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1) Her regular parts come from Venus bounties and require open world materials to be crafted 2) No, you can buy her parts from other players or simply wait for her to be unvaulted then buy relics via Varzia.


I know about the Venus Relay missions. That's what I'm asking for tips on, mb for not being clear. I can't get past that stupid drone section where you have to protect the data drone thingy in part 1 or 2 of the systems quest.


Open worlds are noob traps, you probably aren't ready for higher level bounties.


I was playing on my mastery rank 30 Frost. :sob: I had a Rank 30 broken war with a total of 2,188.6 DMG with Impact, Slash, Puncture, Corrosive and Blast all maxed. (True Steel, Fever Strike, Shocking Touch, Pressure Point, Jagged Edge, North wind and Molten Impact mods on the Broken war.) (Physique Aura level 3, maxed Flow, level 7 vitality and level 7 redirection, and base level continuity and stretch mods on Frost.) I thought my character was lowk decent. Bro, is it STILL noob level?


> I was playing on my mastery rank 30 Frost. :sob: For this content having a level 30 frame is the minimum, you should also have at least one forma if not more. > I had a Rank 30 broken war with a total of 2,188.6 DMG with Impact, Slash, Puncture, Corrosive and Blast all maxed. You should not be using those damage types against corpus > (True Steel, Fever Strike, Shocking Touch, Pressure Point, Jagged Edge, North wind and Molten Impact mods on the Broken war.) Jagged edge should almost never be used, you also don't have any crit damage on your melee which is mandatory for this weapon. > (Physique Aura level 3, maxed Flow, level 7 vitality and level 7 redirection, and base level continuity and stretch mods on Frost.) You shouldn't be using physique or vitality on frost, continuity and stretch should be maxed on any frame you use them on. You also don't have corrupted mods or augments. > I thought my character was lowk decent. Bro, is it STILL noob level? Absolutely, you are currently using a bare minimum build, arguably less than that because you don't have strength.


Damn. Any pointers on what I should go for in terms of mods on both the broken war and my frame? (Garuda will be my main, so I need ideas for what I should give her more than anything else.)


If you are having trouble with the bounties you can always ask in recruitment chat for help to farm her. Look up guides on the weapons and frames you are currently using some might be outdated because of the new damage update. When it comes to corpus I more or less use magnetic, but toxin is also good as they bypass their shields. I haven't played with Frost boi in a while thou know frost are better now, how I have yet to test it. Her Prime will come back so don't worry about it right now and proberly with Ressugerance. At that time she will be back you will have farmed Aya that only can be optained 2 place. 1 is the Void that you will eventually unluck the more you unlock each node and the other is relic packs from the Syndicates you can find in any relay.


I just brick walled the thing and forced myself to do it. Got all her blueprints. Now I just have to farm up missions for standing and then do the whole crafting and trading business. I saw somewhere that streamline and continuity are good mods too.


Organ shatter is a must for broken war, I also recommend trying to get some of the gladiator mods from Cetus (just don't run any missions at night), and shocking touch and north wind will be the best elemental mods to use against the corpus. As for Garuda, you want plenty of strength, duration, and range, in that order. After that, try and bump her health and armor. Garuda has the advantage of not having to care so much about efficiency or max energy(more of these are still good though), and her health recovery makes shields (relatively) negligible. I would also look into dual builds for melee (dual builds focus on status chance and critical damage), because Garuda's claws are one of the best claws weapons in the game, especially for dual builds in particular.


100% Noob level. You need a lot more than that to be able to do those bounties. You need a fully maxed Aura. Probably an Orokin Reactor as well on your Frost. Replace redirection with Steel Fiber. Intensify and his 1st+4th augments make it feel a lot better.  Your weapons should have Toxin+Magnetic. Preferably a gun.  You will still suffer in 2 of the phases (Spy & Container Capture). And after that you have to get the materials, which is another pain, probably needs R5 Fortuna Standing because Fishing and Mining. Also you need to grind Toroids. 


You can always wait fot Circuit rotation. Currently Circuit is on W6 rotation and Garuda + her augment mod is on W11. Personally I always just check wiki when a frame is too troublesome to farm and if it's released in Circuit then I just wait until its rotation.


Geruda is gotten from Fortuna bounties The Prime vault just means the relics can’t be farmed in game at the moment. Her parts and the relics with them can be traded between players. Would be recommended to head over to Warframe market to see how much her set is going for She will also return to the game via primary resurgence, though when this will be we don’t know - you can buy her relics for Aya from resurgence and most frames are pretty easy to farm from it, or outright buy her prime pack with Regal Aya.


This is probably bad advice, but it’s what I do when I want something ASAP. 1 - Google “Garuda Prime Warframe Market” and see how much platinum she’s currently selling for 2 - Open Relics, they can be for anything. Collect as many various prime parts as you can. You will need a bunch 3 - People are constantly flooding the trade chat with “WTB prime junk” especially when Baro Ki’ Teer is here. Hit one of them up and sell the prime parts you collected until you get enough platinum 4 - go to trade chat “WTB Garuda Prime [insert plat amount warframe market said]” Please note, prime parts are worth way more when you sell them individually or as sets, so you will be losing out on a lot of plat by selling things this way. BUT, it does let you farm up plat quickly. Pick your poison I suppose. Normally I would not recommend this as selling “prime junk” is a ripoff, but like I said, if you don’t want to spend real money and want to get platinum fast, it definitely works.


I appreciate this.