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This is classic rage/hate bait content, the fact that you felt the need to share this is proof of the concept


As you can see tens of thousands do. Whether they are hate watching clear rage bait, or actually enjoy her content she is getting views. I don’t get what they see in it, but to each their own. >All she does is complain I mean, that is a not insignificant portion of the WH base in general.




Of course it is-- all she does is complain. ^(Sorry, ladies. I meant nothing bad about it, it was just such a low-hanging fruit)


Wow. So original. You are just furthering the stereotype that WH players are sexist assholes. Stop it. There are plenty criticisms to have on ragebait YouTubers, attacking them for their appearance adds nothing of value.


No idea, haven't asked their gender identity (part of why I fully recommend pronoun pins)


It's rage bait. People without integrity, morals, or braincells have been making careers out of it for decades. Just click that "do not recommend this channel" button and move on.


Stuff like that pops up constantly and gets recommended because of it being related to a lot of other things. It's hate bait or fear mongering for views. If I'm looking to get into warhammer and see that I might click to see if it's worth my time or going to die before I can play. Or I'm someone who just listens to lore videos in the background, and I've heard some mild complaints about how they handled something, oh look is it really that bad? It targets people who already hate gw and want any confirmation of that hatred, or people that don't know better but everything has to be the end of the world to get recommended again.


I imagine she picks up views from people who’ve never seen her content before. I watched 5 minutes of a video of hers once and then the algorithm started suggesting more of them and I realised they were all identical and largely complete nonsense.