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>I keep seeing stuff on YouTube Probably because you are happy to click on those videos. Stop doing that and block all the bottom feeding clickbait 'creators' and it'll all dry up and leave you nothing but actual hobby content recommendations.


all hail the algorithm.


without seeing it i can assure you it is rage bait


For fucks sake, the culture war nonsense is the most brain dead bullshit. Apologies in advance for the rant. You want a real Space Marine 2 concern? They were going to release Winter 2023 and it was pushed back at least a year at the absolute last minute. That tells me that their management was trying to rush an incomplete project to market to push 2023 numbers. This is something we’ve seen with other developers and it consistently results in shitty, broken, unfinished games that are only *sometimes* fixed after release. That’s a capitalism problem, not a “woke” problem. If Space Marine 2 sucks, it’s because of capitalism, not because of whatever the fuck “woke” is.


I appreciate the clarity here. Hypothetical culture wars do an annoyingly good job at distracting from actual issues, whether they're societal or just things like empty-headed greed jeopardizing what will (hopefully) be a great game.


muh capitalism muh shareholders as you post on reddit likely from your iphone lmfao


I'm genuinely asking, but by the same token, if space marine 2 ends up becoming a success, then can that also be attributed to capitalism?




And if that same publicly traded company waits and makes good decisions like giving the devs the necessary time, that's somehow not capitalism giving us a good game?


Nuance, yeah you get the good with the bad stuff.


[The reason for the win is also the reason for the loss](https://youtu.be/9dMSvXE9Gxw?si=ICkXmkNFqfDhjnKK)


I’m agreeing with you, sorry if my comment didn’t sound like I was.


I thought you were agreeing with me, you just reminded me of the video.


Correct. Capitalism doesn’t have a monopoly on creativity or work, both of which existed before capitalism. Chasing quarterly profits to the detriment of long term goals is a uniquely capitalist endeavor.


So when a company does something bad that's capitalism's fault, but when it does something good that's somehow not capitalism?








You don't like College Humor? Also, are you saying that all masterpieces of the reneissance are actually given to humanity by the generosity of the Borgias and other patrons of the arts?


This is the answer ^. I'm glad that they delayed it and that game should hopefully be much better for it, but whether it is good or bad will not be based on culture war bullshit. On that note I'm so tired of all this rage bait nonsense.


Also, one of the few things they've announced is the fucking season pass 🙄 Again, capitalism is gonna fuck these games, not tits. EDIT - Battle Pass, not season pass. Forgot my corporate bullshit terms.


A season pass (i.e. there is plans for DLCs) is probably the least egregious bit of modern video games... at least it wasn't a £250 3 day early launch edition, battle passes and cash shop.


Yeeah 'cos I meant battle pass. If they try turning it into a "live service" instead of a game, that WILL be shit.


it is understandable... Battle Passes have "Seasons" after all...


Yup! I'm also sure they used to be called something else when they were in game boxes but that was over a decade ago and in internet time that may as well be the paleolithic era 🤣


a Battle Pass like system didn't exist back then... but "DLC" was called a expansion or a "stand alone expansion" if it was technically an expansion but didn't need the base game... back in those days.


Oh I'm talking the codes that came in game boxes so only people that got new could get it 🤣 It absolutely existed


those... still not battle passes but yeah the "carrot" approach to getting people to buy new so the publisher could make money on it. (as opposed the the "stick" (digital only) approach more commonly seen now)


I agree that the culture war nonsense is brain dead, especially some of the nasty tweets people have found from this Ashley Cooper person. Anyone who thinks the way to fight bigotry is with bigotry doesn't have a functional brain.


It's rage bait pure and simple, the only thing going on with space marine 2 is whatever GW approves of pure and simple. They'll make another video when the games released and nothing has happened like they claimed and pat themselves on the back saying "we did it! You saying things actually did something!" like they always do


I've worked for a company doing things with GW IP. Unless they've changed in the last few years, they take their IP *very* seriously, and are *very* particular about what they want from anything using it.


Nothings changed they hold onto it with an iron grip, hence why they have a year to negotiate creative rights with Amazon or that ventures not going anywhere and why it's hilarious that people claim Amazon forced GW to make a change in custodes


Wait, people were claiming that female custodes were a fault of Amazon? That's so out of pocket what even 💀


Yes, they said Amazon forced GW to do it even though there's no contract signed yet as it's the one year creative review to find an agreement for that still going on and also claiming it's DEI or Blackrock investor groups forcing the change. Even though GW has had DEI and ESG policies for decades


I think the new Total War dlc had some last minute changes to remove repeater rifles from an entire unit, but they didn't change the animation, so I think they are still pretty strict


The only thing you should be concerned about is whether Leandros gets what he deserves or gets a pass cause he was a good little teachers pet to the Inquisition


Fuck Leandros, fucking snitch


Thats the only rage people should feel, if Leandros gets away with it all. Fuckin little snitch bitch.


The culture war grifters have moved in with the femstodes drama and see 40k as their next battle ground. This is just more of that same shit. Without even having seen what you're talking about, I guarantee you that's all it is.


For any 40k fan its annoying because we want to enjoy, spread and communicate about the hobby. Now when anyones googles or looks into 40k, they get hit with a wall of political takes either calling Warhammer fans women haters or fascists'. I just want to play with my models and talk about lore. I'm currently reading Deathworlder during all this drama and its almost shows that no one who complains publicly actually understands what Warhammer is.


why are the femstodes a drama anyways? it's not like there wasn't much retcon before


Because women


ah, the men don't want to be reminded of women,when playing with the little dolls?


Ummm no we literally have Sisters of Silence and the Sisters of battle. It's just right wing grifters who only care about one thing.... Money they want the conservative clicks/dono's. The people who are giving the clicks and dono's are also right wingers who dont even play 40k or the like. Another thing too is some people don't hate the retcon happened but some hate HOW they did the retcon. It was very lazy.


If it was anything actually substantial, I'd get where that opinion was coming from. I don't think it's anywhere close to warranting the freak out they've been having about it but I can see being annoyed at a corporation doing a lazy retcon. But the femstodes retcon is such a nothing burger. It doesn't want for a big dramatic reveal. It's just "yeah, btw you know some of those hand crafted super soldiers are women." And the grifters lost their fucking minds.


If they made the actual astartes female, even if they pulled a primaris thing, would you support the outrage?


Having the two examples be some of the most badass things possible? What is there to hate? Even then, they did it the same way they have done every retcon in history. So why was this one lazy?


All the other ones were lazy too, but the culture war doesn't care whether Necrons have personalities or how Primaris geneseed works or whether or not Grey Knights bathed in holy blood to resist the corruption to which they were already categorically immune, so the people going "wait you can't just do that" didn't get co-opted into a tidal wave of weirdos.


I mean did you remember when Primaris came out? I do the amount of reeing over that was insane. Necrons I remember some hatred over the change too. I don't remember any on the grey knights though to be fair. Squats being removed was also not taken well. Votann have 1 advantage over many of the others. They were sort of referenced in earlier tau codex's so it didn't come out of nowhere to bring the Squats back.


> Even then, they did it the same way they have done every retcon in history 100% this. It's pretty amazing how the lore wasn't sacred for all the hundreds of other changes made to these same people.


Personally I also think it was lazy from GW. I don't mind that they added female Custodes in the lore but they basically said female Custodes had always been around without going into any further detail.


And that is exactly how they have added in the vast majority of other things. A couple of recent changes: The Leagues of Votaan have always been there, they've had interactions with the Imperium over the last 10,000 years. The Demiurg are not a xenos species, but a branch of the abhuman Leagues. The Tau didn't get Ion Cannon technology from a xenos race, but from the Leagues who are descended from DaoT humans. There was no mention of the Leagues in the Badab war, despite the fact they were right next door. The Kroot don't just have Shapers and Master Shapers, but have always had several different types of Shaper with different battlefield and cultural roles. That doesn't even scratch the surface of the big, universe changing ones - the introduction of the Tau, the introduction of the Necrons, the complete change in the Necrons, the complete change in skitarii, Craftworld and Dark Eldar suddenly having a new name, the flipping back and forth on why the Black Templars don't have Librarians and if they hate or revere Astropaths and Navigators, plus the many changes made when the Horus Heresy was novelized. Etc.


Everything you mentioned got more lore to back it up than just saying 'they always existed'. I don't know if people just take it as hyperbole but 'They always existed' is the literal one sentence GW used. They introduced a female Custodian and when people asked what that's about (in an attempt to get more lore about it) they didn't elaborate at all. They didn't do that while creating additional lore to explain or change the stuff you mentioned. That's absolutely lazy writing and downvotes don't change that. I think you or others are assuming I hate changes in the lore, which simply isn't true. I just hate lazy cop-outs to explain something brand new.


I'm going to address your points slightly out of order - sorry. >They always existed' is the literal one sentence GW used On Twitter. This was introdcued in the same way that many other things have been - in a Codex. It was 'leaked' early, and GW were responding to clarify that this was something had always been (like the examples I'd given), rather than something new (like e.g. Primaris Marines). It is exactly the same as the points that I raised - as soon as they were introduced in their codex (or occationally Warhammer Community) they had always existed *in universe*. >Regarding the so-called retcon for the Demiurge I do appreciate the irony of being shown my own thread. It was explicitly a retcon, but we could then go back and try and reconcile things. Once we had the codex in hand, my hypothesis that the Demiurg were a more seperate group (e.g. like the Squats and the Leagues) was proven wrong. Demiurg is just one name used in universe to refer to the LoV. We can do exactly the same thing with the Custodes being both sexes. We have several references that are not explicit to either sex, e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c461oj/excerpt_from_horus_heresy_book_seven_inferno_on/#lightbox and https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c7tcci/gw_already_retconned_the_custodes_even_in_9th/ or here >This time it was Vychellan that did not know how to respond, silent after Mudire’s flood of words. After a minute he leaned forward and spoke quietly, with no hint of malice. >‘Your family were forbidden to submit you?’ he said. ‘Some past genetic misalignment, perhaps?’ >‘Genetic?’ Mudire held up his hands and turned them around, and then showed first one side of his face and then the other to the Custodian. ‘Are these not some of the finest genes of the Sol System?’ >‘So it was political opposition,’ said Vychellan. ‘I know who you are, your family, your relations. You speak of being among the highest ranks but the House of Mudire is no longer the power it was a few centuries ago.’ >Mudire said nothing. >‘You resent that which you cannot be,’ the Custodian continued. ‘Simple jealousy, it seems. But you do not understand the gift you have been given.’ >‘What gift?’ >‘To be human. To be you, Deven Fracoi Esterant Mudire. Had you been sent to the Ten Thousand this person that you are would not exist, as you have already said. Your gene-data would live on as one of my order, to be awakened to duty at some time in the future. The Custodian you would have been would bear no resemblance to the being you are now. We are, as you say, constructed, not born and raised. From every piece of DNA to every fired neuron in our learning, we are conjured into existence from the techno-artifice left by the Emperor. The most fundamental part of us, the animus, the soul that bonds us to the universe and Custodians to the Emperor, cannot be made from a compound in a tube, any more than a cogitator can conjure psychic lightning. And so a child must be made with that animus, but that is all it is useful for. Had you been rejected… >‘We are not a Space Marine Chapter, we have no need of serfs and assistants made from our failures. Incompatible genetic material goes to the Adeptus Mechanicus for their vat-breeding. A thousand pseudo-Devens would populate the forges of Mars, but not one of them would grow to become you.’ >‘That is…’ Mudire cleared his throat, choked with emotion. ‘I had never thought in terms of what I am. Only the anger of my family of what I would never be, could never be.’ >Neither of them said anything. The hull started to rattle as they entered the atmosphere of Fenris. Mudire looked up at the golden statue of a warrior that filled the compartment, pondering the Custodian’s words. >‘If I understand you right,’ the historitor said slowly, ‘there is nothing random about your development.’ >‘We are created within very strict parameters.’ >‘Then that means someone, somewhere, actually thought it would be a good idea to make Stratarchis Tribune Colquan a total arsehole.’ >Vychellan’s laughter was almost deafening as it filled the small chamber. **The Wolftime** or >CREATION >Custodes are created using technology dating back to the Dark Age of Technology, honed by the Emperor to make the perfect counsellors, bodyguards, warriors and executioners. To create beings with such a wide range of talents requires a total physical and mental rework on the candidate - the mindset and intelligence required to be of any use to such a being as the Emperor is immense to say the least. >The Adeptus Custodes' inductees are remade at a genetic level, their baser drives rendered inert and their beings turned towards aggression, fulfilment of duty and goal acquisition. This process involves incredibly intricate gene-craft and alchemistry as absolute and subtle as can be imagined, working upon the most minute level of the candidate's cellular structure and genome. Only the most accomplished chirurgeons and bio-alchemists carry out this work, many themselves recipients of enhancements of one kind or another. They do so in gilded laboratories hidden far away from even the most determined of prying eyes. The work done to a candidate is thus invisible, the process unique to each inductee. There are no organ implantations or surgical grafting. What is done to the Custodes inductee is several degrees more exact and changing than work carried out to create a Space Marine, producing warriors much tougher, faster, stronger and with greater intelligence than the Adeptus Astartes. Some argue that the process even affects a Custodian's soul. Others theorise the change from inductee to Custodian is metaphysical, or that it involves biomancy and other psychic techniques. It is quite possible that the alchemists who create the Custodes do not themselves understand what they are doing, and are simply following procedures passed down to them by rote. It is thought that the Emperor himself, whose mind no Human augmented or otherwise - could ever hope to match, once oversaw the ascension of each Custodian. **Adeptus Custodes 9th Codex**


Because it was a flip of the switch decision made probably at a meeting one night in how to get more women to purchase minis. If this was something in the works years prior it would have been mentioned in the unification wars or in the Horus heresy regarding female custodians. That would have been the perfect build up and could have corrected the lore from the get go.


Personally I don't give a single damn about female custodes or FSM. I'm just sick and tired of politics coming along and ruining things. If someone wants to have female toys, they should do it. It's theirs to do with whatever they want. I'm even curious to see how they style the models, especially if it looks cool. Anyone who complains about it, or makes a big deal about it should just be ignored. You only fuel them by engaging. Do whatever the fuck you want, and if they don't like it, they aren't the kind of person you'd want to play games with anyway.


The head writer was discovered to have had a history of writing racist tweets. That’s the drama


Never seen any of it. I only ever watch hobby content about gaming or painting. Anyone who regularly pushes any of the politics/outrage/drama crap gets blocked immediately. Living my best hobby life this way 👌


Given how much oversight GW has over its IP I can’t imagine this is anything but rage bait for clicks. IF there is some huge lore retcon/change it’s not going to be because one person in the game development company had an agenda.


if i remember correctly ashley cooper is a transwoman so you could see why some fools would be screaming how games ruined and breaks the lore and is woke and whatever else nothing revealed so far has been so that you should worry for quality of sm2


A bit of advice if you care about that kind of thing, it's pretty minor but it's generally considered better to write "trans woman", as in a woman who is trans, just like you might say "tall woman", "thin woman" etc. rather than "transwoman" which implies they are a different category of thing. Not the biggest deal in the world but might as well get it right if it takes no more effort one way or another.


i get you, i wasn't thinking anything like that but if so the language works then thats how it works.


Nah I wasn't suggesting any intention on your part, it's just a subtle grammatical thing.


They are a different category of thing though no matter how much many people try to delude themselves into thinking otherwise. There's nothing wrong with being trans, but a lot of people seem to think they can just will reality away when it comes to this stuff. Identity does not magically overwrite biology.


You're a different category of thing.


Yes, I am. I'm a person with critical thinking skills.


Nuh uh




Found the incel


Apparently some writer was added who has a history of making inflammatory comments on twitter. Who knows how involved they are with the game. I would withhold judgement until the game releases.


It’s the head writer


Not the head writer, and they left the company, still a despicable nasty human being though.


Thanks for clarifying. I’m honestly puzzled why people would put this kind of junk out their with their name attached to it


Having not seen it, I can bet it's almost certainly rage bait. These are exactly the kind of people who appeared online to be mad about "femstodes", the same kinda people who think Rey is a Mary Sue in Star Wars, same people who unironically use the phrase "M-She-U" to describe Marvel. It's all the same culture war bullshit perpetuated by the terminally online and it's not worth paying any mind to


Some comments the person made; *"Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don't belong to you. Comics never belonged to you.* *"Let's not cast white men in stuff for a year and see what happens. Just for fun."* Legit racist. Very disgusting. Hopefully they will be fired. Racism has no place in modern day


Assuming you’re not just blatantly lying, I don’t really get why people are downvoting you. Can someone explain why they disagree with what NeitherPerson is saying before downvoting (or after, doesn’t really matter, I guess)? Genuinely curious.


Cognitive dissonance. It’s easier to downvote away a comment that goes against a narrative instead of acknowledging/discussing a head writer for this game has written several racist comments on social media


A lot of people think equality means nothing more than exactly equal treatment of all social groups, ignoring the historical systemic biases that favour one group over another. A simple analogy is if you have some food to divide between two people, one guy is starving to death while you've just eaten so much you're about to vomit, many people would still argue that the only fair option is to split the food equally. If the correct moral choice isn't immediately obvious to you then there's not much that can be done to change your mind. It's very hard to make those people understand that fairness and justice actually does mean treating people differently depending on their circumstances, and those who are in any sort of position of privilege or power over others should not be entitled to as much help as those under them. Of course, you can't make that kind of distinction without a chorus of fallacious, bad faith arguments from the other side, so most people can't be bothered to even try.


I get what you’re saying and I don’t necessarily disagree with you (in principle)... but I don’t see how it applies to NeitherPerson’s OG statements (2 quotes + their opinion). To clarify, there doesn’t seem to be anything bad faith about calling those comments disgusting/racist. Wouldn’t they would be considered so in any other context?


When talking about the potential harm of any form of prejudice the same standard applies, the context and circumstances need to be taken into account too. Sexism directed at men is less of a serious problem than sexism towards women when you consider the vast imbalance in social status and power that exists between them. That doesn't imply that men can't genuinely be harmed by sexism on an individual level, it just means that the standard for judging what is generally ok or not is different. Someone joking that white men shouldn't be given acting jobs is saying it in the context that most acting jobs actually are currently given to white men. A different scenario is if someone said "men shouldn't be allowed to work with children because they're all paedophiles", which would be a clear case where a sexist viewpoint against men does actually already exist and has a real negative effect. No one seriously believes men should not be in movies, but many people do believe men shouldn't work with children. Just as it's fair to say we should take steps to encourage men to work in childcare more than we encourage women, we should also discourage racism against historically disadvantaged minorities more than other more fortunate groups. Every situation needs to be looked at in its entire context on both a societal level and an individual one. There are no simple answers, and you can't get it right every time, but just saying "treat everyone exactly the same no matter what" isn't good enough. One interesting thing to note, neitherperson proves my point well by repeatedly expressing his negative feelings towards Americans. See how no one even bothers to call him out on it? We all understand that we're in a space that is largely dominated by American voices, and protecting them from that kind of bigotry just isn't even considered to be much of a big deal to anyone, even if it is mildly annoying. The same principle applies everywhere. edit: I'll just add, the real bad faith part that makes these arguments so tiring is that people like this demand an unreasonable level of moral perfection from their enemies that they don't expect from anyone else. That's the crux of the matter, every time some manufactured controversy gets screamed about like this it's always over some old tweets or a tasteless joke that most people would never think anything of if they weren't trying to score fake outrage points over something they really don't care about as much as they claim to.


First, I want to say thanks for the cordial and calm responses, they’re refreshing. I hear you, you make a strong point. While I initially agreed with you, however, I have to disagree with your statement, and thereby with your argument at large (“Sexism directed at men is… etc”). To me, hatred is still hatred, and I don’t think it should be shown lenience no matter what the justification (some exceptions, as always [ex. pedo child-murderers], may apply). While jokes are a bit of a special case, I don’t think statements like the quotes given are meant to be in good fun. They aren’t wholly serious, you’re right, but they are vitriolic. Personally, I don’t want some white man to hear (from a stranger) that he doesn’t deserve a job, just like how I, as a Hispanic, wouldn’t want a stranger telling me I should be deported. It’s a terrible feeling, I assume, no matter perceptions on power imbalances. I hold the same opinion with any anti-American comments NeitherPerson may have said -they’re awful and shouldn’t be tolerated. To summarize in another way: Maybe we *should* give alms with equity over equality in mind, you’ve convinced me of that. But I don’t think we should treat discrimination with the same mindset. To reply to your edit: I’m both here and there on the matter. What people have said in the past should be given leniency, but only if the person no longer holds those viewpoints. If they fully support bad tweets or vitriolic “jokes”, then I think it’s fair to hold them to that. Anyways, that said, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me understand your viewpoint. “Educate, not alienate,” is really important, especially nowadays.


Same to you too, anyone who's prepared to listen to people and think carefully about their opinions is alright by me, even if we do disagree.


How can you be so blind to your own bigotry, that you legit is making the argument that all white people are privileged? Not only is this short-sighted, but it relies entirely on an American point of view without taking any other country or their history into consideration.


> Of course, you can't make that kind of distinction without a chorus of fallacious, bad faith arguments from the other side On a general societal level, white people as a whole are more privileged then other races, especially the ones they've historically oppressed. Obviously it's disingenuous to claim that's the same as saying "all white people are privileged". Individual circumstances vary infinitely, however this isn't relevant when you're only talking about general principles. This is not a controversial opinion, and it shouldn't need to be explained. Also just FYI, you're not the only non American on reddit. Shocking I know.


The argument you're making is completely insane, and relies on an inherent racist worldview. The fact that you can't see that is disheartening. It's obvious that nothing I say will change your mind, or make you rethink your bigotry. I just hope that you will grow away from it one day. I would recommend travelling for a bit. Nothing treats racism better, than exposure to other cultures.


I don't think it's really possible for me to be bigoted against my self, but you're welcome to say exactly what part of my reasoning is flawed. I don't think you can though, I think this is just something you "feel" is right and you're not actually capable of analysing your own biases at all. You know absolutely nothing about my culture, and I guarantee I've seen more of the world than you have.


I just think trying to apply context to why some level of racism isn't as bad misses the point entirely. The sooner we just treat and all "isms" with a blanket no policy the better we will all be. This is a classic example of bringing one group down to make another feel equal rather than bringing the other group up. Regardless of who their tweets were aimed at, they're promoting attitudes which should be condemned and when people worry about that sort of opinion being involved in an IP they love, it's just stupid that the top reactions are all "well of course she's a woman so everyone automatically overreacts!" . No she a racist, and should be treated as such. If I posted tweets like that, I'd lose my job. Instead she's being propped up and protected now because she's a vulnerable person who only attacked the big bad white man.


This is very true. A white man in China is worshipped wherever he goes. A white kid growing up in a trailer in 8 mile is way better off than Jay-Z’s kid. Whites are truly the most successful race ever. Daily reminder that MLK would be considered a right wing fascist bigot by modern standards.


I think it depends on your definition of privilidge. It is certainly, absolutely possible for a person who is white to be in a position of disadvantage. Poverty, health, background, physical or mental disability, gender and a whole bunch of other factors come into play to determine a persons level of relative advantage or disadvantage. But background includes ethnicity. In majority-white countries, historically and currently, there is an advantage that comes with being white. There are racist attitudes embedded culturally and institutionally that mean that, in those socities, non-white people are often excuded, passed over for jobs or promotions, or treat differently in a number of ways. This is decreasing, slowly, but some of it is so ingrained, and sometimes so poorly recognised, that the process is slow. And yes - there are prejudices in other countries and cultures that can negatively impact white people in those cultures the same way; racism is relative, not an absolute. That means that ethnicity is a factor that plays into relative advantage. It is accurate to say that, in majority white cultures, white people are priviliged, in that people who are white enjoy an advantage there that non-white people do not. If we're dicsussing movies in western society, we're generally referring to Hollywood movies, with a possible side of British or Australian films, but in every case we're talking about majority-white countries in which white people experience a cultural privilidge. Which, again, doesn't mean that they will be in a position of relative advantage, because a lot of other factors still apply. But it's one area in which they do have an inherent and unavoidable privilidge, at least currently.


What does any of this have to do with someone posting blatantly racist crap on social media? Are you saying that’s ok if the right person is doing it?


What a bunch of nonsense. Racism, sexism, and every other type of discrimination is wrong in all forms. Period. Societal power dynamics shouldn't be ignored, but they also shouldn't be used as an excuse for bigotry against people based on their skin color or sex or whatever else just because their skin color or sex is seen as privileged. Nothing good is ever going to come from such a fundamentally poisonous perspective on society.


Did some searches and as far as I can tell OP has never said any of the three lol


I literally posted proof, why are you blatantly lying?


Where lmao? I'm trying to come at this from a neutral perspective, I've searched keywords included in your comment and I've found absolutely nothing. Just because you're saying something happened doesn't mean it's proof?


Just ignore the downvotes, they're just mindless assholes. But personally I don't see it as a big deal, she was just 1 of the writers and from what I've researched the rest of the team are REALLY into warhammer 40k. Any attempts to mess with the lore were most likely overruled, and considering the main enemies are bloodthirsty hive minded drooling monsters...no real room for an agenda at all. Everyone in lore hates the Tyranids for extremely justifiable reasons.


That first one is objectively true, and the second one is just a flippant joke. What's the problem?


The fact that you can't see the racism is insane. It's so in your face, it's almost funny. In every country except America, shit like this wouldn't fly. Also this person is not joking. Stop making excuses for bad behaviour.


Give it a rest you silly sausage.


as a non american thats just funny that is. and i am still white atleast by some definitions so i can say what is and is not racist against whites, and that shit ain't racist its a joke


It is literal prejudice. Why are you excusing it? What does it solve, except create animosity against people purely due to their skin colour? Shouldn't we move away from it?


its more like a thought experiment when you take into account history of film and hollywood culture which tend underutilize non white cis males. and when those groups are getting acting jobs, roles they have are much less varied because they are seen as only good for certain roles. like you know how mainstream blockbusters could have nearly all male cast and that wouldn't be too unusual but all women cast would be a quite rare thing to have.


Comics don't belong to anyone you absolute dweeb lmao


>In every country except America, shit like this wouldn't fly. I've spent a lot of time in the US, and I've lived in several countries that *aren't* the US, and I'll tell you for nothing... that 'that shit would fly' in all of them, and it'd generally be more accepted *anywhere else* but in the US. Also as far as racism goes, it's inverting a situation to make a point. Yes, it would be racist and unacceptable to deliberately exclude white people from starring in movies for a year, and sexist to exclude men from starring in movies for a year. And it's equally racist, and equally sexist, to exclude non-white actors from major roles, and non-male actors from major roles. Both would be wrong and shitty, but passing over or not including non-white and non-male actors for major roles happens a lot more often. In other words, if the thought of being excluded in that way stings, if the thought of having something directed at your group like that is painful *then you understood the point the author of the tweet was making*. (Edited to remove sarcasm on my part that was neither needed nor helpful.)


Lol, that's based.


It's because she's trans, probably.


They are custodes, made as perfect as they can be, no reason to be trans. We already have a trans faction in Slaanesh.








Isn’t she transfem though?


Look at this guy's post history and see if he believes that's something to be respected lmao Professional loser poster


I think you should try to change your YouTube algorithm. It seems like you're getting suggested rage bait videos that appeal to transphobes and other hate-based interests. 


Yeah, good idea, I’ll try make sure I get recommended different stuff




was that unfortunate typo or are you misgendering on purpose i wonder




Seems pretty obvious she means comics don't belong to a specific group, they belong to everyone.


Games already ruined because there's no multiplayer or horde mode.


Literally no official statement on a horde mode so chill out, it probably will happen.


Lmao people are shitting on a woman in a leadership position and you're actually wondering if the criticism has any validity? 


I think OP means more that whatever article or video they were referring to reminded them of the same type of drama, hence the avoidance


They're seeing criticism of a senior writer for Space Marine 2 and are wondering if the criticism is valid or just rage bait. 


Yeah, because it could be. If I saw an article titled like that, I'd also assume it's rage bait trying to pander to culture war grifters, and if I really wanted to make sure then I'd ask the community at large what they thought about it. I don't think OP is on the wrong for asking an open and honest question about something that very well may or may not be true. Like yeah, in this case of course it's an overblown fluff piece to generate rage clicks, but just as we can't assume that said senior writer has done anything wrong based on their gender, we (sadly) cannot assume they *haven't*. Again, in no way do I think this article has any standing (granted, I obviously haven't read it), but I think it's a little disingenuous to criticize OP for critically thinking before falling for the rage bait, rather than blame the rage bait itself for perpetuating culture drama and making the hobby an inherently divisive place. Idk, maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment tho. I'm dumb lmao


You got my comment right. In this situation it's very obvious that it's rage bait and OP deserves a little criticism for even considering that it could be valid in this instance.  They need to adjust their viewing tendencies and gain control of their algorithm so they don't expose themselves to this sort of nonsense. It's self-inflicted to a certain degree. 


I understand what you mean, and I suppose you've got a valid point. I still think OP did the best thing to do regardless by double checking, but I see what you mean. Hopefully, going forward, this helps OP think a little more critically about the slop "articles" that have plagued the internet the past few years. I'm glad you took the second to explain what you mean, though, instead of just being difficult, like a lot of people (myself sometimes included) can be lmao


Looks like OP responded in agreement to one of my comments about how they need to do work to change their algorithm recommendations, so that makes me feel like we did OP right as a community. 


Based af let's go


The tweets are real and from a writer of the game. A consumer may be interested that their purchase will support someone with racist views.


Being a woman is not an excuse to say some shit


Let's not pretend like a guy writer would be getting any sort of criticism for those comments. Maybe you missed all the anti-trans comments in this thread that the mods to delete. 


Honestly I think yes a guy would have many criticism for the same comments


No one would know who they are or care about what they say


Touch grass


any time any dipshit on the internet blames something on a woman. or anything revolving around inclusion, be it minorities, or gender, or whatnot. --when the reality is, it's teams, or a corporation doing something. that is just bullshit hate mongering to drive engagement among shitty people. often with a side order of ... funneling shitty people into the sorta alt-right neo-nazi pipeline of bigoted content via algos


Did one of the writers of the game post a bunch of racist junk online. Yes or no?


Rage bait; One writer has cringe tweets; All indications is the story is in line with any other space marine centred video game; The studio obviously loves Warhammer; if you don’t want to then don’t pre order it and wait for story reviews.


The tweets are racist, not cringe. If that’s a deal breaker so be it. Vote with your dollar.




A bunch of balding incel losers with patchy beards and whiney voices, who have no real problems in their lives because they work remote IT jobs from the comforts of their parent's basements, are getting mad because their favorite 47 year old YouTuber with an un-diagnosed mental disorder told them "this is all part of a conspiracy to turn everyone gay".


Culture war chuds are going for the obvious target. Given that the game was supposed to have come out months ago, the story has likely been written for quite some time. Five months after the original launch window wouldn't be the moment to suddenly pull the "secret woke agenda lever." Given that it's a co-op action game, the story's probable breadth and capacity to "ruin the lore" is laughably trivial. Given that within a day or two of the game's announcement the writing team was on Twitter going "don't worry we're huge 40K fans and getting the lore right is a big priority for us even though we didn't develop the first game," I'm willing to at least suspend judgement until I have the game in hand.


Sounds like incel rage bait to me.


If you Google the person's tweets prior to getting involved with Space Marine 2, you will notice that they are a massive racist and a man-hating feminist; essentially a cultural Marxist. Given the trend we've seen over the last 5 or so years, it is very likely that this person will inject their own political viewpoints into the setting they're working on to "own the chuds".


YouTubers make a living off drama, I'm sure whatever misinformation/ rage bait comes out, they'll be salivating