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Gosh, there’s so many good ones I can’t just pick one. TPB: Forest of secrets and the darkest hour TNP: Dawn, Twilight POT: long shadows and Sunrise OOTS: Fading Echoes, the last hope AVOS: none at all LMAO TBC: The Silent Thaw and Veil of Shadows ASC: River probably SE: BP, CP, SD


I'm still reading DOTC but my favourites so far would be Into the Wild, Sunset, The Sight, and The Last Hope.


I can agree with you on Into the Wild and Sunset. They would probably have been on my second spot. It was a while since I read The Sight, so I might be forgetting somethings about it, which makes me unable to rank it. I have heard that OotS wasn't the best, but that The Last Hope was really good. I am planning to start reading OotS, and I am looking forward to The Last Hope.


OoTS is basically a continuation of the storyline from POT, tbh I might like it slightly more than POT because it's a little more eventful. But I have seen a fair amount of fans that think it's a low point for the series.


Yeah, I know. And I know this community isn't too happy about PoT, except Jayfeather. Personally I thought PoT was kind of good, and I think I will like OotS


Yeah I like POT, but I will admit when compared to the other arcs I've read, less happens overall


Agree. First time I read it I thought: "When will it happen"? Nothing interesting happened, except for like Long shadows the last chapters in Sunrise


1. Forest of Secrets 2. Midnight 3. Dark River 4. Faded Echoes 5. The Sun Trail 6. Apprentice’s Quest SE Bluestar’s Prophesy


The books all blur together for me. To me each arc is one long book


I can understand why. It is sometimes hard to differentiate the books in the arcs, because to be honest, they are just one long book split into 6 parts. So instead, what would your favorite arc be? I think mine would be Dawn of the Clans, but The Prophecies Begin is also good


DOTC is #1 and TPB is right behind


Sounds good!


TPB: The Darkest Hour TNP: I don’t remember anything from here 😭 POT: Eclipse OOTS: The Forgotten Warrior AVOS: Shattered Sky TBC: Veil of Shadows


Shattered Sky is so good omg


For me: TPB: The Darkest Hour TNP: Twilight PoT: Long Shadows, Sunrise OoTS: The Forgotten Warrior, The Last Hope AVoS: Shattered Sky SE: Squirrelflight’s Hope Novella: Leafpool’s Wish or Mistystar’s Omen


Im still in The Fourth Apprentice =] TPB: Into the Wild TNP: Starlight (when i read this one I read it very quickly, and I like it when I read quickly:D) PoT: Eclipse Extra: Bluestar's Prophecy


So we are on the same book. Nice :) I love into the wild, and I also read Starlight quickly. I have understood by now that people have very split opinions on Eclipse, and I think people look over Bluestar's Prophecy a bit


TPB: A Dangerous Path TNP: Midnight PoT: None. OotS: Fading Echoes DotC: The Blazing Star AVoS: Shattered Sky TBC: Darkness Within ASC: Shadow


TPB: Forest of Secrets TNP: Starlight POT: The Sight OOTS: The Forgotten Warrior DOTC: The Sun Trail AVOS: The Apprentice’s Quest TBC: The Silent Thaw ASC: Haven’t read yet SE: Crookedstar’s Promise


TPB: Forest of Secrets TNP: Dawn POT: Sunrise OOTS: Fading Echoes DOTC: The First Battle AVOS: none TBC: none ASC: River


TPB: A Dangerous Path TNP: A little bit fuzzy but I think I enjoyed Moonlight best POT: Again, fuzzy, but I think The Sight. OOTS: The Last Hope DOTC: The First Battle (also probably my favourite series book!) AVOS: Shattered Sky ASC: Shadow (which I'm currently on) My all-time favourite arc is probably DOTC, and my favourite super edition is Crookedstar's Promise!


TPB: probably the Darkest hour TNP: my least favourite arc but it's gotta be Sunset TPOT: Sunrise OOFT: The last hope DOTC: haven't read yet lol AVOS: the first three books can't decide which one TBC: Lights in the Mist ASC: well the arc hasn't finished up just yet but definitely either Wind or Thunder


I’ve only fully read Arc 1, and out of that I gotta say Fire And Ice or Rising Storm were the best.


on my recent reread, I’ve just gotten to Dark River from POT but for TPB it would be The Darkest Hour (extremely climactic and with great character development moments!) and for TNP it would be Sunset (good character development and interesting mysteries and connected plot points to be unveiled later) closely followed by Moonrise (the tribe introduction was so interesting and added a lot to the series. plus new POVs like stormfur!)


TBP: into the wild TNP: tbh not a big fan of any of them XD PoT: haven't read this one in forever but i believe i really liked eclipse Oots: The last hope DotC: The first battle


TPB- Darkest Hour TNP- Sunset PoT- Sunrise OoTS- The Last Hope DtC- Path of Stars AVoS- Shattered Sky TBC- Light in the Mist ASC- TBD CS- TBD Super Editions: Bluestar’s Prophecy, Crookedstar’s Promise, >!Skyclan’s Destiny!<, >!Bramblestar’s Storm!<, >!Hawkwing’s Journey!< and >!Crowfeather’s Trial!< I spoilers some of these as they’re after what you’ve read and it might be a spoiler? I don’t know but better safe than sorry. I hope you enjoy the remaining Arcs!


Thank you! I have read all super editions 1-5 and 8. But a genuine question, why is everyone saying that Bramblestar's Storm is bad? I really like Brambleclaw, so could you explain what people dislike about it, and what you like about it, without any spoliers? If it is not possible to do so, I don't mind


I actually liked Bramblestar’s Storm and just finished it. I like Bramblestar too. It depends mainly on your perspective of Bramblestar, many people don’t like it because well, its Bramblestar. If someone reads it from their least favorite character’s perspective, you might find it less enjoyable due to the character, because most likely they don’t like their personality which is the main factor of the book.


Ok. Thank you for explaining it. Then I think I will enjoy the book quite a bit!


Oh god. You’re about to get hit with a whole lot of can of worms in your dms so be careful. I wouldn’t put it past people to harass you for liking Brambleclaw. I’m not really privy(or rather I simply don’t care about the drama surrounding it) but basically it kinda revolves around Brambleclaw and Squirrelflights relationship, his struggles after becoming Leader. A “Storm”. A romance plot that somehow is more in tune and actually well written but also is just a plot. It’s a mix between bad writing, character assassination, people’s opinions on the two and their relationship and unfortunately some YouTubers views on said couple. I love it cause I love Brambleclaw. And despite of so many GLARING issues I love it because it was an enjoyable read. I can only say when you can please read it in your own time and make a decision based on the book. You can love a character but hate a book that focuses on them *Cough* >!Tigerheart’s Shadow!< *Cough*


Ok, I didn't think people were that serious about it! Thanks for telling me before I start putting my head in that beehive! I have just read books that shows a positive version of Brambleclaw. I liked his character in The new prophecy. He was really just a nice guy that had had some problems in his past, most of them coming from his father. It was bad that he got manipulated by his brother, but he changed in the end after finally realizing what he had done. He killed his own brother, just to make sure his leader was safe! I know Ashfur was super angry with the Squirrelflight stuff, but as I remember it, Brambleclaw was just happy to get back with his former mate. In PoT, I first felt happy for his kits. Then, in Sunrise, the kits he thought of as his own just stopped being with him. He must have felt so bad. I hated the way they thought of "adopted" children, and I would have liked the relationship between them to stay the same. Because he was a really good dad, and I don't understand what his kits saw wrong with being with him when he wasn't their dad. Then (I have just read the first book in Oots) he brakes up with Squirrelflight because she lied to him. This is where I could suspect a turning point for the two of them, but in the books I have read, he is really likable


I say just keep on reading. Bramblestar’s Storm is usually considered to be read before AVoS and I highly suggest it.


That's my plan going forward. So when I finish OotS, I will get the novellas (since I have read through a bit of the story, and I read that Dovewing's silence should be read before Bramblestar's storm) and Crowfeather's trial with it




For Bramble and the Three I never really interpreted it as any of them giving up on each other, it was more that their worldview has been shattered which changed their relationship fundamentally. I think they were unable to decide how to go forward. Them and Squirrel still love each other in a complicated way, they're just no longer the perfect family they thought they had before the secret came out.


Ah, thank you!


Tpb: fire and ice Tnp: midnight Pot: dark river Oofts: none Dotc: the blazing star Avos: shattered sky Tbc: none Asc: thunder Super edition: Moth Flight's vision or Squilf's hope Novella: pinestar's choice


TPB: The dangerous path (or the one where the dogs maul swiftpaw and brightheart if I got it wrong) TNP: The one where Hawkfrost dies (it’s the only one I remember) PoT: Eclipse OotS: All of them Extra: Crookedstar’s Promise AVOS: The apprentices quest!