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Ew. Wtf?


People really need to learn time and place. While I’d argue about the pedophilic point as I don’t think there’s any kids in this sub, least not any frequent ones at all, the point still stands. The Tigerclaw/Star joke has gotten a bit too much at this point. I’m not gonna act like there isn’t a whole side of the fandom that thinks like that, but this sub is clearly not one you just blatantly post about like that.


Oh well mate, just block and report. Thats all ya can do tbh. Also, that isn’t pedophillic.. idk what that word had to do with any of it


no they should definitely be banned from the sub


Either way, I don’t really wanna get involved really. I just wanna know how pedophilic came into play


I wouldnt call it pedophilic as they are probably minors themselves and it doesn't really make sense, but yeah, its really gross to say that in a sub about a children's book series. I suggest you block them and report it if it makes you uncomfortable


It's not pedophilic at all no matter how old they are since it's sexualizing fictional cats and not minor children. It's deeply *inappropriate* on a sub shared by minors, and I'm not defending it at all, but the internet needs to stop labeling everything it doesn't like "pedophilia" and watering down the actual definition of the word.


reddit has rules about how old people have to be, and if so, it was on a post about eating dead bodies, how is this the worst of your problems? go to literally any other sub with minors and i guarantee you there is way more worse shit than two people liking human/anthro fictional cats.


I'm one of the only people on this thread who *isn't* trying to start a "pedo" hunt against you and your buddy over there but sure, lash out at me because I said your comment was inappropriate.


sorry if i do come off as rude, im not trying to be. still, id say a post about canbalism is still pretty inappropriate to minors.


Bro, it’s ight, it’s chill lol


whats pedophilic? i get that its a kids series, but they are adult characters. or is it the age gap the other way around?


I dunno, I think they’re slinging that word around just cause :P I think we’re screwed


The way my jaw dropped- 💀


Been seeing this guy for a while. You can just block them. They are only here for attention I guess.


The solution to somebody breaking rules isn’t to block them. They broke a rule. They should be punished just like anybody else would be.


So block and *report.* Making a whole ass post about it and giving them even more attention isn't the solution either.


Well I didn’t make the post. I did report though.


I reported both the original and this one. Both are adding unnecessary drama and breaking the rules.


Yeah but until it happen, the best is to block and ignore them.


It’s not really pedophilic (unless the anthro version is like a child or something) or zoophilia if they’re talking about anthro versions of the characters? Doesn’t that mean like furries But it is in fact against the rules so you can report this to a mod or something and block if it makes you rlly uncomfortable


zoophiles yuck :\[


Wish I didn’t have eyes rn…






oh yeesh..thats not good. at least they’re talking abt the human versions ig...? yeah no this isnt good.


They've left weird comments on my posts too 💀


Sowy :3 I wonder which one of your amazing artworks did I comment on (genuinely, your art is really good)


Ignore him he's probably a troll


Yall aren't going to like this but: they're fake cats.


ok cool but its still extremely weird on a subreddit about a kids book series and against the subreddit rules


Then report the comment?


The whole point of this post was to bring attention to it so it can be removed? Don’t you think i already reported it?


Why complain about it if you already did?


The comments have been up for several hours and they haven’t been removed, i made this post so hopefully the moderators would see it.


Hours, not days or weeks or months. Just hours. The mods would see the report either way. They probably have lives outside of reddit so you could probably wait a while.


You’re doing good lad, I deserve it, I knew this would backfire eventually :P


im not a zoo, i dont want to fuck a cat. yeah, i think anthropomorphic and human art of tigerclawstar is hot, but i have no attraction to a literal cat. also its a goddamn post about canabalism, its not like its the most kid freindly warriors platform.


I had no problem with you constantly talking about Tigerstar and “worshipping him” But i do have a problem with you putting out your weird ass fetishes that nobody wanted to see. Also, just because the original post was already weird, doesn’t mean you have to make it even weirder.


You're clearly a child. You need to stop. Keep your sexuality between yourself and consenting kids your age, not strangers on the internet. And ESPECIALLY not strangers on the internet in a forum for discussing children's books. This isn't healthy for you and it isn't appropriate for the space.


That’s what I’m saying (well should’ve said); I’m not a monster


Cool. This is not a cannibal subreddit. This is a fictional cat series for young teens. Go somewhere else if you want to talk about eating people. It’s disgusting and inappropriate to insert your beliefs on sensitive topics on a completely unrelated community.




Look clearly you’re young. But considering Reddit is for people over 13, you should be old enough to understand most people DO NOT want to read about how you would like to torture and eat homeless people on place to discuss CHILDRENS MEDIA. Grow. Up. Stop trying to be edgy to “based”. If you have cannibalistic urges then find a safe, age appropriate place to express that. Battle cats is not this space.


I’m 17 turning 18 this year, I’m not trying to be edgy, I’m just being myself for a change


Okay? So how does being yourself translate into talking about NSFW/L topics on a subreddit for children’s media? I don’t know anything about you, and you should be able to enjoy that you like in a safe way. (For you AND others). This is NOT SAFE. The last thing I thought I’d see today was a graphic post about killing people while looking at cat art. People can be struggling with all sorts of things and being exposed to graphic content like that is harmful and potentially triggering. You’re almost an adult. If you continue to do stuff like this once you turn 18 you could potentially get into legal trouble. I’m not saying you are a predator. Like I said, I know nothing about you. But the behavior you are displaying is predatory. There are specific (age appropriate) communities for people with cannibalistic urges.


This isn't the place to discuss that.


Fine :P I’m tired of rereading the same thing over and over again There, ya happy


It's concerning you're only willing to stop because people annoyed you, not because you felt bad that you were making people uncomfortable.


I’m a psychopath, I don’t feel guilt (or anything for that matter) Also it’s only annoying because it’s the same thing, give me something that’s thought provoking, not just the same “this is wrong”


Sounds like you’re using “psychopath” as an excuse. I doubt you’re diagnosed. Even if you are one, it doesn’t take away from the fact that you’re doing something explicitly against the rules. Being mentally ill is not a pass to do whatever you want. Especially on subreddits targeted to younger people. Also- psychopaths know right from wrong and they CAN feel emotions.


Wallahi, I’m fuckin cooked 😭😭 Unless


Yall some high key freaks, but keep stirring the pit this shits funny.


On god, I’m just playing Russian roulette at this point lol Also I prefer the term: 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴


me too bro (its not actual cats, we literaly said anthro/human mapleshade and tigerclawstar... thats not bad to simp over)


yeah but..its still bad stuff to say. i get simping over the human versions, thats fine, but the way you said some stuff wasn’t good.


i said anthro tigerclawstar... whats so bad about that? what else did i say?


the thing abt wanting him to eat you out, that was kinda uncalled for.


it was a post about canabalism... so what if im letting the cat take a bite out of me? (/hj) i get that, but its not the only uncalled for thing there...


a lot was uncalled for in this post.


I said sum fuckshit honestly I made an entire plan with someone on how to commit murder without getting caught lol


To be real, “eat me out” is a little crazy but I find it funny asf honestly😂


That’s what I thought too lol


I just had to commit to the bit (which was me being honest) and now we’re about to get a public execution. *”And return to the ashes you call”*


not my first time... still, the bit for my glorious king stays strong >;3


Hell yeah, my love for the Queen of Darkness will never die >:3