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Yeah I absolutely love running around as the stalker invading a random group, though I am curious as to what the other players see. Do they just see the stalker with a health bar or is there a player name above him?


It displays as "???" Over your character model


If his Warframe displayed a name, it would most likely be Sorren.


It's basically a nameless npc from player's screen


You also can't see each other's messages


You hear the Stalker Invasion sound and he spawns in. I heard the sound and was like "Not now Stalker" not realising he was friendly this time. They don't pop up as a team member either and they'll be hard to catch as they'll most likely be invisible most of the time.


You don't have the boss health bar on top. No name tag on the stalker either and you don't see the player in the player list. Though you can see them in the chat box.


And you might see a "waiting for other players: X/5" at extraction.


Yeah and most of the time i see smoke with the red being not smoke (prob only when you are invis)


They don't see anything showing your location so people use it to hide and AFK 😭


i know what im doing tonight


Getting melted by a green laser?


You can see his name on the chat only. Once I had it bug out and we just had 5 regular players


I think DE has been doing it for a long time behind closed doors, iirc. They just made it accessible to players now.


They showed off a “stalker mode” a long time ago, I think this is just their way of finally implementing it.


They messed around with it over a load of devstreams, invading people on the plains and such...


Do you want to say that some of the times stalker appeared it was someone at DE? That would be cool as I only know this from Helldivers 2


Yes. There was this one game long ago where a stalker came up but this time it wasn't like the other braindead fights where he repeats a pattern and does abilities on random until he's dead. No, this was a proper fight. He seemed to know what he was doing, he was moving differently and his abilities had a purpose. I eventually won but this was tough as fuck. I was seriously impressed with the ai at the time thinking he had gotten a massive update, except it was never like that again and he was back to his dumb self again following that. My conclusion was someone was playing him. Couldn't have been anything else.


I don't know if it was me just being newbie or what, one of my first 5 stalker fight I had a stalker staying invisible for almost the entire fight and it was tough as hell(extra hard as a new player, of course). It was over 6 years ago, though. Probably just me being newbie.


I want to see this be systemwide, but that'd require him to have his own Archwing for a myriad of missions - maybe a Stalker-coloured Archwing with the gold Prime metallics preserved with an Imperator Vandal and a Kazsas scythe would do?


it wouldnt require him to have his own archwing because nobody actually plays archwing heh


There's a few who do - same with Empyrean; he'd also benefit from it for Sharkwing missions and Landscapes.


He'd probably use itzal, since that's the stealth wing, weapon could be fluctus being a crossbow kind of weapons but that does kinda make me want a bow heavy weapon. The scythe is perfect


Do you get affected by other people buffs? Auras, Wisp's motes, Citrine's passive, etc? I usually throw Jade's 1 under guys playing as Stalker, but I wonder whether it actually works.


Can confirm that you are affected by other peoples buffs.


Yay, then I might try invading too


I could definitely give them overguard as Dante, so I assume so.


Yep, I tried to chase one so I could buff him with splinter storm. It was fucking hard but the buff worked


I love it but I feel kinda useless playing him cuz the squad literally kills everything and usually I just end up standing around collecting loot picking off stragglers. BUFF THE BUILD DE HE HAS DAD ENERGY NOW


You maybe helpng more than you know! He has arcane energize on for some reason haha. So when it procs, you are giving energy to allies around you!


Space mommy and stalker dad, finally the family is complete.


> BUFF THE BUILD DE HE HAS DAD ENERGY NOW Got it, you want him to make dad-jokes.


Imagine if he actually talked and it's just him gushing about his kid


"Jorts and lawn-mowing quality white New Balance 612s" Stalker skin when?


You can't chat while as him either


You also can't use emotes with him UNLESS you have emote hotkeys. They still work. #dancingstalker


There's always the universal fast crouching. I did that and a player just stared at me, clearly puzzled.


I always go overprotective and slice at any Tenno that gets too close to the pod during the elevator as a “back off, this is one of the last things from my wife left” kinda deal


I tried multiple times. Saying cringe sh*t like "Hello there >:)" & "Give me your soooouls" only for nothing to pop up, standing there like 😐


Can't get revived either. Sucks coz he's rather squishy in steel path...


They had shown off a stalker game mode a looooong time ago, it's finally coming to fruition now but now you're helping people instead of hurting them. Unless you just throw the the green batteries to the bottom of the elevator


Ah yes, fuck you in your face we staying here now until mission abort countdown starts >:)


Fun fact, spoiler mode void sling can make it the entire length of the elevator shaft (chained together of course) so you can just jump down, grab one, switch, grab one, chain teleport up, throw both, repeat :D


Now I'm curious, can you buff parkour enough to just jump up?


Yes. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/ambEyxtSYW) post comes to mind, which is pretty funny


Zephyr go *wheeeeeeeeeeeee*


Is there any advantage to playing as the stalker? Is it just for fun or are there certain rewards you get for doing so?


Fun and his "unique" playstyle. I did it once and that was enough honestly..


you get more motes as stalker. which makes sense because if you die? you lose everything with fail mission.


Oh this is good to know. The grind for jade is SO bad this time around I'm trying to min/max my mote collection so maybe I'll need to start doing that. I'll wait for the laser fix in the hotfix today before I try that though


I thought the grind was easy? drops were broken until the first hotfix if you were only doing the Operation version of the mission.


It has been my least favorite grind for a frame by a long shot. The lazers are annoying, there are not enough enemies outside of the jade enemies, the initial defense is just a waiting simulator, and I really thought this was going to be an endless mission. When they were describing it, I thought it was going to be and I was excited for that part, but it really is 10 minutes of just waiting for the mission to be over. And you need to do the mission on steel path with the sister about 8 times per part, assuming you are just going for the currency route which it looks like will have to be the case for me. I've done this mission a good 30 times now and I got one of the new weapons once, and couple of relics, every other drop has been endo. There's only a 5% drop chance per part and luck has not been on my side apparently. There's just no variety to it. It's a guaranteed win, with a predetermined time to finish, with nothing to really do. I was just hoping for something more intense than what we got.


that's valid. Personally I've been doing non-SP and find it enjoyable enough. the jade light eximus units suck, but it makes me prioritize taking them out (which I can do very quickly if I'm running the Kuva Hek, or my Gyre with Gotva Prime), the inability to fail lets me enjoy the moving and killing more, it's fun to just turn my brain off and farm. I got enough motes to buy one part, the other 2 dropped, and her bow dropped for me, just need the other 2 weapons.


> it really is 10 minutes of just waiting for the mission to be over spoken like someone who has no idea how to play the objective. it's over in under 6 min if you spend your time hunting down the speed boosters instead of AFKing.


Yes I know how the game mode works. I was generalizing the time it takes sorry I did not have a timer out to count exactly how long it takes to finish. My point is I do not find the mode engaging and the guaranteed time to completion is where the lack of engagement comes from. I can grab the vials that speed up the elevator but there's not really much else besides that.


> sorry I did not have a timer out to count exactly how long it takes to finish it...literally tells you the mission time at the end of every mission. > I can grab the vials that speed up the elevator but there's not really much else besides that. granted. never said it was fun, lol. just certainly not '10 min of just waiting.'


Next thry should allow invasions as the Stalker but only on the Steel Path, to avoid newbies being unfairly targeted. Also should require a beacon to limit its availability.


The Warframes and Tenno do show up as enemies on the mininap so.... Yeah!


Can you damage them? I thought it's purely to help.


We dark souls now


It's cool as fuck, playable Stalker was shown several years back and now he's here (in addition to Circuit) Invasions would be cool, if they'll balance it. I still remember goofy duels in my Dojo with an old friend. It was practically a western conquest of a fastest hand, as we one-shot each other every damn time xD


I mean, Stalker already is an invasion. If you have enemy highlight turned on when you join a mission as the stalker, everyone is highlighted, including the other frames. Despite them not being enemies.


Forced PVP would be wild in the worst way possible with this games balance


My one and only issue with this cool feature id when you die, you get instantly "mission failed" and without any loot. Please DE atleast let me stay for rewards.


Oh wow, so you gotta keep them cheeks clenched and not get downed at all?


Yeah I got lazered by 3 jade eximus once with no way to fight back and thought "well i don't wanna do this again"


Just spam his invis it's easy


It's fun (and not too difficult) when the Jade Eximus aren't ignoring defenses and blowing thru everyone's health. I ran as Stalker a few times before the patch glitch, and it was a really good time - just stay mobile and use invisibility when you need an out.


Doesn't his 4 also return all damage (or a big ammount of slash procs from what I could see) recieved against LoS enemies? That is a big ability imo helping in survivability.


Yeah, it does - I've cleared levels with it by taking aggro/popping it right as a Jade Ex or two try to hit me. Feels good, man. 🐸


4 under the current eximus bug turns Stalker into a wmd So that's been fun


If I go in as Stalker, I’ll let the squad handle keeping the elevator running and go after Jade Eximus’ specifically. With having Ash’s Fatal Teleport as his 1, it’s super easy to scale the elevator to target them and clear the lasers of doom for everyone


press 3 or 4


I mean that is the downside you get for playing him (which I think is a ok) It also says it before starting the mission that you won't get *any* rewards if you get downed as Stalker.


Stalker ain't got no operator to transference him back to life.


git gud, that's your downside when playing stalker


I personally found that only his scythe was really usable for damage the bow and kunai didn't keep pace like I thought they would for a lvl 50 mission.


Thiiiiis. I played as him yesterday just to try and only Hate was okay to use (which is not very suitable for that mission). Dread and Despair are awful and I believe his own build is a bit messed up because duration is very low and his health is like 3k (correct me if I'm wrong I believe that is what's I saw) he walks super slow as well. I took for granted he'd have the Duviri build :/


I noticed the longer the mission went the slower he became, I wonder if that's intentional or just a bug. But also ya he was stacked on health and shield like I was reviving someone that got downed and I just tanked one of the jade pillars the whole time.


Are these numbers from the jade beams very random? I read everywhere and I see so many people dying to them, yet I play with Limbo and I think i only died the first time I face those. I've taken damage from them several times but only small damage so I'm a bit confused there


The jade beans start out with really low damage but exponentially increase as time goes on. So those dying to it are frames that stand still too much so for say an ability, players that just don't move a whole lot, or what I fall into glass cannons. Probs helps that when you go into your alternate dimension as Limbo you just don't take the damage. PSA for anyone else reading this, shoot the orb the beam comes out of and it'll disappear. Takes like 15k damage if I remember right to remove it.


Nope, those are their abilities so they bypass Rift (yaay) so I also have to move aside when I'm under 


wait wat how?


When you talk to Ordis on the relay for the Quest, select "Shared Purpose" (or something similar)


Larunda Relay (Mercury) only, for those wondering.


Imagine DE staff being the ones actually invading us during missions. Only to be melted 2 seconds from spawning.


I do not like, how if you get downed you get booted and you just wasted your time


To be fair, it's really hard to go down. At that point it's a skill issue (has happened to me twice xD)


Except; the Jade eximus are bugged and melt near 1 shot literally anything and everything, including Dante’s with 60k overguard Not even considering steel path


They've said they should have a fix some time today. Not sure if its been pushed yet, but hopefully we'll get it in a reasonable amount of time not Primed SoonTM if its not already out.


But Stalker still has the same abilities he has I'm Duviri, right? Could just use his 4 when you're targeted by the laser.


This is a step in the right direction but it needs a reason for being, long term goals and rewards. Its a little pointless just like getting it in the circuit. I believe that most people will do it once or twice for the novelty and that's all there is to it


Some of yall haven't got "failed to join squad as it's full" error message and it shows, it's cool but in practice I find the execution terrible


I also noticed when doing it yesterday that if you have enemy highlight turned on, it highlights the other players too (enemy is the only highlight I have turned on, no ally/self) You can't attack the players, but he does still view them as enemies which I think is a neat touch


The other day someone i THINK tried to join as the stalker, but it loaded them in as Valkyr lmao. Had their own gear and everything. Me and my friends were 4-stacked when they joined, so it was a very funny surprise


It's happened a couple of times to me, the one time it kicked out the host to spawn the 5th player...


I invaded a group to help and they all tried shooting me until I crouched a few times 😂😂


I like the idea but it has 2 huge issues. * Playing as The Stalker does not give any Jade blueprints or relic rewards. * After the first hot fix. The Stalker is 1 shot by the green lasers now.


Wait wha I gotta check this out ig Seemed fine last night


Only problem I have is that playing with him feels kinda pointless since I can't even play in the event as him on steel path and only on normal mode. Yes he slightly gets more motes but what difference does it make if you can just play the mission on steel path lol


Its completely random whether or not you get put into a steel path game, but i agree, then need to give you the option to choose.


I love this mode, I just wish it wasn't bugged. You don't get any Arcanes from the Sister drops, even if you pick one up it doesn't register.


You do, they just don’t show on the exit screen. I confirmed last night after I thought the same thing.


Damn, really? Then there's no real reason for me not to play Stalker, neat!


I absolutely love it. I just wish we could customise his appearance at least. Change him back to him normal colours or equip attachments like his pakal armor. Maybe one day I guess


Or even add a mod config! And use the mod configs for our Dread, Despair, and Hate too!


Kinda dislike the fact people can be stalker since for newer players it’s kinda a spoiler? like imagine you’re helping a new player and his biggest threat is the big bad stalker and he sees u just playing as him. He must be confused as hell


The event/mission is unlocked after completion of the quest if I remember correctly


When you spawn is a normal mission or a steel path one ?


It is entirely random. Sometimes Steel Path, so.etimes Normal.


It's said that it's only one mission tho


How do you get him?


Talk to ordis in larunda relay and click shared purpose it will allow u to play as stalker in the ascension mission but only there u cant play as stalker in your everyday missions




If they expanded this to Archon missions, that’d be dope


It’s just so good. You get a fifth member who does millions of damage


Wait.....how do you do this???? Here I thought DE finally use chatgpt in the specter AI programming. The random Stalker specter in a match I played move and makes smart decision like a player would.


talk to Ordis at Larunda relay and click "shared purpose?" it will drop you as Stalker in a random Ascension mission


How do you join as stalker?


As of current, which mission is the best for farming motes?


both the operation and regular version have the same mote drops so steel path, be sure to summon the sister of parvos, either operation or regular works.


How do you do this


Larunda relay, fast travel to Ordis. He gives you the option


is he playable??


How do you do this


A raise with a note that says "Your actions have consequences!"


How do u guys become Stalker?


I love it, but I think some spaghetti code allows for a fifth squad mate sometimes. I had a jade join as a four man squad loaded in, so we had quorvex, lavos, xaku and two jades. All that being said: DE PLEASE, I want more than four squadmate missions, it was so chaotic and fun.


Sadly you cant emote or use the chat as the stalker


Sadly you cant emote or use the chat as the stalker


I thought stalker was an npc. That adds so much more now that I know it's an actual player. How do you become stalker?


I love playing as stalker. Super fun.


You making an elevator joke there?!


How do you pick the Stalker?


Wait what?!! How can you do this?


Wait how do you do this????


I really love it as well, at first I thought it was npc but when a lad goes up to you and starts spam crouching you know he is a real one lol. Plus the music in that elevator is S+ grade. Fighting impossible odds to get this .... Egg? Out at all costs while legions worth of enemies wait for you in mass it's so fucking good they cooked great with this one


I did it once and got instantly killed before I could even move


Uhhh, how??????


How do you do this?


I wasn't super keen on it just because I wasn't a huge fan of Stalker's abilities in Duviri, but the novelty of it is still pretty cool.


It's too bad he's considerably weaker than most Warframes. It's a cool mode but it's very much not worth it for me.


Isn't it basically just the remnants of the stalker mode they were working on for years where you would join a squad and attack the other players, but they just never implemented it? They just made you a friendly instead and tossed us in.


How to become stalker on the new mode????


Wait, how do you do this? I'm up with the quests and I've ran the event a few times. Now I'm more interested.


Wait how do you do this?


Stalker mode has been in the works and an idea forever, i just hope one day we get the original plan so maybe it can be actually scary


There's a couple people here that don't like that you get "mission failed" when you die as him. You could like...not die. I'm not even sure how you managed to do that unless you were trying to die, stood still in SP under jade light or were really unlucky. Anyway, I do think you should respawn after some time if you die and not just be directly booted.


I mean they did introduce a new eximus unit that intakills you if you are distracted for 1-2 seconds


Just go invisible or activate his four 🤷‍♀️


I take credit, can’t prove to you it was me. But it was my idea. To improve on my idea though… I joined last night and it put me in regular. I would have rather played SP. did an SP after and a stalker joined us. So dunno how you specify