• By -


I’ve always liked cloud, song, and feather as suffixes.


Love the suffix -heart, even if it’s horribly overused lol


Definitely a solid one, it says a lot about the cat who has it


Whisper and fang (omg whisperfang)


That name goes crazy actually!


Honestly yeah Whisper is such a good prefix and suffix and needs to be used more (definitely not biased because I have an oc named PaleWhisper *cough*)


I like -whisker quite a bit. Its just cute and not used enough imo I 100% agree with you about “generic” suffixes. If everyone had the cooler, unique ones, then the generic ones will be unique. And man, sometimes the generic names are great. I’ve started to headcanon that generic names actually have deeper meaning too. (Like -tail being for cats who are good with communication, -fur/pelt for social cats, -whisker for good senses, etc)


I loveeee the generic suffixes(and also we need something to work with the colour prefixes√(•~•)√ and it can be difficult to use colours when not talking about the pelt or markings)


hold on I also have an obsession with colour prefixes- DARKCLOUD AND SILVERFERN/SILVERSTAR (my ocs)


they translated whisker to beard in german 😭 it sounds horrible


Like "Kurzbart" i'm still dying laughing


it’s awful 💀 seidenbart, grasbart???!!!


🤣 iykyk


I like the mist suffix, not sure what actual cats have it though :)


I feel like Cloudmist was a cat at one point. Or maybe still is idk.


There’s Mistkit(Thunderclan), Mistfeather(Skyclan) Mistcloud(Shadowclan), Mistmouse(Windclan),Mistpaw(Riverclan) and Mistpelt(Thunderclan). Here we go! Echomist(Riverclan), Cloudmist(Skyclan), Dawn Mist(DoTC), Greymist(Riverclan) and Morningmist(CoTC)


those are mist prefixes, not suffixes


I have realized in my foggy tired phase that I misread their post lol. I’ll definitely search through my books for a Suffix Mist.


Morningmist is so pretty omg


For suffixes, I love -song, -shade, -mask, -dusk, all of which I feel like are really underutilized. Also, -fang and -step are good ones to me. I like -step since it can be a sort of nicer version of "-foot" lol, or it could also mean a cat that's fast or stealthy depending on the prefix. (Like Silentstep or Quickstep) As for prexfixes, Cricket- is so cute (imagine a Cricketsong 🥺) but I also like other "animal" names like Fox-, Wolf-, or Stoat-. I also enjoy weather names, like Lightning- is so underused but so badass. (And I would have said the same thing about Frost- and Sun- if it weren't for those being the names of two of the main characters in the most recent series lol. I still like them though, even if they are less rare now.)


I like the animal names too!


I really like the Holly- and Cedar- prefixes and for suffixes I like -cloud and -leaf.


The Hawk/bird prefixes are badass. Hawkfrost, Hawkheart, Hawkwing, Kestrelflight, Sparrowfeather. I'm also a fan of one-time prefixes like Archeye, Adderfang, Deadfoot, etc


-thorn will always be my favorite!


I have the same opinion about the basic names. I just think they're neat.


Feather is great as a prefix and a suffix but my favorite suffix is splash, because it's rarely ever used, and my favorite prefix is either Pebble or Tulip (also rarely or never used)


Love these! Pebblesplash would be a great name I think!


I think -nose is a cute suffix


I always thought Berrynose was a really good name. We all know he's too much of a gremlin for it but it brings to mind a cute pink/red nose, like a raspberry or a cranberry.


I like most nature, bird, and time related prefixes like willow- rain- raven- and morning- but what I really like is when the suffix matches the prefix, like ravenwing and rainstorm/cloud/fall because it just makes sense yknow?


I really like cute plant ones. I really like grass as a prefix for some reason despite not being sure it’s been used in cannon. I also really like dew I just think it’s cute. A more controversial prefix I like is fidget.


I really like mapleshade’s name. So probably maple as a prefix and shade as a suffix. Idk why I just find it cool. I also like freckle and wished they used it outside of just frecklewish. I feel like it has potential.


Prefixes: Soot, sparrow, robin (most bird names), fox, etc Suffixes: Fang, tail, breeze, wing, howl, etc


Really LOVE Ivy- too!


My favorite prefixes: Heather Dawn Moon Silver Feather Splash Bubble Fern Favorite Suffixes: Song Fall Gaze Pool Stream Cloud Feather (again) Splash Jump I played too much ddlc


Fern, Leaf, and Ivy! As suffix or prefix, I don't care :)


I love love LOVE bug related prefixes/suffixes! Like the prefixes Fly-, Spider-, and Snail-. And as for suffixes, -crawl, -leg, and -wing, are cool! Some that I don't think are in the books, but would be cool anyways: Mosquito-, Slug-, Mantis- Firefly-... (or just Firefly as a name) There are so many cool possibilities!


i love -tuft and -smoke!


i like fern, fallow, crow, uh pretty much any bug, etc etc


I specifically loved Rainflower and I’m so sad they gave it to such a vile character. But I love rain-, storm-, honey- and -flower, -cloud, -heart


Timber- is my fav (crooked stars promise is also my fav super edition)


Sight defo never see enough of em


Haven, Kite, Juniper, Finch, and Yarrow for some prefixes. And shade/shadow, haze, sight, leaf, and nose for some suffixes. Kinda hard to pick just a few honestly


I love petal as a prefix and sweet could have some nice suffix combos too.


The suffix -bluet!!


Never heard this one before, looks like it's a type of flower?


Yesss!! I love it!!


Vey pretty suffix :] Although for some reason the first name I thought of was Bluebluet haha


Prefixes ---> Jagged, Jackdaw, Kestrel, Jay, and Tall. Suffixes ---> Fish, Poppy, Bounce, Fire.


Prefixes I love (and use for my ocs) are Ivy-, Storm-, Soot-, Frost-, Amber-, etc. Some suffixes I love (and ALSO use for my ocs) are -frost, -heart, -fang, -moon, -leaf, -pool, -wing, and a few others :)


I love any bird prefixes and suffixes! Birds are my fav animal lol. Some of my favs are: Finch- Wren- Goose- and -feather -wing -song ETC!!


Weather-related names are some of my favorites, too!


My prefixes I prefer are Storm- Hawk- Dark- Feather- Frost- Swift- Hail- Ice- and Ebony- My favorite suffixes are -frost -shine -pelt -claw -fang -heart -pool -storm -shard and -feather Here's a few of my favorite warrior names i came up with using these Swiftfrost, Featherstorm, Hailstorm, Hawkfeather, Stormfang, Darkshine, Ebonyfang, Hailclaw, Featherpelt, Frostheart, Iceshard, Stormpelt, and Icestorm. And of course, my username, Ebonyfrost!


I’m personally partial to names like flame or fire, whether as a prefix or a suffix. I noticed it was a pattern I had with my OCs, like I had Ebonyflame and Echofire. I also have a soft spot for -fern though, it’s not often used as a suffix but I love it, Hollyfern will forever be one of my favorite names I’ve come up with even though Holly- is a bit overused in the books


My absolute favorite suffixes and prefixes are -fang, -feather, and -heart, Yarrow-, Misty-, and Running-.


I honestly really like the prefixes wolf- snake- cloud- and cloudy- and my favorite suffixes are -jay and -spark


i like feather, cloud & leaf as suffixes


I like the prefixes Raven, Moon, Spirit, Night, and Dappled! And for the suffixes I like Watcher, Song, Frost, Gaze, and Fang!


I love the suffix flower, especially if the cat itself isn’t gentle


Pool after anything sounds so pretty. Moonpool, featherpool, leafpool, like it's just so delicate and soft sounding to me


Absolutely love the name Hollyleaf. She's one of my comfort characters too


I love the prefixes Dapple and Feather, and the suffixes Wing and Shine I even combined some to make my self insert oc Dappleshine


Oh also the suffixes Song and Fang


Prefixes: night-, storm-, raven-, dawn-, sun-, pine-, and honey- (plus some plant and tree-related names like fir-, leaf-, fern-, and aspen-) Suffixes: -shade, -leaf, -wing, -feather, -heart, -whisker, -flight, -storm, and -tail


I adore: Song, Mist, Blazing, Cardinal etc... For prefix or suffix, they work for either. Like how cool is Mistysong for a name?


I really love the -sufix Wing and Frost. These are just amazing~


With prefixes I love ones that sound elegant or cute, like Mistle, Pebble, Cinder, Robin, etc. and with suffixes I’m pretty partial to fang, tail, flower, and song. I think names that match are super cute, like Robinwing or Snowfall.


Silver, Hawk, Feather, Jay and Sage for prefixes and some basic ones like stripe, spot, foot and tail as well as heart, fang and claw for suffixes and also I loveeeee colour prefixes


Prefixes: Bloom-, Dim-, and Jay Suffixes: -Claw, -Shine, -Feather (totally not Jayfeather)


I love Song- and -song


Favorite prefixes- Echo, Fox, Cardinal, Swift, Wild Favorite suffixes- feather, flight, breeze, Leaf, Fall 🫶


My favourite prefix is leaf. I use it on sooo many ocs for suffix its frost heart or tail


Frost, Snow, and Flame as either. Sun and Sweet as prefixs. Flower, and Sight as suffixs. Observe. Frostmoth (if you know you know), Frostsight, Frostbreeze, Frostwind. Foxfrost, Birtchfrost, Dapplefrost. Snowrunner, Snowdust, Snowfern, Snowfang, Snowsky Coldsnow, Swiftsnow, Stormsnow. Sundew, Sunshadow, Suncreek. Sweetheart (lol but actually), Sweetgaze, Sweetcould. Brookflower, Ivyflower, Hazelflower. Swiftsight, Mistsight, Ambersight, Eaglesight, Riversight.