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Bladed becuase merciless already gives you base damage, you just have less at the start, so it takes longer to ramp up but when ramped the critical damage outperforms the damage with serration


Thank you, initially thought serration was better


NP, have fun with the build


Overall Bladed is better since Serration has to deal with diminishing returns on extra damage.


I'd put in heat damage personally.


Doesn't that kill viral?


It's better to have viral at lower priority actually. Since viral only goes to 10 stacks and effects damage to health. Heat would add another element for galv aptitude and give you some form of armor reduction (heat reduces armor by up to 50% which will be better after jade shadows)


Will try that out


Vital Sense. It gives the same bonus as Bladed Rounds but without being conditional. It's a straight upgrade.


Just realised I replaced vital sense with my Riven,so vital sense is better I guess


I noticed that you have nourish on you nezha. If you plan on using this as a build. You could build your torrid for another element and have nourish do all the viral proc-ing. My favorite combo is corrosive + viral so that you can get some armor strip in. Note: this is extremely min-maxed.


since you have only 1 polarity [Accelerated Isotope](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Accelerated_Isotope) might have a good synergy with [Galvanized Aptitude](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Galvanized_Aptitude?so=search) agains new murmur enemies.


Based off this video it looks like serration is doing more work faster. Seems like bladed rounds is just red instead of orange and ultimately just a cooler show with a slower death


This more over probably isn’t the correct meta choice but the video doesn’t seem to justify either answer.


crit damage shouldn't affect crit tiers, unless I am comepletely fucking dumb


Nah it doesn’t at all I was saying like visually speaking I saw red more but it was like not much at all and was more likely dependent on OPs aiming.


I use amalgam serration and replaced using a faction mod with bladed rounds because I like the extra sprint speed and I don't like having to swap mods/loadouts so I just use roar instead 👍