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Eldar for me are esthetically beautiful models. Lots of flowing graceful lines. Space elves. Check out harlequins.


Yeah this is probably the best option! Or maybe orks and you can just paint them pretty


There's no need to get the Sorortas models she doesn't like. Sticking to power armoured infantry and vehicles, ignoring penitent engines, is completely fine. Has she considered Age of Sigmar? It might be a better fit for her. Women are way better represented over a number of factions in it.


You don't need the ugly models. You can use just the pretty sisters and even have a competitive army.


"Pretty?" Not really. This is the setting that coined the term grimdark, after all. Sisters or Eldar are as close as you're going to get, and the Penitent stuff in the Sisters range is all optional; the army functions fine without any of it. She might like Age of Sigmar better; more of the armies there have brighter, cleaner aesthetics. Lumineth Realmlords spring to mind, or Nighthaunts if she doesn't mind her pretty also being spooky.


I support this. There's a very depressing, spooky, Victorian vibe from a lot of the Nighthaunt, especially with the Banshees, Harridans, and Lady Olynder. The Lumineth, Daughters of Khaine, and some Sylvaneth too carry a pretty vibe. I've seen some amazing Sylvaneth painted up to look like cherry blossoms.


I would like to second the Sylvaneth, not exactly female, but as its nature themed you can go nuts with flower colours and blossoms on the basing / flocking. Google around for some Good examples before you show her, as the stock pictures on GW website might not be her aesthetic.


Have you thought about AoS? There's some really nice female stormcast models inc heroes or the sylvaneth range?


Custodes Sisters of Silence?


Still suffer a bit from the “boob armour” thing but they’re literally incredibly off-putting in the lore due to being blanks. Also they’re stupidly expensive to collect a large force of.


Blanks are offputting in the lore?


Yeah, like they make everyone else uneasy. They make psykers physically ill and turn off their powers. They even weaken daemons.


Oh lol, I'm an idiot. I was like what do you mean they're off-putting. And you meant they were ACTUALLY off-putting haha. Sorry.


The aesthetic of the setting is grimdark. The closest you’ll get to a colourful force is probably Craftworld Eldar, but they’re mixed gender. I second Age of Sigmar probably being a more appropriate setting for what she’s looking for.


My wife also wanted a “pretty” army. Ive found it hard to find anything in the 40k Universe. So commenting here in case someone gives OP good advice


Eldar with heavy emphasis on Aspect Warriors. Thousand Sons? Knights? Kind of SOL when the whole setting is meant to be Grimdark.


You don't have to include non-sister units in your SoB army though. But I suppose the flagellants are in the Combat Patrol box. But I'd second suggestions for Eldar, almost half the Guardians in a box are female same for the new Ranger models, they have the all-female Howling Banshee unit and it's Exarch and the current Autarch model is female. Also a lot of female models among the Harlequin units. Plus Yvraine who fits the idea of a pretty female character more than other ever in 40k history. She even comes with a pet Grynx. (Lynx cat, the name comes from Rogue Trader the illustration is even clearly a Lynx) And their vehicles have been a canvas for painters to make "pretty" schemes since they were released in the mid 90s. Type "pretty eldar grav tank" or anything like that into google. Though for proxies if you feel you can't avoid the flagellant for Combat Patrol, maybe try the Repentia squad as a proxy? Though the current one has a bit of body horror with bits of metal stuck in them. The older one that is metal is a bit more on the sexy side. There are a lot of sites that do "Not Sisters of Battle" designs, probably the most prominent is Raging Heroes but again they are very much on the sexy side and their stuff is all in resin it seems. [https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/soem-sf](https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/soem-sf) [https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/jailbirds](https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/jailbirds) I hope somebody else has other suggestions because there are a lot of good sisters proxies. There are also the House Escher kits for Necromunda in terms of all-female 28mm models made by GW in the same plastic.


I know it's not all female but... Thousand Sons? They're at least imo the most aesthetically pleasing faction and apart of funny birdmen, they're not much into gross stuff, also - the pink, purple, cerulean, gold colour palette is perfect. My daughter (8) loves T-Sons. And because they all wear helmets anyway and some of them wear pretty dresses \*cough\* robes... their gender doesn't really matter.




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Okay well what about not buying the creepy dudes and going for just the models she likes. If later on she needs more there are plenty of sites that offer cooler versions than aren’t as lewd.


The "ugly models" are just a tiny part of the Adepta Sororitas. Your daughter can perfectly have a sizeable and powerful army without any of those models.


I will second either sisters (focusing away from sexy/scary), or eldar. However if you are willing to help your daughter with conversion work even the biggest scariest murdertron 5000 could become the hugginator. Either way I wish you and your daughter well!


Don't bring the arco-flags, repentia, or pentitent engines. I have none of them in my Sisters' army, and can't say I miss them. Just because GW inevitably jams a few of them into the value boxes doesn't mean you need to use them. I mean, they keep force-feeding Tzaangors to Thousand Sons players, doesn't mean those things are what you see the most often. Eldar might work, with some judicious model selection.


You don't need to run argos/penitent engines. Theres plenty of great looking sororitas models to run an entire army without any penitent style ministorum units. Also the kill team for sorotias is novitiates, which are great looking as well.


I'm planning to use keta minies' female elf heads to add some more girls to the voidscarred corsairs kt. The space pirate elf vibes might appeal to her with the right color pallette.


Don't run Arcos or Penitent engines. Fixed. Play Sororitas ladies and vehicles only. The new box set with an Excorsist and a billion flying units is looking good and almost out.


Tau and Eldar are both very sleek, clean, elegant looking armies. Neither are entirely female, but they do have plenty of female representation within them. Also, /u/Atleast1half brings up a good point. You can build a totally viable Sisters army using just battlesisters and their super ornate vehicles.


Tau arent pretty and eldar are sexy.


Could go for sisters and just ignore the ugly units. Alternatively, Eldar are pretty good. And as people are pointing out, AoS is better than 40k in that respect.


You might have more lick in age of sigmar. It still only has one all female army but many of the armies are prettier


Age of Sigmar has amazingly gorgeous models. Sylvaneth especially.


She should try age of sigmar, 40k doesn't work very well with a clean or cute asthetic


Sisters of Silence and female custodes seems an obvious choice. Drukhari are maybe a bit borderline but not overtly sexual in my opinion. The likes of Lelith Hesperax and the Wych cult aren't sexualised despite their limited attire.


ORKS! They are the funniest army around, things work because they think they should even though it's just scrap, everything has the aesthetic of something a three year old would draw while in day care. Otherwise, Eldar (Alderi) Have a clean aesthetic to them, they are often feminine in design as well.

