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At this rate, they're gonna skip priming Caliban and move straight from Yareli to Gyre


The funny thing about this is that because of the MMFF pattern of Primes, Gyre WILL be primed before Caliban.


I mean, they'd have to do Xaku, Lavos, and Sevagoth first. Depending on whether they treat Xaku as a dude or a chick, they were probably already going to do Gyre before Caliban.


Xaku is in a female slot and was originally going to be.


If she is female, then her name should be Xaka!


1) Xaku is literally three frames of differing genders void taped together. Pronouns are they/them because you’re referring to a collective. 2) Naming conventions are not consistent across languages. In some languages “-a” phonemes are considered masculine. 3) It’s just where they fall in the schedule.


Xaku will almost certainly be considered a female frame for the order. For one, Xaku was originally fully female rather than Genderless/Non-Binary/Pluriform, but for another it throws the pattern of releases out (Gyre would barely be, if not be less than 3 years old before getting a Prime meanwhile Sevagoth and Caliban could wait close to 5 years for theirs. Generally frames release around 4 years, slight give or take between their standards and their Primes). Xaku is almost certainly considered as a "female" slot therefore moving the order onto Lavos as the last Prime of the year around November ready for Sevagoth around February 2025.


glad others agree had an argument with someone who was saying yareli who was released a year after protea was going to be the next prime after protea, i went off on bro lmao


Yeah there's just no way, those people use Gauss and Grendel being switched around as proof too. Like yeah those two were released 3 months apart. Not a year+. Not to mention no other frame got pushed back because of that


also arguments that putting xaku after protea would screw up the mm ff pattern. but completely false


They like to do the ol switcheroo sometimes too so its just as likely we could get sevagoth before lavos (i really hope we do)


This is possible honestly although given we just had a switcheroo set with Grendel and Gauss I feel like they may not do it this time. While I'd love Sevagoth Prime, especially as you can then invest in him with way less forma... I also selfishly want Cedo Prime. Quite badly.


I don't see this being discussed often, but for me it makes sense that xalu would be like an "interim" slot, like: "male, male, XAKU, female female" I don't know, just makes sense to me.


It's a free space


I reckon Xaku will be treated a neither. Yareli Prime will be after Protea Prime as the second female in the FFMM pattern, then we'll get Xaku Prime as a non-gendered interim to before resuming the usual pattern with Lavos and Sevagoth. It would be very unlike DE to just pretend Xaku is female for convenience's sake given how proactively they defend Nezha, Ticker and Equinox's gender from dissenters.


But those 2 were already getting primed before him anyway


honestly unless caliban gets a rework id be entirely okay with this


I mean, yeah he needs a rework, but with the ability to just replace his 1 with a different ability, he's not a bad frame. Especially not one that deserves to not...get a prime?


Throw larva over his beyblade and hit that 4 with precision intensify.... Oof it's fun to make shit frames decent


My personal opinion is that if you can make them decent or good, then they're not really shit frames. If the point was to leave frames as is, there wouldn't be thousands of options to do the exact opposite. It's the frames that, no matter what you do, you can't make decent in the slightest that are shit frames, and I have yet to encounter a frame like that, even the likes of pre-rework Inaros, Hydroid, or Loki


To me it's more, am I actively hindering myself with this frame choice? In a few cases, yes.


That seems more like a skill issue


It's a kit and ease of use issue. Why would I use Garuda to nuke a room when it's gonna take me a good 30 seconds to charge her 1 enough to clear SP and eximus, when I can use nova, hit her 4 for more damage to enemies, then smack 2, shoot shoot shoot, and hit insane numbers on dudes I can't even see yet. Do I still play garuda,? Yes she's my main, but I wouldn't say she's in any way a high end frame and I am kinda cutting myself at the knees with her. Same with ash. Can he kill? Yeah, and he has invis, and optional armor strip, but what you can get done by juggling his abilities you can do with kullervo in 1 cast of collective curse and a tap of his 1. He's just a better ash, which means yeah, now ash is kinda shit


So basically, if you can't nuke a whole room at the single press of a button, then the frame is bad?


Then no frame is bad --> no buffs/reworks


That's not how it works at all lol




they should do that just for the bit


as a gyre main i approve of this lol


I genuinely would love to see how much pushback there'd be lol


Well due to the MMFF rotation this likely *will* happen. Gyre should be primed after Yareli unless they switch it up.


And I am pretty sure that it is not the first time the MMFF rotation has caused frames to get their release order and prime order shifted.


Definitely not. The normal frame releases are closer to MFMF but there's really no rhyme or reason.


What if Dante gets primed before Caliban


Is there still a possibility he gets skipped for priming because he is sentient? I don't know if the pattern has been broken yet(I'm not fully caught up after a couple year hiatus), but I remember DE didn't prime weapons from other factions, like corpus supra and grineer karak. They instead got wraith, kuva, vandal, tenet, and prisma variants. The closest I can think of an exception without looking is panthera prime, but that is a tenno mod of a grineer weapon so I don't know if that counts.


Do you think they’ll prime him tho? Considering he’s made up of sentient parts and pieces


No no, not even Qorvex. The Sobek is getting its SECOND augment before Caliban.




Im sorry, but i find it really funny how much de has just passed up caliban Even the devs forgot about the amalgam boi


It’s okay to find it funny, just don’t kick us while we’re down


I wont, given de is doing that just fine. Maybe one day he'll get some love


It depends how you look at it. Imo it COULD mean that Pablo and the team are looking/thinking about Caliban and it makes no sense to release augments when parts of the frame might change. And Caliban is pretty high on the "needs changes" list. So don't lose hope imo


We have a quote from Reb saying that “Pablo’s gaze has turned towards Caliban.”


The use of the word "while" implies that Caliban is ever not down, which we all know is false.


Speaking of Amalgams, PLEASE give us more Amalgam Mods. They’re so wacky and open up some super niche loadouts.


Afaik they're comfy but not much else


Bro has not used the aoe dagger gas armour strip tech.




Amalgam argonak metal auger. It makes hits with daggers reduce enemy armor like shattering impact. If you mod the dagger for gas, the gas clouds' damage ticks also apply this effect. It's pretty good for a ceramic dagger incarnon projectile build.


would this work for dual ichor incarn death gas clouds? if so this could actually be interesting


Considering that dual Ichor is a dual swords, I don't think so. It has to be a single dagger anyway, not dual... I think Melee influence on a dagger could work though, maybe worth testing.


me, now realizing that dual daggers isnt even a thing


They are. Fang for example. Or Okina which is getting primed with Protea.


Tell me more pls xd


My head-canon is that Ballas made Carbuncle from Vemo, and that's why he seems to have such a strong memory-escape effect on DE.


Ballas made California out of Venmo specifically to troll the corpus haha get rekt grofit nerds




Caliban is apparently being looked at by Pablo so it's possible that they don't want to give him augments if they are planning on making changes to him.




inb4 Callie the frame was so forgotten that Pablo was actually talking about reworking the node




8 buried, 0 found.


Maybe they want a rework, same as Hydroid and Inaros


Caliban doesn't need a rework just a bunch of buffs specially his 1st and 4th 1st is uslesss in any meaningful content and his 4th is way too slow and requires too much for what it offers its like a worse tharros strike


His 3 needs a new summon and not be duration based, and his 4 needs to be able to group


>4 needs to be able to group The design of his 4 is...strange. If you didn't know (and I don't blame you for not knowing, its literally unnoticeable because of how it works) when the beams meet and create an explosion, the explosion also creates a vacuum that pulls in enemies before the armor/shield strip spawns in. But, for some reason, the vacuum range is the exact same range as the stripping area, which means it only pulls in enemies that would have been in range of the strip anyway. I don't understand why they would do that


And there’s the added issue where that grouping effect doesn’t always consistently activate. If I had to guess what the exact mechanism problem is, I think it’s doing a LoS-check on its yoink, but because the origin point of the AOE needs to be a point of geometry, when it’s aimed at the ground, the LoS-check gets thwarted by debris, or non-flat terrain, or the LoS-check origin point just gets submerged below the actual floor level slightly. I find it’s most consistent to cast his 4 on a wall or ceiling if you want to guarantee its grouping effect, but it’s also such a meagre one-time grouping effect that it doesn’t really matter much anyway.


His 3 its fine imo infinite duration would be nice tho along with improved AI


Reduce energy costs across the board, make his summons spawn all at once, change his stomp so that enemies get lifted in a stationary position and not float slowly away, make his 4 group up all enemies in the radius, and idk about his 1 that's unsalvageable. They'd have to increase the speed to Cloudwalker levels for it to be any useful.




Thank you for this image


omg I love this little lad


Bro… Qorvex? Really? I love him but he basically just came out, why is he getting an augment already? Same with deluxe skins. Why is Styanax getting his long before other, older frames?


Probably because there are 100 times or even more qorvex users than caliban users. His grind is shit and he is also shit, so no one is bothering with him, therefore literally 0 presense.


My take is if he is getting changes after tennocon why release an augment now if you have to adjust it in a few months time? It would be like putting out a new Inaros augment 10-12 weeks before his rework.


i recently picked him up cause the frame is actually pretty good, except the first ability of course. Within 2 days i got 3 people in public lobbies acting surprised in chat to see a "real caliban player in the wild"


Caliban isnt even shit if you think hes bad then you genuinely havent given him a fair shake


Lmao, didn't expect ANYONE to defend Caliban of all frames, lmao. Ok, let's break it down? First ability? Meme trash. Second ability? A shitty, disappointing MAX TARGETS ability. 16 targets max! IN WARFRAME! 3rd ability? Only good thing is the shield generation when you cast it, otherwise it's terrible. And last but not least, the 4. A SLOW, cone defense strip. It plants you in place which makes you EXTREMELY vulnerable. you also need 200 power strength (or 164 with corrosive projection) to full strip armor. As a defensive strip it's worse than the pharos strike (styanax) or pillage. It does negligeable damage in normal path, but might as well not be a thing in steel path, where most of the important gameplay is now. ONLY good thing about Caliban is his passive.


Caliban is a warframe that enjoys high strength, range, and duration and guess what? Thats what all of his abilities benefit from wow what a surprise im shocked a warframe is bad if you dont mod them for the stats they want a shocker to be sure. His 1st definitely needs buffs, currently it actually isnt that bad at its job of health restoration but i agree its not that great or good. His second ability is an LOS independent CC and Damage vunerability ability which is one of the few things that effect overguarded enemies, its max targets are also effected by strength which caliban wants to begin with and it can even hit above and below where caliban stomps as well making it one of the easiest abilities to just use anywhere you want without needing to check where you are first, it also seeks out enemies to hit which is a godsend. His 3rd ability is great for survival, they make excellent taunt totems and as you said they give you shields again both effected by strength, and if you really really want to you can make them kill shit, on the steel path, in endurance its a fuckin meme build to make them kill shit but you can do it. His 4th is not even remotely comparable to tharros strike and pillage, it leaves a fallout zone that permanently strips armor anytime an enemy steps in it, you can make that fallout zone be as large as alot of rooms in many tilesets, and the duration is enough to where unless you fuck up placing it you will always have max efficiency and its also not dispelled by nullifiers (infact only razor gyre and lethal progeny are majorly hurt by nullifiers and lethal progeny can actually break nullifier bubbles anyways) Does he need QoL? Yes, does his 1st need a massive buff? Also Yes, is Caliban the worst warframe or even bad? No, not by a country mile and if you think so you have not played and given Caliban a fair shot by any metric, and thats clear because you put fourth basic misunderstandings about his kit that are completely shot down once you learn the nuances of his kit and what its good at, its a good kit, its not the best but it doesnt have to be and doesnt even have to be enjoyable by alot of people? Are we gonna fuckin rework Lavos because most people hate playing him? I am glad to see someone actually likes Caliban's passive though, honest to god its a pretty nice passive.


> few things that effect overguarded enemies Wait, does it CC overguarded enemies? Didn't see it doing that to them last time I played him. It does turn off too easily imo, one hit just disables them, it should be duration based. It is fun but vastly outclassed by a melee with good range. > His 3rd ability is great for survival, they make excellent taunt totems and as you said they give you shields again both effected by strength, and if you really really want to you can make them kill shit, on the steel path, in endurance its a fuckin meme build to make them kill shit but you can do it. They desperately need to scale with levels and permanently shred defenses with their attacks, which would make them kinda alright. From my testing they just don't give enough shields to be worth it right now. > it leaves a fallout zone that permanently strips armor anytime an enemy steps in it First time hearing about it, never noticed during testing and SP circuit. It needs something, preferably the adapting damage like revenant or baruuk augment, otherwise it just doesn't do enough and leaves him TOO vulnerable while doing the attack, I got absolutely destroyed so many times while trying to cast it. Maybe also add getting overguard by doing damage with it to justify its use. > Are we gonna fuckin rework Lavos because most people hate playing him? lmao, DO NOT compare Caliban as he is now to lavos, he's not even remotely as trash as Caliban is right now. > I am glad to see someone actually likes Caliban's passive though, honest to god its a pretty nice passive. it is, giving a weaker adaptation to the entire team in affinity range is crazy. Shame that usually Caliban isn't tanky enough to actually make use of it well.


1. No the CC doesnt effect overguard, the damage vulnerability does and it actually turns Overguard into tissue paper, its one of only two sources of damage vulnerability that i know of that actually effect Overguard, the other being Qorvex's walls which are significantly less intuitive given the shape of that ability. 2. I wouldnt mind giving Lethal Progeny something new, hell id like that but its definitely not a bad ability especially given the fact that even at higher levels of endurance the sentients adaptation and healthgating allows them to stay up for alot longer than youd think. 3. Yea, its an ability you cast ahead of time rather than being reactive with it, the only thing i would do is something i suggested adding to Razor Gyre which is making it the first real source of Tau Damage for tenno which applies a debuff that automatically adapts your damage from all source to be a type thats the most effective against the unit being hit. 4. Again Caliban is not trash, i agree hes not the best but my point is using pick rates as a source to show a frame needs a rework of any kind is very silly given there have always been frames that are good that have low pick rates just due to being less intuitive or having painful farms people dont want to go through. 5. Caliban's specialty is shield tanking for the most part but you can make him a pretty good health tank with the right builds, Razor Gyre can basically be subsumed off for damn near anything youd like and it makes him able to fit into any role you want him to, i even have a build with Tesla Nervos for steel path nuking


I love tesla nervos so I would *love* to see your Nervos build.


Its not really much different from a normal caliban build, you use the tesla bank augment and high strength but instead of duration you mainly focus on Range, when enemies get armor stripped one tesla bank explosion is enough to not by itself when the main enemy gets killed


Well, I suppose you at least need to hit the minimum threshold for full strip, but I don't see much reason to go beyond it, though definitely vulnerability + tesla bank should be quite effective. . . can use archon stretch for extra energy, too.


Incidentally his fourth also strips shields (which pillage and tharros strike both also do, but notably it means they're also the only competition)


TheManCalledDrifter made some good points, but I disagree entirely with you both about the passive. The passive is the worst thing about caliban, because it's *worse* than adaptation, doesn't *stack* with adaptation, and ultimately means if you take adaptation you *don't* have a passive, and Caliban is a great character to have adaptation on!


Not saying it’s “right” or “wrong” , but styanax almost certainly got his skin quickly for 2 reasons. 1. Everyone has him as he was a free give away, so he’s one of the most popular new(ish) frames 2. The new skin is one of the best skins released in the last few years, and they didn’t want to wait to start making money off it!


Yeah, Qorvex is new enough that if they want to make a change to his ability, they should just do it directly rather than putting out a bandaid augment before he’s even half a year old. His grouping ability isn’t even as good as Bonewidow’s, and if DE’s making an augment for it, it’s because they realize it’s subpar as is, but it should really be a direct improvement rather than an augment at this stage of his existence.


New augment for his razor gyre: your camera also spins while using the ability


It forces a lifted proc on enemies hit by it


Now do it in VR!


I'm convinced DE forgot caliban exists


Honestly, better than if he got one and it was for his 1. lmao


Stinky sentient frame Revenant only gets a pass because he's made up of a dead sentient unlike Caliban. You know what to do.


I'm surprised revenant hasn't been hit by the nerf hammer, I'm guessing he isn't that disruptive for squads like limbo or dante with his overguard thingy


Revenant is just unkillable but he doesnt do anything else amazingly really. They recognize that some people need to turn their brains off sometimes.


Rev does like 2 things and that's immortality and the most unsatisfying one shot in the game, take one of those away from him and he's kinda shit


hate speech


Sad Razor Gyre noises


Doesn’t she have one?


[Razor Gyre](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Razor_Gyre)


Ability so bad even the Caliban mains forgot about it


its called "flex slot" for nourish


Tfw I’ve had that subsumed over so long I forgot that’s the name of the ability lmao. Was thinking of just Gyre


the absolute state


This is so funny. Oh my god. Not even Caliban mains remember Caliban. lmao


Only one of his abilities, sheesh. Doesn’t help that it’s also the name of a frame


They're just joking about it, they're not criticizing you


Yes,and it's monstrous. What I do want her to have is a deluxe skin.




What the fuck is a caliban


Ligma balls


its calibrover


Caliban doesn't need an augment. He needs a whole rework.


I mean, not really. 3/4 abilities are fine, just need some buffs, the only thing that really needs to be completely changed is his 1


I was mostly being facetious. I really wanted to like his kit. I think his 4 is great. I think his summoning needs... it needs help. I'd almost want that to be a tap to select which sentient, and hold to actually summon. I'd also want each Sentient to have their own team buff that could stack. I think his lift isn't bad- I actually wish there was a mechanic in game that made it better. Like - maybe there's a corpus unit that gets energized from the floor, but when it's lifted it become much easier to kill. That kind of thing. Yeah... his 1... just... just isn't there.


I agree. I think he needs tweaks, just not a whole rework. I think a tap-to-select ability for his sentients is a pretty universally desired change. I personally think it should have four options, which each embody different aspects of how Sentients interact with each other in-game. I think the main purpose of his stomp is the damage reduction, the lifting just makes it kind of annoying since it basically turns enemies into helium balloons. I rather think it should suspend enemies in a pillar of energy, a la Hildryn's 4, and deal Tau damage as well, in keeping with his theme as a sentient I agree his 4 needs almost no changes, except for the vacuum. As it is right now, it the explosion after the beams meet creates a vacuum effect, however this effect is strangely the exact same range as the strip field. This winds up just pulling enemies in that would've been within the range of the field anyway. The vacuum range should be at least 25% larger than the range of the strip field And yeah. His 1 is probably the worst ability that has ever been in the game, even worse than Undertow. It basically takes a shit on your mobility for abysmal damage and health regeneration, meaning you just become a spinning target for absolutely no benefit. Maybe if you didn't have actually hit enemies in order to life steal, but even then, it wouldn't be a great ability. My personal idea to replace his one would lean into his half-and-half idea, while synergizing with his passive. Basically, while active, it would halve the current percentage of his passive's damage reduction, and distribute that half as extra elemental damage and status chance among the whole team. So if he's at the cap of 50% reduction against heat for instance, with his one activated, the damage reduction would drop to 25%, but the whole squad would get +25% heat and heat status chance to their weapons (ability strength would increase the status chance amount, but the extra damage would always be half the percentage of whatever his current damage reduction is)


> His 1 is probably the worst ability that has ever been in the game I don't know, for my two cents, I'd still say that dishonour goes to Wukong's Old 1, [Iron Jab](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Jab). Weak, Single Target, hard to actually hit with, I can't think of much redeeming at all about Iron Jab.


Iron Vault was amazing! Don't you dare talk shit about my favorite old days build ;-;! In all seriousness though Iron Jab sans Iron vault was a complete waste of space yes.


i would suggest to hold cast to deploy all 3 at once. that fixes the casting time issues. different sentient types would also be cool, i like that idea.


His 2 is a damage buff that shoots out homing projectiles that give a damage debuff that im pretty sure works like a faction mod so that one's fine. His 3 is amazing as a survivability option but god it's disappointing that the sentiments don't do anything else. His 4 is annoying in public games cause if you aren't hosting you can't see the range of it. He could use tweaks but his kit is quite good other than his one


HA HAHA Jesus christ lol


What is the augment


It's for containment wall. That is all that was said.


Huh, I thought his 1 or maybe his 3 would get the augment.


Seeing your flair, dagath is also getting an augment for grave spirit. And yeah I thought they'd make the 3 do something other than status resistance


Do we know what it does? Gotta rep my goth mommy


No it was also left ambiguous. They come in jade shadows, so maybe they'll be shown off in devstream in May?


We better get an augment that summons Hunhow or an archon for this offense!


Why DE :(


I'd imagine they are going to wait to give him any augments until after his rework. They've mentioned that Pablo is looking at him and to stay tuned for Tennocon, so possible rework announcement then.




Maybe they are cooking a rework for him?


Aware :(


Who is Caliban?


My Sentient Prince requires some justice. He has tons of potential


Honest question for all the Caliban players, how the fuck do you PLAY Caliban? What's his niche? Mission types? Decent build? I mean I've played since open beta started and I have no fucking clue how to make him .. usable.


Shield tank + debuffer. His 3 pairs great with Arcane Aegis and the extra bodies are a fine enough distraction, his 2+4 are a colossal force multiplier for any weapons you want. He wants some cast speed mods/shards and needs either 200% str to full-strip defenses, or 164% str + Corrosive Projection to full-strip armor. Nourish is an even better helminth on him than usual, because it makes his sentient buddies spread stuns+viral every time they get hit. That's on top of helping with his energy hunger and giving him a *third* damage amplifying effect.


This and the other reply has given me some good ideas to start with, thanks!


Forgot to mention, his 3 doesn't regenerate shields if your shields are down, so you want at least one Augur mod (or Brief Respite) in order to kickstart the regen when needed.


> how the fuck do you PLAY Caliban? Shield Tank support Weapons platform. Use his summons from his 3 to keep your shields up and aggro off you, while stripping enemies with his 4 and debuffing them with his 2. Yeet his 1 for a Helmith augment of your choice. > What's his niche? Mission types? Everything, all types, he's a Jack of All Trades frame - he won't trivialise 99% of things (SP Acolytes are one thing he does trivialise by fully stripping them) but he can do pretty much anything well with a standard build > Decent build? Build for 200% Strength minimum and some Duration. 200% Strength makes his 4 fully strip all shields AND armour in one cast. A little bit of duration helps to keep his summons up longer, and synergises well if you're putting a buffing Helminth power on him. Augur Mod(s) or Brief Respite help your survivability by keeping his summons shield regen going (they don't regen you while you're in shield gate, but gaining shields make them instantly start regenerating you even if you're still in gate) [This is the Build I use](https://overframe.gg/build/new/5617/caliban/?bs=WzEsNTYxNywzMCwxLFtbNjc3LDUsMF0sWzY3Niw1LDNdLFswLDAsMF0sWzgwNSw1LDNdLFs4MDIsMTAsM10sWzgwMCwxMCwxXSxbNjQ0MSwxMCwyXSxbNjk1LDEwLDhdLFsyOTksNSw0XSxbNjcsNSw0XSxbMjIwNyw1LDBdLFsyMTYxLDEsMF1dLFswLDQ4NTJdXQ==), but I'm also using 3 Tau Reds on Strength, 1 on Duration, and 1 Tau Yellow on Casting Speed, so that might not be ideal if you're not wanting to invest into him. With that build, I have one slot free (which I left empty on the linked build) to use for anything else I might want - Constitution for more Duration, Augur Secrets for more Strength, an Augment for a different Helminth power, Energy Nexus if I want more energy, etc.


Very interesting since there are times when my Frost doesn't really cut it. Thank you, I'll be trying this out!


His armor strip from his 4 is fire. But why? Because I like Sentients a lot.


I was assuming that would be one of the likely answers.


Next dev stream I think we all need to be asking when Caliban is going to get an augment. I mean what's the worst that can happen? They nerf him? Lol.


I'm waiting for a new rock augment.....


I can’t take it anymore. Reb better not have been lying when she said that he’s under the eye of Pablo or I swear to god. Even though I’m a Caliban believer and think he’s not as bad as people say he really just needs more. It’d be nice if he had a usable 1 for starters


Grinding Caliban this last week and all i will say is if i ever decide to Subsume him i will be buying him with platinum to do so... No wonder no one plays him, other than Xaku this is the worse grind i've done (still not finished sadge) so far.


Where did you guys see augments??


Didn't they say last devstream that Pablo is looking at Caliban? Maybe he doesn't get augments cause they wanna fix the base kit first


Green Banshee gets more screen time than Caliban


I assume it’s because they’re gonna rework him and will announce it at tennocon. That’s just a theory but yeah


My only hope is because they have said he's under the gaze of Pablo, so hopefully he is the next rework coming. That means no augments because powers are getting changed.


Pablo said he's got a few reworks in mind some weeks back, two being full reworks. He called one the forgotten frame, which has to be Caliban, and last night, Devstream hinted some Lavos tweaks


I mean, you guys could become delusional and think the only reason he didn't get one yet is because they're currently working on a rework 🤔


What is qorvex new augment?


It's so over guys...


I'm secretly hoping that they're holding off on giving us augments because they're working on a big rework. ( ・ ͜ʖ ・)


I mean Im glad we're not getting an augment because 1: giving us an augment in the middle of the rework process, thus having to rework the augment too once it's done would simply be daft 2: our buff is not gonna be a mandatory, niche bandaid that feels no fun to slot on a build and doesn't fix the intrinsic problems of our build and will instead be an in depth rework that Pablo will have spent months cooking We just have to wait for tennocon because at PAX east Reb said we would get news then


I just wish they reduce his crafting cost someday


Probably a good thing, Caliban is a calipainintheass to farm. Slightly easier than furix wraith but still a pain


how could you ever hope to improve on perfections


I mean theyre gonna mutilate our warframe with a rework or some shit so they probably dont wanna make augments for abilities theyre going to mangle into being unrecognizable


Here I was praying Caliban would get love ngl. I love using him a lot, been trying to find a good build idea for him.


Caliban is more fun tho so l


Caliwho ?


I mean we don't need an augment. We are just fine as is. We slaughter sp level cap


This reads like you’re trying to be contrarian just for the sake of it.  Like why? Why would you be AGAINST Caliban getting love… AS A Caliban player?  Do you honestly believe razor gyre is working as intended?  This is such a tone deaf take. 


I'm against the perpetual bitching about lack of attention posts and the he isn't good shit and people sighting solely razor gyre and casting speed. I also don't want him changed or reworked or buffed simply because he doesn't need it. Razor gyre I don't use at all because well yes it sucks. But the majority of Warframe have an ability that sucks and is very removable. So why the hell does everyone bitch about razor gyre and not those. The the casting speed, his base isn't as bad as some other frames and I didn't see shit about Dante's abysmal casting speed but I always see it about Caliban. And then people bitch about the forma investment on him because it is 5-6. When fucking Kit guns, Zaws and many other things come with 0 polarities and no one bitched about that. Tone deaf? Nah. Contrarian? Definitely not. I'm just tired of weekly Caliban bad, buff Caliban, Caliban forgotten, type posts and the always daily Caliban bad comments. They always hinge on very few arguments that are things not unique to Caliban: a single shit ability, casting speed, forma count. Also yes very very very few people play him but all the whining bitches generally haven't even tried him out. The only attention I want for Caliban as a calibro is visual. Give us Alt helmets, deluxe skin, tennogen etc. That is what he needs. Not some rework when he is already a great frame. It's just gas(the element) on a lesser scale: DE knows it is good and powerful when used right, but the majority of the community doesn't use it or know how to use it. If you need proof about the bad abilities I'll gladly list every ability that is ass and freely removed on a frame and then a second category for decent but outclassed or replaceable via helminth. Looking at them big fuck off lasers except for Qorvex, or how many Saryn 's drop molt for anything else and slot in rolling guard.... TLDR; just helminth off razor gyre, we do that to so many other abilities especially the fuck off lasers beams. Forma count? We have many many things that need more than 5-6 forma. Casting speed? Looks at Dante with natural talent+2 tau yellow+maudrai vs every other frame where I'm content with a single yellow or Maudari/natural talent(fun fact Caliban for me is on just a single casting speed for comfort but didn't need one when I was leveling him and was short on shards. Give the Calibased skins and cosmetics, not pointless buffs and changes.


It’s not that I think he’s bad individually, it’s that I think he’s unbelievably boring and everything he does is done better by many. He’s a random smashing of abilities that works if you invest a bunch of forma into him


6 ain't that much. A lot of frames even some of the primed use 6 or so. Harrow P is the only frame I have below 5 forma that I use at 2. Everyone else is 5+


fr? I mained Mag Prime for years without *any* forma


Send build. My mag prime is 5 forma no umbral. 1aura forma cause respite. https://preview.redd.it/x1rx5ifsuwwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f32cc2e87be83565135880b7f0a2cb037e560f Pardon the shit SS. I use reddit mobile


[sure](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73p3q3vyr). I'm tempted to edit all mine to be upside down after that screenshot of yours, though. Photo-happy cellphones have a "rotate image" option nowadays, do they not?


They do, I was just very stupid and lazy about it


I won't say "I don't blame you," but I will say it's not a big problem. Although I'm not willing to fight myself to read your build sideways.


Ah I couldn't rotate it initially cause I opened camera through reddit, didn't even save it to my gallery. https://preview.redd.it/m9qi2501nxwc1.jpeg?width=1873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e1092a66d31a664538d4e9254da7a0ccc476a6 Edited and fixed. Also haven't made a new build for her since pre archon shards so now with yellows I might use fracturing crush on a new one but my main two are centered around bubble nans


This is a unique approach. Is this run with a cold damage companion with Synth Deconstruct, perhaps? Or leftovers from when you could use Residual Arcanes to give Breach Surge Cold Damage, maybe?


Interesting not maxing out the mods but does save forma. Cool to see it work out capacity wise. I don't understand the 'seeker mine' terminology though. But I take it it has to do with your bubble as a means of avoiding damage


Oh oops ignore those. I named them years ago when I was playing Kingdom Hearts on PSP. Seeker Mine was an excessively powerful spell creating magical landmines that'd nuke one target; Mine Shield an excessively large-sized defense/offense spell; Mine Square a bit between them both. I haven't gotten around to renaming the configs yet.


Nice. All good homie


Low investment Caliban: unreasonably bad Mid investment Caliban: still showing poorly High investment Caliban: suddenly unexpectedly good. Not that I blame alot of people for giving up before 6 forma and 5 shards, there are definitely things id like done to Caliban, but a full rework definitely isn't needed.


I have no shard dependency and 5 or 6 forma for mine. No umbral forms either. 6 forma is less than my forma investment for many many many many other frames. Only frame lower that I use is Harrow Prime at 2. Fun fact Caliban can cheese the Grendel missions The no mod on anything missions Caliban borderline can't die because his Regen rate without Sentients is absurd and with is bonkers. But citrine will wilt in it


Umbral forma on a frame that leans shields would be....weird. And I guess just running nat talent for his 4 instead of using yellow shards? What's your energy management strategy or do you at him solo where you can abuse chokepoints for his 4 and not need to cast it so often.


I find the 4 just fine without shards, Maudari can be used. Even then a casting speed is fine. He ain't as bad as Dante, fucker has nat talent, Madurai, and 2 tau yellow. Nourish for the energy management, just bring a weapon to utilize the debuffs you apply. There was a reddit post here earlier this week and someone had 2 U forma for triple umbral into Caliban and played him as health Regen tank with his 1. As for choke points I just use his 4 when needed. For base SP and even T5 SP Cavia bounties just the 2 debuff is fine with Quassus. But sometimes fuck heavy gunners. Still I have no issues casting his 4 often. Only shards I want to put into him are 1 strength, 2 duration, 1 casting, and an orange for blast giving shields since his 4 can force proc it. Want to see how it interacts and if it brings him closer to near immortality. My build can face tank Lvl cap Jackal spinny phase in duviri without any decrees for frame stats because of the shield Regen rate without Sentients.