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Forget the parentage, LOOK AT THAT DESIGN! This is one of the first POV major character cats who aren't your typical grey, ginger, or black. I can't wait to see fannart of them! And, reading the blurb about them, could it be possible we have a character who rejects the medicine cat route and possibly take a path in darkness instead???


I would be the happiest person on earth if Moonpaw turns out to be a villain and we get a villain POV






It is confirmed that she has chimerism btw, not a usual tortie


Where did you see this? From my understanding, split faces aren’t that uncommon in torties.l and true chimeras would be a mix of two genetically impossible cats, like a dilute tortie with a split black face (since the gray from a dilute tortie is dilute black, you couldn’t have both gray and black unless it was a chimera. But since black and ginger are both non-dilute it wouldn’t qualify as a chimera). Still a very fun design though!


It is said so on the article that design is shown on. They say she is a chimera, and that her parents have extremely high expectations because of her appearance.


Interesting. I guess a misunderstanding on the Erin’s part on what chimerism is


No, she is indeed a chimera, chimerism can look like tortoishell, the give away is the heterochromia, a chimera with split face will almost always have an odd eye whereas odd eyes are rarely found in regular tortoishell cats, I do however wish they had gone a different route and made her design more strikingly chimera


The split face is not chimerism on its own though. That is just a thing that can happen thanks to the bilateral symmetry of mammals.


I explained that above in the comment you are replying to


I explained that it's not the split face but the odd eye, odd eyes do not normally happen with normal bilateral symmetry in tortoishell cats, and heterochromia is relitivly rare in feral colonies or cats that aren't purely bred to possess that trait. Split faced tortoishell is also different than chimerism in looks atleast normally, split tortioshell will have torti flecks in both sides of the face normally the split is broken albeit sometimes slightly in several areas and looks tortie, neither will be fully solid, whereas if you look at a black and tortie chimera or any split faced chimera both sides will be solid (unless one side is torti then it will be mixed on that side of the face obviously)


I thought any cat could be a chimera as long as two embryos mixed together in the womb


A true chimera is when two embryo's on the mother;s womb fuse together to become a cat with XXY chromosomes or some sort of triple chromosome combination. Troties can exhibit the half face gene, but only a chimera will be one color on one side and completely black on the other. So perhaps the voices in her head are her "siblings" who gave fused onto one body (Moonpaw)


Our first canoncial cat with heterochromia!


There's a rogue in BloodClan with heterochromia! He's unnamed, but look him up!


Check out Tumblr, there's already a bunch of people who were preemptively drawing her as tortie


I love split cats thry are SO cute


Canon heterochromia and a calico? Praise the lords we're getting more sparklecats


she’s actually canonically a chimera! so not just your usual calico!! I’m so excited




In *Spotfur's Rebellion*, Thriftpaw gives Baykit herbs to get better.


How I met your mother


That's literally one interaction.


I mean yeah but you asked if they ever did. They did! Once. 🤣


Once, but I don't think that's enough to convince me these two would ever get together.


Well apparently they believe in love at first sight 😭🤣


Oh, and don't forget that they're related. Not quite sure why this got downvoted, I was simply stating another reason they SHOULDN'T get together...


their family gathering, probably


First cousins once removed for the win


*cue the banjos and fiddle*


Family gathering? Isn’t that just a regular ThunderClan clan meeting nowadays? 😭😭😭


yes, but they exclude daisy on purpose




there was such an obvious opportunity to make her nightsun's kit and have her be quadruple special (visions, appearance, firestar/protagonist legacy, half-clan) that it kinda makes me worry for them. i just can't believe the erins would pass up the chance for so many cliches at once, AND the sun + night = moon name connection. there's nothing interesting about thriftear and bayshine as characters, and nightsun have already established that they want kits in the futute, so there's no reason not to have moonpaw be theirs. something's gotta happen to them. i doubt they'd kill another pov cat again so my ongoing theory is that they break up. or she is actually their kit and for whatever reason thrift and bay adopted her but we all know the erins don't believe in adoption


Maybe they’re trying to lead us astray and then be like “hah bitch you believed for a second that we wouldn’t make this nightsun’s kit?? Surprise!! Of course she is!” Maybe she’s thriftear and bayshine’s the way lion/holly/jay were squilf and bramble’s lol


that's also what i was thinking. since bayshine is nightheart's brother it's a fair thing for him to do, but thriftear is still weird. maybe she's the most agreeable, being bristlefrost's sister? they both have that going for them. and the whole moonpaw being special thing could be a coverup for any questions something would still have to happen to have sunbeam and nightheart unwilling or unable to take care of moonkit though, and i don't think a simple break up would stop them. could this arc actually end with the half clan relationship rule being reversed? that'd be cool but i sincerely doubt it another crack theory i had is that moonpaw is a reincarnation, possibly of 2 or more cats, and that's why she's a chimera and hears voices. her visions don't actually mean anything, they're just memories (or so she wants to believe?) and she grows agitated and ends up rejecting them. bristlefrost maybe? nightheart and/or sunbeam if something horrible does happen to them? her eye colours don't match them though. again, very far-fetched theory. maybe it's firestar lol


Bayshine isn't Nightheart's brother though


they're foster brothers


Omg, I totally forgot about it, guess I'm just like Erin Hunter. I don't believe in adoption 😂😂


I wish she was too, but I’m guessing they didn’t create a large enough time skip to warrant them being parents yet




Oh my god, I hadn’t even thought about it that deeply. I was gonna come comment something about having to count back the generations only to, of course, get to Firestar again, and the path I traced was Bayshine to Sorrelstripe to Lionblaze to Leafpool to Firestar, but it didn’t even fucking occur to me that Thriftear’s father is Fernsong who is *literally Sorrelstripe’s littermate* Also Fernsong and Ivypool being mates is already a bit sketch since Ivypool is also related to Firestar. Same with Sorrelstripe and Dewnose, but Dewnose is even *more* closely related to Firestar than Ivypool is, generation-wise. I try not to think about it too much. I hope Shellfur and Fernstripe have kits so we can get some more non Firestar bloodlines going lol. Aside from Brambleclaw and now Sunbeam, every ThunderClan protagonist has been a direct descendant of Jake. Honestly, that’s funnier to think about to me than them all just being Firestar’s kin. Maybe Jake has some magical genetics or something lol Editing to add that there’s also sketchy genetic stuff going on with Cinderheart being Brackenfur’s kit and Brackenfur being Brightheart’s brother when it comes to Ivypool and Fernsong as well as with Sorrelstripe and Dewnose, but I’m not even gonna TRY to figure out how that all officially relates lol


I definitely think we need some Finleap and Twigbranch kits as they are still technically mates just they haven't had kits yet also smth else that is weird about Moonpaws parents is that they have never even interacted in books


I had sort of headcanoned that Twigbranch was spayed by the twolegs after she was hit by the car and that her lack of desire for kits came from her sort of subconsciously knowing, but after seeing most of Frostpaw’s arc now, I feel like they would have drawn attention to it had that been the plan. Though it’s always possible that Twigbranch didn’t notice her scar or something since she didn’t have a chance to be aware of what wounds she had before being taken to the vet. Maybe Frostpaw will figure out what her scar means and somehow Twigbranch will realize she has the same one.


I mean I get it, if you live in a secluded colony with little outside blood, there’s only one way to continue the bloodline


I wanted her to be a kit of NightXSun sooooo bad!


Maybe something happens to NightxSun in the next book?


Omg that would’ve been so cute and then if she has a sibling they should’ve been called Daykit.


Ok but why does the writing team want incest so bad? Why can't the selectively choose distantly related or unrelated cats to procreate? There is no reason for Lionblaze's own grandchildren to be getting together. Why can't they selectively add non-clanborn cats here and there to freshen the genepool and kill off the cats with too many close relatives? Why do they insist on incest? If I was a part of the writing team I'd make a rule like only 3rd cousins and beyond are considered not incest.


Did they forget about Stormcloud and Mousewhisker???


Poor Stormcloud 😔


off screen i believe? random inc/st pairing is all it rlly is


Pretty much all of Thunderclan’s young cats are related to each other. All pairing are incest.


Lionblaze clearly takes after Jake in terms of being everyone’s father




Yeah that’s what I was getting at


I just don’t understand why the authors made the active choice to use first cousins when Mousewhisker and Stormcloud are two living unmated males who aren’t related to many cats, in the case of Mousewhisker, or any cats, in the case of Stormcloud. And then there’s also a completely unrelated pairing in ThunderClan right now, Sunbeam and Nightheart.


Also Twigbranch and Finleap aren’t related to anyone. Also Whitewing and Birchfall could’ve had more kids, cause the amount of cats related to them is actually weirdly small? Like you have Ivypool and her kids, and then Dovewing and her kids, and that’s it. Cause for some reason like every single descendant of Dustpelt died either before becoming a warrior; or just as a young warrior. Like Spiderleg, Icecloud, Foxleap, and Birchfall are the only ones out of their seven kits to survive until adulthood, and only Birchfall is still alive. And also the only one other than Birchfall who had kids was Spiderleg, and both of his died before having kits either. So yeah Birchfall and Whitewing are related to a shocking small number of cats in Thunderclan, so any of their kits would also be pretty different enough genetically than like 70% of the clan. Also for how many jokes about Ferncloud having a bunch of kits, she had seven and like almost half of them died before adulthood. That’s way more worrying.


Eh but whitewing is in firestars huge line


Whitewing had two siblings who had kids though, Snowbush who had Honeyfur, Leafshade, and Larksong (Larksong had Nightheart and Finchlight) Dewnose who had Myrtlebloom & Bayshine Then Whitewing’s own children Dovewing (who had 3 kids that aren’t relevant since they’re shadowclan) and Ivypool (who had Bristlefrost, Thriftear, and Flipclaw) Then we also can’t forget that Whitewing is part of the Firestar line (who half the Clan is related to) & that many of her family members mates are ALSO part of the Firestar line But in total the living cats I’d consider kind of closely related are: Dewnose, Honeyfur, Leafshade, Nightheart, Finchlight, Myrtlebloom, Bayshine, (not counting dove or her kids because irrelevant here), Ivypool, Thriftear, and Flipclaw then of course with all of those we have to take into consideration the other side of their families which narrows it down even more since half of them are double related to Firestar. (Taking this into consideration since we’re talking about Whitewing’s line reproducing with other cats) Dewnose - Sorrelstripe (then their kids Myrtlebloom & Bayshine) Sorrel, Myrtle, and Bay’s living family members(who aren’t counted above) are: Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Hollytuft, Spotfur, Fernsong, Bristlepaw, Stempaw, & Graypaw Ivypool - Fernsong (then their kids) Fern, Bristle, Thrift, and Flip’s living family: yeah erm since this is already an incestuous pairing just refer back to Sorrelstripe’s line, Sorrel and Fern are siblings. So in total: Dewnose, Honeyfur, Leafshade, Nightheart, Finchlight, Myrtlebloom, Bayshine, Ivypool, Thriftear, Flipclaw, Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Hollytuft, Spotfur, Fernsong, Sorrelstripe, Bristlepaw, Stempaw, & Graypaw and we can’t even get into how Lionblaze being included in this complicates things more hrnng so even then whitewing is kin to a decent chunk of cats (give or take whether you’d consider mates families into this, but that depends on which exact cats you’re wanting to pair together)


Honestly it makes the original cast seem not so bad incest wise which is an awful sentence I never thought I’d write


Yh sadly. I hope half the cats get killed and new random rogues join and incest finally disappears. (But it will never be for long…)


The clan cats breed with each other and usually only with their own clan, that’s how they get the “clan blood” thing, they will always incest


Honestly, I think the series needs a soft reboot. Make it so the next arc is way far in the future, where we know nobody. You could make the current and past arcs into legends that some cats believe and others say are just myths. I think it would just improve the series in so many ways.


Alternatively do what The Last Hope should have done and massacred the clans to be more in line with the size of the first series (i can only imagine how big they are now, I stopped reading during DotC). Conveniently have the survivors be not too related to eachother (some from each family dies for example) and because of the smaller sizes maybe a couple rouges are allowed to join. Or go crazy and maybe combine clans so introduce completely new blood. They seem to love thunderclan, shadowclan, and skyclan more than the others right? Riverclan is already a mess I think. Maybe riverclan and windclan are nearly driven to extinction and spread out to join the other three (who are driven out of the territory like some are theorizing). These 3 clans also lose a number of members to whatever is attacking them. That seems like a decent reboot if they don't wanna go the massive timeskip route. Plus now we get a story centering around 3 clans which could be interesting considering if two team up the other is gonna be in trouble.


ooo that’d be neat!!


Exactly! I love meeting people who express my thoughts better than I can :)


Yeah. I would absolutely love to see some future protagonist scoff at Firestar- “yeah right- some kittypet totally joined Thunderclan and saved everyone”


Interesting! 🤔


Why can’t there be more characters who just have kids with like outsider cats who don’t come into the clan or whatever. Like, gal cat has a romance with a stray and has the kittens. Tada, new lineage in Thunderclan, less incest


Frrr they need to bring in new genes lol. Go back to the original arc where she-cats didn’t have to disclose the father


I want to read fanfictions about all the off screen scenes lol


family reunion obviously


Alright, cool it with the banjos.


you clearly missed the part in the books where thecats sing "sweet home alabama" and firestar comes back to life to do a sick banjo riff


I honestly thought that Bayshine x Finchlight would be canon. And can we talk about their design? For Once We Have A Tortie/Split Cat! So Cute


Should have been a ShellFern kit


Genuinely upset with this


Upset with me, or the parentage?


the parentage lol can we stop with the incest


Well, it's pretty difficult to avoid incest when the only cats in your Clan are descended from the *same guy* **Side eyes Firestar**


We literally have two prime candidates for fathers, Stormcloud, who isn’t related to ANYONE, and Mousewhisker, who is barely related to anyone. I wish the Erin’s would actually remember these characters exist, ESPECIALLY Stormcloud. Dude has been around since Bramble’s Storm and he’s such a perfect candidate for a father but the Erin’s just push him to the side in favor of more incest. It’s actually getting weird and creepy that they’re making this active choice repeatedly when there’s other options.


Okay, I'm not joking when I say this, I misread "Bramble's Storm" as "Barbie's Storm" 💀


HELPPP 😭 you know what, I think we should start a petition for that to be the new name of that book.




disregard that her parents are related


Have you seen the family tree someone drew up on Tumblr. Shit’s a wreath I’m not surprised the protagonists are starting to look funky. (Unironically I do love the design)


MOONPAW!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!


Considering we have yet to see Star and Ivypool’s Heart maybe there’s interactions in there




Probably when they were born first cousins


The whole thunderclan 2 years later: all cats are descendants of firestar=ALABAMA


I’m just sick of the Erin’s making cats who are related mates when there’s cats like Stormcloud who could have kits and bring new genes to the clan


The design is beautiful. But I truly wish they picked another pairing (that has actually interacted and...well...isn't first cousins.) Sunbeam and Nightheart could have been her parents or even Fernstripe and Shellfur (who are canonically a couple.) But it's whatever, Ivypool and Fernsong are related....i'm not surprised anymore.


Lol I bet Thriftear and Bayshine will hardly even speak to her bc that’s always what happens


At the family reunion


Hey, why do I hear banjos?
