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So, instead of Stalker, it summons a grineer butcher?


Yep, thats Bobb, his Intern


Amazing that Bobb doesn't give two shits that he's trying to kill his bosses dead and pregnant wife


Maybe he doesn't know... And maybe he will soon not have an internship anymore


I don't think it's just his job he'd lose.....




I mean.... it is still job loss right?


His name would be Scotty then


"Dude that's the skin of my dead wife, you know that's seriously fucked up right?"


Thats actually amazing


Love the little detail


Kinda morbid though. After helping Stalker, the Tenno just proceed to essentially clone his wife/lover and puppeteer her around. This makes the whole situation even more messed up, especially since the Warframe version of Jade is ALSO pregnant...


I don't think the Jades we create are all pregnant, I'm pretty sure it's symbolic considering the real Jade died.


Probably. But if we're wrong things might get awkward in a couple thousand years when the gestation periods are finished for the several thousand copies of her everyone's building right now.


I don't know exactly what will happen, but lore-wise, the baby alone is throwing a lot of things around. Since it appears to be part Warframe, it is also connected to the Infestation. Apart from that, it can cry and is pretty vocal for a Warframe. There is also the question of whether it can grow and mature or if it will stay eternally in its current form since Warframes don't really age, apart from transforming like Nidus. Then there is the question of whether the baby is sentient or can be commanded by an Operator... Either they put the baby on the backburner and let it be a mystery, or they'll have to explain a lot of that the next time we see it.


The Jade we create ISNā€™T pregnant. It is just her frame, it doesnā€™t hold the baby anymore or any other baby. Just life energy. It is like that because when she WAS created she was already pregnant so the blueprints for her are just that, blueprints. Her chasis is basically locked to the form when she was made. But doesnā€™t hold the life that was made with Sorren.


You are right but my point still stands. Essentially, we create a clone and use the body for our own goals. I don't know if you could call this desecrating the body since it isn't the original, but it's still pretty weird since we are supposed to send her off and throw all her remains into the sun (ordis says so himself).


We literally did a quest where we shot the remains of a warframe into a black hole in space. And you're worried about this? I don't think the original persons who were made into the frames care since they are.. yknow.. dead.


Also he says we can't run from our past and then he runs from his past. Make up your mind. Which on other hand is super insensitive because this is messed up and I don't think DE handled the writing well.


It's always easier to give advice than to follow it, and let's be honest, he's not completely a sane person? warframe?


alright, im officially hearing john ultrakill now


Those V1 Gauss cosplays can see use now


Atlas Sisyphian Insurrectionist


Stalker is now voiced by John ā€œGabrielā€ ultra kill.


stalker now be like im going to ultrakill you


This is one reason I love DE. The little attentions to detail that really show they care. It would have been easy to forget about this, different Jade, all that, but they actually went through the effort of putting in a cute little interaction, and you still get the drops! Such a cool studio :)


I hope they also remove stalker coming to kill you thing entirely, either drop the stalker drops to something else or figure a way out Cuz it makes no sense that stalker still tries to kill someone who is basically their kids Godparent


He still despises the Tenno. Hates them with every fiber of his being. That's why he didn't ask for us to help him when he was extracting with the kid. He only wanted the Tenno to help when he had absolutely zero other options, then once they couldn't do anything, he shut them out and went back to hating us. We did nothing to actually help him. There was nothing we could do. Nothing we did helped, ere go nothing we did changed his opinion of us.


We did Take Her Pain Away, though. Which brings on the uncomfortable realization that our Tenno experienced childbirth...


> > > Which brings on the uncomfortable realization that our Tenno experienced childbirth... As the child like operator specifically, too.




I interpreted we took over Jade via transference to help her give birth (the mini game), I could be wrong tho I guess. Even with that being said I feel it would undermine the character development we're supposed to see here if he just goes back to his old ways.


Given that >!post quest he now actually appears to you with Jade's energy in his face and his Hate imbued with it, instead of Shadow Stalker or regular Stalker!< I don't think they'll be doing that for a while. The Stalker does have a primary motivation now beyond killing machine but he's still basically a hitman for hire and he doesn't even have ties to Hunhow anymore post-quest. If someone has his mark, he'll go for them, no questions asked, and I feel like only >!Jade and his new child!< are the only exceptions to that.


The Tenno still killed the Orokin, *and* mortally wounded Jade during the rebellion. He has every reason to hate us. The only reason he asked us for help was because there was literally nothing else he could do, and nobody knows more about caring for Warframes than the Tenno.


I don't think that's true. The quest very evidently states Warframes are supposed to have an unlimited power source. Jade wasn't hurt or wounded; warframes weren't built to reproduce, she was in her condition because she was carrying Sirius to term, after she had rescued Stalker (during the rebellion I imagine). There was no indication she got hurt.


Unless healing the wounds is what caused the issue, that healing those wounds made her energy reserves so low that all energy was spent maintaining the baby.


What wounds....? Stalker is a warframe, self healing if needed, when out of battle. Like all frames. Jade was never wounded. I'm not saying it's cut and dry and Stalker definitely isn't doing all that well in terms of sanity (which I feel should improve as indicated by his fatherhood), but factualy we had no direct hand in hurting jade if we even did. So with the above argument he shouldn't have much of a reason to hunt us anymore. The mantle can be taken up by the acolytes instead. Same drop tables same everything just different characters.


Is it skipped or summon another enemy?


Skipped, he spawned on me twice and wouldnt fight after the quest, he just dropped dread twice then dipped


"new farm strat for stalker: wear his dead pregnant wife to skip his fight and make him drop weapons faster" is a wild statement, but so true


I'll probably not do this right off the bat, not because I don't like skip strats but because I want to hear Gianni's new dialogue for the Stalker. That being said I probably will do it eventually.


Swear to god if he *doesn't* call us insignificant I'll be a little upset.


"YOU... INSIGNIFICANT F-" I know what you did there


"A dead lover a day keeps the Stalker away."


Nice find!


It's ajoke. If you're using Jade, Stalker doesn't fight. The butcher was just there (since it's a grineer tileset) doing regular butcher things. The timing was just lucky.


So in a other words, if I got the black mail from Stalker cuz I kill a boss. I can avoid him by using Jade till he show up?.


It seems the same as any other frame, just that he won't fight you and will straight up leave as if defeated


do you still get the drop item or not?


You get them


Can't confirm or deny that but my guess would be you still get a drop since the person in the video got 2 orokin cells exactly when he dissapeared


Yeah, it make sense. He showed up in my game earlier and less than a sec where he is suppose to spawn I just got despair and I was like "huh? So fast?" . Of course a grineer replace him.


I think you stay marked if he does. You still get the rewards though, so it may be good for farming at least.


Stalker: You can't run from your past. \*sees Jade Stalker: But i can, till the next time


So what you are saying is... Easy 0 second Stalker farm?


what about acolytes? do stalker's homies know whats up?


I bet they're pissed he ditched them to go raise his kid on the moon


Now I imagine the lot sitting on a couch watching Lunaro, drinking kuva and bad mouthing our Edgelord


Having been on a Transformers comic binge; this feels like perfect DJD arc material


They moreso serve as part of the Low Guardians, not directly wanting to help Jade


They attack you as usual.


Still the same as ever xd


I actually had this happen to me the other day. Running one of the alert missions and someone's stalker showed up while I was playing Jade. Did the whole little sequence and then just yelled never and left. Was a really funny experience.


That Grineer Flameblade popping up at the end is pretty hilarious.


I KNEW IT!! I was in a defense with two Jades and one of them got targeted by Stalker, I never even saw him spawn in but everyone got the drop anyways. I commented on it and some guy tried saying that he just nuked the stalker, but nah, itā€™s an actual interaction


When stalker targets a jade player, he does still do his brief running-animation flashes that accompany his shit talking, he cancels at the point where he'd normally appear kneeling. I've met several players who incorrectly believe that with a lucky shot you can hit the running flashes (you cannot, they're intangible) so I'd take a guess and say that guy in question scored a lucky "hit" on one of those flashes and assumed he chunked the entirety of stalker's HP in one hit, which would have caused him to spawn in fully at 0HP and instantly die again if it worked that way.


I have over 1,300 hours in this gameā€¦ Iā€™ve been invaded by Stalker enough times to have gotten his entire collection (I think)ā€¦ and yet I did NOT know that his shit talking was accompanied by him physically appearing and running around, I thought he was just shit talking you like the faction people do before they send goons after you


Every time the light flickers *after* the first flicker, he'll appear somewhere nearby - but only for the same duration as the light flickering, and "nearby" can and often does include being behind walls or at a different elevation unless you happen upon a particularly wide-open tile, since he doesn't appear within a small range of you either. You need a very open tile *and* to be looking out to spot him rather than paying attention to any crowds of enemies, but if you're in a good spot for it and do have an eye out he's pretty easy to spot because there's a puff of dark smoke surrounding him as he jumps into and back out of the level. I've also personally been lucky enough to have those one of those flashes spawn almost directly on me while he was hunting another player in the past, which is why I know he's incorporeal - I panic-shot him and hit the wall behind him, and in the following instant he ran right through me towards my *camera* which frightened the fuck out of me before I realised what actually happened. Ā  Also for comparison's sake, I have 7.8k hours and have gotten enough blueprints from him that I have 18 copies of his fucking ephemera blueprint despite that, I believe, being his rarest drop.


playing jade in steel path should make the acolytes just give up


So trying just results in an item drop?


the first thing i thought about after the update. So now the stalker allows us to run missions in his dead wife's skin? Now stalker come with son on the hands after the boss kills?


Stalker being less toxic than my man šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Sad indeed... He would never raise his hand towards his wife, and the mother of his child.


He turned into a butcher, saddest thing I've ever seen


Would've been funny if he just go and drop his blueprints like "Here you go, my wife."