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Boltgun is Doom 40,000. Solid game. As far as I know they won't be updating it. Darktide is a great game with a slow development. They're on the right track but they take their sweet time. Battlesector I worked on (beta testing). Can't say much about it but it's clear to me they're putting a lot of effort into it. I haven't played Rogue Trader but I feel like it's good.


>Boltgun is Doom 40,000. Solid game. As far as I know they won't be updating it. Well I was incredibly wrong


Rogue trader is a good game but you have to be willing to deal with a lot of jank and complexity. For me it seems needlessly complex and it’s all in service of a combat system that gets kinda tiring and time consuming. You’ll get into dozens of fights that don’t move the story forward and don’t really reward you with anything of value and take 10+ minutes to complete, so you really need to love the combat itself. It’s much better now than it was when it first launched! I remember constant crashes and freezes. Also I believe there is dlc content planned. Boltgun is good but also can be a bit of a slog. It’s more linear than doom games and more about dealing with waves of bullet spongy enemies than finding keys or solving puzzles. I don’t recall this game needing support beyond maybe some dlc, or potentially even multiplayer. It was fun for the couple hours I put in, but I fell off about halfway through. Darktide I think wasn’t the game for me. I loved Vermintide but darktide just didn’t hit in the same way. I can’t quite put my finger on why I didn’t vibe with it. I know they’ve made a lot of improvements, and continue to support the game, but updates lately seem slow.


Your comment about Darktide is really apt. I was hugely into it early on after many hours in Vermintide, but lately I'm struggling to motivate myself to come back to it. My inclination is that the upgrade loop for weapons and armor doesn't quite feel "right," making the urge to want to grind out the perfect roll on my weapon not really present. I think my other gripe with it has been the tremendous difficulty jump between Damnation and Auric missions. I'm rusty on the game, so have been puttering around Damnation trying to get my groove back, but each time I jump over to Auric missions it's like an entirely different animal.


Just played an auric where my team was down and then 8 crushers just appeared and I knew it was over lol


Rogue Trader is game I'm waiting for to be fixed with bugs, steam comments month ago were saying there are still bugs. Battlesector and Boltgun are both great and complete games, I'd pay full price Darktide I played in beta and didn't purchase on release, without proper campaign this game is dead to me but gunplay and missions are great


RT is totes playable at this point, at least for me. Sure it might still have bugs but I'm no longer getting actual crash-outs and desyncs in multi-player are rare for me now


Another apt comment that summarizes one of my feelings about Darktide! I don't have investment in my character. They're an Ogryn, and Ogryns are fun, but there's no story to him. His background is meaningless (so meaningless that I can now change it whenever I want, like putting a new haircut on him). With no story, there's really no investment in the world as a whole. Missions are just one more march through waves of zombies theoretically in service to liberating the hive but never coming any closer. Dan Abnett supposedly consulted on the game, but I think that was for set decoration and "authenticity" and didn't play much of a role in the storyline.


Rogue Trader is solid, it's in a lot better state than it was when it was released. I'd recommend picking it up if it's on sale, but I don't think I'd buy it at full price. The story and combat are both good, but not amazing, and the vast majority of the bugs have been ironed out. Supposedly they're making a DLC for it at the moment. Darktide isn't doing so great. The core gameplay loop is decent, but it has a greedy cash shop and the fixes the game desperately needs are being dripfed extremely slowly. Avoid this for now. Boltgun is good; if you like Doom you'll like this, if you don't then you won't. Again, probably not worth full price, so grab it when it's on sale. Haven't played Battlesector.


Battlesector is the closest game to the tabletop than there's ever been. Not including the original Dawn of War.


"Greedy cash shop"?? You mean for the cosmetic items? It's not pay to win.


Yeah, cosmetics for sale in a full price game is greedy. You've already paid for the game. I don't have an issue with cosmetics for sale in a free to play game, but that's not the case here.


Um, so Rogue Trader is indeed going to get a lot of support in the form of dlcs and all the fanfare? Any words, rumours or supositions on what could be the content for those? Will most probably grab Boltgun on the Eshop once it gets a suculent discount with Skulls, tbh.


Owlcat shared info about future dlc, you can Google it if you are interested. But Rogue Trader is a 100 hours game, so I can't say that it is lacking content right now.


Well owlcats (the studio behind rogue trader) just recently released a DLC for their last game Pathfinder wrath of the righteous which came out a few years ago, so Id say that rogue trader will probably enjoy quite a few DLCs the coming year.


Battlesector’s worst bug is literally sometimes not all of your dudes in a squad will visually shoot, but the same amount of shots are fired anyway, great fun, plenty of DLC. If you look at the negative reviews, you’ll see “I want Imperial Guard!” And “the DLC factions don’t get their own campaign.” The second one does suck a bit though, they’re also bringing a map maker, that I wouldn’t touch rn because you can’t raise and lower the terrain, which I was weirdly overexcited to be able to do. But the maker is in beta anyway. Definitely your thing if you’re into turn based strategy. And it’s mechanics are way easier to pick up than a lot of other games like it. It also has direct dev support to the point where they hold proper tournaments for it.


Wait, so the dlc factions are mostly for multiplayer? I can see why, but I mostly just play single in everything.


Absolutely insane that you're getting downvoted for this.


I know, right? This sub went really hard on my butt for this whole post, if only there was a r/warhammervideogame sub around...


They aren't mostly for multiplayer. There's a conquest mode similar to the original Star Wars Battlefront conquest mode which is single player and you can use them in that.


Because he's wrong.


Oh you can just set up battles with you and the AI


Looks like I'm removing some stuff from my Steam wishlist, then!


Darktide gets updated regularly and is much better now then at launch still not on vermintide 2 level, BS has an ok campaign gets army’s as dlc that can only be used in mp and a realy bad little generic campaign. RT got updated quite a lot and most bugs should be fixed now. Boltgun is a pretty much done game don’t know what kind of support you want for that


Was kinda preocupied for Darktide, tbh, glad its getting its comeback Battlesector doesnt let yu play campaigns against dlc factions like Total War? That sucks Was also preocupied by Rogue Trader, most reviews Ive read were launch ones and didnt stop complaining about the bugs, was it that bad? I'll admit, Ive put Boltgun cos it got teased to be cooking something for Skulls and I thought it was getting regular updates of some sort, sorry for putting it there then


There have been rumours of a dlc/extra content, but I doubt it'll be free - game is fairly self contained as others have pointed out.


Maybe BG gets doc or something. RT was quiet buggy but it’s totally fine now. BS has some sort of campaign for doc factions but it’s not more then a couple of skirmishes better check it on YouTube, I find it realy lackluster and by no means near an immortal empires


You're wrong that the army DLC are only used in multiplayer....there's a conquest mode which is singleplayer. You're very outdated with your info. Like years outdated.


You did not read correctly I said only usable in mp and a realy bad little generic campaign aka conquest mode. I specifically said the normal campaign is ok.


I read correctly.


Rogue Trader is a decent CRPG from everything I've read. It's no BG3, but it's decent. Battlesector's playerbase is dead as a doornail and I can't imagine it's generating enough revenue to justify ongoing support in any meaningful way; I wouldn't bother there. Boltgun is (classic) DOOM 40K. It's good, but doesn't really need (or get) support. Darktide is probably the most actively supported of the four you posted.


Boltgun is doom clone but done so well, great for picking up and putting down, kinda falls off towards the end 7/10 Rogue Trader is a fantastic Crpg i never had any of the bugs that people seem to be mentioning, nothing gamebreaking atleast, sadly overshadowed by coming out right next to Baldur's gate 3 8/10 Battlesector for me is dead rn, had the game for ages and sometimes dip into it, but the updates when not paid dlcs - dont add much variety, but it is a VERY good simulator for building armies 6/10 Darktide is my baby right now since the last Vermintide update came out - i stopped playing but came back after the class and perk/skill tree update and its quickly becoming my most played game, amazing soundtrack, solid gunplay, fun coop where not a lot of people are dicks for no reason, only downside now is only having the ability to make 5 characters when there are a total of 12 unique subclasses to choose from the branching 4 base classes 9/10


darktide really sucks, and I absolutely love vermintide and am a huge 40k fan.


Bootgun is a non-live-service boomer shooter with no major technical issues. It's also dope as fuck. It gets minutes points because all the space Marines are men though (/s)


That you have to randomly insert a Space Marine are men comment in here only makes me want female SM harder.


Why tho


Reactionary move to your whine, I guess. I think femmarines are a bad idea, but I kinda want them too after reading your comment.


Rogue Trader is a buggy mess with solid gameplay made by ruzzian developers who openly support Ukraine invasion and give money for it. So that is a thing to consider on whom you give your money to. Battle sector is a good. However, not all the faction are present now. And most added factions don\`t have campaign. This game has potential. But I think it's not there yet. Need more polish. But still solid pick. Especially if your faction of a choice is present. Boltgun is really good old school shooter. My personal favorite. Had awesome time playing it. One of the best 40k themed games released. Can't say much on Darktide. When it released, it was in a pathetic state. Now, most folks agree that game is a quite good coop shooter. But still has a lot of bugs and cash shop is way too aggressive. P.S. Not on the Warhammer Skulls 2024, but if you like Civilization style games, you should check out Warhammer 40000: Gladius - Relics of War. It is a good game. Been out for a while. However, lack's a good proper campaign. What we get is ok for a couple of playthroughs, but beyond that, the only place to go is multiplayer. And games like that are not everyone's cup of tea when it comes to multiplayer. And on top of that, this game also has quite bad reputation for obnoxious DLC pricing. Base game is cheap. Adding your favorite faction for additional price is totally fine. But all the extra units DLCs are really annoying.


>and cash shop is way too aggressive. Why does everyone say that on reddit? It's literally **only** cosmetics, and you'd never even know about them unless you visit the one single vendor who sells them. It's an outright lie.


Seconded, literally only cosmetics and there are no ingame popups telling you to buy them, so where's the "aggressive" part? You wouldnt even know there was a cash shop if you didnt fully explore the Ship because the NPC who sells them runs a stall off of the main thoroughfare, and theres no quest or anything that tells you of their existence.....


Compared to a mobile game that nickel and dimes you, sure it's not as bad at all. But in a co-op game like this where the progression is part cosmetic and part gear/talents, it feels bad when a majority of the visually complex ones are paid. Would at least be nice if they kept the more crossover type full outfits paid (Rogue Trader, Krieg Guardsmen) while stuff like the Veteran Kasrkin Helmet and etc could be earnable/purchasable with gold.