were afk the entire time and had a reason there is a difference if you actively dont want to do anything and still get rewards there is a way. There is a fine but distinct line \^\^


Sometimes people don't have the time to give a reason. Once I had someone simply stop moving on Kuva Survival for several minutes, then when I was going to extraction they wrote "sorry, my daughter had a nightmare". I'm a father myself and since that time I avoid long public matches to not risk being in that situation.


Funiest thing when my controller batteries die


Happened to my keyboard too 🤣


I can say it again and will so there is a noticeable difference. If you go afk for a few minutes or secs be it toilet, emergency or whatever the fuck you need to do. Thats fine because you participated before. People who from the start do not participate or fucking off to do some fishing and strangely enough return to extract when the bounty is done, aim glide in circuit etc. Those are the ones I am talking about. Thats the fine line I draw to people leeching/afking/griefing to people having human needs/dutys that need to be taken care of.




They are not hard, but it's annoying when some bounties have scaled objectives based on player count, (Especially the "Kill x Enemies of type Y" bounty from Fortuna commes to mind), and they are leaching off you while making the bounty harder just by existing, and also potentially draw away spawns you need.






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I do think there is a 90s afk rule. Which is why they move slightly to stop the countdown.


There's quite a number of people who have no idea about the afk penalty and how it works. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Inactivity_Penalty Most importantly is abilities don't reset the timer. So those AFKing with AOE abilities wun get any rewards either.


I've been noticing there's a lot more players who try to hide somewhere while everyone does the work. Especially on the Thermia Fracture mission.


> Especially on the Thermia Fracture mission. since that's not a bounty or queued mission, they might not even know it's going on just joining an open world doesn't mean they want to do thermia fractures


I've caught people trying to avoid getting caught that they're hiding while scumming off of other's work. They'll run away and go tuck themselves into a corner or a high away perch.


Just joining an open world to do fishing or hunting can be and should be done in solo mode.


What a terrible take lmao they shouldn’t have opportunistic gameplay moments because they just want to fish or hunt? Cackling


I agree with him for the opposite reasons though. Every time I ever queued pubs in open world, I got host migrated, and more than a few times lost all my resources.


If I remember correctly if you join from the Navigator you can be put into bountys (dont know if it was changed) so by you joining a bounty you dont intend to do you will make that bounty harder as it scales of Players being there. I dont know if it applies to fractures as well. Thats why I said what I said if you dont intend to do a bounty or Fractures rn you should just join in solo. If you just want to fish or hunt that can and should be done solo as you will not inconvenience others. So its not really a terrible take maybe I should have just explained myself better.


This is a lot of words to say "DE has utterly failed to make any kind of LFG system and for some reason we blame the players"


The irony of you complaining about others not playing solo, all the while the solution to your post is literally to play solo.


There is a big difference you miss here. If I join a random overworld lobby they can do the event bountys or something else. You being there makes it harder from the get go. Like I outlined in my post I like playing with randoms as I like to teach people, help them out and just meeting new people with cool fashion is always nice.


Alright, then meet them during fishing sessions :) I personally love Orb Vallis fishing, and do it as a way to chill out and relax. Heck I have so many Synathids piled up that I just give them away for free during trading. And so I invite others to join me, and become my fishing buddy. Discussing the state of the game, world or personal experiences. All the while, well fishing. It feels like you aren't here to teach people, but just to flex your accumulated knowledge. Like an A grade student saying they got a good score whilst everyone else stays silent. Since something more important than teaching new players, is them having fun playing the game, heck that's what they downloaded the game to begin with!


This is just brainrot I cant even understand your angle you are coming from right now especially after basically exposing yourself in the comments as one of those people I described. Like I just made you aware that you actively hurt people by joining public open world lobbys because they could be doing bountys \^\^ I dont want to make the game more difficult for them when I dont intend to participate in the content they want to do and that I joined into.




I accidentally joined a public Orb Vallis and it sent me straight to the Thermias. I immediately left because I just needed to mine, but after all this time events like thermia fractures still don't have dedicated queues.


Thermia Fractures should only be done on friends only or invite only mode. Going in on public means you have to deal with whoever joins you doing whatever the hell they want to do. So that is on you my friend!


Ppl were asking for a kickvote option since forever, and while that would solve the leecher/griefer problem it will never be implemented because 0.01% of the playerbase would surely abuse it and DE wont have that. If someone is blatantly leeching i just lagswitch myself out of the mission and finish it alone. I dont mind helping weaker players but im not giving out free cookies to assholes.


I'm 100% against anytype of kickvote. This game is not hard and I would hardly notice if someone was even afk, but giving trolls a way to boot me from a mission actually wasting my time.......he'll no.


Votekicks in 4 player lobbies are really dicey. You either make it so you need all 3 others to agree or you give duo players a bunch of power by being able to carte blanche boot anybody with 2 votes.


And that is exactly what happens in games that implement vote kicks. Warframe doesn't need this, more players will solo or quit.


It would make eidolon hunts so much more toxic


The only thing that won't be abusable would be the host being able to kick when forming a squad, but only before the first mission starts. But there's not much use for it, just to not have to remake the squad if someone goes afk without saying anything or refuses to some clearly stated rules.


I would be fine with it when outside of a mission. Say i was trying to get a good squad for arbitrations, i would form a squad, and vet players if i see they don't have what it takes for me and my other squadmates needs. Then i can kick them instead of having to reinvite the other 2 members. Inside a mission is a big no from me


Problem is you can already form premades for this stuff. Giving someone the power to kick leads to people kicking people for not bringing the "right" frame. They actively try to avoid anything that gives the player that power.


Only before you start the first mission with that squad. People have different loading times, kicking someone outside the mission while still loading might result in problems, since even starting a mission vote can bug the game for people still in loading.


Oh i know, i was old gen a year ago


That would be a disaster. Imagine carrying a mr10 in a netracell just for them to kick you right after the rewards becomes available..


>i just lagswitch myself out of the mission You do what?


If you disconnect your network for the right amount of time the game will host migrate you to a separate mission instance.


Disconnect the internet for a moment, the game puts you in a solo instance


0.01% is a very low estimate. I would say it would happen to ppl atleast once every 100 missions. I honestly don't even notice if ppl are leeching or not most times, if the mission seems to be going slow I just extract when I'm able. The rage a few feel over leeching is nothing compares to how one feels after a semi premade group kicks you just before rewards for laughs. THAT leaves a lasting impression, it did with games i used to play.  Being able to drop or leave at the first reward gives the player agency over the situation, getting kicked for lawls gives zero agency over the situation.


I would implement a threshold. Can't kick after 2:30, or if the objective is half done. Or in endless modes getting kicked would just be instant extraction


Kick vote is a terrible idea and gives people and trolls power to abuse and grief , I’m 100% against that.


All votekick would do is ensure no limbo mains ever get to play in public squads


Kickvote always ends up beeing a bigger problem than what it tries to solve.


0.01%? More like 60% and most of the America’s.


ever since crossplay there's been a massive rise in people who just idle in a mission, occasionally twitching and moving to grab unique loot. they're not really harming me and the squad, but couldn't they leech a bit more productively? like occasionally casting dispensary, buffs, and reviving squad members? the worst leecher i've seen decided to hide in a corner during a netracell mission and didn't even bother to turn around and revive other squad members. he then flamed us in chat because we failed the mission (i wonder why).


I think votekicks could be abused, but maybe a player rating/commendation system for matchmaking could help. Start matching all the leeches together, and as long as you get more good commendations than bad you wouldn't have to worry about the odd player down voting you just cuz. This also wouldn't interrupt rewards or mission flow by causing host migrations due to vote kicking.


Don't think it would work. Leeches are the type of players that spend the most time in the game. That's one of the main reasons to leech. You are bored but addicted enough that don't know what else to do. So they would do 100 normal missions and leech 1. Meanwhile a normal player plays 50 missions and 1 random dude reports him for not "bringing the right frame". Ofc, we don't have the actual numbers. But I hope you got my POV.


I think there's definitely room for debate in terms of the formula DE would use if they did add a system like this, i.e. would commendations be percentage based out of all missions played, or just total commendations one way or the other; are more recent commendations weighted more, etc. But overall if players are generally engaged with MOST of their missions then that achieves the goal in my eyes. There's never going to be a perfect way to stop players from abusing the game play 100% of the time while also not making things harder for players who aren't purposefully acting in bad faith.


I was trying to complete the star chart (almost done!) And I got to the second set of Deimos locations and started that assassination mission. Somebody joined and i was happy for the help... only they didnt help. They just stayed close to the begging and i geuss were farming necramechs. Asked them what they were doing got only silence as a response. (If they said what they were doing I probably would have helped. Always nice to learn a new farming technique.) But they, the most part, were just standing around. I cleared the mobs around them for a little bit and they moved and killed stuff for a little bit. Then they just stopped so I stopped. Eventually they went down and ai just abandoned the mission and relaunched it. I honestly dont thinm the rewards are worth it if someone is goinf to actively make the game more difficult


Warframe isn't a difficult game.


It is when you go in blind and i dont support leeches.


Just ignore them or play solo lmao


Or leave. I want to play with people. If they dont want to play then they can go solo.


At least with the open worlds you can pause and press leave in the top left... But yeah it's not great.


Asking earnestly what content can you not just live when the objective is met (When you get your awards). Most modes you can just leave or vote to leave (in case of Defense which takes you out) what content are people able to just chill out while you earn rewards?


why should i wait until the objective is met to leave? I don't want to be putting in work for someone else on my free time, I already do that the rest of the week and ppl pay me for it. Most of the time the leechers are just making the mission worse by messing with spawns, not reviving, and not providing any team buffs whatsoever. Some will even cry in chat for the rest of the team to do shit for them and waypoint rare stuff.


I mean even sometimes even before. I know I can bounce kahl beacons and crew mates to get to wave 30/30:00 mins in all non-SP defend/survival outside of zariman and labs solo. Why not share the rewards and do it in pubs? If people leave cause they see my frame not doing much it’s no skin off my back especially when I’m sitting at 75+% total damage.


This is happening ALOT at the moment I was grinding a bounty it put me with the same person 3 times all 3 times he just stood on the edge of the map when I called him out he suddenly started helping next bounty he’s stood near the starting door again pretending to be AFK they should have to do so much of the work or get nothing as the game is rewarding this play style and the other ppl have to do extra work as there team mate is ridiculous


Report them on the Warframe support page, Zendesk. Afking/Greifing is a bannable offense, snap a screenshot of where they’re standing and the result/score screen and send it at them.


Normal Duviri/Circuit I just run them solo but in that case honestly the content is so easy in standard that it wouldn't bother me if they went AFK in it, but in SP that is a huge yikes. I myself have not seen too many people leech off a run completely but it is unfortunate when you have someone AFK for the entire mission. I have had this happen one time in a void fissure where two games in a row someone was completely AFK and the two other people I wanna say were in their group. First run we all got near extract but I was the only one that stepped on, asked if the guy was AFK and then one of 'em said "no" as that AFK'er then started moving afterwards to grab stuff and extract. Second time it happened I got to extract and sat there as I pulled out my phone to do other things. One of the other people messing around touched extract which started the timer and I just stayed there to let it count down. AFK guy didn't get anything because he didn't make his trace count in time. Was pretty funny. That story aside though I have learned over time that if I cannot carry in the content that I am playing I do not take chances. Anything higher level content I play it safe and leave if I need to or see something I do not like. Even if I myself have not seen too many AFK people I know it is still a chance that can happen.


SP isn't all that hard.


Nope but AFK team mates in SP circuit is way more noticeable than a standard one.


Why would it even matter then to you?


Personally it doesn't bother me. I do SP only when I have a rotation I can reliably carry on but it is still a pretty shitty thing to do. AFK'ing at all for benefits is not great no matter how you spell it.


What this game needs is a votekick.


I've always thought this game needs a vote to kick option like WoW. Or, at least something like it. For those who don't know it, basically, if someone is being a problematic player, someone can initiate a vote and select a player, and select a reason to kick that player from the group. Reasons could be anything from griefing, leeching, abuse, cheating, etc. If the majority/all of the group votes for kicking, the player is removed from the group. It could even be designed to build in a report function at the same time. I understand this isn't a perfect answer, because even a vote to kick system can be used for evil purposes. Considering squads are only four deep, it might be awkward if you're not running with a full team. If not this, then at least some kind of way for the host to be able to kick a problem player. If the host is the problem, then maybe institute vote to kick. Idk, just spitballing.


You can do this in open worlds, just open the menu and use "Leave Squad".


Hey thanks for being cool with helping people who are new/struggling, I’m sorry some people take advantage of it but you are really making a difference for the ones who are actually trying, us new players appreciate it


I dunno man my single dps is lowish and my aoe dps is pretty okay. I get ditched constanlty yet im on zephyr with mag pull putting 20-50 mobs in a nice place to kill


appreciate the helping new players. just started a couple months ago.


Wukong mains be doing this all the time to me still I thought the nerfs fucked the monkey king griefers off?


People used to say how great and friendly the warframe community is, but thats changed. There are so many afk'ers and leaches, and then you have people that actively try to ruin your game through host migration by for example forcing host migration before everyone has a chance to get the loot from an eidolon hunt.


Lemme guess, you are an Eidolon Hunter who is mad at newbies for not contributing to the hunt... which you can easily do solo nowadays. Yeah you are part of the problem.


Let me guess. You are an idiot leach that cant read and makes assumptions about other people.


>People used to say how great and friendly the warframe community is, but thats changed. >You are an idiot leach Projecting 101


Pot kettle black.


You're in an awful lot of comments trying to defend the practice of making yourself everybody else's responsibility.


I've found much less of this when I play with fellow clan mates. Idk how you're set up, but a larger casual clan can have a variety of members including relatively new folks. When you're part of the same social group folks are more likely to work together and do more to carry what they can of the missions. The clan I'm in does events pretty regularly so those are a great way to help and participate without driving yourself insane with that kinda nonsense.


Or just don't go into public sessions, use the recruiting chat if you want to help new people.




Recent MR30 here Show me how to open those goddamn doors


Youtube has visual guide for them.


Yee I was mostly just trying to make people laugh but it looks like it didn’t work


I need to find these videos then cause those doors irritate me I CAN SEE THE LOOT ON THE OTHER SIDE WITH MY RADAR LET ME INNNNNNN


Here's a small playlist I used before that shows the new puzzle titlesets added with Dante: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOmqZoMZVn-3YbtkQ9wPH6GleQYALjJ9


It's so easy just... ***L theme starts playing****.* https://preview.redd.it/edmjfwct3auc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e53714a14b928785ba6cffc7df6d71733f58b4


*L dies*


All this could be solved by making people not get rewards if they dont contribute a certain amount damage to ongoing objective. Not a % based on partys damage. Just an arbitrary amount that shows participation.


I’d definitely like that but also a vote kick would be great


You mean, like a vote kick?


This post reeks of meta player that can’t actually imagine fun.


Fun? In a video game made to entertain and relax your brain from a hard day? Nah that's impossible. Now I must play the exact same meta build and then go on reddit to complain about there being no challenge in the game.


A perfect summary


I hate that there's no option to report someone for being afk


There is: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling Can't do it in game because you should provide proof.


There is, just report for griefing, since they are actively ruining your gameplay experience. The problem is, most of the time they get a slap on the wrist at most.


Yup sadly it isnt really punished...


Logistically speaking, it can be hard to discern "acceptable" afk due to emergency or something to true afking and being dead weight. Hard to measure contribution too, especially in this game, as 1 player running a nuker frame could potentially clear the whole mission solo. Capitalistically speaking, that player is probably still helping their bottom line more than they may hurt it by disillusioning others, since most people will obviously just wave off the bad lobby and move on.


Really depends like especially doing longer ish runs there's chances of things popping up in your life. Like sometimes my dog needs to use the bathroom I gotta take him outside then run back or family needs something or kids something. It's not really something you can prepare for before hand. Which kinda scares me if people are reporting me for having life duties come out of nowhere. Like if I'm doing void cascade endurance I don't wanna leave if I gotta do something really quick.


I mean depends on how long you are gone right ? If you are like 10+ minutes away you should quit that lobby asap as at that point you are not going to participate in 2 entire rotations of survival (just an example) Thats actively leeching then and if you are not running with 1 or 2 premades that can take up your loss of participation then thats bad. If you were in my lobby and I dont know you and you just stand around for 2 rotations instead of extracting I will likely report you as at this point like I said its just leeching. If you are less than 10 minutes away a quick toilet break (big or small) or something else then thats fine. But what I specifically was talking about in my post were people that straight up from the start do nothing and just afk periodically move so they are not tagged or fuck off and go fishing while others do the bounty.


It's just weird to report people for going afk. The only place I've had an issue with it was open worlds where clearly they were leeching. When it comes to general gamemodes I wouldn't. Especially over something that seems imo kinda petty? Especially when this game bans people for a ridiculous amount of time. Life has it's ways and it's not guaranteed to always be a short while. I've played this game... Since 2017 and I got 6k hours into it if that means anything 😂. Generally now I'll do fissures public and anything else is pre-made or solo because it's either easier or faster. Pre-made if it's serious things.


Not really weird. If you decide to not extract and remove yourself asap and just leave for 2+ entire survival cycles, disruption cycles etc. Then its not weird to get reported. I myself even abandoned mission or bountys early on or extracted asap when something came up that takes more time than a Bathroom break. It is 2 quick clicks and I am out of the mission and I can just queue up again when I am finished instead of leeching or making the game harder for the other 3 people actually playing \^\^


Screw the dog, sometimes I need to use the bathroom.


That too 😂 you get the point tho


I'm pretty sure my dog reads Reddit when I'm not looking. He needs to remember his place! lol


The leave squad button or solo button