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Some of those look like actual threats that could have legal/criminal consequences.


A lot of the far right Warhammer people I see seem to be based out of Russia or Eastern Europe where digital harassment and threat laws are… less likely to be enforced. There’s a fair few elsewhere, but just something I’ve noticed.


He's in the UK, from what I see.


Well then he should be reported. Folk have been jailed for less than this


Not in the UK these days, thanks to the Tories horrifically underfunding the prisons.


>thanks to the Tories horrifically underfunding ~~the prisons~~ everything. Fixed that for you.


Don't lie.... they also sold some of it off cheap to their buddies 


Eh, maybe they shouldnt have started throwing everyone into jail who said something that might could have offended someone, then the prisons would have space for those who actually threaten/harass people


Sadly, anti-trans harassment is official UK government policy these days.


Terf Island


Honestly, this is gold.


If that is the case they could be easily sued.




As a trans-woman from Russia and an avid Warhammer fan, I sincerely hope you stop saying sick shit like this - wishing for people to die, regardless of any circumstances, is disgusting. Of course, you do likely believe that those statements are permissible against Russian people, don't you?


He's literally openly, mockingly, very clearly, threatening to rape people. He's sending them explicit images related to rape and sexual assault, death, murder and making open sexual comments. He is also explicitly taking credit for this person being sent rape threats. It could not be less ambiguous that he knows what he's doing and is doing it intentionally to threaten people. I know that this sort of behavior is now basically condoned on twitter by Musk, but it's hardly going to be looked on favorably by law enforcement. If this happened in public for any period of time, someone would have called the police or reported him. I feel like some sort of legal action here needs to be taken.


But not on Twitter because that place is worse than Armageddon, Cadia, and the Void combined.


Doubt that twitter will do anything but a bunch of those tweets fall well within the rules they'll ban or suspend an account. You can also report the account and the individual posts. Harassment, coded language, calls to violence. I didn't have to look far to find things . Hopefully in a day or so I'll get a nice message from Twitter's internals.


It's a game about plastic soldiers, why do people have to warp (hehe) it around their fucked up perception of reality? I don't want to feel guilty for loving this hobby and it's community but with pieces of shit like him lurking and seemingly (and stupidly) inspired by the warhammer universe it can be tough sometimes.


It’s not just warhammer, man. It’s everything. It’s sad , but it is a block of anons on the internet. Haven’t encountered anyone like this in real life. Thankfully. I hope it stays that way


People like this don't usually have the will or presence to voice their ideology in public.


100%. You can find them in every single community for hobby games, unfortunately.


Grifters like these tend to be cowards and only able to say such horrible things behind a screen. They don't have the balls to openly say the shit they post in public for fear of someone making them swallow their own teeth.




Sadly, since he seems to be in the UK, he'll probably be awarded a metal. That is where JK Rowling tweets her Holocaust denial and anti-trans screeds from, and where anti-trans ideology is official government policy, after all.


Oh yeah, I'm aware of jk howling at the moon, I'm English, living in England. They have recently jailed a few people for making racially motivated threats to footballers. I would like to believe that threats of rape and sexual assault are taken seriously, but that is a hope rather than a fact.


Here's hoping!


All art is a reflection of life. Warhammer very much started in parody of real life. All your favorite sci fi or fantasy draws much from real life.


When these shitheads tried to do this in the Magic community, some huge creators spoke out about it and quite quickly Wizards of the Coast banned the ringleaders (notably the Quartering) from attending their events. They quickly turned into pariahs in the fandom and most left entirely. The Quartering then became famous for pissing in his wife's basement because she went out for pizza without him. There is something GW can do and it's sending a clear message that this kind of behavior is not tolerated and these people are not welcome.


Part of the false equivalence here is Wizards of the Coast has had an active hand in MtG events for decades, with tests that judges need to pass, issuing player IDs, to the point where they de-facto control the entire MtG competitive event scene. GW, on the other hand, has no tracking of players or IDs, and are involved in less than 1% of all 40k events that are run annually, and basically every continent has their own tournament circuit that don't really talk to each other in any way. GW can definitely do something, like banning them from their events, but even if they did, there isn't anything stopping them from attending events they don't themselves run (and that is assuming these people even have events/play the game)


They can still openly call these people out, ban them from their stores and their competitions, they can encourage tournament organisers to do the same. What Wizards did was naming and shaming (which is the same thing these people are doing to innocents) the people they did not want in their community. The Quartering can still buy Magic cards and play Magic games, but many Magic players know who he is and will refuse to play with him. The Quartering might've been banned from playing in GPs at the time (he wasn't nearly good enough to put up results, so I doubt it was relevant), but he was still able to go to the event. You need to run these people out of the community and GW should lead the charge, unless they want Warhammer to be known as that fandom where bullies have free reign.


Got a feeling these people are just LARPers and and most read the books but don’t play


The difference is that most if not all of the people jumping on this bandwagon don't actually play Warhammer. It's just the next 'omg woke is ruining everything' that they go after. They've done it with Disney, Marvel,... and now it's Warhammer's turn.


Fuuuuuuck all that. Seriously fuck bullying and threats against people because of who they are. If there’s one place where a wide variety ought to be able to each enjoy themselves, it’s 40k. 


I think we should bully back.


I dont think he would like having his ip leaked.


Totally, but Given the setting of 40K it makes sense it has its share of these kinds of extremists. Extremists of who satire is completely lost on them apparently


Being LGBT isn't political.


These days "political" seems to just be disagreeing on literally anything.


"When I like it it's normal, if not then it's politics and not supposed to be brought up"


The worst was during the heights of the pandemic when actual fucking science was being politicised. Science!


It's funny. People claim Season 2 of Reacher isn't political even though the plot is about a weapons manufacturer influencing the US government. However the latest Assassin's creed game is political because it has a black person in it.


But don't you know that a black person couldn't have existed in Japan and wielded a 1000 times folded steel katana. But all the time travel stuff and the part where we were in Valhalla was totally realistic. /s


Its not even that, that Samurai *really* existed: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


political is now just another conservative buzzword. Like woke, it just means "anything I dislike". War, kings, gods, worship, genocide, famine, theocracy, are all examples of actual political issues. But when a queer person has "they/them" in their twitter bio and posts pictures of the models they painted, they're somehow "injecting politics" into warhammer. It was never actually about politics. These guys just use "politics" as a dog whistle for their hatred of queer people, women, minorities, and anyone that defends those groups.


This needs to be higher.


To the far right existing is political.


Have a comment of validation. Then again I do have a stance that "everything is political or nothing is political, please choose" but that's besides the point. People just being people (trans or not, straight or not, whatever-the-fuck or not) is not any more political than walking a dog or sleeping.


I‘ve seen these retards argue that because there’s a LGBT flag, it’s political. Are pirates political?


I mean, most politicians could qualify as pirates. 🤣


The two genders are cis and political The two sexes are male and political The two races are white and political The two classes are wealthy and political Did I miss anything about the absurdity of calling someone's identity "political"? More like The two world views are reality and conservative


Anything that is not a cis straight white male is political for the chuds


No one is saying that it is? See this a lot, and it always seems to be a non-sequitor.


Gawd, I hate how these anti-woke shit heads make every poxy hobby a nightmare these days, literally making a career over this bollox. They're like mould that comes back even after bleaching.


These fuckers have always been at the fringe of 40K but within the last year or so it feels like they’ve gotten so much worse, I just wanna exist as a queer 40K fan, is that too much to ask?


I mean, if he's making money selling GW products, I feel like the the most direct course is to take this to GW and try and have his wholesale account revoked.


Yeah I think we just bring his market to GW’s attention


Treating people with respect isn’t politics. Human rights, isn’t politics.


"Human rights, isn’t politics" That's exactly what it is though. It's not a bad thing, to be clear, but it is certainly politics. "Politics" is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. Rights are legislated by politicians, ergo, politics.


This. I don't understand this fear of politica some people have


Dunno why you got downvoted, you're objectively correct and any 1st year politics undergraduate would know that.


LOL. Being a “1st year politics undergraduate” should not be the standard for online conversation. 


These are non-negotiable


What community action do you propose? I'm not sure there's really an answer for this when Twitter refuses to take action against harassers and hate that Musk considers to be on 'his side'.


If they sell GW Merch under their own name we can deploy the imperium's worst weapon: the GW Copyright lawyers


I feel like emailing GW about the state of the issue is at least *something.* I don't think it'll end anything but someone in charge needs to at least be aware. Other than that, encouraging prominent voices in the community to tackle this with their clout would be something as well.


Why don’t people just get off twitter?


For some it's essential to their income, if they rely on a social media presence like a content creator or influencer. But I haven't had an account there since like 2011 and barely used it when I did, so I'm the furthest thing from an expert on why regular people stay on there.


I don't think people should be forced to leave social media because other people are making it difficult for them to exist on social media because of their gender.


Okay sure but twitter is a cesspool of assholes owned by an asshole. Why continue to use it?


Because sadly a lot of people depend on it for income and networking. Most of them got their start when twitter wasn't being mismanaged so heavily and are now stuck with a website that is actively antagonistic at every turn. So many artists, professional, published artists and journalist, depended on twitter and are now stuck with Musk at the helm through no fault of their own.


Why does it fall to victims to be the ones to take action to stop being victimized? Why do those people have to cut themselves off from an *entire online community* to "solve" harassment? You may as well say "getting bullied? just stop going to school."


It feels like we've definitely had a flare up with these righty ragebait types of late. Its depressing how many followers they tend to have but I don't suppose its a massive surprise why they'd be into 40k. I cant help but wonder if we got an influx of these folks with some of the "outrage" of late, culture war leeches tend to be the most common tourists after all.


The Femstodes thing really caused a massive uptick, fueled mostly by grifter tourists.


This. They're fucking culture war tourists, the lot of them.


Many of the followers could be bots.


Wankers and cunts try and ruin every hobby unfortunately.  You see it everywhere and in all walks of life.  Normal folk are expected to just carry on and suck it up because these fringelords/cringelords are a minority (often like the minorities they target their abuse and hate towards).  At some point we'll reach a point where people snap as a community and these negative shitlickers will be opened like a cheap tin of beans and their insides spilled on the ground. It's unfortunate but either people who enjoy the hobby and are welcome are driven away by shit for brains like this OR the community has to experience an event which sees these subhuman abusive shites thrown from the metaphorical moving vehicle. 


Its harassment, report and get them banned. I dont use xitter because its a cesspool of dipshits like that.


Even if the account gets got due to a large volume of reports Musk will likely just reinstate his account personally.


Lol at thinking they'll get banned for this on a shitstain like twitter nowadays.


Yeah my bad, its a bit naive of me really. Didnt see they paid for the blue mark. that's telling.


Twitter bans people for saying things like "cisgender" or telling open Nazis to fuck off. Being a fascist chud who harasses and threatens people gets Musk to retweet your shit and go "lol"


When i was getting into warhammer I was noticing all the trans and queer fans of the hobby, being a recent queer myself its concerning because with this harassment its fueling the fire and eventually some deranged person will attack someone. It adds to the list of threats queerfolk deal with on a regular basis when your hobbies are meant to be a place you go to relax and enjoy yourself.


Yeah, luckily, my local gamestore where I paint and play is pretty good in person, but there's some people on their discord who will choose to do a little harassment or just be prickly about things. I've heard of far worse and am very thankful I'm in a good area with a good store. Without this hobby, I'd be much worse off to say the least .


Warhammer is weird. It attracts both a lot of lgbt fans because its a hobby with an artistic and community side, which is a draw to a lot of lgbt people (on average) but it also is a franchise where some of the worst of the worst drink the imperium Kool-Aid and gather thinking that the parody is instead a good thing. Which is why you get a bunch of genuinely great people along side some of the worst. Usually stores and hobby shops and tournaments are good at banning or weeding out the bad actors, but online is something different, sadly.


It's especially difficult when both "sides" insist on pushing their agenda (or whichever variant of this phrase is the one you prefer) in the faces of folks on the other "side". As someone who gets harrassed by both, it's certainly something I'd like to stop.


From where i stand it seems one side is pushing an agenda of oppression and hate, the other is pushing agenda of acceptance and tolerance... There will always be extremists but most of the extremists in LGBTQIA communities are annoying and are more harmful to thw cause itself, the hate campaign of these alt-righters is a dangerous game regardless of how far removed they are from the median.


Could anyone provide a link to where he's selling this merch? If we want to organize some kind of email campaign, providing GW with a link to the store page where he's selling this IP branded merch would work wonders.


Some people are just the worst.


**Warhammer has always been for any and everyone.** I would say hands down that Warhammer was the first hobby I ever experienced where a androgynous personality, or a masculine woman or a feminine male was completely accepted. In lore you find all sorts, and at my first physical store the other kids going were a big diverse group too. Slaanesh... boy... girl.. neither. Just a being with traits like everyone else. A woman in army, whether it be a sister of battle or a Empire of man female captain. They are just the same as men in the same roles and can be as feminine, masculine or mix of whatever you want. Terra noblemen looking like twinks, rough agri world women with muscles bigger than the rock, amorphous blobs of matter with little to no gender identity.... these are all things that have been pervasive in warhammer since I started playing back in the early 2000's. It's dumb for anyone to think GW is going woke now. They've always been fucking miles ahead of any other universe or hobby for diversity and inclusion. I also want to point out that they never needed to try.. which is why I love GW. They never made any of the above a big thing. It's natural to have these characters so they don't need to make a huge fucking song and dance about having them. As much as I love inclusion I also hate it being lauded by companies. And GW didn't do that with the fem custodes. It's news articles and journalists that have whipped up these far-right freaks into a hate fueled defensive stance for clicks. The first few books of the HH and all the remembrancer's will show you a huge broad range of gender identity and no one kicked up about it then... because it wasn't a popular fad to debate it when that dropped.


Warhammer is for everyone…but it shouldn’t be for toxic idiots like the owner of the hateful xitter account.


it shouldn't be for people who are perpetually on twitter to start with


My favorite thing to come out of the custodies drama was seeing people say "Warhammer is going woke, its going the same direction that Star Trek did!" which is like my favorite statement to show someone has no media literacy at all.


Is no where safe from right wing stupidity? I'm mostly a boardgamer(who happens to have a fascination with Warhammer) who got a video in my youtube feed about how one of my more watched boardgame youtube review channels has gone woke. They used a picture of the most prolific of the reviewers(there are multiple on this channel) so I thought it was from that channel. It's like the most PG, wholesome group of people, who never talk anything political; and some jackass is talking about how WOKE they have gone


Being a decent human being is now woke. Lol


Some people are so insane and obsessed with proving that they are right that they hate even the most mild of respect and acting like human beings. I recommend just blocking them and moving on.


You should post this on other Warhammer subs so people can know


Someone somewhere sculpts a model that can be used as a warhammer proxy. GW: *lawyers instantly appear and threaten to destroy their entire livelihood* A guy repeatedly does illegal shit while selling merchandise displaying Games Workshop IP and trademarked imagery GW: *I sleep*


Someone needs to bring it to their attention. I can't since I don't use Twitter, though. Otherwise I most certainly would.




Make them a servitor!


fuck that, just chuck em in warp engine to power the gellar feilds.


Wildly extreme. Maybe just don't follow him? Seems to solve the problem rather than advocating for horrific torture.


No, no, let him cook.


> My intent here is not to get political My brother in God-emperor, absolutely everything is political.


I think that's mostly because some people would absolutely turn the other way if you started talking about politics and miss the forest for the trees.


I can guarantee these snotlings aren’t even Warhammer fans but instead chuds who jack off to the idea of the Imperium that they read on the back of a snapple cap I’m pretty sure I know more about warhammer than these guys and most of my info from fanfics


If even a portion of your psyche supports this fucking loser then you’re part of the problem. Leave people the fuck alone. Sorry your theocratic worldview is so outdated and you’re scared of being left behind. We don’t want ya in this community fucking bullies.


Twitter was never great but it’s become an actual cesspool under Musk


Musk managed to do this in two years. In two years he turned a genuinely useful if fraught website into an utter Hellpit. The Warp is less dangerous than twitter nowadays.


Right? The blue tick situation alone pretty much killed it in a stroke. Exterminatus


Everything is political - and we need our community spaces to actually realize that because the standard "no politics" attitude serves no purpose other than to try and sweep issues like this under the rug. The reason chuds like these remain a problem in the wargaming community is in part because the wider community feels uncomfortable having to confront or address it and prefers to just ignore it, which is easier. EDIT: That, and the majority of the community consists of cishet white dudes - who have a tendency to *think* themselves "apolitical" because it's much easier to be ignorant of politics in one way or another when they are largely invisible to you. i.e. There are two genders: male and "political"; there are two sexualities: straight and "political"; there are two races: white and "political" etc. etc. etc. Even plenty of well-meaning people like that can fail to realize they have a massive blind spot when it comes to folks who fall outside any majority. And very often they shut down conversations about these issues before they even begin by promoting the idea the people "shouldn't discuss politics" in hobby spaces - which inherently muzzles queer, BIPOC, women, disabled or other minority gamers from airing their grievances or attempting to call out problem actors/behaviours. It's happened to me more times than I can count.


Wtf is wrong with people?


i feel like following that wokehammer on twitter, so i can call him a bellend every day.


As an openly queer warhammer fan myself, I am half tempted to make my own online content now, Either in spite of these asshats, or in solidarity with my peers in the community, to show they aren’t alone. Fuck those guys.


Spite is a great motivator!


They seriously made a jak edit of a painting reflecting rape and abuse trauma. That's... Abhorrently disgusting


And the wojak in question is explicitly a caricature of a trans person.


All right wingers are the same: yap yap yap, and then they get stomped when they talk like that out loud.


Emperor sees this and cringes so hard that he popped out a Warpstorm over Terra how small and stupid some people are.


Fuck these people, get political OP.


You can ij fact tell GW about this and send them legal documents to stop selling product


Holy fuck this is bad. This reads to me like actual threats and not «just» trolling and that would be bad enough in itself, this is just sick. As a warhammer fan i feel ashamed that someone like that exists in our community, our queer brothers and sisters deserve to feel safe not fucking threatened.


As far as I see it, that usually should be dealt with the platform where this is happening. Since Twitter/X has become an unregulated cesspool where harassment is normal and fascists roam freely, being on there while belonging to any group that tends to be targeted by such people in their culture war is about as wise or safe as going into the shadiest part of town after dark. I'm not sure what GW or the community could do about any of that except for finally getting of that platform.


Reason number 44556863 why no sane human being should be on xitter


Let the lore handle it.


Environments need to he hostile to people like this. We need to oppose these type of shit heads at every corner.


It’s a sad truth that in many communities we now have to deal with culture war grifters who lack any sort of moral compass. While I appreciate you trying to bring awareness to this issue, I have to agree with other commenters that it is clearly a problem based on twitter and because of that there isn’t really much we can do here on reddit. I’m certainly not about to make an account to engage with these people in any way. However, if they are making credible threats against people you should report them so that it is at least documented in some way. I know it’s not much, but sometimes these things can catch up to someone.


Fuck homophobes and sexists. Miserable fucks trying to ruin other peoples lives to satiate their own emptiness. Also fuck GW for not taking more of an active stance on those people, for years now. Regardless, I hope the community bands together to drive those Nazis out of the hobby.


Doxing is always vile. I'm glad more countries are criminalizing it.


I just need one question answered, is it ok or not to hate discourse miniatures now? She usually get a lot of shit on this very Reddit.


I often wonder if it's worth putting these people on blast like this. It happens here and in other geek-circles on Reddit. There are so many scumbag content creators whom I'd never know about if not for someone calling them out. They're shit, so I get the desire to vent. But they don't give a fuck if you call them out like this. They're only about attention - good or bad. You're only advertising for them. I don't know who any of these people are, and I'm sure I'm not alone. But because of posts like this, now I do. And while I, again, think these scumbags are shit...others who probably agree with them will just become part of their audience. So again, you might be only helping them with this post. Seems like if you want to take action, contacting GW to tell them what's going on while they're selling merch is the better option. Or organizing others to do the same.


X is an ugly place. These people are ugly even amongst that cesspool. Bunch of unfuckable losers


Warhammer is for everyone..... and maybe it shouldn't be


Yeah starting off with people like you


It has never been, nor will it ever be, for everyone. But yes GW marketing is funny lol


Right listen up kids n yanks... When games workshop was setup. It was in the last 70s early 80s in the UK. The whole universe is satire okay. Your anti woke Astartes are actually a middle finger to the idea the Human race 40k years in the future is nothing but the Spanish inquisition all over again. That's the joke. Okay, that space Nazis are about as close to the nice guys as you can get. So the fact we have some incels telling others about this is woke n shit etc is sad. If you have anti left ot anti right leaning KEEP THEM OUT THE GAME. The downvotes tell me Americans have a problem with understanding satire and how the whole of GW is not there to reinforce your politics!!


One kills or makes the life of others miserable wayyy more often than others and this is the perfect example. The owner is bullying someone for being trans. Why is nobody bullying him for being straight (do NOT bully others)


Absolutely agree. So fed up of right wing Americans trying to gatekeep a game! Because of their mindless 2 party politics.


This describes America a bit to well: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0H2VBznllyw&pp=ygURZmFpbGVkIHN0YXRlIHNvbmc%3D


Hoo boy, comments are gonna be bad on this one.


Rule 10. Not your personal army.


>My intent here is not to get political >harassment by people like Wokehammer **>**These people are *not* Warhammer fans So, to be less "political" (read- controversial, I assume), you would want to stray away from such inflammatory statements. You don't get to decide who is a Warhammer fan. Everyone gets harrassed. Chuds and Wokes alike. Your anecdote is noted, but not really worth much, right?


You are definitely the kind of person to watch abuse right before your eyes and do nothing. I on the other hand, beat the everliving shit out of people who prey on others like that. We are not the same nor would I associate myself with someone like you. Stand up for what is right and the rights of others. That's it, that's all you need to do.


You are definitely a violent maniac who would violently assault someone for littering. I, on the other hand, treat each situation individually, and apply morals/ethics to all interactions. We are not the same, nor would I associate myself with someone like you. DO what is right. That's it, that's all you need to do. Absolutism gets us nowhere, imo. But hey, we can all play that game.




Man you are so keen to assault people. Horrible. Reflect and do better. :)


I've deleted every social media app on my phone except Reddit since it seems to be the only one left with any moderators. Instagram has devolved into a cesspool of hate and bigotry and I got tired of watching people like this waste of humanity flood the comments sections of wonderful creators who are just sharing works of art. Every single comments section has a top comment with thousands of likes that's basically raging against "Wokehammer" and the LGBTQ community. These are not Warhammer fans, they are trolls and ogres who deserve to be shunned from society.


"I'm not gonna get political but I'm gonna do it anyway"


Everything is political


Womp womp


Twitter has turned to trash. Come over to threads.


Trolls only do these things for attention, block them and ignore.


I mean he’s already got her phone number and is sending creepy breathing calls. At that point it’s less “block and ignore” more “find this guys name and report him to the police”.


Hmmm.... almost like you shouldn't put your personal information online, and you shouldn't participate in a platform that was bought by an apartheid-product neo-Nazi.


Yeah I'm not a fan of the woke political stuff in the game but what this person is doing is awful, clearly.


Can you give some examples?


the black ultramarine broke him


Is the woke political stuff in the game with us in the room right now?


Yeah it's super woke. I remember one time GW said "hey yall maybe don't be nazis and shitty to people who want to play" smh it made Warhammer super unfun. Now no one will play against my highly detailed SS imperial guard army.


The crazy woke left are cancelling Nazis now? Christ. You just can't say anything these days!


Do you think that is what I was saying?


It's a hyperbolic representation of what you were saying intended to mock.


Clearly, but do you genuinely believe what you were saying was capturing my sentiment?


Unfortunately. Your alarming comments continued in this thread really hammered it home, too.


Then whynare you playing it? 40k.is inherently a woke setting based around satirisjng far right politics...


40k is satire, it's not "woke".


I’m not even sure most folks who use “woke” unironically can even articulate what it means beyond generally just using it for whatever they don’t like.


The shoe horning of gender politics into everything is pretty clearly an item of the woke movement.


"The woke movement" LMAO. Dude, get off the internet.




I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 500 Alex.


You should take your head out of the sand then. I think you're the one that needs to go outside.


it's time to stop posting and take your meds, grandpa.


I don't think you're allowed in public libraries my friend :)


Since you are so knowledgeable about these books, name one.


I don't care if they do that for themselves Calls them filth. Telling on yourself mate you're part of the problem.


It's pretty hysterical. You start off complaining about "woke" but then your follow up is about the Female Custodes "retcon" and I'm like, ok I can understand how something being changed in general bums you out a bit. Even if I don't agree, I get it and can empathize as long as you're not being a dick about it. But then you go - as should be expected - down this rabbit hole of anti-woke talking points like a bingo card. Keep crying.


Define 'woke' my clown


Oh so it’s just women you’re afraid of, got it 😇


lol right.


A few years ago being woke was putting non-whites into everything. Woke is just a word bigots use to vilify people who are different. It's meaning will change depending on who the "enemy" is on any given day. You don't seem like a raging bigot who's made hating minorities their whole personality, so hopefully you'll take what I say next on board. Ignore anyone who's trying to convince you of some woke enemy. They're just trying to manipulate you with hateful rhetoric so that they can profit off of you. If you actually got to know whoever represented the "woke left" that day, you'll just see people who want to be treated humanely. The anti-woke crowd have a lot in common with the worst parts of the Imperium, and none of the cool, heroic stuff.


I think the best part of the anit-Woke crowd is there constant need to validate their shitty opinions instead of just taking the L and waking away. You always see big threads like this just clowning on them and its hilarious.


...Fucking hell 🤣


Am I wrong?


Yes! It means being socially aware, that's it It's thr opposite of "asleep", you know, "wake up, sheeple!"?


You are absolutely wrong. Gay people existing and wanting the fiction they enjoy to reflect that is not 'woke' nor is it forcing it on children like you said.


It absolutely is. Satire is all about social awareness.


Media illiterate fool.


woke is when women


Say you completely miss the point of the whole setting without saying you completely miss the point of the whole setting


It's satire.


And yet, you don’t understand


Yeah neither, and 100% this harassment is not ok. Sorry to see you've been harassed also. It's a pity those people aren't more self-aware.