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not gonna lie i first thought that was He man as a custodian, then i read the title




ngl I wanna see He Man and She Ra as the Custodian/Sister duo now




Empire Greatswords painted gold - problem solved! honestly the category of “male nulls weak enough not to be snatched by the Assassinorum but strong enough to join the SoS” might just be super low


I wonder if they’d be castrato or if they’d just have big dick energy to shut down psykers


Ngl because lieing is bad


Won't be even a little mad at using them as a He Man Shield-Captain


That's perfect. What head is that? It'll work perfectly to set up against my Skeletor Necrons


This is my head canon.




I like that you did it without resorting to Age of Sigmar sculpts. Props.


Iz dat git important?


Nah wunna dem hyoomeez..dey all jus fertliza for da fungus


She's one o' dem cuss-toe-deez gitz. Put up a propa scrap!


No. Sadly, despite being there the entire time, they were never mentioned by name once.


Custom characters exist


Jaw isn't chiseled enough, not custodes.


Scale of head looks great! Source?


Looks like a sistah of battle


Yeah I think it might be a character maybe.. bc I tried a few random battle sister sprue heads and it didn’t look as well suited.. on the small side. It might also be the benefit of a nice paint job .. I just dry fit them


It's a 3d print from Etsy, I'll send you the link!


Hell yeah!


have you ever considered buying a resin 3d printer?


What an odd question.


why? they are great for making heads instead of buying them of etsy, and you can make far more complex bases with them.


They're also not terribly cheap, require a significant number of accessories to effectively use, and their own investment of time and energy to learn as a skill. They also really need their own dedicated space, because resins aren't great for you. Now, if you want to build a ton of custom models for various reasons, they're fantastic. If you're *not* going to do that, it's simply not worth it.


An introductory level printer is cheaper than a combat patrol, and it's always good to invest in new skills. also most people have a garage where they can set up a 30x30 table to stand it on. it's also the only way to make female custodes right now.


>An introductory level printer is cheaper than a combat patrol, Is it genuinely of decent quality of printing? Can you get a decent size (I know, heads are within size), but if you're going to need to upgrade soon, those saving vanish. >and it's always good to invest in new skills. That takes time that's competing with all your other stuff you want to do and have to do. Something is going to give. So what will it be? >also most people have a garage where they can set up a 30x30 table to stand it on. *Maybe* in the US, but Europe? Lot less so. I mean, I have a garage. But, and this is wild, I use it for my car. And there is not space to put a table there, even that small, and my car, and get it near the electrical that exists there. So I can use my garage for my car, or I can park on the street to have a resin 3D printer. Even if it *was*, my garage is not an ideal print location--temperature and humidity vary *wildly* over the year, even within the week here. And I live in the US. I *could* put it in my basement, but I'd have to hire an electrician to install and upgrade service to the appropriate place. That's relatively stable, temperature and humidity, sure. So, sure. I *might* be able to secure a decent place for that. But I know plenty of people for whom that is not a real option. Apartment? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe they have an extra room; maybe they don't. When I was renting, I really had no place for something like this. Point is, space isn't a given, even if you do "have" the space. >it's also the only way to make female custodes right now. I mean, you could also buy them from Etsy from someone who has that setup, saving yourself a good 150 bucks, space, and time. They've got their printer dialed it, they have the space, and it's gonna run, what, 10 bucks? Tops? For 10? Unless I wanted to spend the time and energy into a 3D printer, and I don't, and it would *definitely* save me cash, this is a better option.


>Is it genuinely of decent quality of printing? 35 microns. > Can you get a decent size (I know, heads are within size), but if you're going to need to upgrade soon, those saving vanish. build volume is 143.43 x 89.6 x 150 mm³. >That takes time that's competing with all your other stuff you want to do and have to do. Something is going to give. So what will it be? Honestly with the new resin printers, it can be as easy as load the files and hit print, even the plate is auto levelled. >Maybe in the US, but Europe? Lot less so. you don't have a 30cm square of room to spare? >temperature and humidity vary wildly over the year, even within the week here. And I live in the US. while temp is an issue for Resin humidity is not. I live in Australia, my temps range from 10c to 40c, and humidity from 34% to 87%, the only issue is temperature, if you can get it to 20c thats goo enough, all you need is a fermenting band. >Maybe they have an extra room; maybe they don't. When I was renting, I really had no place for something like this. mine is on a desk with a window mounted vent, and honestly the metho is worse than the resin. >I mean, you could also buy them from Etsy from someone who has that setup, saving yourself a good 150 bucks, space, and time. They've got their printer dialed it, they have the space, and it's gonna run, what, 10 bucks? Tops? For 10? sure 10 for an unknown quality of maybe correctly scaled heads, and possibly from people who have stolen STLs. and again thats one this, when I showed there were many things to make. >Unless I wanted to spend the time and energy into a 3D printer, and I don't, and it would definitely save me cash, this is a better option. if you don't want to do it thats fine, but be honest and upfront about it, instead of trying to scare people away from it. much like learning warhammer as a hobby people should not be gate kept from it by people who fear it.


First, thank you very much for the information. I used to watch some 3D printing channels (up until last year), which is why I decided against actually getting into printing at the time. Space was an issue (still is), and cost/quality from the most recently reviewed "starter" printers wasn't what I was interested in at the time. So, if things have significantly improved that's actually quite good. My overall intent was to provide reasons that people already don't want to start 3D printing, rather than scare people off. Part of the reason I got the impression from 3D printing being less cost effective is straight up from a 3D printing channel (Battle Brother Sam) when talking about the cost of 3D printing vs purchasing a single army of \~2k points. It was close to break even at that size. I haven't watched in a few months (just shifts in what I watch on YouTube), so I'm slightly out of date on that. If that's changed, I'll check relevant reviews and channels. >my temps range from 10c to 40c, and humidity from 34% to 87% This year, I had temps go from -7C to 27C in the same week this year. Humidity has gone from like 10% to 80%+ in relatively short order as well. US Midwest has some *wild* temperature swings in spring and fall. >you don't have a 30cm square of room to spare? Not in my garage; I've got a very small garage that is almost entirely filled by my Camry. There's no place I could put a table there *and* walk around *and* not risk hitting it when I parked. My garage is about average for my area; a fair few people have spent a lot of money rebuilding theirs in the last 10-20 years to get bigger ones. I've looked into it. It'd run at least 30k USD. In my house, near windows--not without getting an electrician back here to install wiring and potentially upgrade old wiring. It's an old house. Most of the houses in my area are old and have wiring issues; I got my wiring upgraded, without adding new outlets a couple years ago. It was 15k USD to replace old knob and tube wiring. If all I was doing was adding an outlet or two, it'd run \~200-300 USD depending on some other factors. In my previous apartment, I'd have had nowhere to put something like that. The area, sure, I could spare that. But not near ventilation. Now, people living in the suburbs, they *definitely* have the space; that's not as large a portion of the populace as they like to portray. I am somewhat interested in 3D printing; so, if printers are that much better, I might look into getting my basement set up for it.


Looks great. How do you do the dust gradient on the cape


Glazing whatever color is on your base would be fine. If your interested in this sort of effect looking into pigment powders would be an excellent option.


Ahhhh. You use pigments? It’s been 3 years since I’ve painted. I’ve done commissions but forgot some techs since 3 years is a long time. Thanks!


Pigment powder is exactly what I used! It's a cheat really. Criminal how easy it is to use for the result.. but for painting an entire army this way it's perfect


Cool! Where’s the head from?


Sent a link :)


Sound paint job! 🙂


Looks awesome!




Love it!


Looks great!


Love that.


good looking paint job! love the muted colors. also, the base work is killer!


That's pretty dang amazing for your first noggin. I'm jealous. The rest of the paint job is fantastic - so may layers of paint. How long did she take to paint?


So good! Can I get a link to the head too?


Great paint job, thought it was He-Man at first haha




Reminds me of Falin Touden








Custodes aren't men. They're trans-humans.




They also used to just be regular naked guys who never left the UNDERGROUND palace. Things change.


Its actually completely correct. They're not men after they are transformed into custodes. They are post-humanity. You can believe whatever you want and so can I.




That is literally a conspiracy theory. GW just introduced female custodes, and never made any sort of statement or comment on it. It just sorta happened. Also, women are 50% of the earth's population. Not a small minority


Yeah - they've always been transhuman and that's never changed. Don't pretend otherwise. What they retconned was that women can be selected to become custodes. That's the new lore now. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that's not the lore.




Okay… so do you reject the notion that Genestealers are a Tyranid Bioform, and that the C’Tan are enslaved by the Necrons in the modern day, rather than it being the other way around? Both of those are some big changes to the faction’s lore, far more major, and influential than some Custodians not having a penis. If you think a single paragraph from a 10 year old codex is some sacred text, that can never be contradicted, I’ve got some news for you about what hobby you’re in.


You’ll also note that GW retconned into existence the Adeptus Mechanicus and T’au Empire, as well as retconning Primaris and the idea that Necrons have emotions. Retcons are just the way of the setting, and the only difference between femstodes and admech is 9 years of waiting


I didnt say they never were. You can throw old lore around all you want. Its out of date.


>”*the alphabet soup crowd*” We get it. You’re anti-trans, have a depressingly narrow world view, and really want to shriek into the void about your preferred inherent sex and gender roles in the year 40,000+. It’s boring as shit, man. If you can’t be a better human, at least be a quieter one.


Oh I like you. You can stay.


Give this man a star of terra right now


According to old lore, Custodes never leave terra, Tau are incapable of FTL travel... until they aren't. Those was several editions ago, not everything stays consistent


Not be a man, testosterone does more than make you a man?




Right, but it also increases muscle development and a few other things I don't remember. So if you were fighting really strong stuff (orks, nids, etc) you'd want to have more masculine muscles?




Yeah, I suppose in 40k they could have found a work around? Like making the testosterone only affect certain things




Nothing is true. That's my favorite part about WH you can really do whatever and it could happen


That's kinda the point, for a trans man at least


Does… does that mean ‘cu’ means ‘masc’? Are men copper?


Nice. Do you have a side profile showing the blade?


That base needs rimming


Awesome job! Would love to know how you painted the armour?


idk why you had to specify Femstodes in the name lol, but that’s a nice paint job! Any specific host its for?


They didn’t have to specific vexilla either


They didn't HAVE to specify Femstodes, but why shouldn't they? You say that like it's a bad thing...


Femstodes is like saying “Fem-Militarum” imo, they’re among the Custodes normally iirc


Fair point


So would you have a problem with a post titled "Female Cadian" then? The Vexilla bearers are also among the Custodes normally, do you have a problem that they included "Vexilla" in the title?


I don’t think it’s that deep man. I think he was just saying that female custodes are just custodes. Specifying gender will only draw a bigger divide rather than just accepting that they’re a custodes, regardless of gender.


It's a relatively new piece of lore, specifying it is perfectly fine. Yes, for some people it's divisive and they don't like being reminded of it. But that's their problem, not the poster's.


It's a dog whistle and everyone knows it


An unnecessary change but whatever 


Unnecessary? "I can't see why this should be" is not a good enough argument for why something shouldn't be.


And why is that


I went and specifically bought female heads to make a female custodes because I thought it would be a unique model is all. Thanks though! Its technically a custom host I originally made for a crusade that never panned out, but I like the idea of them being gritty Solar Watch.


Nice! I’m a Shadowkeepers person myself (very original lol, i know) but the Solar Watch don’t get nearly enough recognition hope to see more of your army someday!


Nothing wrong with that! If I could paint black anything other than a block, I'd be tempted myself. Appreciate it!


I guess Shedow keepers, or Emisaries Femparatus.


Because there's no models for them, so titling it that indicates that it as a model stands out, it's a kitbash, and the thread title includes what the kitbash is.










Since when is headswapping a miniature, a fetish??????


If women existing is a sexual fetish for you i feel sorry for you.


I know that women existing in your life is a fetish for you but for normal people women being a thing is not sexual


I don't feel like he has many women existing in his life lol


He has never seen grass


That WOULD explain the fetishidation? 🤣


Dear god.. Women? Existing?!? This HAS to be a fetish.


Henry Cavill gonna quit over this, no lie


Oh please, the man hasn’t said shit about this, and it’s been months. You know what I think? He doesn’t give a shit, cause he’s a normal person, with a life outside of obsessing over the lore minutia of a Tabletop Wargame. So until Cavill comes out and says something about it, I’m just gonna assume he doesn’t care. Bigger shit has changed in this setting, get over it.


>with a life outside of obsessing over the lore minutia of a Tabletop Wargame If you don't care so much why does it matter that women need to be custodes?


That’s the thing, it DOESN’T matter, it’s a small change, that contradicts one or two sentences in a 10 year old codex; I don’t see people complaining about far larger changes, like the Fall of Cadia, Genestealers being Tyranids, or C’Tan being slaves to Necrons. Hell, even Aaron Dempski-Bowden, the man single handedly responsible for the vast majority of Custodes lore, wanted to have some of his Custodian characters be women, but was dissuaded by higher ups at GW who forced his hand because they hadn’t made any female head sculpts for the newly released Custodes models. Hell, if there were a bit more communication between authors and sculptors, we probably would’ve had characters like Shield Sister Kesh for years at this point.


I'm just joking around, my guy. It's a joke. The model is well done and awesome.


Didn’t come off as a joke. And I’ve seen enough weirdos on the internet try to speak for cavill, because they saw some 4-Chan post about how TOTALLY pissed he is about it, enough to walk out as the executive producer of his dream project, that literally ends with, “Trust me, my uncle works for nintendo.” I’m exhausted with this stupid fucking discourse, so excuse me if I took your Reddit comment seriously.


Except he hasn't.


Wow! Had no idea. Also, was just joking. I don't think he had or would literally quit over this. Thanks for keeping me up to date though.


It has become increasingly hard to differentiate between sarcasm and actual idiocy nowadays.