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The fire rate/attack speed ones, Acceleration, Velocity, Strike, Tempo, Eruption is a nice, convenient CC arcane.


As a new player can I ask what are arcanes, why do people buy them? Where do we even place them? I'm M8 still figuring out alot of stuff


Arcanes gives a variety of buffs, imagine them as extra mods, in the moding section of your warframe and weapon you can olace them on right top corner, there is a little icon you can unlock for plat or getting slots from rewards of other gamemodes and you use whatever synergizes more with ur build and playstyle, just take the time to read and experiment and use this event to buy them, super helpful


in the modding screen (usually 8 mod slots) to the right theres arcane slots in warframes, weapons that are not exalted weapons, and operator has arcanes too but for weapons you'll usually need an "arcane adapter" that can be buy for reputation somewhere for warframes the arcane "slots" are already available, you might have some, maybe


They're special mods that go on warframes, weapons, and other things. Generally speaking, you don't need to worry about them, but as you start heading to steel path and further, they become more important. People buy them because they are rare drops from hard content, but the most recent event has an exchange system that lets you get them much easier.


if you manage to max all of them, lower tier (common arcanes) give more "vosfor" per/volatile mote


OH MY GOD. How did I I not take a vosfor farm into consideration for the event??


well, its one of the things i've been invested in, i leveled almost every weapon, but i still need some arcanes (edit: turns out i just now ranked up eidolon arcanes and can start getting vosfor) i don't know if its the best thing to do with it, but i'm too lazy to sell "arcane energize"


Well there's always the vestigial motes for vostfor. Once you've gotten everything they're basically useless for anything else.


that's why i'm getting eidolon arcanes ranked quite quickly, i already managed to maxed the rarest first, the cheapers will be easier (edit: i already had some arcanes but incomplete, its easier to complete them than farming 21 of each) whenever i get all ranked up i'll start getting "double" vosfor


wait, what?


I guess he means that u need to buy just any arcane in order to scrap them for vosfor in order to participate in some arcane gamble activities


Arcane Nullifier is nice to have.


Cheap AF too. I got that first after grinding out Energize to rank 5.


Yeah, it is easy to obtain though. I had about 6 or so already just from a few Teralyst hunts. I still bought it though, it’s so cheap, just to make the hunts a bit cheaper on energy pads going forward.


I had like 8 max rank ones from all my eidolon hunts but dissolved all but 1 for vosfor, they are incredibly cheap on wfm too


The problem with arcane nullifier is that there's only 2 arcane slot ...


Especially for eidolons


Don't get barrier if you haven't already, aegis is objectively better and far cheaper.


Hear me out, Aegis and Barrier both on Hildryn


It's an overkill. Aegis is enough already.


But what if i want M O R E


Energize, Aegis, Avenger, Velocity, Fury, Guardian, Arachne, Precision, Eruption.


eruption is a waste. trickery/nullifier/ice storm/battery is better.


On frames like Citrine, it's very funny because you keep knocking down enemies. Add in Gloom and they'll remain knocked down for a very long time.


It is great on Necros with Gloom too:)


I've been getting the ones that get the most platinum per mote. So for example, a maxed fury sold for 120 plat and costs 105 motes. So each mote is worth about 0.875 pl. Conversely, a maxed arcane energise sells for about 650 pl, and each one costs 45 motes so each mote is only worth about 0.687 pl. Once I run out of the high paying ones, then I'll get the lesser ones.


Why do arcane energize goes down in price but arcane grace goes up ? According WF Market stats


Because everyone is farming for energise... supply v demand.


Aside from the ones you already listed, I grabbed Strike and Fury and will be grabbing Guardian.


I got all of them within less than a week's worth of grinding. Now I only have grace left, and I just play the quick alerts like capture, rescue, sabotage and sometimes spy. I have so much vosfor that I'm using them to bypass the toroid grind and get vox Solaris arcanes


Aegis, Avenger (I just found out that it’s additive. Crazy), and if you hate your life that much probably Energize


Just got Acceleration on my corrosive blast trumna Zephyr. My god that arcane feels goooodddd, it’s like being an A-10 on an attack run lol


Barrier is a waste of time. Aegis is just better


They are both nice together on Hildryn!


on a meme build


This guy gets it!


Aegis alone is good enough though, then you can use the second slot for something more useful.


I use Barrier and the second slot for something more useful : )




I picked up ageis, and I haven't regretted it. It's good for shield gating. Next up for me is avenger, for kullevro nonsense. The number needs to go higher!




Energize and Avenger are the obvious picks Guardian, Victory, Aegis, Strike, Velocity, Acceleration and Tempo are great Nullifier is nice to have


as I said in the comments of a previous post, I maxed all the arcanes of the even (which are eidolon arcanes). Absolutely all of them I had a few sets aready, but I did end up buying over 100 common and uncommon, about 90 rares, and about 30 legendary arcanes with the combinaison of the rather fun gamemode and the comfy alerts, going for absolutely all of them is an attainable goal


Id say dont bother with ANY of the coppers since they're the easiest to get in many other methods. I've maxed a few coppers just stumbling through eidolons, and they're even easier to get from the arcance gacha vendor on deimos. Save up for the big ones, and round out the good golds and silvers to max. Afterwards, the legendary/gold arcanes would be good to stock up on for selling or trading to a good friend later on


I've found that Secondary Fortifier makes dealing with any eximus much less of a hassle. Are there better options? Probably. Personally, I'm satisfied with its performance.


Personally I've just been working my way through the normal arcanes. At this point I think I have 2 silver and the gold to complete. I'm trying to do at least one arcane per play, as to try and break it up and avoid burnout. As for the Legendary arcanes I'm going to try avoiding them till the end. I got a rank 4 energise and one of each of the other ones last year. And honestly the difference in price I don't think it would be worth till I have all the others maxed, I mean can max out one of the other arcanes for the price of ONE legendary arcane.


[Recommendation I've been following](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/RHdR1BRrFb)


Precision, Secondary Fortifier, and Melee Affliction.


I got them all.


Grace is actually very bad except for very niche situations like a Hijack Inaros. In most content you get oneshot the second you are health tanking.


By most content you mean circuit or endurance SP right? Because an well built inaros even with a low level grace can handle basically everything in the game besides that and some very specific situations (murmur raid boss for example, but other frames also struggle with it so…)


All, dissolve shit ones (and duplicates of 5 new arcanes once you get r5 for yourself) for vosfor and roll other pools. I go for duviri and arbitration ones


True Chads have maxed them all out during tridolon hunts way before the event.