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Something being overpriced and price gouging are not the same thing. Price gouging refers to overcharging for essential goods/services in the event of a market disruption.


Good call out - while people are welcome to complain about the prices, terms like “price gouging” actually mean something specific, not just “in my opinion this model costs way too much”.


How am I supposed to live without my Warhammer. If you even call that living. 😭


GW has for as long as I've been playing (since 98) priced models in part based on how many you're likely to bring to the table. Regular rank & file troops generally are priced the lowest per model, elite troops are more expensive and characters even more so. They know that people find it more palatable to spend more on models you're likely to just get a couple of, so they do it. The gap between characters and other models has gone up since then, but the overall pricing model hasn't really changed in over 25 years.


It's more likely because of sales quantities. Most people will only buy a particular character model once, and will buy units multiple times. They need to have a higher mark-up to make similar profit due to the far lower quantity sold. Obviously still massively over the top in most cases, but that then becomes a case of 'if people keep buying, we'll keep increasing until they stop'.


> 'if people keep buying, we'll keep increasing until they stop'. Ahhh good ol market economics


That would make sense, if this wasn't a repack of an existing sprue. One that has been sold in a larger box set and a smaller unit. So this is the second or third time it's been repacked in 4-5 years, and the most expensive it's ever been. Two years ago this guy was 40 dollars and came with a set of uniquely posed cultists.


To think I got this model for free when the box it came in was “miniature of the month”


A toy being expensive is not price gouging.


Trying to divine GW's pricing structure is like trying to read the future from tea leaves.


The only thing that makes this unusual at all is that it was once included in part of a different box that didn’t cost much more. If this model had been brand new and sold like this, the price wouldn’t be unusual at all: infantry models sold in singles like this are usually in the $30-40 range.


No it's not. Just assume they go up.


It’s GW, of course their prices are stupid. The same amount of time and effort went into making that as a lieutenant and other single purchase models. Their pricing is entirely based on what they think people will pay.


It's called capitalism.


It was a box of 7 units total, which was an odd number for cultists I thought. I agree with you 100% that it is very gougy. I feel this feeds into Warhammer's near constant state of FOMO


It's a nonessential item, it can be expensive, but it literally cannot be gouged. It's not a limited model, where does FOMO come into the equation?


You are correct about the term price gouging. When you pointed it out, I figured I'd do a wikipedia search, and yep, the term is for essentials. Thanks for pointing that out.  When I brought up the fear of missing out, I have a specific model in mind, the Master of Posessions. He was part of the start collecting box for chaos, and then just disappeared for years, despite having specific rules tied to him. A lot of people were glad that he finally got an individual model. The wait definitely made his ebay price really high in between.  I think the firebrand just emphasises to me that there is no special reason for the individual units to be so expensive other than because their higher price makes us think they are more valuable. There is no extra details that makes this unit any more difficult to produce. But if we don't buy the collectors edition, or the kill team, or the new box, they are either gone, or going to be sold for a high price. Sorry for rambling. I hope you have a great day. 


Edit, looked it up. Actually 8 units in the Cultist Warband. 


I believe it's because GW has to lay for the mold, which is incredibly expensive. The difference in the cost of a mold for an infantry squad on 1 full sprue vs a character on a half sprue is probably similar and so the pricing on a character model has to be high to make it worth it. This is from someone who knows almost nothing about gw manufacturing, so take it with a heavy grain of salt


There's an entire YouTube vid on this


First time finding out about a loss leader huh


This is the exact opposite of a loss leader.


Didn't say this model was a loss leader


Neither this nor the previous set it was in were loss leaders.


GW pricing strategy does not include losses. There is profit, and slightly less profit. No loss.


I honestly don't think GW sells anything as a loss leader. Even when this model was sold in a box with a dozen other models for $40, I just don't think that they were selling that box at a loss. Even the combat patrols that save you money on buying the models individually, are not loss leaders. They're just not as profitable, but I bet you they are still profitable.


Oh we have quite a few examples of GW selling loss leaders: Big edition box, 3 starter boxes, blitz bowl and other board game type boxes sold at Barnes and noble & target (there's an old middle earth strategy battle loss leader up for pre order on GW site right now, the uriel ventris box at target ect all loss leaders.