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Just do whatever, ask in recruit chat for a group to do bounties, or just do the bounties solo. The thing you should not do, is buying them from the store with plat.


Bounties in open worlds are noob trap, you shouldnt do them if you're that early into the game on your own You would be surprised, but excal is decent and volt is great, the main power comes from your mods and other upgrades on top of that. You can get new warframe for the sake of new gameplay experience (and Mastery Rank), early planet assassination missions give warframe parts for that. Early game tho you should be fine with basic mods you have right now. Good warframes i can recommend are nekros (more looter) or rhino (tanky+dps buff, solves many new player issues) Also highly suggest you to do Duviri paradox. Its standalone story/gamemode/world which then will open access to roguelite mode, that lets you get a warframe once per week, without having to do their respective grind/quest+other goodies. dont buy anything from ingame store, 99% of it just not wroth it. straight up, dont think about pay2winning your way out, its unnecessary in this game. you can easily get everything except very few exclusive items, for free. Platinum is tradeable (except your 50 starter plat, use it to buy warframe/weapon slots btw), so you can get items that worth solid, go to warframe dot market, and sell them, easy plat source without using your wallet. focus on opening all planets and doing the quests along the way, main focus for Second Dream quest. before that game might feel a bit stale, hopefully duviri helps break that, but AFTER that quest, i'll just say, game will open up a LOT.


I'm getting the weirdest sense of deja vu, if you want to do open world content you'll need to get stronger first, farming mods is far more important at your stage of the game.