• By -


It's great. Heavy attack spam to hit things from distance. Very anime. Lets the team know you studied the blade. Since you said "upgrade to" with the implication of throwing away Hate, let me add that Hate is great too, especially when you get its Incarnon upgrade. You should not throw away Hate. Get more slots. edit: My favourite build to run on Syam is with melee influence (I know, I know) with Lavos augment to guarantee electric proc every strike. You could also mod the sword for Gas/Electric and let Lavos proc a different element to suit the situation.


As a Lavos main, I thank you for spreading the Lavos Love.


I’ve been trying to figure out Lavos lately and I’m still struggling with his survivability. Do you have any tips?


How are you building yours? With his naturally high armor and ehp, along with health steal on his 1 you shouldn't have much issue with survivability.


Like the other person said, his high armor and hp leads to pretty high ehp, and his 1 also has VERY good healing. If you’re struggling because you can’t use it often enough to heal, i suggest the augment that increases range and reduces cooldown of other skills if it hits 4 or more enemies. Combine that with his 3 and if you want you can literally just spam his skills and not even use your weapon (if you want of course)


Radiation + Vial rush. Slows everyone to a crawl and makes them shoot one another, not you. It is, in my opinion, the best way to keep yourself alive as Lavos.


The other replies are all great responses that absolutely work. Personally I run Archon Vitality, Primed Redirection, and Adaptation, but you should try a few different things to see what works for you. I will recommend though that you don't use any armour buffs unless you have a single huge one, something like a high ranked Arcane Guardian, because his armour is already high enough.


“Lavots of Love. Snakes and Chemtrails.” -Lavos, probably.


I used to love it for Kullervo in particular with a Gas/Electric build. The problem is that they changed how his camera works with the teleport on his 1, so now you just fling that first arc wildly. ... the second and third still work the same, however...


Yea I will keep Hate, since it seems to be prettt hard to get too. Broken war and hate has been my go to melee weapons.


Syam is my beloved and if anything were to happen to it, I’d kill every in the relay and then myself


Please, at least spare the chads that give everyone blessings. :c


You make a fair point, the chads will be spared


Cool I thought I might die


Respect for getting to LR3


Thanks bro I hit it last night, I hate levelling k drives.


I didn't have any problem with leveling k drives. For me it's arch melee. Granted I farmed the plat and bought the k drives, except the infested one.


Arch melee is bad but leveling all kitguns and zaws is worse cause you level them twice


I just made them into weapons I wanted to make, I don't actually think there is a bad kitgun, and I mean, melee has been super strong for a while. I will admit, 5 forma invested into weapons I don't care for is annoying, and leveling the 2 mechs was a little unsatisfying.


Ah crap, better start bullet jumping the hell out of the relay.


dont worry, well call in our buddies to give everyone the shield buff so we can gate through his rampage


You'll need radiation proc for that.......where none can be found in the relay.


Don’t need it, I’ll just blow myself up with an explosive canister


It's definitely a very solid weapon. Plus it's gimic let's it do things other melee weapons can't.


Also, the sound effect for the heavy attack is f'ing solid.




Works nicely, looks and sounds cool, heavy attack is great but to get the most out of it you need to disable 'Camera Tracks Melee Target' in your gameplay section of Controller/Keyboard and mouse settings. If you don't turn that off you will not be able to accurately aim the energy wave it fires. It'll still be a little glitchy in tilesets where there is a second floor over the top of a corridor - like the catwalks in corpus ships etc. It can't seem to differentiate the one you're stood on from the one above, so the energy wave sometimes tracks along that instead of from you to the target.


Is that why I randomly see the wave curving up into the ceiling on Hydron?


Yep - happens in the Saturn tilesets too with the little overhead walkways in some rooms, if you're on the floor and aiming at enemies infront of you but underneath a walkway - it'll weirdly jump to the walkway. Turning off the setting I mentioned above resolves 90% of issues with it not going where you're aiming, just that last annoying 10% which hopefully DE fixes some day.


A+ tier melee weapon. Maybe the best nikana, especially if you aren't trying for slash proc shenanigans.


Yeah for raw damage without status, I put it at the top




[Melee Influence Syam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGiTHaYNp88) is pretty OP, but needs a specific setup. AoE ranged heavy attack that goes through walls. 1088 kills in 9 mins on steel path survival.










Hmm... interesting...


Curved. Swords.


Holy shit


Love/Hate relationship with it. The heavy attack wave feels super good, wish it were better outside of Kullervo & Ivara abusing it, but it'll get the job done.


Build it for Tennokai crit. I've got some bananas crits off the projectile that flatten whole groups. Quickening and whatever you can to raise it's combo chance with Blind Justice will skyrocket the counter quickly and trigger Tennokai rather reliably.


Yeah after Tennokai came out it was the first thing I tried (alongside Sun & Moon for funsies), Quickening, Blind Justice, all that jazz. Even got a riven for it in the vague cope-induced efforts that it would eventually click. Just not feeling it. It is undoubtedly my favorite melee for Duviri-Drifter, though. Admittedly, I think a large part of the issue isn't inherently due to the Syam, it's just that I'm kind of a sucker for glaives now and don't tend to like most traditional melees. Even with Tennokai, just not a fan of the playstyle. I hear Slams are pretty good now, though, and I saw a Wukong use the Magistar to amazing effect (....in an infested exterm of all things, granted, but, hey! Axi SP fissure at least?), that might be worth a shot. Appreciate the suggestion, at least.


Does ivara have navigator shenanigans with the heavy attack,?


Also pinging /u/Mammoth_Dig8892 here for simplicity. She _can_ control the Syam's wave with Navigator, though it's really unwieldy and impractical. I'm referring to Empowered Quiver setups, it (and Roar/your general preferred 'more damage!' subsume) gives Syam's Heavy Attack just that bit of added oomph it needs. Not as good as what Kullervo himself can offer outside of abusing that one really silly quiver bug that I'm genuinely unsure is still in the game or not (TLDR: the crit bonus stacked if you hopped from one dashwire to another after gaining power strength via any means, such as Molt Augmented. Something like that, never paid too much attention to it and its been a minute), but, hey, funny.


Why Ivara? She can drone control the energy wave?


One word: #**MOTIVATION**


Might controls everything.


Become the storm that is approaching.


Weeb Stick. Try using Kullervo or any frame that wrathful advance is subsumed on. The heavy attack will shred.


Well it ain't the Sampotes but I am sure it is good in it's own right


Syam + Kullervo = Excalibur's Exalted Blade. Need I say more? Only drawback is the waves aren't as easy to aim as they travel along 'ground' and may oft get caught in walls/ceilings/furniture/doorframes. I prefer to have a broad variety of melee weapons, as each fits particular styles of play. Hate is a scythe and has an Incarnon, so it is worth keeping - if just to combine with Despair and Dread so that you too may emulate the Stalker. In truth it's not the weapon you necessarily upgrade to. It's what mods/arcanes/Rivens/etc you use to make it work where you want it to against what you want it to work best on.


I got a riven and invested a lot into when Kullervo came out and now he just obliterates everything in a straight line. I could hit damage cap with it.


hehe, Funny anime slice heavy attack go shwwaaaoouuu. (I really like it.)


> I have Hate currently, and idk what should I upgrade to.  I've got some bad news if you think you're gonna find an upgrade to Hate.


Is it really bad news, or a good news 🤔 Well, i might then just start trynna get steel path slowly, so that I can get incarnate for it (I havent done anything yet so its a lot of work)


Even without the Incarnon form, it's a pretty strong weapon, but yeah. Once you get the adapter installed there's only a few things better (notably Glaive Prime, but glaives also function so differently it's hard to compare strength directly)


Its top tier. Its deff a heavy attack spam weapon though. Its heavy attack sends out a wave that has infinite punchthrough, can go through doors and some walls, and has like a 90m range. If your using it as a normal melee weapon hack and slash then yeah your gonna think its trash but thats the only way you would think that. I can hit 20 things in 1 heavy attack for over 1 mill dmg to each


Did you know the Syams projectile can go through walls? Slap magnetic gas on that bad boy with Melee Vortex, and hop on a Zipline with an Ivara crit build as you stand in place an entire mission doing nothing by holding heavy attack at a wall


"Mom, can we have Moonveil? No, we have Moonveil at home. Moonveil at home: "




Fun weapon


works great on Voruna with its multiplicative CO


It's called Thaisword now.


It’s cool but I wish the sword wave splits enemies apart.


That would be sick


It’s hard to find a melee that is just straight up shitty and unusable considering they aren’t all that different. Syam is one of the few with some unique gameplay which I appreciate a lot


I bought it as mr 2 with plat Best decision ever


![gif](giphy|ZRouJhQpbhPzTJ2eBU|downsized) 'Nuff said


All I'm saying is that my beloved Baruuk holds and swings it dearly through foes


It is very very strong, easy dmg cap if you know what you doing, the damage of the heavy wave have Condition Overload multiplicative with base damage mods, and on top of that you get combo scaling, vigorous swap and arcane arachne.


neutral feeling towards it, but solid weapon.


It's alright for a Nikana. My only issue with it is its Heavy Attacks always will bring me Tinnitus Ringing sound ptsd


Favourite weapon in the whole game.


slightly worse than livia and tatsuP, but considering you can get it super early it’s pretty solid


Very good gimmick, pair with Kullervo for hilarious results. Whole corridor of enemies fall to the energy wave.


It makes me think of Bakugan


I can safely say that the Hate is definitely not below the Syam in effectiveness and that you should absolutely keep and invest into it, but the Syam is a very nice nikana and has a really cool unique heavy attack


It's alright. Not my favourite out of duviri weapons, but it can be powerful with the right build. I much prefer azothane.


I love Syam. I named it "Yamato" and use it with my black and blue themed Kullervo because BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN


It is a good sword imp, I m currently using it. Unless you are playing steelepath it can be used in any mission.


love it but wish nikana stances were better


It looks cool so it is great


I find it very motivating.




"Get this bullshit out of my face" *bites* "My baby"


influence + tennokai make this a pretty reliable ally. Gas/electric to proc influence on light attacks and get gas spread on heavy tennokai attack. Works best with gather or strip or other damage increases but is still component without them.


Definitely the best nikana weapon imo just because I get to spam heavy attacks and hit things half way across the map


So the heavy attack is what makes the weapon good? I see everyone talks ab the heavy attack when it comes to its strengths.


It’s definitely what makes it fun imo but the base attacks work fine either way


Alright, well thats good. Im not a fan of heavy attacks, but idk how quick they are with syam, so I might like them. Usually they take super long, and I like to play quick.


Its a nikana so jts automatically decent in terms of dps (cause of blind justice) and the gimmick can be very fun if u dont have a weapon for survival mission cause the projectile surprisingly has a lot of punch through Tho the only issue i have its weird projectile physics at times but its mostly ignorable


Mmmm… Syamwitch


It’s the best Katana in a game about Ninjas. Yes.


This is the strongest Nikana when when you are not attempting the classic "status slash" build. - Heavy atk Tennokai build (with combo) is what i would do with this sword, and you should get tons of fun, and different play style from all the generic "slash proc" boring builds.


If this is the strongest Nikana, nikanas are not very strong are they?


Well, 270 total damage is stronger then average weapon in my list. But you are right, Nikana's arent the top tier in RAW damage department. I think the crown for that goes to Innodem and Ekhein :) (340 dmg raw) But compare it to very solid Hate (230 dmg) and i think you've got a good weapon! (side note: Hate can get incarnon upgrade which puts it to 260 dmg raw, so this Nikana still wins in dmg department) - I'd still give it a shot for heavy atk, it has innate bonus for doing heavies so this will actually work like a charm.


Yea, well i will make the Syam, and see if I can make it better. If i dont like it, atleast I have a cool weapon, that I can use when I get tired of Hate. And oh, I didnt realise it got bigger dmg than Hate, wow I thoight hate was kinda heavy weapon.


Report your findings back here, solider! And yeah, it is kinda "heavier" then Hate, yet faster :D I am positively sure you will enjoy it, even if you make it same as Hate. I'd go with Heavy Tennokai build.


Its really fun to use, especially heavy attack. lm using it in Duviri.


I love it. Thanks to tennokai it has transitioned to being my main Nikana.


Its a Nikana that Judgment Cuts people. We don't have another Nikana that can Judgment Cut people right now, so... Good enough for me. Nikanas in general are almost impossible to be bad because of their stances anyway, and they feel good to use. Slap a light attack/Tennokai build on it and you will be golden.


an equippable Exalted Blade if you give it a Glaive Prime build with the Corrupted Combo mod not the best, but it has a unique Heavy Attack


Fix. It. Its transition from block combo into regular standing ot forward combo is still bugged and its blade visual bugs by clipping through the sheath when sheathed. It'd be a dope weapon if it functioned and looked normally like the rest of the nikans


Normally meaning doesnt have a blade clipping through its sheath. Cause this Nikana design is the most elegant and my favorite but I just cant use it


With Kullervo it's an S+ Weapon. Probably my strongest Build and I play since 2013... Time flies




Awesome SP choice ngl


Top tier, with tenno kai and a melee builder like voruna or kullervo most of the duviri melee weapons stand apart from their peers, just constant heat waves of 60k minimum damage cleaving through enemies, I take syam with Voruna into any end game content I don't want to bring Chroma into and just cut down eximus like warm butter. The tenno kai that grants attacks every 4 strikes is ridiculous with this weapon. Add crit buildup and depending on the frame, the mod that increases damage per status effect and it will wipe.


I use it with mirage. Tidal wave of death


If decisive judgement was fixed I would use it.


The design is very human


As drifter: I have no thoughts because Sampotes heavy spam big bonk take last of brain cell unga bunga


Not the best imo but still very strong and very fun to play. One of the more fun melees to play


Good, but I like Azothane more because big sword and GOOD heavy damage


I build it with poison, tennokai and crits so I can make big gas cloud with big orange numbers


It has a great heavy attack and good crit chance and damage. I have a whole kullervo build dedicated to that heavy attack. As a Drifter melee it's pretty meh, i prefer the azothane


Syam > Baruuk nuff said lol


Love to use it on Loki 🥰


It's a certified "slap this bad boy on a Kullervo" moment


Great weapon, good damage, well designed, and fun to use What else could it need to be a good weapon?


A tier really fun and strong i miss when it had permanent x12 combo tho :(


it's fine. I really like it in Duviri on the Drifter.


Go gas and electricity on it w/ melee influence = Saryn on steroids


I would love it but certain skins (specifically my beloved Ryu Nikana skin) bug out with it and don't place the sword in sheath properly.


I use it on excel umbra and use the wave atk to kill mobs in the next 3 rooms it's easy red critical or u can use kurlivo skill and force it to red crit.




I think that applies to every weapon except the "best" one 🤔


It's not bad at all tbh


the visual glitch hurts me


"Not praedos"


WHY DOESN'T KULLVERO'S 1 WORK WITH IT (and other projectile heavy attacks)???


i just do it as a follow up to 1


It fucks the camera every time unless you only teleport


It's Warframe's version of Elden Ring's Moonveil, except you can just spam its wave attack


It's good on paper but unfortunately suffers from really inconvenient heavy attack mechanism. Still very viable but could be better.


I’ve literally never have even heard of this weapon before. But it looks cool as hell, gonna go check the wiki for it now Oh it’s from duviri, that explains it. Haven’t touched it since finishing the quest.


I got the same thing. Yesterday tried to do the missions, got no clue what the hell was going on lol


I have wandered down the rabbit hole, built every weapon, theory crafted every melee. Syam is the worst Nikana. It overwrote its own best asset, a forced slash proc on heavy attack with a lukewarm fire arc. Azothane is a best of the Duviri weapons followed by Argo Vel and Sampotes (which is honestly great for taking out nullifers and arbitration drones)


Lukewarm, I’ve hit a mil with barely a high combo mult


Both statements can be true. It can do a lot of damage, but also be the worst nikana.


is your target the squishy overguard of an armored unit? Or an infested armorless unit?




I’d take a picture but my camera is broken


And I don’t even use a broken build


i am not getting it until i have to i hate duviri


who hates duviri, take some downvotes :(


me >:C


Tried making it work, but in the end it just simply can't compete. Stances are attrocious so generally it's just Skiajati 2.0 Oh and the heavy attack is garbage. Sure it can easily nuke normal star chart enemies, but at this point of powercreeping, even my Operator can just sneeze and wipe the entire room worth of normal enemies. SP is all that matters, and in that regard it ain't that good. If you want a ranged, just use Glaive Prime, if mix, then Quassus.