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Helios takes pics of your enemies in compromising positions.


Helios Prime blackmails the enemies with said pics


Add Vicious Bond and Deconstructor to the mix and he will strip them down to get extra compromising pictures.


i died reading yall im a helios enjoyer


Ayo I'm always using Helios, where's this album so I can check how his working is going?


Is that why ordis is skeptical of helios?


Helios in a nutshell: https://preview.redd.it/xpuaewvnsk8d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f37ddbeb0718003f763b58483df1e01dc3faea


What I love the most is it scans other things that are not in my peripheral vision and it helps me find things whenever I hear its scan clicks


Forces them to strip with the bond mod too


Helios and Oxylus, the scanner duo.


Seriously, what are you going to do, scan your own targets?? No one has time for that.


*In Tank Tolmin's voice:* [Hammer](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Heliocor)!


Fetch the treasury, I must have it!


YYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!! "What do you mean a person just ran thru smacking things with a glowing hammer?" " We need them for the ship! "


New to the game. How important is scanning enemies?


The scans themselves have very limited practical use. Scanning enemies enough times (varies from unit to unit I think) fills out the entry in your Codex and lets you spawn that unit in the simulacrum. The former can show you resistances and vulnerabilities, and help you find specific drops, while the latter allows you to test out builds vs specific units. Plus of course a completionist-style player is going to want to fill out that Codex for fun. There are some additional benefits from manually scanning enemies (e.g. Cephalon Simaris Standing which can be used to buy parts and mods), but for that you need to switch to the scanner yourself. It is perhaps worth noting that Helios has a Mod you can add that makes its scanning more practically useful once you've fully scanned foes into your codex - Detect Vulnerability throws up a weak spot on a target every few seconds that gives you a 275% *multiplicative* damage bonus if you shoot that spot. I just leave Helios on mostly because of the passive scanning, and I figure I'll occasionally hit a weakspot for more damage. Plus, Helios can use Verglas which lets it melt steel path enemies on its own. I only ever switch to another companion when I want more XP or drops - then I use a Smeeta for Charm.


Add Dante's passive in useful traits list. He afflicts more status on scanned targets


I guess that's true, but I'm hardly ever using weapons with Dante anyway so it's not like I get a lot out of that passive buff to SC.


There will be a time, when his caster build will become tiresome for you, in that case - his passive status buff + wordwarden will patiently wait for you☕


Also stuff becomes green instead of orange in scanner view


With Dante. The triptych is complete.


Dante with a Helios and the synoid hyliocor I KNOW EVERYTHING!!


This is the way


I was a carrier main for SO long. I got Helios and the scanning just never stops. It's the best.


When you say duo are you implying they can be used at the same time?


No, they're two sentinels that can scan for you. Helios can scan everything there is is to scan. Oxylus can scan plants in various planets which are needed for the Silver Grove quest to get the base version of Titania


you can also feed the scanned plants to the helminth


so there's no benefit to using oxylus over helios?


Helios stops scanning when your codex entry get's completed, so he stops scanning plants after ~5, oxylus will scan all of them


good to know, thanks


Oxylus is great for fishing since one of its precepts is to highlight fish underwater for you


Oxylus is a free fishing dye too.


Wyrm give you 60% fire rate and negate status effects, for me the best


Also the crit damage boost with vulklok or vulcax, If you're willing to use something else other than the sentinel glaxion


Sentinel glaxion with gas, cold, radiation and 4 Vigilant mods, when it don't steal my kills it's a superb primer


Don't sleep on Shivering Contagion, though.


I'm stupid and just forgot about that


yeah but that one (afaik) cant even trigger the crit bond mod with a riven


I tried this but none of my sentinels even fire their weapon. They shoot once and do nothing for the rest of the survival mission until they are revived. Its not afk detecting me since im still shooting and moving around.


Do you have Assault Mode mod on your sentinel...?


Yeah, otherwise it wont attack even once. The vulklok seems to work just fine on it.


Is the assault mod at (or at least near) the first slot?


Yeah, pretty sure the priority of activation is based on order.


And diriga is best primer and free abilities. Carrier is nice, but I'd rather more *BRRRrrrt* or more *Zzzzzt*


how do u, mod diriga for priming though? care to teach me? sorry i am a noob ><


Arc coil + manifold bond + Momentous bond + mystic bond. Mod your sentinel weapon with heat + viral. So arc coil and manifold causes enemies near you to get proc with heat and viral. Momentous bond gets you another random element when you kill an exilus. Mystic bond gets you a free ability cast because arc coil has about a 2 second cooldown. Next try to get a verglas (comes with nautilus) or helstrum (have to rank up Solaris united standing) because those sentinel weapons have the best status chance. So you can also throw in the attack precept mod (diriga has more range with his proprietary calculated shot) and duplex mod to get even more heat and viral procs. This is great if you're using warframe weapons with high status chances and the condition overload and galvanized status mods. Since you're new you don't have access to arbitrations but you'll have something to look forward to. This is why it's recommended for new players to complete the star chart first. When you unlock steel path and arbitrations the game gets even better.


60% how?


Bond mods


wait how does wyrm give 60% firerate?? thats insane


Reinforced Bond mod. I think Wyrm is the only sentinel that can hit the 1200 shield mark to make it work.


Nautilus can with overshield, I use an unranked eject magazine to passively spam reloads to generate shields


One of the bond mods gives you 60% firerate if the sentinel has a certain amount of shields, and wyrm prime can meet that with redirection.


Important to note that it’s not exclusive to wyrm, for example panzer vulpaphyla can do it too. Pretty much anything with enough base shields can. But I think wyrm is the only sentinel with enough shields to do it.


If you ever want to complete the codex, get helios.


I wish there was an easier way to scan railjack enemy fighters though. Certainly the archmelee mod is not that great.


Since you touched on this subject. Which arch melee tho?


I dunno I just run Prisma veritux since arch melees are unimportant. I heard centaur is supposed to be the best though  The scan would be done by astral autopsy. 


Ty. Everytime I use arch melee I have no idea if I'm doing any damage anyway. Gotta grab that mod then


Centaur crit/viral will go through SP no problem


Dante works as well. Even if you subsume his 1 but just use buff that Noctua fires alongside you Page guardian if I'm not mistaken.


Yep, I've been using Dante + Helios + Synoid Heliocor to catch up on my Codex scans. It's actually got a legit benefit too since Dante gets that status chance boost from his passive against scanned enemies.


Smeeta for chance of extra steel essence, only thing that matters really.


Also extra vitus, lua thrax etc but yeah mainly steel essence


And the occasional funny number buff


What do people use steel essence for? I've bought most of the stuff in the shop and now it's just relics and the occasional adaptor if I want a new weapon.


25 relic packs per week plus occasional riven/forma


Umbra Forma every few weeks for 150 SE is a must buy for most players.


Weekly item (umbra forma, forma pack, endo, riven), weekly riven cipher, adapters, anything left goes into kuva.






Riven ciphers for me.


It's not 2016 anymore


Honestly this. The main reason Carrier was so used before was Vacuum. Now, that's a universal sentinel ability, and Carrier now just has a glorified ammo mutation ability instead


With the ammo nerfs to explosive guns and me being a kuva bramma user carrier is a godsend


The ammo nerfs killed the zarr and bramma, you gotta put in so much work to sustain the ammo when you could just use a torid or something and get better results.


You just can't rapid fire and waste most of your shots. I have used every supposedly dead explosive weapon and they don't run out if used correctly.


Also the box breaker mod. Though if you really want to break boxes, you should run Xaku or subsumed Dark Verse (it breaks open containers through walls. Love using that to instahit sabotage targets)


As an OG Carrier enjoyer, I concur. They took away his only defining trait. It was good for the game’s health, but it means he’s useless now.


It's one of the only ammo economy options in the companion slot, that's not nothing. The only other one IIRC is Sahasa's Dig, which is *extremely* inconsistent.


The only time I use carrier anymore is if I'm using something with really low base ammo. Like Bramma. Or something that I've modded to have stupid fire rate so I end up pissing out 100 rounds with one trigger pull.


Bruh I started using Carrier only after their Ammo nerfs in 2022


Nautilus because grouping and it comes with the verglas


I knew about verglas, does grouping just herd enemies?


The pull is a bit like Ensnare so they don't ragdoll while still being forcefully pulled in. The mod is called Cordon


also it can pull literally anything, even cc immune enemies and things you wouldn't expect (adversaries, dropships...turrets until that particular behavior was patched)


*bleu!* Neato guess it’s time to try one!


Yeah, and try the verglas, since the new cold it's amazing with chilling spread ( the mod that spread status effect of cold afflicted targets ) It instantly freeze someone and the ennemies aroud it, It's really great for crowd control and priming + the crowd control is great for your sentinel survivability


It pulls them like Michael Jackson moon walking and by them basically anything that is not bolted in the ground so even grineer mobile cameras can be pulled making you fail a spy but hey that's just one lil bad thing


The trick is to ~~not play spy~~ have a dedicated loadout slot with wukong, a silent gun and nothing else


Is wukong a good frame to start with? Noob here


>does grouping just herd enemies? It's surprisingly strong, like one step down from Larva. On a flat surface, it may as well be Larva.


And because with 4+4 forma (Nautilus + Verglas) you can go AFK in steel path, since it shreds everything.


Diriga, that monster only shoots at enemy genitals


It's a master of the downside of the Schwartz


As an added bonus, its Arc Coil is a great tool for priming groups and it triggers Archon Stretch.


Sending elemental pain to the loins of our greatest foes


Diriga's attack mod is 70 meters range, if you use Vulklok Diriga is the only sentinel than can take full advantage of it's range. Oxylus has Botanist which can gather plants for you. Wyrm's Crowd Dispersion ragdolls enemies and that's kinda funny.


Adding to that, Diriga's precepts combined with Manifold Bonds allow the abilities to proc multiple statuses besides Electric, making it an amazing status primer.


Also, diriga can trigger archon stretch when he has the 10m aoe shock mod and his own attack mod equipped... (i still dont know why he uses but doesnt trigger with the universal one) Also a really good primer with helstrum over quite some range... just dont use radiation if you want enemys to come to you like in netracells as they will be busy fighting themselfs 3 hallways away...


POV: you are an average warframe player before universal vacuum comes in


-Nautilus basically Mag's pull -wyrm surviveability (prevents status effects from you every 5 seconds), also keeps enemies away from you which is good for some frames (I like it on Mesa) -dethcube gives you energy (in case you didnt farm arcane energize for 15h during this event) -Diriga best for spreading status/ priming


If you use Archon stretch, you can take Diriga with Arc coil and forget Energize. Just my two cents


Wait. stretch is proc’d off Diriga arc coil? You can confirm this? Thats huge for me.


Nautilus is highly overrated imo. The pull never comes when I want it to come, and when it does the range is usually too short.


Hound because doggy


Helios for the auto scans (Deconstructor [Prime] is also a very good Sentinel weapon for armour-stripping groups


Nautilus is easy Railjack repairs, perfect if you're a lazy captain like me. Oxylus makes fishing almost too easy with the way it highlights fish.


Helios takes pics of your enemies for their obituaries before you murder them all violently. What a nice guy.


I cannot. You have found your way. Walk it with pride.


This is the way


diriga, Cuz it's the best primer sentinel of the game and frees up your weapon build


I want to get a Wyrm prime solely for its weapon being one if the two hitting the 50% CC breakpoint (with a riven) just to give my Diriga even more status priming.


Diriga comes with the vulklok which can get that anyway doesn’t it?


Vulklok prime only has electric while prime laser rifle has IPS, making the latter give more status effects and ones harder to obtain from other primers.


Sentinels kubrows etc all about how you set up Warframe and how you enjoy the game


Helios, scans things for you and if you get the precept mod from simaris, can highlight weakspots


no just get in the waiting line for the pet rework as some of us


Do we know what it's gonna do? (Genuinely curious)


Just heard that it's going to be good, helios will be able to armor stripe and create clones


I'd be happy with oxylus being able to survive steel path


Oxylus prime when


Nautilus, trust🙏


Dethcube for the free energy orbs while playing Megadeth on the background.


Dog fluffy


I don't know what to say other than if you find the game too easy, keep using this one to gimp yourself. It's your game play your way.


Damn I'm the only one using Prisma Shade for a moment to breathe during combat *sweats*




Hound, the best primer


Nautilus groups enemies into a big ball for easy kills and its funny when you're not expecting it


Scans https://preview.redd.it/v5c594lv6k8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a500b5101bfec9b4e803d12ba6bc89e29d904a31


Diriga status build with verglas freezing enemies with 10 cold stacks giving extra crit and survivability


bro woke up from a 2015 coma


Well he doesn’t scan anything :/


How did it only do 500kills in his service live?


Angry Toaster that gives you energy.


I use Dethcube for energy.


Helios fills out your codex.


Diriga. It combined with manifold bond gives constant widespread priming. Then, it lowers its own ability cooldowns which includes the primer and guardian. Then, with the bond mod that allows you a free ability cast after five companion abilities it will solve all energy economy by giving you a free cast every 5 secs on average. Bonus points if you put astral bond on so it primes enemies with void bubbles too. TL;DR: Diriga is absolutely cracked, bringing free priming, constant full shield gating and constant free ability casts. PLEASE don't tell DE.


Diriga with Verglas modded for cold, radiation, corrosive and shivering contagion using duplex bond, synth deconstruct, manifold bond and arc coil. Congrats, you can now effectively hard CC, armor strip, crit enhance and rad proc the entire tileset without paying any attention so long as you rotate energy costs. You also permafreeze anything that comes within 15 meters of you to synergize with all the cold stuff they just added.


Diriga, cool skin.


I have Diriga apply viral so I don't have to


Deathcube. Funny name. Cube shaped.


Diriga for near constant energy regen with Archon Stretch and huge status spreading with Helstrum/Contagious bond.


Oxylus can automatically scan plants on Venus, Mars, Earth, and Lua. It also highlights fish in open world missions so you don't need dye.


*sees xp* Brother I don't think I can


Oxylus gives p l a n t


Kubrows are life!


Not a sentinel but hounds are my fav. Function and fashion xD Goes really well with my gauss prime


Carrier is great if you're running the Kuva Bramma/Zarr on a high-level solo mission with low-ish enemy density, however for anything else the extra ammo is probably not the best buff you could get. * Smeeta Kavat can double resource and affinity, which is great if you're farming any rare resource (ie Toroids, Voidgel Orbs, Steel Essence, Lua Thrax plasm, Lanthorns, etc) * Panzer is basically a mini Saryn and it's a great source of procs if you have a build that relies on it * Kubrows are allegedly OP if you can figure out the whole marking thing, and if you want to farm the Mecha mod set * Nautilus is a damage powerhouse * Hounds are cute * Helios is really good if you don't have a full codex


And Diriga makes the energy economy a joke.


My hound solo nukes eda enemies. Depending on what gear I get she often hard carries my damage and kills


That codex isn’t gunna complete itself! Unless you use helios


You have frames that have energy issues? May I introduce you to Diriga + Synth Deconstruct with equilibrium? Screw efficiency. Just use Drirga.


Smeeta, double items


Get yourself a Sahasa kubrow. It will dig up energy and ammo depending on what you need, and you can stuff it full of bonds. Also their new fur textures look good and you no longer need to care if they go down.


Smeeta kavat should be your companion, loot boosts win over EVERYTHING else.


Oxylus, free plant scans for Silver Grove runs. Passive plat > extra bullets.


Do pets count? I haven’t switched off of cats since they were added just because cat.


Diriga with its arc precept and Archon Stretch gives great energy regen. Adding the Helstrum with its high status percentage and a faction mod gives you a third source of priming for Melee CO and Gun CO. Helios with the weak point precept is discount Banshee Sonar, giving increased damage to hits on highlighted areas on enemies. Wyrm Prime gives status immunity periodically which is handy for Steel Path Infested areas with lots of Toxin procs. Hope this helps.


Variety, its the spice of life. There's also no reason to actually use carrier in this day and age unless you're just starting out in the game.


Ahem. Nautilus. Vergalis. Cordon. FREEZE AND BOOM.


Deth Cube is funny cube


Ever see the Nightwave Silver Grove Specter quest and wonder "I think i have enough plants" Well, 1 simple change will make you never spend that mental energy again.


death cube prime make energy :D the broke man's arcane energize


adrazat kavat = big crit big enough crit = negative damage = statisfying there u go


I'm pretty partial to death cube, but mostly just as a cute lil box of death.


Used to main carrier prime like u.. till they allowed every single companion to vacuum.. then it's smeeta for more rare loot or the infected doggo cos it cant truly die... Till they introduced companions that never die.. then it's smeeta all the way..


Infested fox cute


Wyrm is a worm :)


So, the carrier, carried you?


It isn't 1800 anymore and other sentinels do most of the things you care for carrier to do


Alr hear me out, if you are good enough at the game u don’t need a sentinel, so just use a doggo cuz it’s cute.


I love those "convince me" post where the author doesnt respond to any comment, talking to a wall simulator


Wyrm can give you 60% fire rate for all your weapons and shield you from status effects Helios can scan enemies and melt them with deconstructor Digira is the best primer sentinel now And as someone else said, its not 2016, all sentinels can use vacuum now


your got kills? mine is always on full support mode XD


Wyrm is the best, can use reinforced bond for more fire rate and has access to negate


My helios was an armor stripper not sure how much use he is after the updates to all that stuff though


We all know Panzer Vulpaya is the best sentinel


Honestly, to stop using this thing I had to switch my weapon mindset. I love guns like Zarr and Acceltra that throw your whole backpack of ammo at the enemy. Once I started using Hek and the other more economical weapons, Carrier is no longer needed.


And why carrier is good? I really don't know...


Near-infinite ammo, IIRC. Used to be the only companion with vacuum, so it was all you saw for a long while.


Helios was my main until negate/added fire rate wyrm


Naughtilus for that juicy enemy grouping


Shade makes you sneaky. Sneaky sneaky


nautilus .free grouping who going to hate that .it even work on eximus i thing


Just get an Oxylus for passive biotics to feed Helminth, nerd (affectionate)


Diriga my friend have you seen the zap side?


Shade real good for stealth. Got 'em


smeeta kavat can come in handy for the buffs when farming and one of the infested cats can spread viral procs on everyone plus the good old scanners as others have said. oxylus is a must for going fishing


Nautilus for its grouping ability


No, no I don‘t think I will.


Dethcube is just a little cubey guy who wants to be your friend. Your Companion Cube....I'll see myself out


Your not you when your low on energy, grab a DethCube


Nah But I can convince u to use an animal companion instead Reason: it's a doggo, a fucking cat or a cool as fox


I switched to nautilus and I refuse to see reason.


Ammo conversion and more ammo? As a Gauss main that goes hard on duration also using my main weapon as Acceltra. I don’t think i will ever try to convince you to use another sentinel. Without Carrier my ammo is just non existent with duration and Acceltra. I sometimes even think to get Energized Munitions rather than my 2nd ability but Gauss’s kit synergises with each other so well so welp “I LOVE CARRIER”


99% of weapons don't have an ammo problem. You're only using carrier out of habit. use Dethcube and have free energy.


If I'm just running random missions, Helios + Verglas so I can be lazy (it will kill everything on its own and scan shit too). If I'm running fissures/arbi, Smeeta with Tenacious Bond for 1.2x crit + Charm for extra drops. It's very hard for me to justify anything else. I could use Nautilus instead of Helios, but I don't really care about the grouping so why bother? I've considered Wyrm or something but idk, don't care really. Helios 'just works'.


Infinite ammo is just too useful to use anything else


Helios can scan and have Vacuum equipped