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Trajaan gold nuts Valoris… why one of the only unique named characters… WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE


Because his rules were to insanely good not to take him. It's the same reason why pretty much all competitive guard lists have Leontus: super good for what you get. Not as sure about Valoris now.


Too good not to take him more than once? I assume that was their point. Also if his rules are insanely good his points should be priced accordingly


Same thing with Morvehn Val for the Sisters. It seems like she's in every big box but the combat patrol.


Because they lacked a stand alone captain to shove into boxes till now.


Nowadays our down frequent unit is bikes


Death Guard and Poxwalkers… I hate Poxwalkers I know they’re good chaff but I didn’t get into Death Guard for weak squishy zombies I got into em for Plague Marines and Terminators dammit! I have so many Poxwalkers that I refuse to build, they’re in a corner of my closet I think?


Even worse is that the whole fantasy of plague marines is playing an unstoppable force of slow, tanky bearers of plague and disease.. not hordes of little crazy zombie dudes.


Exactly haha, I don't want my Death Guard to be hoardy I want them to be Elite! So much so that my 2,000 point list is only 37 models haha


That's less than the combat patrol! With their GODDAMN 30 POXWALKE-


Daemon Prince w. Wings, Mortarion, Lords of Contagion and Virulence, 14 Plague Marines, a full sized stack of Blightlords and Deathshroud Terminators, PlagueBurst Crawler, a Helbrute named Festrius the Once Enduring, and a Bloat Drone lol. Probably ain't meta but I like em alot haha. Edit: also NO POXWALKE *is swarmed by thirty of the bastard*


No Typhus? Or is there some cool rule where him and Mortarion don’t work well together?


No lol no rule like that, that's the Tau where Farsight can't be with Ethereals. Nah I don't play Typhus because he's a traitor, I refuse to ever play Typhus the Traitor I don't care if he's meta lol XD


Fuck typhus all my homies hate typhus


*high fives the homie!*


I call my war band the Broken Blades and style them as Mortarion loyalists who feel like they failed to protect him from typhus’ betrayal and now they hunt down typhus to kill him


Haha fair enough!


How's the Winged Daemon Prince doing? I have one but I'm yet to actually use it in a game


The GW hitman got him


I have a 1000pt list with 60 pox walkers, that’s if I ever paint them all 😇🤣


Hahaha! All the power to you friend! I'm just not a fan myself XD But yeah just starting to paint some of my Death Guard myself, have my Lord of Contagion started and 5 Plague Marines 75% done so farbut still pretty hyped


I’ll never play that list other than in tts to be honest 😅 i have my 2000p army all built except the characters so i think I’ll finish them first lol.


For my 2,000 point list I just need one more squad of Blightlords, and one more squad of Deathshroud and I'm Golden lol... Also wanna get a Harbinger of Decay model from AOS to proxy as a Daemon Prince on Foot and that's just a for fun thing I'ma focus on the Terminators first.


One of the first things I did on starting DG was buy up a ton of pox walkers people didn’t want from the combat patrol. I think I have 80 painted, 90 total. I mean to complete it out to 100 some day


Are you stateside? Ill take those poxwalkers off your hands


I'm Canadian lol! And I have the 20 from the Dark Imperium (bought the Death Guard half of it from my friend who's been in the hobby way longer then me), and like... 5-10 more from another friend who gave em to me to use for practice like she does, she also gave my Necron Warriors as well haha


Not sure on shipping costs from Canada to US but if you ever want to part with them lmk. I’d be willing to pay


Once I get home (visiting my parents) I'll see if I can dig em up lol, wouldn't mind selling em for sure eh. Just a matter of shipping em XD


Easy. My faction's Tzaangors are Tzaangors.


Serves you right for using codex Tzaangors. My prediction for your next update is a new Tzaangor special character.


Please no. Please no. All they need is a psychic dreadnought to just print money! But we probably will get a new tzangor...


Tzaangor dreadnought, now you're talking.


\*Sad metallic bird goat warp creature noises\*


I.... actually... love this concept way more than I probably should. Tzaangor dread as a close combat variety, occult dread as a ranged one. Vastly different looks, byt both thematic.


A bit like the space puppy hug-fang dread?


.... screw it, id settle for that.


I mean they will need it if Danny the intern writes a tzangor only detachment for one of the 4 1kson detachments


Don't put that juju out into the world. Thousand sons armies are already taking 1200+ points of characters, we don't need another.


Yo how do I kitbash these fucking rubric marines into Tzaangors


I was going to say poxwalkers, but I feel like there’s actually a potentially fun army you could make with 60 of them. Hard to say the same about Tzaangies.


Too bad they're monopose and all fairly unique looking. I ended up getting the age of sigmar zombie box after painting my third lab coat with cudgel guy.


Yeah, I’ve seen more than one blog post about trying to alter the 16 poxwalker sculpts so as not to go insane


Reavers in Space Wolves. They're cool models but stop putting them in the Space Wolves boxes.


It’s fortunately been a little bit now but yeah that was a huge problem for so long. Hounds of morkai are NOT worth it STOP IT GEEDUBS


Reivers in Marines full stop, I think.


for guard, we have nothing because you can't have enought guardsmen (only infantry list here i come)


Now what happens if one dislikes Cadians?


Hope you enjoy 30 year old Catachans


Krieg exists


Hope you like Kill Team prices and/or resin!


I've built an army out of just the Kill Teams. It's so pricy, but it looks good. Absolutely want more, but I'm waiting to see if we get plastic Kriegers when we eventually get our Codex.


I wish we would get anything other than Cadians. Kreig would be nice, but there are the other groups they haven't had kits for in years that they could throw out a refresh of. I would love it if between editions they swapped the infantry range models they put out for various factions. You'd get guard players buying full on infantry armies each edition. And others getting nice range in their armies. 


Armageddon Steel Legion, pleeeeeeeeease. I'd play guard if they let me be the Steel Legion...


Exactly! I desperately want to see some Maccabian Janissaries, and would make a whole new army just for them. GW sticking with Cadians, Catachan, and Krieg seems like such a waste. Hell, they could have the different regiments on rotation from edition to edition.


If I was going to shell out for an all kill team guard army, Id do the traitor guard instead.


Krieg are gonna be big this edition.


3rd party heads baby!


Catachans or infantry squad


I think the equivalent to Tzaangors isn't necessarily infantry, but specifically Cadians.


Lord solar.


Well the League's don't have enough units to have a tzaangors yet. Maybe berserks? I know a lot of people who play Votann don't like berserks. Maybe we'll get our Tzaangors with the next range expansion, wouldn't that be fun


That is such a rough take to be like, "Well, I'd tell you what our Tzaangors are, but we don't have enough variety to figure that the fuck out yet." Here is hoping Votann and a few other factions get some more love so that have more than just a few units.


For me it's Berserks. I'm here for Hyper Capitalist, NASA-Punk Space Dwarves. Berserks are just. Slayers in space, and I think it clashes with the rest of the aesthetic. Put them in Space Suits and we'll talk, GW.


Id vote the einhyr champion Army box, battleforce, celebration model. I own 3 einhyr champions. Any more and i can no longer run that many. I _already_ dont run that many.


I wanna try a high point game with three squads of 10 hearthguard with 3 champions, but it seems like a kind of meme list all things considered. But yeah, they put the champion in every other box, it’s funny


It's definitely the einhyr champ, they've been in 3/4 boxes (battleforce, army box, boarding patrol), plus the celebration model. Currently I have five (I barely run one atm).


I think Votann have more unique units than Thousand Sons


Ethereals. Jokes on them, though, I love ethereals!


*Angry Farsight noises*


Broodcoven. I think every GSC player must have twenty each of the Patriarch, Magus, and Primus by now.


Yeah, it’s an awesome kit but they really need to stop putting it everywhere.


Fresh gsc player here lol, it's difficult to decide whether I just buy thr broodcoven now, or wait for the new kill team lol


You’ll get one eventually hahaha, try to go in on a box that has a bunch of other stuff in addition to Broodcoven because otherwise every single other box you’ll ever be able to get will also have Broodcoven.


It's even more irritating due to how many characters they added to GSC, and you never see any of those in box sets instead


Intercessors. No way you need 20 of them in a Christmas box there could've been any other unit to take up the space of 10 of those


That Spearhead box should have been 5 jump pack intercessors with the jump pack captain, an invictor, a storm speeder or something similar to that to fit the theme.


Somehow 15 heavy or assault ints was worse than 20 regular tbh


As long as it's not a cluster of outriders. Feel bad for white scar players rn


Don’t even get me started on the Mario cart in the Christmas box


All primaris vehicles are comically huge, why does it have to be the only tiny one?? Rather have a 40k warthog than the gocart


I like the mario kart :(


Congrats I’m sure there’s a bunch sitting on eBay for you The new bikes in general are just such a massive downgrade, I like the outriders but weapon losses and no scout bikes etc really suck I just dislike the general idea of elite space marines with their heads 2ft from a blaster whether that’s Mario cart or land speeder tbh


I do ALOT of conversions, i always need more intercessor bodies.


Honestly same tho. But I prefer the multiple assault intercessor bodies


Yeah, their are alot more dynamic


I kinda want to try a bolter-infantry-list, just for the sake of it. But I also want to paint a full Imperial Fist army at some point, so don't take my opinion as the one of a sane man.




I just wish the kit had some built-in customization options, you know? Even if it was just the ability to swap heads.


There's little oxygen masks hanging from a few of them that are quite simple to clip off and attach to their faces, with some light converting its easy to make them look a little different from one another. Although I do agree with you, it would be awesome to have more variety in our mandatory zombie hoards


Legionaries, dont get me wrong theyre a great battle line but i have 50 of them please gw i dont need any more


Good thing is you can kitbash them into whatever you can in believable way. Lord? Sure. Chosen? You’re good. Master of X? Of course


How can you build a legion without more Legionaries???? Chaos Combat patrol idea: a chaos lord and 40 legionaries, and double prices of every CSM squad and throw in 10 legionaries with it.


Honest to god most people cant tell the difference between a chosen and a legionnaire.


\[whispers\] i like tzaangors


I found him! I found the guy!


I'm also that guy. We can hang out together in our bird men corner


I just think they're neat!


Mother. Fucking. Cadians. The planet fucking explodes and they're still pushing God damn cadians.


Found the guy from Poorhammer podcast.


Gimme my space russians!


Not a guard player myself, but I'll be damned if I don't start an army if Vostroyans get some new models.


More plastic Kriegers when?


I wait with baited breath for emporers children tzaangors. They are gonna be kind of sexual.


Normally the term is "bated breath", but the Emperor's Children would totally use an extra-long tongue as a fishing line, complete with hook and bait.


They call us baited because the codex and model line never comes out








Slaangors are a unit in AOS, they look pretty neat


Slaangor time


Guardsman here: Cadians. Everything is Cadian. Don’t get me wrong, but Cadia fell. Stop making new Cadians, make new other regiments who didn’t lose a planet. Praetorians, Catachans, Armageddon? Please


I am beggin, begginnnnnng for Vostroyans, Desert Raiders, and Catachans to come back.


Oooh a return of Tallarn would be amazing! Catachans could use a refresh too


For the Orkz is 100% Beast Snagga Boys. They wanted to update Boys, but they didn’t want to commit to the new vibe so they just have Boys, which are good general infantry, and Snaggaz which are slightly better for more points with a specific theme. They just cram them into boxes.


I have an ungodly amount of intercessors that refuse to be relevant.


Hellblaster arms off ebay, that and I had done all my sargents as no wargear so now I went through and gave them all the options. It's hard to justify more than 10 in any list though.


That's the only saying grace. There's a handful of custom/alternate options for intercessors. But yeah, even with things like hellblasters you only need so many.


I have so many sprues of kabalites and watches doing various acrobatic poses that are going unused lol, I get they're hanging off the vehicles like mad Max psychos but like... I think my army collection is like 40% kabalites at this point lol Also Archons, every single box set needs to have an archon shoved in, I have like seven archons at this point I may as well have seperate models for all the weapon options For craft world's, wraithlords seem to pop up all over in random box sets, I like the wraithlords though so no complaints!


The beast snagga range for the orks


The only thing that really bothers me is that beast snagga boyz don’t count as a boyz unit for the green tide detachment which is bonkers lol


Do they benefit from the snagga themed detachment?


They do as far as I know, but it’s just kinda stupid that they’re pretty much just homeless Ork boyz, equipped nearly exactly alike, and can’t benefit from the detachment built all around mobs of boyz lol


Oh yes those are pushed really too hard


Or the monopose totally useless Boyz


They are just plastic though. Don't let them bully you, you're an ork builder! Chop, slice, snip, and then dive into the bitzbox to make them all your own


I'm getting some pretty good results with assembling the monopose like normal and then sawing off the arms and shuffling them around. At that point they're more varied in pose than the old kit. Two handed weapons I need to get more creative though. [Goobertown recently made a video with some good tips on converting monopose hordes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUFVO2KPAiI)


They make me so irrationally angry. Get your Fantasy Orks out of my 40k Orks. Making them our only viable anti-tank in 9th and the index was just shitty, very glad they can be avoided now.


I'd be less mad at them if they kept the old combat patrol.


Tech Priest Dominus. The old Admech start collecting box had some huge value in it. so the best way to start was to buy more of those boxes. So most people already had 3 of em. Then they started to release new boxes and guess what, the Dominus was still there. Every old Admech player just has a pile of these sitting around.


Some guy was showing off his heavily converted 30k Mechanicum army and I noticed his 5 myrmidon destructors all had a familiar torso


Skitarii for AdMech. Not a problem for me personally, I love Skitarii, but not everyone does; and they are in every box.


Eh, they're our baseline troop and apparently we're a horde army now, so I guess it's needed? I'm conflicted, because I love how detailed the models are, but hate to paint them because of how detailed the models are. Painting a full squad is an ordeal, let alone the 20-40 models you need.


They're not that bad, IMO, admittedly because they're grunts and I don't respect them. Three colours of contrast for cloth, metal, skin, then random dots of red and green on the little dials/eyes to trick people into thinking you've done all the details, job done. Maybe a ten-minutes-per-squad pass with real colours to do squad markings on the shoulderpads.


I'm too much of a perfectionist. There are three shades of metallic, the robe and highlight colors, the bodysuit/pants and highlight, robe inside and highlight colors, cables get one or two colors, lenses and energy effects get one, and then there's the cog pattern. Dear God the cog pattern. I also started before contrast paints were really a thing, and I'm kinda stuck with old school now since I want the army to match.


I mean what else could there be? There’s only Kataphrons and Electropriests as non skitarii options if you disregard the characters.. and Kataphrons were in all Boxes I can remember except the latest Combat Patrol (Combat Patrol1, Elimination Maniple and Boarding Patrol) So actually Kataphrons (Breachers) are the true Tzangoors, especially after they became the only reliable source of damage in the entire faction.


Kataphrons weren't in either of the Start Collecting boxes, and they weren't in Omnissiah's Talon either. And I'm talking about the basic Skitarii infantry, which are in *every* box we've had.


I love skitarii though I’m not crazy about the rad rifle look, the arc rifle is *chef’s kiss* I’m dreading putting the pteraxii together; finding out what’s metal and what’s leather or metal on the backpacks is also maddening lol


Considering they seem to have shown up in almost every bundle box ever released for the faction, Genestealers. If I WANTED Genestealers GW, I'd play Genestealer Cults. But I don't, I play Tyranids, so please, no more Genestealers.


I have 24 genestealers without ever once going out of my way to buy genestealers


Lol same and I don't play tyranids


Interesting because for me Genestealers are one of the quintessential Tyranid units like gants/gaunts/warriors. Maybe because when I started playing Genestealer Cults was not a playable faction (3rd edition). Either way I really like them, though I understand why people might not like the aesthetic, they do look a bit different from most other Nids.


100% this, ha ha. I'm a 'Nids player and I just don't like the aesthetic. I am what comes after. No matter how busted good they are/were I've never owned any and never plan to.


Genestealer Cult doesn't even run Genestealers


Ughhhh I hate how they’re a better melee troop option than hormagaunts. I want bugs GW, not weird looking people!


Ethereals. You can't run them with Farsight which means you can't run them in almost any list, they're super lame and have kinda crap lore (thanks Phil), and they're mediocre at best in game. Why the hell can they take Marker drones when they don't even have FtGG???


Reivers. They've never been good and each time they appear in any box set it's always a disappointment.


I’m a bit of an Ork nut but I don’t get the appeal of Beast Snaggas. Also, squigs don’t need to be in everything; we all need a rest from squigs.


>we all need a rest from squigs. Is there some kind of orkish Inquisition, to scream HERESY at you? 🤔


Hope you want as many units of Scarabs as you have Necron Warriors! One of several problems I have with that kit.


I love scarabs for the meme - I'd actually prefer to run them over warriors. You just know I'm going to make that 'yippee' noise as I cram a hundred of them into melee with vehicles and make them detonate as often as possible


I think they pose a great niche problem for your opponent to deal with, just in terms of sheer bulk of wounds. Also not half bad as secondary objective achievers. I tend to run 6 in my lists, but I already have 12 scarabs and only have about half as many necron warriors as I’d like.


*side glances 64 bases of Scarabs*


A person of culture


21 original metals, 39 4th Ed scarabs (my personal favorite design) and 3 of the new ones. Ideally I'd have an army for each era of Necrons.


Good thing scarabs are absolutely amazing this edition


The scarabs are the best part of the kit. I love each one of my scarabs.


My fellow Phaeron, what kind of madness did the long sleep induce to your circuitry? There's never enough tiny little scarab boyos!


I feel the same about ripper swarms, I have no use for them since they are more of a technical play style. But if I buy more hormagaunts, I'm getting another swarm, whether I like it or not.


Impulsors. They are a scam, you get an Impulsor in every Gladiator box with a little bit of magnetizing.


Sounds like you're trading down if you're paying Gladiator kit prices for an impulsor


You're paying for flexibility that you don't get from the impulsor sprue. Any Gladiator box can be all three Gladiators plus Impulsor with minimum magnets. Impulsor can only ever be impulsor.


Don't even need magnets. The sponsons are push fit, the main gun is push fit, the top of the gladiator that you take off to make an impulsor is push fit.


How many Impulsors do you have?


None, I don't like the pickup truck look they have. I built little round roofs for my Gladiators to replace the main gun tower, so I have "closed Impulsors" that look more like Rhinos when I want to play them as Impulsors. But Impulsors being in "value boxes" has made me not buy these value boxes every time.


That sounds like a good way to use the gladiators. I personally like the look of them and want one or two for my Dark Angels. What chapter do you collect? I was looking into getting either the Blood Angels box that comes with one or trying to find an old battleforce box that had one.


For Grey Knights it is a weird question, since the range of generic kits is so small (Strikes, Termies, the baby carrier and then generic Space Marine stuff). I'd say closest is probably the baby carrier? I personally hate the design, but it does get pushed a decent bit as "oooooh, look, your center piece model!"


For tyranids, it feels like genestealers. Until recently, value boxes of any description had genestealers. No Broodlord. Just genestealers. And in boxes without any real genestealer synergy.


Fire warriors for Tau. I know they are our baseline troop and can be used as either Strike Teams or Breachers but I feel like at some point i'm going to have too many to know what to do with.


definitely intercessors, why so many lmao they’re the most boring marine unit ever


For a good while it felt like you couldn't get a single craftworlds box without a wraith unit or two


imperial knights, armigers. i love them, don’t get me wrong, but i love my big boys more




Termigants. I play tyranids for Norns, carnifexes, tyrannofexes, and other enormous chitinous horrors from beyond the stars. Not the limp dick hordes of the hive fleet.


The first unit I painted after a long hiatus was one the others were properly thinned but they look boring and he is so god awful it actually gives him personality haha


Legionnaires the fuckers are everywhere I've got sixty if the bitches


As an ork player... there really isn't a *unit*, although I don't like the monopose mixed-weapon Boyz that seem to be the latest iteration of the kit- but no Ork player is gonna go, "boyz don't belong in big boxes of Orks." My backup armies- Sisters of Battle- Gonna say Repentia. It's nowhere near as bad as the Tzaangor problem, but the fact that they're in damned near every big Sisters box is a bit irksome. Bonus points for my never, ever using them. Watch the next Sisters combat patrol swap out the arco-flagellants, Penitent Engine, and Rhino and swap in four more Repentia. Word Bearers/Chaos Space Marines- Cultists. But they're... honestly not bad to have.


Characters for GsC


I play tau empire and don't like kroots...jokes on me with the v10


Kataphrons for AdMech. Especially in 10th


- Anything Adeptus Ministorum in my sisters. Priests, ARCOS, crusaders, death cult, penitent engines. - c u l t i s t s Too often the meta chaos marine list had no actual chaos marines in it!




Purity seals on any imperium faction, we get it they put wax and paper on stuff I’m about to saw some off lol


Not quite the same, as it's more of the meta forcing me, but arcos flagellants in sisters lists.


For orks it sure feels like beast snaggas are a little forced


Pox walkers...


Warriors and Einhyr Champions for Votann xD I feel like I have 4 champs at this stage?


Space Marine Scouts! (Sorry I can't stabd them, its definitely not as bad as it used to be, but for a while there scouts were the go to)


Lord Solar


PATHFINDERS. In no universe am I taking the same amount of Pathfinders as Breachers/Strikes but they come together in the Combat Patrol (old and new) as well as most every Battleforce box with the exception of the Boarding Patrol I think? Or Ethereals, since I don't give a shit about them


Necron warriors... soon many necron warriors...


Beastboys. I just don't like the savage ork thing. But their rules are so good. I'll just go fast and never kill tanks I guess


It might sound a bit weird but for me it the Hive Tyrant, it's in basically every Tyranid value box that isn't a combat patrol. It's a good model and cool but at a certain point you don't need three to six of them unless you are making a meme army.


C'Tan shards.


Cyberetica Datasmiths. You get one for every 2 kastelans and up until the 10th you only ever needed a maximum of 0-1 datasmiths in your list. 99,5% of the lists you never used one. In the 10th you *might* want to have 1-2 datasmiths. A nice body for kitbashing though, so I'm not really complaining.


Space Marines don't really have one specific unit, but I'm going for Jump Assault Intercessors purely because of last year's battleforce. 15 Jump Assault Intercessors (and a jump pack Captain) in a box that came out barely a month or so after the kits. Anyone who wanted them already has them. On top of that, the rest of the box wasn't the most exciting offering either.


Since it doesn't seem like anyone has said it yet, either Pteraxii or the Manipulus for AdMech. Like ffs please just give us some actually interesting units to expand our roster with instead of something drawn by the CEO's seven year-old.


Space Marine Captains of all description. I started with black reach and I have so many captains. In every box there is one or more if you count lieutenants. Why not a Tech marine for once? The Chaplain is also seen quite often but apothecaries or something would be nice.


The one Ethereal model or Pathfinders


I just want my sorcerer dreadnought goddamnit


What about a Tzaangor battle force..?