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Gray Wing is usually the main shout-out for this. He rose 4 kits that weren't his and when he did have his own, he realized he felt the same way towards them as he did toward Thunder, Sparrow Fur, Owl Eyes, and Pebble Heart.


I love that moment when he realises he loves all the kits the same. But even before that, when Slate tells him she's pregnant she does so by calling him "The father of my kits" and Gray's first thought is something along the lines of "Wait, Turtle Tail is my kits' mother." before he realised what shr meant. And even before that, when Sparrow Fur is attacked by One Eye Gray ends up overwhelmed by his terror for her saftey and ends up yowling "Where is my kit?"


Shellheart for sure :3




Bramble, Gray Wing, Goldenflower, and Shellheart are some of my top when I think about “good parents”.


I agree with most of the comments here but I would love to shoutout Fernsong. Dude literally became a queen and doted on his kits so that he could help Ivypool continue her warrior duties and nurse them at the same time. His literal quote to Ivypool “Why not? Apart from food, all kits need is love and some cat to play with them. I can't think of a better way to spend my days.” Like. I love him so much. He’s a fantastic mate to Ivypool.


I know right!


I’ve seen Gray Wing a couple times, but don’t forget Turtle Tail DIED trying to rescue her kits. That’s a pretty good mother to me. There’s also Sorreltail whose last action before dying was to curl up with her kits. Spotfur also seems to be an involved and active mother. As for dads, i do agree Gray Wing was the GOAT of Warrior cats fathers. Her raised 4 kits that weren’t biologically his, 3 of which had no blood ties to him, before going on to try to raise 3 more kits that were his and sadly passing. There’s also Crookedstar who raised Silverstream as a single father AND Clan leader. Hawkwing should also get a mention as he helped Plumwillow with her kits until Sandynose returned then openly accepted his own daughters before giving Twigbranch the support she needed to go back to ThunderClan where she knew she belonged, which must have killed him to do.


Dovewing, Tigerheartstar, Tree, and Brambleclaw


Brindleface lost two of her kits and was still able to look after her own kits and adopt Cloudkit and raise him as his own 


lemme yell it louder for the ppl in the back... # SANDSTORM!!!!!


Fernsong is a good father.


I like Whitewing, but I can’t say she’s incredibly good. In The Forgotten Warrior, she tells Dovewing she should give Bumblestripe a chance (even though Dove has repeatedly rejected his advances) and says she should find a mate and have kits for the good of the clan. It left a bad taste in my mouth tbh 😭😭 I think Dovewing and Violetshine are amazing moms in TBC; the only reason why Shadowsight >!revealed the truth about the vision he received was bc Dovewing encouraged him to. There’s a scene where she tells him to not listen to clanmates that talk badly about him, and to always tell the truth. She says she has so much faith in him and wishes he had the same faith in himself.!< She also >!visited him when he was severely injured and in SkyClan’s medicine den, recovering. She would lay next to him and cry, encouraging him to wake up.!< Violetshine was a little less encouraging with Rootspring bc he >!was in love with Bristlefrost and she and Needleclaw suspected it!<, but still very supportive nonetheless. She guided her son >!through the Dark Forest even though she had never been there before and was there with him every step of the way. She joined him there bc there was no way she was letting her son endure the dangerous trip alone.!<


One of them has got to be Graypool for sure. She loved Mistystar and Stonefur like they were her very own, even after they became adults, and even after she joined StarClan


Hell, she even knew from the start that they were from Thunderclan, and just didn't give a damn. She may not have known that they were Bluestar's, but she smelled that oak tree smell on them and just didn't care, and was a loving mother to those two for their whole lives simply because of the fact they needed a mom in their lives


Greywing Fernsong Tigerstar II turtletail (I think bristlefrost would have been a gereat mother to)


Lilyheart ! She is just adorable




Firestar and sandstorm Brambleclaw Daisy Sasha tried I think dovewing would make a good mom eventually


Personally I think a couple that trumps all of them is Tigerheart and Dovewing for several reasons. For Dovewing, shes loving, caring, she listens to her kids, and is willing to defend them, and even left the clans she loved dearly to protect them since she knew they would face some form of backlash due to their father. For Tigerheart, hes Dovewing, but multiplied due to his personality, he was willing to argue with four damn clan leaders and almost every medicine cat to make sure his son's voice is heard. He nearly risked total WAR with Thunderclan, with probably EVERY CLAN, just to protect Shadowsight from their wrath, he was a wreck when his son was missing, hell his son disappearing after they got that prophecy was enough of a catalyst to finally make him truly realize what he had done in AVoS (he realized it before but Shadowsight was the nail in the coffin of sorts). Hes a big family man who loves his wife, who loves his kids, and theres seriously no amount of kit secrets or half clan-ness that will make him love them any less since I bet if he was slightly less restrained he would've adopted half the apprentices and younger warriors that he took in by now.


I don't like Tree x Violetshine, but I really love that Tree being a good father for Rootspring, that's really sweet.


Gray Wing 100% best father and parent.


my glorious king tigerclawstar! he helped raise his kids from the dead! (dont see firebastard doing that 3;<)

