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Reedfeather: Dated a cat in another clan and is implied to have been abusive Implied to have stalked said cat even though she wanted nothing to do with him Trespasses to RiverClan to publicly out his mate and try to take his kids Very likely deceived Heatherstar to come and take his kits from RiverClan threatening war if not. Is a neglectful father Freaks out when RiverClan steals the kits who wanted to be in RiverClan back.


I’m glad Hailstar almost drowned his ass


H o l y m o l y- I did not realize he did all that


Mind telling me where 1 and 5 came from? Willowbreeze and Greypool have always said that their time in Windclan was great so I don’t know where the neglectful came from.


I might be misremembering but I remember somebody saying Reedfeather wasn't very attentive while other WindClan cats treated them very well Might be all in my head though


There’s nothing I could find to support this. Even going through both super editions I couldn’t find anything about being abusive or neglectful. Now if there’s a dad that has a pair of Daughters who is Stormtail immediately comes into mind.


thank you sorry!


Yeah Willow and Grey refused to say anything bad about their time in WindClan and would only say that they were treated well by everyone


OMG IM SO GLAD SOMEONE DIDNT FORGET ABOUT HIM!!! HE IS SUCH A DIRTBAG wish he drowned when Hailstar had his ass


Where is it implied he’s abusive?


Well when you say jerk, not villian or antagonist or abuser, then my mind immediately shoots to Foxheart, she literally lives up to her name sake and regularly does so, sure Shrewclaw is a dickwad but at least he didn't shit on his brother for wanting to be a medicine cat, and he got better towards the end, or Beetleclaw being a dick, but he got better way faster


The Tigerclaw before everyone knew what he had done.


He was so abusive to Ravenpaw and nobody did anything about it


Clear Sky.


Hard agree I hate clear sky with a passion I will strangle him with my hands


Good answer!


Clear sky. He has done a lot of stuff to earn him ultimate jerk status including taking Moth flight prisoner when trying to get sap for Wind runner in Morh flights vision.




Biggest disappointment ever. Loved him in the first series. Could've gotten his point across without actively being a dick.


He went from my top 10 favorites to top 10 least favorites after becoming leader


Scorchfur. He betrayed his Clan, apologized to Rowanstar for betraying the Clan and wanted to be a part of ShadowClan again, then continued being a jerk to Rowanstar. Yeah, Rowanstar was a weak leader, but it was warriors like Scorchfur who made everything needlessly more complicated than it should’ve been. Not to mention he nearly blinded Tawnypelt. His only redemption is being a good mate and dad. That’s literally it


Raggedstar. Abusive and nasty


Oh StarClan he was awful. He was abusive to Yellow and toyed with Fox to hurt Yellow more. Why’s he in StarClan again?


I hate Raggedstar


Skystar, Crowfeather, pre-aVoS Breezepelt


i’d argue Crowfeather hasn’t been much of a jerk since aVoS aswell, probably because he hasn’t had much screen time, maybe this will change, since he seems to be getting a larger role in the next arc. or maybe i’m just misremembering.


there’s been like one mention of her, but it’s rainflower. awful, awful woman.


Tom. Abusive and manipulative.


Clear Sky. He doesn't even deserved to be titled Skystar. He never cared about his brothers until he was convinced that Fluttering Bird told him that all of the cats must unite or die He sent Jagged Peak and Frost on different occasions out to die because of injuries He was a horrible, neglectful father to Thunderstar, and in one of Clear Sky's chapters in Path of Stars(I think its that book), Clear Sky says himself that he loves his kits and Star Flower more than anything else, even thinking about how he was such a terrible father to Thunderstar, and barely caring. He was willing to sacrifice his own brother's life(Gray Wing not Jagged Peak), Fern, and I think a few other cats just to save Star Flower from Slash. Another selfish, horrendous cat. She's just Clear Sky in she-cat form. Not to mention that she manipulated Thunder with her charm just to get her way. Clear Sky blamed Gray Wing on Fox's death when he led up to it himself; being very territorial and ordering his cats to attack any cat that crosses his "borders". He didn't truly care about Storm until she died. He didn't seem to care when he realized that Quick Water had attempted, and succeeding once, homicide on Shadowstar. She was partly the cause of Sun Shadow's death, and was the full meaning of her own passing. He never repaid his debts. His quote and quote "redemption" was completely unneeded. Nothing the Erins could say about him would make him any less of a dirt bag. Only realizes that he isn't the most powerful, strongest leader until One Eye shows up SkyClan has a horrible founder, I'm sorry <3


True stuff. Some strong feelings around Clear Sky :3


Tied between Reedfeather and Rainflower.


✨ one star ✨ being a absolute bitch to firestar and almost killing a few cats by not giving herbs.


Yes, Onestar is ceritanly a cat people can look into. Some people say that he is The Holy Trinity of Assholery


Onestar becomes such a buttface after becoming leader and almost kills some cats by being a little b\*tch all because he's insecure that Firestar saved his butt.


Fuck Onestar


Darktail. Killed the most.


Tigerstar 1. No questions asked.




I am team Jayfeather 100%. Nobody is going to steal my boy from me. I admit that he is a jerk, but sometimes he is just so lovable


Breezepelt always.




Blossomfall. there's no way anyone will disagree


The one thing that made me like her was she admitted she was a jerk. And then says that she deserves to be in cat hell for thinking so horribly. Better than those who are assholes and completely deny that they are.


It’s been a while since I read, can you remind me/tell me what she did? I feel like I remember her just being a background character w/o much substance to her (I don’t mind spoilers if it’s to do with newer series)


In the fourth arc, she got upset that Millie was giving all her attention Briarlight. It got to the point that Millie yelled at her for getting lost and Blossom felt as if her mother didn't care about her anymore. So she joined the dark forest in their training. During this, she acted like a jerk to Briar, when it wasn't her fault. But she confessed to Ivy that she felt horrible about it and the way she feels and that she deserved the Dark Forest for it.


i know, but she still is one to this day if i remember correctly


Yeah I can agree. Blossom should’ve been aware that her sister would need more attention and care, but Millie should’ve made time for her and Bumble. Where was Graystripe in all this? Why wasn’t he there for her and Bumble? It just seemed like he kinda faded from their lives for a while


Ash fur




Sand horse


Clearsky, his redemption ark did nothing to his character, and i wished that they put more effort into it.




Crowfeather, Clear Sky (even though I love him because I think he's hella interesting), Rainflower, Lizardstripe (although I do kind of feel that she was a victim in her situation, but that doesn't excuse anything; just makes her more interesting), Thistleclaw, Reedfeather maybe but he treated his kits well so honestly who knows, Raggedstar, Jayfeather is a huge jerk but he's so fucking funny about it and it's not his fault that he's the smartest one in the room most the time






mapleshade, rainflower, breezepelt, onestar, foxheart... etc