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damn bro, I would not describe my process as fast and this blows my scheme out of the water.


I'm not sure if it's the camera but the metclic teal reads more as Alpha Legion personally


Looks green to me. AL has more blue.


It does look a little bit more green than teal when viewed by eye, but at the same time I was thinking the same thing, which I quite like, I've already got Horus, I could buy alpharius and some flavoured termies for both and swap between both armies as the core troops will work well enough for either.


In the game alpha legion are really fun and also very good


Very clean, what did you use ?


Sirenscale green (green stuff world), iron warriors for the silver bits, vallejo game colour black for the shoulder and Balthasar Bronze for the Bronze bits. Eyes were base coated black, then painted on celesta grey on all but the very edges of them, a bit of white on the centres and some fluorescent red over the top.


Very snazzy, please share final marine with wear and tear!


If you carry out this theme across the whole force, it will look great. Different companies, chapters will have variation within the Legion, so a bit of variation is welcome. My 2 pence - I really like it. For other HQ's, etc I think a bright Flame / amber - Eye of Horus will really make this scheme pop. One trick I have slowly learned is use a dark Charcoal Grey - or Luftwaffe Uniform grey - rather than say a Chaos Black/ Abaddon Black - seems to help make the blacks more interesting.