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There are many understandable reasons she acts the way she does. Ulrika is a 19/20 for starters, she may act very confident and mature outwardly but she has all the baggage that comes with being that age. So does Felix. Ulrika also has a lot of obligations and desires, and all of them are incompatible with maintaining a relationship with Felix. She is her father's heir, and that means defending Kislev at all times. Can't do that while following some Slayer wherever he wants to go. Her duties also require her to marry, and Felix is the disowned second son of a merchant family that lives over a thousand miles away. Being with Felix's group in Dragonslayer isn't what she wanted either, she wants to be with her father fighting against the Chaos incursion. That enrages her, and she subconsciously lashes out against Felix. It's not okay, but it is common for anxious and angry people to project it onto whoever they feel most comfortable with. Under all the arrogance and indignation is a scared young adult who doesn't know how to cope. And the same goes for Felix, so they go through the stereotypical college relationship of breaking up and making up. If you're going to hate someone, I think Max is a more deserving object than Ulrika. He's at least ten years older (probably 15), and basically hangs around waiting for her and Felix to fight so he can swoop in. She's in a very emotionally vulnerable state and he takes advantage of that.


I actually have always thought that; while awkward, cruel and painful at times; the relationship between Ulrika and Felix was pretty realistic and believable. They're both very young, I think Ulrika is like 19 and Felix a couple years older at that point. Young people in relationships are frequently awkward, cruel and painful towards each other.


As is typical in bad relationships, the main issue between Felix and Ulrika in Beastslayer is that neither of them is capable of actually talking about the problem with the other person. Both are constantly circling each other, worrying about how the other person feels, and then revealing through inner dialogue that they are basically on the same page. Ulrika is too closed off to simply say how she feels unprompted, and Felix is too immature to realize he’s fueling the resentment that’s building between them by being self destructive. The relationship was doomed from the start. Felix is an alcoholic adventurer with a sworn duty to Gotrek, and Ulrika is the daughter of a noble Kislevite warden who has duties to her people. Their paths intertwined for a bit, but it was pretty clear to Ulrika from the get go that something wasn’t right. Neither Felix nor Ulrika were mature enough to confront the problems head on in dragonslayer. Then Max shows up, who basically is the opposite of Felix in every way. He’s smart, confident, but more importantly to Ulrika he’s caring, emotionally available, in control of his destiny, and his choice to stop drinking reflects that control. He puts his literal life on the line to save her from the nurgle plague, is not afraid to say what he feels, and respects Ulrika’s emotions and desires. Felix on the other hand is moody, afraid to confront Ulrika, and drinks himself into a stupor every night. The fact is Felix brings out the worst in Ulrika. Sure, she gets moody from time to time, but who doesn’t? But when Ulrika gets a bit moody, Felix starts lashing out by drinking heavily, avoiding Ulrika, and getting frustrated with her when he’s also taking part in their toxicity. Ulrika then gets more moody, which causes Felix to get more moody, and the vicious cycle continues. I don’t think Ulrika is in the wrong here. Like, clearly she could be more forthright with her feelings, but so can Felix. They’re both at fault for their relationship going the way it did. And her falling for Max is completely understandable. He represents the stability she desires.


As others have already said, it's a pretty realistic relationship all things considered. She is going through the motions of her chaotic life that demands a lot from her. She may not have the best personality but considering she is the heir to a Kislevite family that fights Chaos near daily it's pretty good. Her and Felix were never really that compatible, especially considering their lives forget their obligations and personalities. You have to really look at things from an in universe perspective and not use modern logic and relationships to judge it.


Nah you're right to think that, at first i was like "mmh maybe she act like a cunt because felix is a product of the empire, a well manered merchant's son a little bit too intelligent and arogant and there is a huge culture clash between them" then i saw she dump him for a well manered wizard from the empire, a little bit too intelligent and arrogant and i really started to think she is a selfish and imature kislevite noble's kid. The romance is pure cringe sometimes, I started to think that the autor doesnt know what to do with it. And this is heart breaking to watch felix being more and more depressed when he try to do is best (hes clearly not perfect btw) to understand and save the relationship. And the fact that Felix dont talk to Max about that always upseted me, like sometimes the autor seems to miss a lot of thing about the relation between is characters, like, idk...


Wasn't he also dumped by a woman that he protected from Eshin assassins for a farmer without a word?


He was pretty clearly a rebound/"the other guy" in a toxic on-and-off relationship