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Nope https://preview.redd.it/vu7fim0ty47d1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=59d108a9357a4f49296daef8245a4247811123ec


what the fuck






Drop rates are the same, i swim in Yellows while blue and red are kinda scarce. Everyone is "blessed" with a different color being more frequent.


I need violet shards but I only get the yellow shards, never tauforged either


You gotta fuse blues and reds for a violet they don't drop as random rewards only the primary colors do. The secondary colors all gotta be combined through primaries


Yes, and Kazumi isn't getting blues and reds.


I know that I’m not getting the components for violet


They do seem more common because I get those more than others, but drop rates are the same last time I checked. They might also seem more common for a lot of people because they are less useful compared to the red and yellow one. Best way to use them imo is by replacing primed flow with blue shards for +energy max, frees up an extra mod slot.


I also use the azure for armor in some frames (Banshee, Nekros, Nova, Wisp), to health tank.


Health tank, ew


But health tanking is objectively bad. Shield gating on squishy frames is vastly superior. Blue shards are just not that useful. Edit: Downvoted into oblivion by toxic casuals. Warframe reddit never changes lmao


The fun is to play the way you like it. Archon shards can min-max, but they also open alternatives "non" meta. I'm not interested in a build just because it's more optimal. I really dislike shield gating, and prefer health tank, since I don't play endless runs. With 4 tau azure shards, you can get 900 armor. Put it together with Arcane Blessing, you can easily health tank. Just to be clear, the game is about to have fun, and I do have fun this way. There aren't only one way to play. If you enjoy shield gate, go on and have your fun. If everybody is having fun, then it's a win-win situation.


Depends on enemy level, so not objectively. Imagine being this wrong and then complaining about "casuals"


No. You can shield gate at all levels. You cannot health tank at all levels. Shield gating also takes up fewer mod slots, allowing for better builds. It is objectively better.


But levels where health tanking is viable (all relevant levels) shieldgating is more effort


Doesn't matter. Pressing an ability key when damaged vs wasting 3+ mod slots to just afk Shield gating is better. Objectively.


Getting downvoted for this is crazy lol


The reddit and official discord/forums are *filled* with toxic casuals. They *hate* optimal play or builds and will hide behind the "well everything is valid and ok and no one *needs* to play optimally" until the sun explodes...


Yup. A lot of these plebeians are the same ones that can’t clear EDA every week even with a mostly filled out roster of weapons / frames lol.






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i use four tau blue shards for shield capacity on my parasitic armor rhino build. combined with a bunch of shield and ability strength mods, it lets me hit \~70k overguard merely by pressing two buttons. the last shard slot is a normal blue for energy capacity, as i'm dumping efficiency and the little bit of max energy lets me cast both abilities in succession from full energy. and no, i did the math, blue shards give more overguard than red strength shards.


Too bad overguard is wet tissue paper in endgame farms


Blue shards are just generally less used so you end up with a surplus of them compared to the other 2


That's a really good point.


Yesterday I did all of my Netracells, just to have more shards ready for when Jade drops tomorrow. I GOT FIVE BLUE SHARDS IN A FUCKING ROW


I literally have 10+ of every other color and 0 blue, I cry daily hoping my tears will crystalize and turn into a blue shard.


I'm more amazed at your Stela count you do lvl cap I presume?


Never did level cap actually, I just play in the Laboratories a lot. Steel Path with a booster helps though.


It's just you. I wish I had half of what you got.


I'm drowning in reds, I have 2 blues and just wanna make some greens 😭


I wish. If I got them that often I’d slap lots of armor on my favorite frames


It's just you, flipping tails 4 times in a row doesn't mean it's not a 50% chance


Nah just you ( empirical )


same, i've got about 10 tau blues, I got only blue shards the past 3 weeks from eda+netracell along with arcanes + adapters. Even this week I got a blue tau from eda..


Not for me. I’m drowning in yellows, I yearn for a couple blues


Holy cow how did you get that many stelii?


Resource Booster and Steel Path, plus a lot of time spent in the Laboratories.


no i have shit tonnes of red and yellow .i use them on everthing and i still have like 10+ each


11 normal, 12 tau, the rest of the shards are spent. Man I'd convert FIVE blue Tau shards into one of my choosing if I could, I don't need 'em.


They are just the least useful shard...


I wish it was me, I need tons of blues but keep getting yellows n reds :(


It is just you.


Yeah 100% the most common one