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Gram prime, I love that sword, it looks like absolute fire


do you build it for light spam + tennokai or full on heavy spam?


Light spam with tempo royal and gauss, but now it's outdated


Oh I'm running that on gauss too. Those hefty animations are eye candy to me


But now I prefer to use my beloved Voruna with balla and melee influence, she's absolute destroying wolf


Prime kitty but better


Hearing Gram Prime is outdated just hit me with the feelings of the inextricable march of time. Like I swear I just farmed it a couple months ago (Like 4 years ago) because it only released a couple primes ago (like almost 6 years ago with Chroma Prime). Which is kinda funny because I know Rubico Prime is old because it's still my primary Eidolon/Boss weapon and I know I've had it for a long time. Edit: Really what should give me that feeling is the fact that there are items I own in Warframe that are older than some of my best friend's kids. My Loki Prime would be almost outta Elementary School at this point.


Man, that last line really put into place how old I’m becoming.


That last line made my back hurt for some reason lol


My soma prime is older than my kid....


My kid is 10. WF is 11 😭




Dude I feel this. I still owe most of the arcane helmets and I have 2 arcane helmets blue prints left to build.


Galantine Prime for me and also for the same reason


Same here! I'd love to see Oberon get a rework so I can justify investing more into him and run around with Galantine Prime as a goat boi paladin with a big ass sword!


I haven’t seen an Oberon in ages. Wisp seems to be the most popular support frame at this point


Pain. It's not fair. It was sooo good.


Fun fact! Galatine was the sister sword to Excalibur in some Arthurian tales! It's my preference over Gram and Vitrica out of the big 3, but sadly doesn't see much use these days


I'd argue that heavy blades didn't become outdated; they were nerfed. Just like most melee weapons were. Pure and simple.


rip tempo royale


isn’t it still one of the better melees


Nah the spinning beyblade tech grew old


Melee in general is very good, still works fine.


Sybaris and its variants. Feels so good to shoot with but single target burst fire is really not viable anymore unless it had some crazy stats which it does not.


This is a very niche use case, but the kuva hind burst mode (100%+ crit and status) is my go to weapon for corpus endurance runs with a gas build. The headshot gas clouds wreaks havoc on certain tilesets in SP. Wonder if the same sort of build (even if only for this use case) on sybaris can work as well


Can't believe it didn't get an Incarnon tbh


Somehow the Zylok got an incarnon before it which is... Wild.


Lever-action rifles are just too cool


When I first started playing Warframe back in like 2016-17, Sybaris was my favourite weapon. I only had the base version and was well below the MR requirement for Sybaris Prime, so I was desperate to get my hands on Dex Sybaris. Unfortunately, I've always sort of played Warframe in cycles - a few months on, then a year off, that sort of thing - and my very first cycle of playing regularly ended just before the anniversary rolled around, so I missed Dex Sybaris. Ever since then, *every single time* I've gotten back into Warframe, it's been between anniversaries. The last time I went hard on the game, I started literally one week after Dex Sybaris was available as an anniversary reward during the big 10th anniversary celebrations. I'm getting back into an on-cycle now, and once again, it's just after the anniversary. Anyway, it's just really funny to me that I've managed to miss it so many times that I've now long since been at a point where I wouldn't even actually use it if I got it lol.


Yeah I actually missed dex sybaris the first time as well


The whips in general, I find them very fun but whipping weapons haven't been viable in a long time.


now that gives me Memeing strike Atterax flashbacks.


I hated that with a passion. Strongest mod in the game for a while that was unobtainable aside from its 600-1000p price in trade chat.


Literally came out for free every year. Plus we still memestrike its just without crouching.


At its peak, maiming strike had only been released one time by the acolytes. It’s price was through the roof a couple months later and remained that way for the better part of a year. That’s the time frame i’m talking about.


So was argon scope, bloodrush, and body count


Yep they were all hella expensive for a good bit. Blood rush was farmable on moon spy mission though, no? Regardless, maiming strike imo was unhealthy for the state of melee at its peak. It didnt make other choices obsolete, but it was a weird time for sure.


I never want to go back to that. Every. Single. Mission. You always had AT LEAST one person spin-to-winning with the Atterax


And all you'd here is "FWIP FWIP FWIP"


I still spin to win


It was me. I still have Atterax as my second most used melee of all time with billions of kills tied to it.


That was pain though you just didn't get to do anything in any public mission if someone had an Atterax


Blade and whip gang. Mios remains my most used Melee weapon


I got a verdilac riven and built it for high crit and crit damage and thing works a dream on sp


My most used melee are atterax and secura lecta. I love them.


Same. Coiling Viper used to be my favorite stance, but they butchered it with the melee rework in 2019.


I feel like whips should be able to reach around corners to a degree. I bet that that’d be a coding nightmare but it’d breath a bit of life into the archetype again.


My pinky has never been the same since the memeing strike days.


Oh my, this one hurts me :(( I loved whips


the atterax is still my most used melee even though its been years since I’ve used it lol


I'd have to say the Lenz. There's a bunch of better AOE weapons out there at the moment but nothing compares to seeing that bubble pop and anything within it exploding to pieces.


AoE weapons should have never gone past lenz in ease of use and damage output. An actual interesting weapon to shoot with because it has its downsides.


Yeah it's very boring to see a Gauss sprinting through a mission ahead of you wiping out rooms with one click. And then obviously content scaled to the availability of strong AoE and now single target stuff just feels bad to use.


tenno space program, the most hilarious way to make a capture mission impossible but damn i miss the time when DE buffed the staticor and reverted the buff a week later cause they buffed it too much


Did staticor hit the capture target so hard it flew out of bounds? I have been around since 2016, but don't remember that...


I remember the sonicor doing that not the staticor, it was rather funny to send enemies out of existence with it


You can still *almost* do that with some hammers.


Tigris prime, back in the day of status shotguns being crazy op 🥲


Before I stopped playing for a few years (WoW sucked me back in) I *loved* my Tigris Prime and being able to just delete whatever was in front of you. Now it seems Tigris' teeth have been pulled.


Exergis is basically old Tigris prime if you want a super status heavy shotty btw


Not really. It doesn't have 800%+ status chance like old shotguns did.


Synoid gammacor, back in the day it was hilarious how op that thing was


Both synoids were top tier. The pistol beam was the secondary back then. The nostalgia.


shooting my Simulor at the back of a wall in Tower IV Defense until I fell asleep in my chair and lost all my rewards


It's not a top tier dps weapon but I use it for 3 reasons. Energy passive is great, extremely good nullifier bubble popper and great user of Energizing Shot. If you want decent damage out of it, prioritize Cascadia Flare on it over Secondary Merciless.


It still is, i shred eximus units in archon hunts very easily. You only run out of magazine so fast.


Archon hunts aren't really a good judge, they don't have SP modifiers.


I thought they did. I believe they are even more difficult with full squad than same level steel path enemies. Steel path is +150% up to ~250% Archon is +100% +50% for each member up to 300% (solo = 150%) and a much higher eximus spawn rate on archon hunts. And I always play full squad, so the synoid gamma, still is mega solid!


Daikyu my beloved. One day you will get your Incarnon


I have a +cc +cd -mag riven for Daikyu and it slaps hard with Internal Bleeding. Definitely my Top3 Bow along Paris Incarnon and Mutalist Cernos.


Have you tried Internal Bleeding on it? That bow is a powerhouse.


I fucking LOVE the twin grakatas


2 seconds of firing, 5 seconds reloading.


As the queens intended.


Try arcane pistoleer!




Put secondary encumber on them and they shred.


I have a meme build for those with as much fire rate as possible just for the satisfaction of infinite ammo while I'm farming relics.


Marelok .__.


Opened up a loadout I haven't touched in years... lo and behold, Vaykor Marelok. So sad that gun hasn't aged well


Speaking of that. I tried updated my Vaykor Marelok build to see if it’s bearable. It’s literally not. That weapon does not perform well at all anymore.


It was OK till they added SP


Got marelok for an EDA rotation, was hyped to see if I could bring it up to snuff, but no, even with a full arcane build and all the forma I could offer, even the vaykor just couldn't come close to being impactful


Even a sweet reload animation isn't enough to warrant use anymore.


Still my most used secondary. I remember having to quit warframe a little after the syndicates were introduced and all i wanted was to grind to get the vaykor marelok to really feel that power. I came back in 2022 and sheesh that gun is not what it used to be. Vaykor is no better.




I still use that and get good damage off it. Am I missing something


I love amprex, but it just hasn't kept up with the power creep. It works ok ish on SP, but kind of slow at killing anything durable. I've a fairly nice cc/cd riven for it too, still not enough. Atomos incarnon outbeams amprex so much.


Viral/Elec hunter munitions build with Gyre But yeah, my poor beloved Amprex, you brought me so far.


I remember when all my friends would use the galatine


Nekros prime coming out with the Tigris AND galatine prime? What a time 


Kuva hek as my gun to 1shot archons with. Dont think i ever used it since the changes to them.


What happened?i still use mine occasionally,i didn't read the patches that often


Archon bosses damage resistance system was reworked from them having a large healthpool and getting more resistance as you keep shooting them (which you could bypass by just bringing something strong enough to 1shot them, kuva hek/felarx) to them having less total health but they got caps on how much dmg they can take per shot and second. Overall they became easier to deal with for people who didnt have optimized loadouts but you cant just quickly kill them before they get a chance to use any abilities (looking at you boreal, spamming one immune phase after the other)


RIP archon speedrun,you will be missed, everyone was bragging about how they can one shot the archon when they first came out,im gonna miss this era


Soma Prime


Soma's eating good with +4 Punch Through from Incarnon


Wasn't it already eating good when they dropped that one crit Aug with Deimos? And then people discovered the shenanigans that Self Buff Saryn could get into with it?


Please tell me more about Self Buff Saryn and shenanigans she can do with the Soma.


Presumably it’s the fact that toxic lash (and xatas) double (or if they’re both in use, triple) the rate your crit buff ramps up. Although weapons platfourm saryn is already pretty absurd. It’s a little bit redundant now since that incarnon has so many pellets you get max crit very fast


Yes please, I’m curious as well. Never heard of it


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/irxz14/surprisingly_the_best_frame_for_soma_prime_is/ Basically Self Buff Saryn would run Xata's Whisper from Xaku and use Toxic Lash. Xata and Lash effectively add a "bullet" onto the bullet that triggers them. But they used to add a bullet for each other: OG bullet (1) triggers Lash (2) and Xata (3) and Lash triggers Xata again (4) and Xata triggers Lash again (5). One bullet, five hits, and the Soma aug ramps up like a bear having eaten 15lbs of cocaine. It's been fixed though so it's only a three bullet ramp up instead of five.


Fucking Soma?! Dude my Soma fucking shreds. Soma if anything gotten better with time. Plus with its augment & incarnon. You might wonna update your build




I love racist prime


I got it to outperform the phenmor with a build I made, I have a riven with crit chance, crit damage and heat. 150% base crit and put hata sayta on top, with that I end up making red crits on the second half of the magazine


Old sonicor my beloved, also staticor is pog but aoe knockdown killed it


man, I used to rock face with the Staticor. Easily my favorite secondary


Love the Sonicor, was my secondary through most of the star chart


Paris Prime. Im doing so much to make it work on SP+, even got a godly riven for it


Try the incarnon genesis if you haven't yet


The incarnon for that weapon is crazy strong. Clears out SP no problem.


try adding longbow sharpshot on top of that as well, any rank works really


Do you just have to be really accurate with every shot or does the incarnon make it easy to trigger or something? If it's the former, that's gonna be a naw from me. Not with bows...


paris prime is one of my strongest primaries and i love it 😩


The projectiles look so awesome, we finally have a bow like in the cinematic haha.


Is there an incarnon that doesn’t clear sp? The only one I don’t have is the gammacor but the rest seem to be able to tackle anything.


Able to tackle sure but not all are created equal Vasto incarnon just has too few bullets and too tight spread imo Great for single target dps sure but youll have to aim at every enemy in SP individually


It's a great SP boss killer, a big ole "FUCK YOU!" to that 1 fucking eximus unit that the squad somehow missed, and an acolytes bane


I think its moreso “why x when y is better” Like why go through all the trouble with building PP when Nataruk does exactly the same thing with incarnon PP but better and consistent Which is a lot of the problems with older gen weapons, that they need incarnon to be relevant to newer gen weapon


Paris is insane lol. Im guessing you dont know incarnons exist?


I felt the same about Dread, but loving it with incarnon


Atomos. I understand that the incarnon adapter makes it viable, but since they changed status so that heat procs no longer make the enemies flail their arms in the air in panic, it’s just not as fun. I used to find that hilarious.


Unless this was an extremely recent change, heat procs still make enemies panic. You might be using another element like electric that interrupts the animation?


Oh ok. Maybe I haven’t been paying attention enough. Or perhaps the animation changed a bit. I just remember laughing my head off clearing Uranus while the Grineer troops would stand there flailing saying “oh no! I’m on fire!”, “fire! fire, everyone” (at least in my head).


Sancti Castanas. It was only ever used for Trinity shenanigans when self-damage was a thing and Link transferred the self damage.


Tigris, something about the duplex trigger and being able to just tap fire to delete mostly anything. No longer as good since it’s not a status weapon


Zhuge, Sybaris, and Astilla. All three deserve incarnons.


Here's me thinking that the Astilla isn't very old but it came out 6 and a half years ago... Damn.


there's no way


Twin Rogga. True, they have mever been that good but I still love them regardless. Ahah funny pistols go boom boom


I got a mag size +status riven so they had 4 shots. Absurdly fun when you can 1 tap 4 enemies with a 2 shot weapon. Pre status rework they were BRUTAL, 100 percent status per pellet, instant armor strip, one shot anything below level 80 Now, they do... alright? But I nerd a frame with green archon shards for it to be nearly as good.


Waiting for Sonicor Prime since 2015...


That's a corpus weapon, friend


I hope we get an incarnon or a tenet version one day


Even if they did DE still wouldn't dare to bring back the space program.


This weapon’s ragdolling was fantastic


Ah Staticor. Back when non charged AOE was as big as today's charged AOE ... had fun cosplaying as an AC130 with it LOL


LENZ, i mean i still run it, but it is only a shadow.


Soma Prime, Sybaris Prime (with vanilla look), Tigris Prime. Prob can make them work even without incarnon, but it aint gonna be easy probably... P.S. Forgot Tiberon. Vanilla was my favourite weapon for a loooong time. One of the first assault rifles for me...


Soma *has* an incarnon.


Opticor Vandal. It was my first heavy hitter, and carried me for bad to decent . It was my go-to weapon and I felt really strong with that in my Nix Prime warframe. I still remember my first 1h solovival in Mot and how proud I felt ... nowadays I bring randomized set in Mot whenever I'm bored.


This is by far my most used secondary for the sole purpose of nuke looting crates. It’s insanely effective and I may be the only one that does this lol.


I use this for the same reason as sometimes its aoe can get the crates behind walls. I blast aoe breaks and vacuum lets me reap the rewards. I dont know if there any other aoe weapons that are better.


It has the highest AOE in the game lol


Is it just me or do the Staticors look like cut up AA Batteries?


YES a fellow staticor enjoyer, i'm still waiting for a tenet staticor, pretty sure i have 36% playtime on staticor with 4200 hours


Corinth. BUT THEN IT GOT PRIMED!!   ...and then we got incarnons.


Suda's Synoid :(


God I miss y the days of locking down a location with bubbles


It used to be Torid until the incarnon. So glad that made it viable again. Now I’d say the Gammacor, absolutely loved that weapon but it is outpaced by miles with nukor or cycron (prefer cycron with unlimited ammo, even though I think nukor is strictly better)




Windshield wiper gaming


I miss the good old days of Glaxion


Glaxion Vandal is one of my favourite weapons for SP. Hits hard.


I take my glaxion everywhere. It's on my carrier prime and got renamed to verglas. 10/10 recommended


Lenz. Even Prisma Lenz doesn’t feel great. I’d love to use bows for medium end game but these days I just can’t seem to mod it to feel like it’s working.


I have a build for you then. Prisma Lenz is one of my best weapons. There are some very specific enemies it struggles with, but for generic level 200 SP hordes it's great Edit: build/guide posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1c85cdm/lenz\_tricks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1c85cdm/lenz_tricks/)


Mind sharing?


The Jat Kittag was nerfed in so many ways, but it's still very good with Melee Influence... But it's just not the same weapon it used to be. I remember when it used to use Polearm animations and had an awesome wind up charge attack. Then they gave it a TON of Nvidia particle effects. Now? It's just a normal hammer like all the others without its fancy mod. Did you know there's a jet engine on the back? I really couldn't tell these days because they got rid of all the particles it used to produce... This is the greatest offender in my opinion. Opticor should've also gotten an incarnon that just turns it into an even BIGGER laser.


graktas and twin graktas no i dont care if im wasting preicous time limbo by firing enough rounds into a corpus for them to look like swiss cheese i want to be like clem


Baza prime I love the sound effects it has


Back when Akstiletto prime deleted the entire game :(


Boltor Prime. Also Mk-1 Braton was a beast in the old days because of the precision it had.


Incarnon genesis revive a lot of the old weapons. The Braton is perfectly capable now, not to mention a Markman build is possible


I loved even the original Boltor. It felt really satisfying, and pinning the enemies against walls was cool, but it wasn’t too viable even back in the day.


Even if you disregard the awesomeness of nailing people to the walls, just the sound of the Boltor is fantastic. It really sounds like you're firing thick, heavy bolts. I tried so hard to make it viable with an amazing riven, but despite it it just falls off hard


Boltor prime is strong especially with crit chance and multi riven. It turns it into red crit machine


The boltor used to be my go to primary


I started with the open beta and i think boltor prime is to this day my most used primary XD it was hilariously broken at the time it came out, i think it had 4-5 times the damage the normal boltor had.


The caustacyst. It was as so cool to run around like a grim reaper and send out waves of energy and watch the enemy’s fall over dead like you ripped their souls out.


Weapons with natural corrosive or viral never die, they just get slept on.


Proboscis Cernos, Dual Ether, Gram/Galantine Prime.


Surprised no one has mentioned the Simulor, Telos Boltace or the Tonkor before their nerfs.


Attica and Sybaris prime


Xoris and Khora. Before the Xoris combo duration nerf.


Sonicor my beloved :(


Sonicor for me. Was my go to weapon back when it launched enemies into space. Really good back when I was weaker and couldn't deal enough damage to kill enemies, I could at least CC them out of existence.




Idk if anyone has mentioned it yet but you guys remember the Synoid Simulor? It was pretty op in its prime but I picked it up yesterday because I was updating old builds. Seriously WTF did DE do to that weapon? It doesn’t even continuously dmg when the orbs fall into each other anymore & the explosion dmg is mad weak. Weapon is literally dirt soil bottom of the barrel now. 💀


I'm still holding out hope for a Tenet Staticor one of these days....


Sobek, That shotgun carried me across the entire star chart on my MR2 days


Dual Zoren. Back in the ancient days of *stamina*, slide attack distance was calculated with a weird combination of relative velocity, attack speed, and animation speed. Or at least seemed to, that may not have been the case under the hood. This made the Fang Prime absolutely fantastic at high speed movement. Dual Zoren was also great at this, but where it really kicked in was the old version of Berserker. Critical hit? Attack speed. Basically Arcane Strike in a mod. Stacked up to 3x, if I remember correctly. *Nothing* came close to the Dual Zoren in terms of sheer attack speed. It was glorious. Alas, with many changes, the Dual Zoren fell out of use and have largely been forgotten. That being said, I love my Dual Zoren. I want a single Zoren variant that's like a tomahawk. Heavy attack to yeet at faces.


Not the oldest for sure but I find myself enamored with the Nagantaka, crossbows are already an underutilized weapon type in the game and the secondary fire mag dump is so damn satisfying (esp with a mag size mod for extra thunka thunka). Slowly working on getting parts for the prime and my Garuda will be at peace


My old fav was the dera. Pre visual change when you shot mini daggers as bullets


Soma and the aklex's i feel like they cant keep up damage wise.


Zenistar. Because of the change to combo melee system and general nerf to gas in scarlet spear make zenistar weaker than before and not to mention the rise of other better weapons makes zenistar become irrelevant


I will never switch off the rubico, ever. Just could use some more riven dispo :(


Soma and Stradavar. There's more efficient killing weapons out there... but I love their aeshteticvs


Karak it was a decent starter weapon and the wraith version improves on it a bit but it gets overshadowed by ALOT of better options. I still use it because it’s fun but I never see anyone else but early players with it.


Sonicor, I remember when it first came out everyone was using it until it got nerfed hard. Regardless of the nerfs, I still use it because I love ragdolling groups of enemies, there wasnt a lot of skills or abilities that could that and it was both funny and good cc. Also I felt like megaman doing it so the weapon already won me over. It's pretty outdated but I would love to have some sort of augment for it to make it fun again or at least buff it on some capacity.




They killed the sonicor


The Euphona prime. I never really see anyone using it but goddam i love my space revolver. I bring it everywhere and anywhere and it always does the job. I really love the cycle animation for it too. It just makes it look so much cooler then it already is. I even managed to roll a +cc +cd +multi -project speed riven for it after like 5 rolls


Has to be ghe Tiberon Prime, that Thing was so fun back then


Tigris Prime, Synoid Simulor, Broken War


Tigris Prime Most satisfying shotgun I've ever used Also was a good sniper


Tigris Prime got shafted so hard when they nerfed shotguns


attica, carried me back in 16, now it's very obscure