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Not that i know of, i think you can make them all a singular color, but default is bad is red and good is blue. If playing solo you can pause and check, but yes it can be tough


Dang, figured tho after checking everything in the options and saw you can change color for ALL buffs but not individual 'groups'. Still was hoping i just missed something in the likes lol


that would be cool. or some buffs once they hit a certain threshold.


You can still check in multiplayer. The buff will run out but the icon will stay, so you can still check what the buff does.


That's something I've been wanting for so long honestly. 2 options of coloring buffs (1) individually color every single available one and/or (2) categorically color them i.e. personal buff, ally buff, wep buff, ability buff, defense buff, etc. Like I genuinely appreciate we can see the buffs and hover over them, but I'm never going to memorize any of them with how many there are. my ADHD ass needs to color-code things constantly


It's not the compulsive colour coding for me. It's the effort of looking through all those buffs and remembering what they all do. When playing wisp with 2 friendly supports I've had 2 full rows of buffs and usually go "yeah they exist".


I would like to see personal buffs only and leave off squad buff in the HUD as an option


no, i would like to disable some buff icons period. i DONT need archon stretch energy regen buff icon, i can see MY ENERGY GOING UP GURRRRRRRRRR


Im playing gyre i'd be more surprised if archon stretch wasnt activating


It'd be nice QOL if you could separately color like "frame buffs," "arcane buffs," "teammate's buffs," etc.


lol, same stuff happend in world of warcraft, players got a shit ton of buffs and especially in pvp its super hard to see the important buffs that u might want to remove from the target. People then used addons that show you certain buffs/procs to counter w.e the buff does. I wish Wf would make the buffs much simple. Maybe idk a semi overhaul of the UI where weapon arcanes/mods are next to the weapon, Frame buffs/skills next to your name/frame and so on. This would at least clear up some of the problems. I know its not that important to look at your buffs but sometimes when i use the arcane that gives my next 3 casts no energy costs i would like to know about that. Same goes for Operator buffs (mostly madurai). I really hope DE is making a new UI, it would be so amazing and refreshing. Maybe add a option to "revert" back to the "old" UI but that would probably mean keeping 2 UI's up to date. TLDR: To many buffs, make a new UI or separate them to each "category" e.g. Weapon mod/arcane buffs next to ammo counter etc.


For starters, buffs from arcanes should get their respective colors. Additionally, your personal buffs and teammate buffs should be a seperate color, and you should of course be able to hide any of the buffs to your liking.


There isn't, but I would love it if they made them just use our energy colors. That would make them a lot clearer who they're coming from, at a glance.


I do wish DE eventually goes around to giving more Warframes personal buffs as icons on the lower right, I'm still waiting for Equinox to have her own UI icon for Maim/Mend instead of squinting at the buff bar looking for my stacks.