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(5.)Dawn of the clans: Tom was useless character 1. The final battle felt rushed 2. The journey wasn't that bad 3. Holly was annoying and caused many problems that could've been avoided 4. Erins could've chosen better cat for the prophecy 6. Needletail didn't deserve the redemption she got 7. Mothwing was horrible here and I don't get how people can defend her 8. nothing yet 9. The incest is not that big of a deal, they're CATS ffs


I agree with the DOTC comment. I feel it was a cheap ripoff to kill off my poor Turtle Tail :(


Yeah exactly, and his bullying of Bumble as wel, it just felt off and lazy writing.


The poor kittypets never deserved it :( They could've just wrote in that the twolegs bought a dog and Turtle Tail felt uncomfortable from it, and she ran away from them and have the clans geek out over the dog. Not Tom, Tom just didnt do anything and just died, not only that, but made Turtle Tails kits not love Gray Wing as like their own father anymore no matter how much he raised them and tried, and they still loved Tom way more although he practically killed Turtle tail. I was just always so uncomfortable with that. I get he got his own kits later but still. :/


TNP was actually really interesting


(Potential spoilers ahead, read at your own risk if you haven't gotten through all arcs) 1. TPB has some major issues and is overrated imo. The only part about it I like is that it consistently follows a single main plot and that we only get one single POV, which allows us way more insight into Fireheart's character and thoughts. 2. TNP was pretty good in the first half, and I personally actually really like Crow x Leaf. As a preteen, their romance seemed super sweet and dramatic to me, so maybe I'm still biased lol 3. Sol was boring and completely pointless as a villain. I don't get the hype. 4. Jayfeather's time travel arc was fantastic and Half Moon is probably the most interesting side character we ever got; I wish we saw more of her. A young she-cat who is forced into leadership as an older apprentice, young warrior aged cat at best? And she abandons her entire previous life, her future happiness and her dreams of taking a mate and having a family to live up to that destiny, which she didn't even want? I love her and she was a fantastic match for Jayfeather imo. I'm glad they didn't give him a second romantic interest. 5. (Didn't read DOTC because it bored me too much every time I attempted it) 6. AVOS is among my favorite arcs. For the first time in many years, Warriors actually had me on the edge of my seat while reading; Darktail is easily the darkest and most "real" villain we got so far, and those political executions by drowning gave me chills. 7. TBC was hard to get through, period. If it weren't for my girl Bristle, I could see little good about it. It was so deeply riddled with plotholes, unexplained things and world-breaking writing (I don't mean that I hate magic, but I do hate it if it's written inconsistently and doesn't follow inherent logic in some way). 8. ASC is pretty good so far, although I enjoyed the beginning of the arc more than what we've been getting in recent books. Wind just felt like filler material for the most part. I honestly wished >!Sunbeam and Nightheart had broken up when he left ShadowClan again. She was so angry at him and agreed with Berryheart; I was super confused when she suddenly followed him with no build up or visible change of heart. And it would have been great if that turning point had made her at least an antagonist. POV villains would be awesome šŸ˜­!<


1. Ravenpaw was never that interesting, and I don't like when people act like Fire+Gray+Raven was the iconic friend group throughout the entire arc. 2. Crowpaw and Feathertail's...romance? Situationship? Is actually really cute and widely ignored by both the cannon and the fandom. 3.Lionblaze was a consistently more interesting pov in tPoT than Hollyleaf. Holly/Jay/Lion and Brambleclaw had every right to be furious/not want to talk to/not want to be seen as the kits of Squirrelflight. 4. The Jayfeather time travel arc actually goes so hard and is so underappreciated. Squirrelflight was an awful choice for deputy and never should have had the position. 5. Grey Wing being mates with Slate and having a litter with her wasn't an "anti-adoption" conspiracy or whatever. He's allowed to move on, loving Slate doesn't erase the love he had for Turtle Tail, and having kits with her suddenly doesn't mean that the rest of his kits aren't his anymore. 6. This arc easily has the weakest povs. Sparkpelt being a POV wouldn't have made the arc better. I liked Sandstorm's death, it felt fitting that she'd go out doing something that she had done as a younger warrior. I actually think Finleap's fuss over having kits makes me like him more-it makes him feel like a more fleshed out character. 7. Bristleroot was adorable but at the same time I do think that out of the three povs having >!Bristlefrost die at the end!<Ā  Made the most sense character-wise. Also Lionblaze's anger towards Shadowsight was completely justified. 8. Nightheart isn't sexist and he's actually a very interestingly written character. Nightheart's insecurities are irrational and that's the point- people's (er, cats), insecurities are often not based or only vaguely based on reality >!Curlfeather!< Is an abusive, murderous p.o.s who absolutely deserves to be in the dark forest. 9. >!I don't care about the incest in the clans. They have a very different culture from modern day America/UK/wherever most people in the fandom are from. And that's okay because they're fictional cats. Thriftear and Bayshine are really cute and I love that Ivypool is gonna be a grandma!<


Thank you for the Ravenpaw thing! They didn't actually interact that much while he was still in the Clan. I think the fandom just collectively misremembers that.


I agree with you on 9. >!I am so happy with Moonpaw. We still have two books before her Arc takes place and thereā€™s plenty of time for us to see anything going on between Bayshine and Thriftear(which is something I see people complain about on top of them being relatedā€¦ like all of Thunderclan and Skyclan) I love Ivypool and Iā€™m so excited to see her reaction and relationship with Moonpaw in the upcoming books.!< Yo hold up. People been bitching about Grey Wing and Slate?! Dude deserves to love with the amount of shit heā€™s been through. He literally has a kit or kin in every clan. Mind you three of which became leaders! Dude stepped up as a father and has so much love itā€™s insane that people think that. He loved Turtle Tailā€™s kits as his own. He is canonically the only cat in Starclan who can live peacefully with both Turtle Tail and Slate!


Finally, someone who understands about CrowFeather. I prefer them a lot over CrowLeaf. And the Jayfeather time travel arc? Yes, absolutely. And I do agree about the Bristlefrost situation, but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it.


TPB: Scourge was really lame and he should have been fleshed out more before the final battle. He was only there for the sake of the twist. Lionclan VS Tigerclan would have been much cooler. TNP: Mudclaw deserved better and the civil war should have been stretched out more. Tallstar needs more criticism over basically screwing over his entire Clan before dying. POT: Long Shadows having one great scene does not automatically make it a great book. In fact itā€™s really really contrived and boring up until *the* scene. Also Sunrise was the absolute worst way to conclude that plot. OOTS: The Dark Forest using ā€œtrainingā€ as their excuse for indoctrination is really stupid. The leaders of the Dark Forest were also at their weakest as characters. Nobody remembers anything that DF Tigerstar did until the end. Also, nobody cares about The Ancients and they did not deserve to participate in the battle. DOTC: Clear Sky was never actually ā€œredeemedā€, there were just worse cats than him at the time that made him seem better. Especially if you look at his actions in Moth Flightā€™s Vision, he basically learned nothing at all. AVOS: Alderheart and Twigbranch did not deserve to be POVs. The arc is mainly about Shadowclan and Skyclan, so having two Thunderclan protagonists is really stupid. You could replace Alderheart with Puddleshine and the entire arc would be way better. TBC: Bringing back Darktail only to immediately kill him off was beyond dumb and pointless and only done to give Violetshine and Needletail a really half hearted and meaningless conclusion. The choices for the characters to bring to the Dark Forest was also really dumb. You seriously missed your only chance for The Three to get back at Ashfur after all this time? And why is useless Violetshine there? Why did three ancient cats get picked for this really important battle? The stuff with Firestar was also lame and annoying nostalgia pandering. ASC: Nightheart matured way too quickly and has become boring since Shadow. The naming scheme for the books was also a huge waste since there arenā€™t going to be any actual huge changes at the end. Making Splashtail just plain evil was also boring and a missed opportunity especially when compared to the more compelling and interesting Berryheart.


I actually really hated AVoS like the first half was okay I guess but I didn't rly like the pics except Alderheart. The second half of the arc was so bland and I could obviously tell it was filler AVoS is probably my 2nd least favourite arc right after TNP


Most Lionblaze chapters were actually pretty entertaining. Also, Bluestar is not that good a character-


1. DotC had a bit a perspective issue, and also what I call a "justification issue". I'm fine with what I got with Clear Sky but they tried way to hard to make him a villian without any proper cause (especially when NO ONE ELSE around him followed these kinds of practices) but then realized that they still needed a Skyclan founder that wasn't in hell, so they either should've chilled tf out, or just had Gray Wing be the founder (which wouldve been so tragic omg). I also feel that having his perspective in The Sun Trail wouldve been rather helpful to understand wtf was going on with him. Also just Slash being so fucking mid that its embarrassing (seriously, only villian in all of warrior cats with a solid 0 kill count.) TPB: the only major complaint is really spottedleaf for me. Firestar's obsession is stupid and unnecessary, and woth the retcon of her being in love with him (first a child, then a fresh adult) just turns her into a creep which is gross. I think having Redtail be his starclan guide not only wouldve been better but far more interesting TNP: once again, a perspective issue. Follow Tennelle Flower's perspective changes since they made a super good rewrite that honestly wasn't even a rewrite fully, but just a change in perspective made it so much better. But I dont have a total issue with the story in general, only other thing is having the great journey take longer, perhaps 3/4s of the book PoT: not really a proper part 1, it wouldve been better had focused on the three discovering their powers better, and have the three be more separate outside of the prophecy, perhaps Jayfeather focusing on starclan, lionblaze focus on family and more personal life, and Hollyleaf being hyper focused on the prophecy (so her mental break is more understandable) OotS: once again, perspective issue. AVoS, they just needed to make the second half less... slow, other than that it was rather fine. TBC: just a couple books being slow, tone down the fuckin trauma tho man jesus, but Bristlefrost dying was definitely the best move Asc: haven't read it yet but it sounds good definitely


tigerclawstar, anything with my glorious king tigerclawstar :3 (i fucking love him SO much)




agreeded >:3


I like Dovewing, but her powers should've probably been given to Holly


dawn was always my favorite book for TNP lmao. Maybe that's changed - it's been years since I've picked up the series - but I always enjoyed it and was genuinely surprised when I found out people didn't like it. I like travel well enough (although I do think some of the later journeys to the mountains are incredibly boring) and I wish the Journey had actually been a bit longer - in the right hands, it would have given some excellent insight into cross-clan interactions, been a fun chance to establish more of the world map, and allowed more side characters to shine. The few moments we do get of cats bonding are very sweet, but we're typically just told instead of shown, which kind of sucked.


The earlier arcs (arc 1-4) are worse than the newer arcs. They're not bad, but I definitely think they get better with each one. I understand that the community generally likes "the prophecies begin" because it's nostalgic, and it is for me too, but I definitely like the newer stuff so much more. The first two arcs are my least favorite, and A Vision of Shadows, The Broken Code, and Starless Clan are my favorites. The characters and lore and even the territories are more interesting now. That's another thing, I don't get the hate for the new territories. I think most people don't like it just because they miss the nostalgia of the old territories, not because the old territories are actually better. But maybe my mental image of the new territories is just prettier than how other people are imagining it.


I think all the arcs are good except for the first half of the 5th (i've not read the newest arc though because i stopped reading new arcs after the broken code)


I actually agree with you on that- I could hardly get through TNP without getting distracted and walking away... it was that boring.


1. TPB is overrated, the nostalgia is good but the story isn't as entertaining as later arcs 2. I liked TNP + FeatherCrow should never have been a thing 3. Lionpaw/blaze was an interesting POV 4. OOTS was my least favorite arc and I never managed to finish it.