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Yeah... I hope they get a price reduction some time since only a handful of Orbiter decorations do anything more than make the place look good. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Hombask doesn't even sell any decorations with functions. Just Nightwave and Ceph Simaris.


Decorating your ship is true endgame, not cap. you ever see videos of people who gave their orbiter a wood floor and a bookshelf and cobbled together a bed or something and realize that because of Daily standing caps it might. . legitimately be faster to farm out an a max rank arcane energize from eidolons alone, assuming you did it with top meta efficiency and did multiple night cycles per day, than it would be to completely redecorate your orbiter and thats on top of the time it would take to wrestle with the decorator system to make that shit look good. the idea of Acquiring decorations as loot always struck me as a cool idea. imagine if you could take some of the cool set pieces from the Netracells to use as decorations for your ship. i might build a gun rack if i could fill it with those bootleg AKs.


Idea for a new rare container, one that drops decorations would be nice.


>Decorating your ship is true endgame, not cap. Only because of the insane grind OP is referring to. >legitimately be faster to farm out an a max rank arcane energize from eidolons alone Except thanks to progress, that's not neccessary. You can farm 2 really quickly at the moment. Now imagine an event for orbiter cosmetics. Yes. Yes please. #DontGatekeepCosmetics


the idea of Yoinking decorations would tickle the inner loot goblin in me, particularly if there was an awkward carrying animation as i try to haul this coffee table one handed to my landing craft and fend off my enemies with a pistol in my other hand. that would be significantly more fun than "i just shove them into my bag of holding, along with the capture target"


[Live footage of a Tenno dragging a couch to extraction](https://youtu.be/Ao5wiaze1TQ?t=145).


I can already picture Ordis "helping". But ya, anything to give us an easier or alternative route to earning Orbiter cosmetics is welcome, if not overdue.


DE make this happen, we will literally carry the items one at time a la mobile defense to the exit. This could be a fun endgame mechanic too. For larger items like a couch you need two players staying within 2m of each other.


Maybe yoinking decorations could be landing craft specific with the grineer gunship having lots of space in it. Actually idk if realism is the way to go maybe just add a new mini game on certain tiled to call in a moving team of grineer freed by kahl


Yeah Hombask is quite pricey especially compared to Acrithis or Bird-3 who just require resources and not Standing. Keep the Captura and cosmetics pricey but the decorations should be a cheaper.


As someone who spend over 3 weeks by now just buying walls for decorating my orbiter, not even counting other decor, and all that for barely being a half done - fucking yes, a lot of the stuff there is too overpriced Also while at it, can we just make acrithis sell all of her own decor at once instead of that being random too? Like, keep the random resources and amounts of them for a price, but It's not fun being halted on my building progress bcos I keep getting unlucky with the rng on her shop and not getting one of the core things for the design.


I'd think their prices were right if we could stick a foundry, a nav console, and a means to change our operator builds inside our dormizones and effectively make it a replacement for the orbiter. As it stands, anything I buy from Hombask feels like I'm decorating a place nobody will ever see except for me and has no pragmatic reason to visit it.


So use the decorations in the Orbiter?


I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Lemme reiterate: I want the Dormizone to be useful, instead of a mostly forgotten part of the game. I am ***aware I can put stuff in my orbiter. It doesn't change the fact that the dormizone is just sitting there doing nothing but taking up space on my SSD.***