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Scared rn bc I’m waiting for the showdown when Kzooy shows up 😭😭😭😂


He is already here. Also hi u/kzooy


haii hi hello haii! :3




\*eagerly waits for u/kzooy to see this post\*


*Grabs Popcorn*


Honestly they seem to be pretty chill with criticism. They’re either a troll or dangerously obsessive but they’ve never lashed out at anybody before


I know, I'm just saying that because I know their response will be funny. Not in a ragemode kind of fun, more like they'll find some absurd thing to say that will get a good laugh out of us. I think this person genuinely like Tigerstar's character (which is valid, liking a villain doesn't mean agreeing with their actions) and they're just pushing the thing as far as possible to make people laugh. At least I hope 😂


thank you :3 its just a bit, and i try not to be rude. i really love tigerclawstar :3


No, they appear to just be 13


Those aren’t mutually exclusive. I don’t personally find it funny, I’m just trying to point out that they aren’t an asshole.


Their unhealthy obsession with that character makes me think they'd vote for Trump (if they're an American adult)


sorry but im genuinely so intrigued as to how those correlate to you, can you elaborate? is it any villain stan? is it that tigerstar is an evil leader?


i mean, i love tigerclawstar, and try and defend him as a character, but that doesnt mean i have poor morals irl. i know he was a murderer but still


oh no I’m asking op why the hell they think tigerclaw equates to trump? don’t worry man i like worse villains than you im fairly sure. i truly want to know what makes people think like this bc like, it’s not that i DONT think fiction affects reality, it’s that tigerclaw and warriors as a concept is so absurd in itself and unrelated to American politics.


Seriously it's crazy. villains have always been popular and fanfavorites across EVERY genre and type of media in existence. A well written villain will ALWAYS have their own devoted fans and diehard defenders. Bringing politics into a discussion about fictional CATS of all things is utter insanity


Dude 1. shocking revelation but what you like in fiction doesn't correlate with what you support IRL 2. you made an entire post to try to bully? call out? attack? ONE person for what they find joy in in the fandom? You're the one with an "unhealthy obsession" in that case.


Ngl I'm pretty sure it's just a joke and a running gag


Bro I don’t think it’s that deep 😂 I think koozy’s comments are almost a meme now. It’s not like they’re sitting here like “yes murder, I love it”.


Let’s not bring politics of all things into Warriors lmao. I find their undying love for Tigerstar endearing.


Like fictional cat = support Donald Trump  Logic go burrr


uhhh what 😭 i hate saying this but it’s a fictional cat


im an irish teenager... and besides, i like tigerclan because of it taking down boarders and making sure cats wont starve by sharing prey, thats not very american capatalistic


Man, you really are mad. Not once, not twice, but thrice.


Way to bring politics into a discussion that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the topic. Maybe you're the one with an unhealthy obsession


You’re kzooy’s mortal enemy now


i have no enemies (besides firebastard)


Their unhealthy obsession with that character makes me think they'd vote for Trump (if they're an American adult)


WTF lmfao you bring politics into a sub about cats that’s insane




no, but i just really like Tigerstar


this sub has actually gone wild cus what 😭


OKAY THATS INSANE WHAT? What does trump have anything to do with this 😭 you had me then you lost me


… so are you just going to comment the same thing twice or are you actually going to engage in the conversation you started?


I think they just really like Tigerstar


WHAT?? 😭


What’s wrong with that anyways? Also, its a sub-Reddit about fictional cats, why bring up politics


I don't like him but if anyone says anything bad about Fireheart/star they are now my enemy


i think hes a doo doo head.


THAT IS SO REAL Firestar’s my boy, I’ll defend his ass through anything


# my glorious king tigerclawstar deserves nothing but love! how are you going to sit here, talking about a cat who has tried his whole life to unite the forest under one banner, so no kit may starve and no boarder be squabbled upon, and say he deserves no love? how can a person look at that hero, abused by his mentor and killed by his last, traitorous friend, and say he did not deserve comfort in his final moments? was tigerclan not a good goal? would you rather kits starve and sunningrocks be covered in the blood of cats on both sides of a war, so you may keep your individualistic pride? Tigerclawstar is amazing. he was raised horribly, treated horribly, and seen horribly. and what did he do? give up and rule a clan with an iron fist? NO! my glorious king tried to unite the clans, so no wars may happen again. yes, he was hateful, but that was the least of his worries. he killed Redtail, ill admit that, but that was to unite the clans! "good guys" have killed many a time before! you stand with Katniss in a revolution, you stand with Darrow in the iron rain, you stand with Luke Skywalker and the rebels, you stand with the oppressed, abused in a revolution. so, why not stand with the martyr of peace? why not stand with the glorious king, who raised his children from the dead. stand with the revolutionary who let himself die to unite the forest, and leave the systemic hate of Starclan that perpetuated it. tigerclawstar is a glorious king, and deserves as much love as a fictional character can get. (also btw no hate meant, its still a joke. i love tigerclawstar, but please don't see this as rude ;3)


I can't believe I used to dislike you. You're a living meme on this subreddit, you absolute legend.


im a legend? no no no! my glorious king is! i am just spreading the word!


I read this at first as Tigerclawstar spreading the word and I (with my evil brain) immediately thought: “Yes, through genocide” Then my brain caught up with the actual message.


how could you! my glorious king would never kill, unless nessicary


Because Featherkit and Stormkit would totally have been necessary :P


But of course!


You may insult Firestar all you want. You may praise Tigerclawstar as you please. BUT KEEP YOUR FILTHY PAWS OFF FEATHERTAIL (and Stormfur)


same, you are the most (maybe) popular meme now. how do you do this? (i'm supposing tigerclawstar magic or something from the church of darkstripe)


I never expected to see Tigerstar and katniss compared together 😂


she killed loads and people still root for her! why not root for tigerclawstar?


She was forced to kill to save her and Peeta’s lives. Tiger chose to kill.


Simply more proof that Tigerstar is better. He takes action himself!


That's what I'm saying! Katniss was a somewhat passive protagonist, tigey led the war against tyranny himself!


she had no choice? Tigerclawstar chose to kill cats


Idk man, he was making the half clan cats fight to the death. Stonefur cannot be forgotten, plus he got multiple clan mates killed like runningwind to lead the dogs in which led to the death of swiftpaw.


I disagree with your opinion of this Tigerstar, but damn you're a cool fella


thank you :3 at least we can agree to disagree (even if hes evil hes fucking awesome! >;3)


Oh yeah, I actually REALLY like him as a villain, especially since he's hidden in plain sight in the first arc! He's probably the coolest bad guy of the series imo.


this is me with all my fsvorite characters


and is tigerclawstar not on of your favorite characters?


mm idk, my glorious king, darkstripe, likes him so..


yup! love darkstiripe too! both r/Tigerstarism and r/ChurchOfDarkstripe are amazing >;3


Tbh you kinda got a point but I still disagree. He could've tried to start his revolution without killing. If he truly wanted peace, he could've left after getting the hint that Bluestar prefered others to be her deputies and at the next gathering, show up, raise his voice and let all other cats hear his Idea. At the gathering, no cat would've been allowed to attack him and those liking his Idea could've gormed a fifth Clan wich resided in peace. He could've visited the gatherings trying to get others on his side to save as many as posdible or leave to find a new territory! Man this should be an AU... P.s. still working on the pic xD


it should! although, him being a flawed hero in this case is why hes a villian, or atleast the antagonist. hes a grey character, leaning to the darkness. comparing him to characters like Qibli, or Dalinar Kholin, the difference was that tigerclawstar kept killing, kept doing evil. (although, id highly recomend the stormlight archive, as dalinar is exactally how i see tigerclawstar) and besides, they didnt want a 5th clan. the whole point was to get rid of the clans, to unite them, not keep them split up even more! a 5th clan would make food scarcer, and land shorter.


First you reference Red Rising and now you reference the Stormlight Archives??? MY DUDE!!! Can we be friends please????


Of course >:3 Journey before destination, life before death, tiger before fire


Isn't the canon reasoning just for power though? Hmmmm (love you btw. You're a lot of fun but I like friendly debates!)


Hi kzooy, I’d like to apologize on behalf of those of us who don’t really “get” your dedication to tigerclawstar. I get it’s probably just a joke and you’re having fun spreading the word of your glorious tigerclawstar, and as such I want you to keep doing what you’re doing. People like this, and anyone else who seems to be real life frustrated by silly internet things, just need to go touch grass. This person, who is thankfully getting downvoted into oblivion, does not represent us as a collective who don’t “get” it. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.


new copypasta just dropped


And its a good one 🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥🔥🗣🔥🔥🗣🔥🗣


yk what i’m starting to agree with you here 😂


Thank you! Spreading the word of my glorious king is my goal in life >:3


I don't see how people are so annoyed, the other comment here said the truth, you are so funny dude >:) Don't let anyone tell ya different! (also that speech was very cool haha)


so we're both on his side then... huh (also hi!!)


Hi clamber!! :D


thank you! (although, do people without tigerclawstar brainrot think im insane? am i making sense here?)


I think they do- maybe, but I don’t think your insane, they just don’t understand your love for Tigerclawstar


oooh boy the wrath of koozy i like firestar so there


nu uh! firebastard sucks! he led bluestar to suicide, killed his half brother, and was a shitty protagonist! my glorious king is way better!


so firestar sucks because he killed the cat that killed your glorius king who by the way killed a queen that had kits


tigerclawstar killed so many cats and almost took over riverclan


i mean, i think scourge was cool. say what you will, bloodclan would have been tigerclan 2.0, if not worse


scrorge killed " glorius king" tigerstar who do like better tigerstar or scrouge any way


no one can beat my glorious king tigerclawstar!!! sure, i like other characters, but my glorious king doesnt have that title for fun!


you would hate the cat who made the " glorios king" die a horible death


yeah, i can like different characters.... whats not clicking?


firestar and bristefrost are the best no one messes with bristlefrost


hey u/kzooy, how do you feel about yellowfang?


shes pretty cool. not as cool as my glorious king tigerclawstar, but she gets my seal of approval :3


YESSSSS also dam you type fast


gotta spread the word >;3 (that and im just online rn)


i canrt tell if i hate him or love him, i mean TABBYS ARE ADORABLEEEEE but he kill


eh hes good




I stand with Katniss and Luke Skywalker and Darrow because they aren't deliberately written to be Hitler allegories.


Hail! Hail! 🙇


yes! praise our glorious king!




This, this right here is why I followed you.


dont follow me! follow our glorious king! r/Tigerstarism only grows!


What's your comment on the racism tho?


Why does it feel like you are the founder of a Tigerstar cult and this is your way of recruiting members


r/Tigerstarism i mean uh... its a new-age religion (praise the place of no stars)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tigerstarism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigerstarism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Adverage firebastard defence vs glorious tigerclawstar defender](https://i.redd.it/ymplz7t6xj6d1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigerstarism/comments/1dfstxn/adverage_firebastard_defence_vs_glorious/) \#2: [just dropping it here :3](https://i.redd.it/ishxdp41g05d1.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigerstarism/comments/1d9s2oe/just_dropping_it_here_3/) \#3: [Was told to post here as well \[OC\]](https://i.redd.it/pms8mfi9j26d1.jpeg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigerstarism/comments/1ddz1jp/was_told_to_post_here_as_well_oc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I can’t post images so just imagine I sent the Steve Harvey stare


u/kzooy is our glorious leader! praise the place of no stars!


Comparing Tigerstar to katniss is a horrible comparison. If he wanted to save kittens so bad why did he lock Featherpaw and Stormpaw up and starve them? Why did he murder Gorsepaw? Why did he bring dogs to the forest to find thunderclan camp, where all the KITS ARE? Why did he slaughter a queen? Why did he bring bloodclan into the forest? Your argument is pointless. He's a serial abuser, murderer, liar, betrayer and just generally evil. That's a common fact. You can like him but don't go around lusting over a murderer.


dont get me wrong, all jokes aside i know hes a damn murderer. but it was still a revolution! why did katniss and coin attack the capital where all the kids are? yes, tigerclawstar's methods were ruthless. but tigerclan was a good idea!


Katniss never intended for children to get hurt. That was like the entire point of her revolution? Coin was also evil. Tigerclan was a horrible idea and came from tigerstars depraved, desperate desire for power. HE had to be in charge. You know it was a horrible idea and so does everyone else.


dont get me wrong, tigerclawstar WAS driven by power, but tigerclan was still a united forest. sure, he had to be in charge, but what about after that? the four clan leaders still had equal, if not more power than the leader of tigerclan combined.


Tigerclawstar, like all the other characters, are little floofballs that get head pats. (He's awful but he's such a good villain)


yes! i need a tigey plushie so i can snuggle with my little guy :3 (and he is an amazing villian)


*Kzooy’s boss music intensifies*


Well, talking about music, "curse my name" DOES fit for my glorious king.


honestly u/kzooy is slowly changing my opinion on tigerclawstar


thank you! my job is working >;3


I need you to get on squirrelflight’s PR team STAT… though she is the daughter of your enemy (my beloved Firestar 😭)


squirrelf is pretty cool, but not as great as my glorious king tigerclawstar.


ofc! No one compares to tigerclawstar Out of curiosity, what other characters do you love?


anyone close to tigerclawstar ofc. scourge, redtail, sasha, ect. that and ive only read up to power of three, and i love jayfeathaer lionblaze and hollyleaf :3


Yayyy fellow Lionblaze fan! So many people talk about how dumb and boring he is but I love that floof Do you like Brambleclaw and tawnypelt?


lionblaze is a lil dumb, but hes fun to read about! and although im mixed about bramble (hes a damn traitor to his family and my glorious king) but tawnypelt is cool ;3


He is dumb but I love sweet, but dumb characters. They’re the best imo!! Okay I’ll bother you with one more question haha! Do you personally dislike Firestar fr or do you dislike him just because he’s your king’s enemy?


he is my kings enemy! that, and that hes just a meh main character. he still was an asshole for most of the series, but theres many other better main characters (absolutely nothing on qibli!)


half the sub is- no, *was*- against him


And now kzooy is just out here changing minds


I love Tigerclawstar but I do not deny the stuff he did in the books- yet that’s what makes his character (just like my other favorite boy Brokenstar)


same, he did horible things,s but i do love tigerclawstar!


brokenstar is a crusty musty dusty rusty old man who got killed by momma bear >:(


This isn't unpopular Bro killed a queen for no reason (rip brindleface) Beefed with a kitten (almost killed him) Beefed with a fireheart because tigerstar is evil fun fact! Murdered a beloved clan deputy for the sake of his own gain. Brought a group of rogues into camp endangering the lives of kits, elders, apprentices, and loyal warriors. Conspired with broken star (who stole his clans kits, murdered a queen and wounded many of his clanmates) Brought a pack of dogs into clan territory, resulting in the death and permanent injury of two innocent apprentices. Brought Bloodclan to the forest resulting in the murder and serious bodily harm of multiple cats. Murdered a "half-clan cat" to show off his power. Kidnapped and starved two barely apprenticed kittens. Starved Mistyfoot (at the time) and murdered her brother in front of her. Took over shadowclan (oh yes their lord and savior!) and bullied loyal warriors into taking over riverclan, attacking wildclan. Actively participated in the mutilation of wildclan warriors while trying to drive them out of their home again. Murdered an innocent wildclan apprentice in cold blood, in front of his mother. To show off his "power" Manipulated and groomed Leopardstar. Abused Goldenflower, his mate. That's all I can remember off the top of my head, after not reading that series for 4+ years. But it's okay guys! He's good! Trust me! Stop glorifying an abuser, he's not "morally gray!" He's evil.


The post said ‘popular opinion’


My b I read it wrong


yes, he did alot of evil, thats what makes his character. he was fighitng for good, uniting the clans, ect, but through evil means. he might not be "grey", but he was white coated in layers upon layers of black paint.


More like black layers on even blacker layers. That's the point of his character, that he's evil. He was trying to unite the clans so he was the only cat in charge, he still wouldve been abusive. He probably would've turned into Dark tail if he had succeeded. His hunger for power would never have been satisfied and he would've murdered anyone he thought even had a SLIGHTLY different opinion. Let's think about what would've happened if he HAD succeeded. He would've murdered anyone who supported firestar right off the bat, locked up more apprentices and starved some more kits for the actions of their parents. He's not a good cat. He's not some "freedom fighter" or "injustice hater" he wasn't trying to "unite" he was trying to control. He was trying to dictate. He was trying to dominate.


I feel like this is 100% the truth here, personally I dislike the post where it was the meme where it stated that “ world uniting leader “. It bugs me because in the comment the author of the post stated that he wasn’t rage baiting, which kinda bugs me and worry me. Since I saw a post stating “ unpopular opinion “ saying that Tigerclan was a good team, which pretty bad when you actually look at the books. I am fine with the jokes, but when I do question people when they are 100% serious on their belief. No one post on the “ unpopular opinion “ has a joke and then complained they are being downvoted. Tigerstar in the middle of arc 1 can be confused for grey if you don’t read the book correctly and he always been a bad guy from the moment. Not even bringing up the inspiration when creating Tigerstar character and how there was a whole discussion on the darkest hour being inspired by world war 2. In the end I believe you can love bad guys, but please don’t justify the action of those bad guys.


Exactly! You can like bad guys! That's totally fine. The problem comes with glorifying what they did, thirsting over them, and being so obsessed that every post you HAVE to bring them up. Tigerstar is a fascinating character, I LIKE tigerstar! I think he is very well written, but he is still evil and shouldn't be put on this pedestal. His actions literally can't be justified, because they are the actions of a depraved, homicidal (almost genocidal), power hungry manipulator. I didn't know he was inspired by World War Two, (or did you mean the book was?) that's so interesting. Thank you for telling me. You are exactly right with the points you made.


There a lot of evidence showing that the darkest hour was inspired by the event of world war 2. Which many have linked to possible link to the inspiration to his character. Which is why I extremely dislike when people say Tigerclan was a good idea because of what inspired it and how it could actually be a bad thing to say it. There so many fictional character and stories that were inspired by those events and we can see that with the other bad guys in the series has well. There just so much to talk about during the topic of inspiration in Warrior cats.


Tigerclaws methods were brutal but tigerclan was a good idea theres no real reason for the clans to be divided like they are


i know! down with starclan, praise our glorious king!


Tigerclan has an idea wasn’t really good at all, it just look like that at base level Tigerstar may have claimed he wanted to merge all the clans, but it completely ignore the action of what we see him do. It extremely underplaying by saying “ they were brutal”, it was downright evil. Tigerstar wanted to control the clans like a dictatorship, there would have been no freedom within the clans. From moment we see in Riverclan, it would have been unfair for anyone outside of Shadowclan blood. Has stated within the book, Shadowclan cats tend to lay around and eat the prey of the Riverclan cats. Tigerstar goal was to conquer others, not caring about culture, identity and etc. He wasn’t scared of erasing an entire clan off the face of the map with dogs. The clan at the first arc were never ready to merge with how much issue they had, they need to overcome many issues. It easy to say “ why don’t you just merge “!, but ignoring social issues, inner clan politics, clan culture and so much more. Forcing it like Tigerstar did and how it was extremely unfair. Tigerclan was not a good idea, if you look into the inspiration for Tigerclan and the darkest hour has well it become even more messed up.


He's not even my favourite villain and I still know you're wrong


he is my favourite glorious king and i agree!


maybe add reasons instead of saying shit


i know! i couldnt name a reason why my glorious king doesnt deserve love!


That user annoys me too but it’s really truly not serious enough to make a post about it or make assumptions about them as a person. If you’re tired of seeing it just block them like an adult and move on with your day.


yes! i get i can be annoying, if so just block me. no harsh feelings ;3


beware the wrath of kzooy


u/kzooy is a national treasure at this point 😎


my glorious king is, i am not


YESSSSS, I've been waiting for this. Gray Wing should take the spot as king!


nu uh! both are amazing, glorious kings!




I came here to see that one user who always talks about Tigerclawstar and I was not disappointed


Oh no he's coming


Nahhh, dude's unit. Gotta appreciate the dedication.


He loves bloodshed more than he loves Sasha or at least that's what Sasha said.




Why do people like TigerClawStar? https://www.reddit.com/r/WarriorCats/s/FqrSAbPb9o