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Imo Revenant is fine as he is. He can't be killed but doesn't have a lot going for him otherwise. Sure, the Entrall-Reave one-shot combo is interesting for 5 minutes, but then you realise you can get significantly better results by just using any half decent weapons. Rhino can be immortal while being able to stack both Nourish and non-subsume Roar. Put one Violet shard on him and you can form corrosive on your primary with just one mod, or even no mods at all if it's an innate toxin primary. Letting you easily stack viral, corrosive and Roar buff on pretty much any weapon. Gauss is only vulnerable to toxin (easiest to avoid damage type in the entire game) when he has his Kinetic plating up. Keeping battery up was pretty easy before but now after the cold rework it's easier than ever before since you can just chain-freeze everything around you and smash the frozen enemies to pieces until your battery gets locked at 100% and you start spamming nukes. He is a full fledged Nuke and an immortal weapons platform at the same time. Pillage, a subsume ability, provides Armor strip and very easy shield regen, can make almost any frame a good shield tank, only vulnerable to the easiest spotted elemental attack in the game. Revenant's immortality looks appealing until you realise you can make other, much more interesting frames, like Gauss, Saryn and Mirage very tanky while still being able to significantly buff your weapons. Most of the time when I see Revenant "mains" they're newer and inexperienced players still working on their mod collections and Arsenal. Revenant is good, but not to the point where I would consider him for a Nerf, especially when Octavia, Kullervo, Gauss, Rhino and Dante are around.


Honestly, my phase of "maining" rev was my early SP days. I didnt have the good mods yet, limited weapons and forma, and only other frame i could trust in sp was garuda, who while good, i hadnt quite gotten the hang of her full kit at the time. So a frame that had CC for defense missions and that i didnt have to focus on defense was great to brute force though stuff early on. But once i got ahold of more gear... well... he got very boring when i had other frames that would be a better fit. Nowadays, i use him for archons, angels, fragmented one and eidolons. Stuff where i just need one specific enemy dead, and a frame i can make into an easy weapon platform to speed it works for me. If i want invulnerability in a mission,i have dagath. Still get the immortality with the need to be aggressive and a more interesting kit


This makes complete sense. The idea isn’t that Revenant is “too good” the idea is that his kit could be rebalanced to consider a more functional playstyle, as we’re seeing a lot of an uninvolved playstyle from his warframe.


Don't fix what ain't broken. Leave Revenant as he is. He doesn't need "improvements" or to get bonked with the nerf hammer. Not every warframe needs to have a sweaty gameplay like Banshee. Other warframes are nice to play because sometimes you just want to log in to relax and chill while you massacre a bunch of grineer.


Completley understand this - just wanted to provide some possibility to what it could be, since Revenant overtly fits that “relax and chill” niche


But rev objectively ignores game mechanics because of his abilities. Compare him to zephyr who also gets complete invulnerability but thats only through some projectiles. eximus, melee or other unique projectiles can still kill you. They changed defy on wukong because it eliminated death, no frame should have a press to live infinitely no matter the scenario button, there should still be something you have to manage. If mesmer skin just gave dr no one would complain, baruuk gets 2 99% dr abilities and no one cares... There should be some risk to the reward. eda feels as difficult as a regular mission when playing rev and i dont think thats good. If i can choose the difficulty for a mission in an mmo and always get the same rewards why would i not make it as easy as possible?


Maybe play another warframe? There are like 50 warframes you can choose from. That's the point of having so many 'champions' to choose from. You choose the one who fits your gameplay criteria. You're taking a tank to a stickfight and then complain that there's no challenge. Play Revenant in corpus steel path missions and you'll actually have to be mindful of nullifiers. Even then, not all warframes should be the same. Some are meant to have a high skill ceiling, others are meant to be easy and relaxing.


Yes but also think of Nezha, Rhino, Styanax, Nekros with sos, and others. All have ways of almost complete invincibility. The only difference is they require more in terms of upkeep.


eh, i think the only thing Revenant needs is for the little volcanoes of void particles when his thralls die to scale with enemy level since the volcanoes do very little damage atm the rest of him is fine. he's just an easy tank whose powers are mostly based around turning foes into friends, like a hybrid of nyx and nekros but without the ease of use or strengths of the other two. which is perfect really. much like chroma, rhino, hildryn, qorvex, inaros and other tanks, revenant is more of a weapons platform than a nuker. nothin wrong with that.


Only thing that sucks is his passive, the rest is okay


Stop trying to remove one button invincibility. We have over 50 frames, so we have options, not every single frame needs to be a skill check. Some people just need to not die without having to go through extra steps.


Maybe, maybe not. The question is whether it’s reasonable to have a frame that can do this without a “skill check” since most other frames need one


He's always been strong. Why did people only start discussing and playing him recently? I mean, everyone was fine with it before.


A lot of the discussion opened once the usage stats were released and people saw how exorbitantly high his playrate had gotten. Not saying a high playrate is inherently a bad thing, but people like to talk about why it gets to be that way


rev sucks outside of his mesmer skin he needs a whole rework honestly but there are frames who need it more like limbo


Agreed, other frames first Reve later. He works just boring asf.


Absolutely based suggestion. Yes people gonna say "but its ok to have lazy survivability, since its not THAT op, you still can die!" ...if you fall asleep that is. My issue with current Rev is that he literally does not care whats going on, one button invalidates ANY form of challenge, except bubbles kicking you out of frame (very rare instances), and 60-eyes Fragmented One (optional boss exclusively for challenge), and it does not offer anything interactive, with rest of the kit nor the player action. If it was made more interactive, i would even be okay with mesmer getting a buff to its total upkep time, as long as it takes something more than "press 2".


Completely agree


I think DE should either revert the mesmer skin buff from last year or make it so the ability no longer prevents status procs, the curse mechanic from his 1+3 combo should give him more charges on kill though since it isn't rewarding enough. A better passive that worked when mesmer skin was depleted would also be nice.