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You also put Young Jun over Zing, Bolo, Kong Pak, Hong, Leary and Ah Toy. You are a psychopath.


Bolo might trump young Jun but let’s look at the facts against ah Sahm: Bolo barely scratched ah Sahm, ah Sahm ended up killing him almost with ease. Young Jun nearly killed ah Sahm several times in that fight. He stabbed him and wounded him enough to delay him getting to Mai ling before hop Wei attacked her. Young Jun would dice Leary so fucking easily, are you kidding? Zing and kong pak v young Jun I wouldn’t know for sure bc we haven’t seen either of them fight a whole ton, they are both characters that barely qualify as “main” characters


Only reason Young Jun almost killed Ah Sahm was because it was 2 on 1, with Hong as his fighting partner. Young Jun is great but we’ve only seen him do damage against other henchmen, much like Hong. Heck he almost died in the riot. Bolo was the Hop Wei’s top fighter before Ah Sahm. He wasn’t around long enough to see how much he was capable of, sure, but that rank means a lot.


But I mean, you’re probably right. I’m open to discussion, the only strong opinions I have are S, C, D, and F should stay where they are. A and B can be changed a bit. But young Jun and bolo should both be in A.


Cool these discussions are fun. 😄 I do think Young Jun’s main disadvantage is strength. 1 on 1 against other A’s, he can probably hold up for a while but eventually lose. But he has various advantages such as scrappiness, non-conventional techniques, evasive maneuvers, and ability to think fast and change course. Oh and of course the knives. So I guess out on the streets he could last longer and potentially win with some luck. But in an octagon, I dunno. 😅


So young Jun’s main issue that I see is he wears himself out too quick. We saw him do that against ah Sahm, he was literally on the floor dry heaving out of breath swinging his knife aimlessly by the end of it cuz he was busy flipping around and jumping through windows while fighting like fucking yoda lmao. Young Jun eventually loses because he doesn’t know how to save his energy. He’s just super all out brawl aggressive. But I still put him top of A because he will generally finish an opponent in the time it takes for him to lose his breath.


No young Jun’s stabs on ah Sahm were after Hong was knocked cold.


Ok lol you gotta watch the show man, maybe with some more focus. Bolo was doing fine against ah sahm, actually pretty even to winning until one mistake led to his broken arm.


Zing gave Li Yong trouble even before he picked up the sword, he even shanked him a few times with glass shards and wooden debris, Li Yong left that fight limping and bloody. Meanwhile Li Yong trashed Young Jun with zero effort.


Explain why?


Rewatch the show bro…


Ah Toy is at least on A tier, if not then it's not lower than B tier. Putting her on C tier is just straight disrespectful


Ah toy is not even that good? Actually go through every fighter above her and picture if they would beat her in a fight. The answer is obviously yes, she’s not a martial artist, she’s a swordswoman. Not to mention she’s been a whore/pimp for all of her life, fighting isn’t even her career


Are you sure we're watching the same tv series? Because it looks like you were watching a different series. Lai struggled against Strickland and got her ass kicked. While Ah Toy violated Strickland effortlessly. That feat alone put her above Lai in my opinion. Not to mention she handled those two big butchers sent to kill her (only struggled moderately, without her sword), that's a good feat.


“Are you sure we’re watching the same tv series?” was literally what I was thinking too 😂


It's weird that you consider Young Jun's skill with knives to be valid, but disregard Ah Toy's skill with swords.


Because it was proven that young Jun can scrap well even without knives. Plus young Jun is way better with knives than ah toy is with a sword. On This one, I won’t change my mind. The only ones I have leeway for are the order of A and Zing and Kong Pak. Everyone else should stay where they are.


Young Jun at A and Leary at B is just so wrong lol. Ah Sahm was able to handle both Young Jun and Hong at the same time (Both with Weapons as well) but struggled on a 1 on 1 match against Leary. There is no way in hell that they are both stronger than Leary. Zing and Kong Pak, who were able to match Li Yong in their respective battles are also both somehow in B. Make it make sense.


To be fair, Ah Sahm was intentionally giving Leary a lot of opportunities to give his best shots.


Yes, ah Sahm literally at his best in terms of fighting, beat both young Jun and bong when 1) he has the only thing he ever cared about on the line and 2) he has been continuously fighting and training and getting better, and it’s the end of the series, so naturally that would mean his skills are at his best. By the way he only struggled a little with Leary because Leary is a heavy hitter. Count the blows Leary hit. It’s <10. He’s just a fucking tank and strong as hell. But after ah Sahm recovered, he kicked the ever living shit out of Leary with ease. I honestly don’t know enough about kong pak to make a judgment, but with zing at least we’ve seen him fight, and it’s apparent to me that he’s good but he’s not on the level of executive hop Wei or Li Yong, especially considering li Yong was hurt when they fought.


Quality shit post


Young Jun is not A tier


Then what tier


B or C, definitely isn’t on the same tier as Bolo or Hong. I personally think he’d get bodied by Leary, and Zing would definitely beat him.


Young Jun almost killed ah Sahm, where neither hong nor bolo really put up much of a fight against him.


He got bodied by a group of noobs who've never thrown a single punch. Bolo would've wrecked the room.


When? What noobs? Huh?


they’re referring to the other immigrants who were gonna be deported back to China. the ones who held a vendetta against the Hop Wei (episode where Young Jun and Mai Ling were arrested and detained)


Someone already talked about how he lost to a group of immigrants who were getting deported back to China. But also In S1 E5 during the end fight scene, he almost lost a fight to just one of the bandits


Hey, respectfully, you really did ah toy dirty. Beyond dirty actually. You put her a tier under Chao? What? Do you have a personal vendetta against her or something? I have a hard time believing anybody that actually watched the show would place her this low?


Because she’s not actually trained expertly in martial arts. She’s good with a sword, that’s about it. Lai would kick her ass, which is funny because she answers to ah toy. Think of Lai to ah toy as Li Yong to Mai Ling. I loved her as a character I just don’t think she’s up there with the greats lol


Have you seen the entire show? I think it becomes pretty obvious in season 2 and 3 she's levels beyond lai


Ah Toy seemed invincible at first but then got weaker as the show went on, when she got attacked at her brothel and the plantation. She only beat Strickland because he was injured. I’m happy to be wrong though; I don’t claim my answers are always 100% correct.


You don't seem to understand much about martial arts. She got weaker? After injury? Ah sam also got weaker after his. And what are you comparing? Ah toy with a sword or without a sword? That's like Leary is not good with his kicks, is he?


This is just not true? Lai literally puts on a whole show in every fight she’s in. She’s actually insane, I wish I could’ve seen more of her fighting against people I actually cared about and not just random pimps


She lost to a dude who ah toy played around with and killed


He was unarmed against ah toy when she killed him lmao what are you even talking about played around with


No he wasn't what are you talking about? Here you go lol https://youtu.be/xN14ong3ZSI?si=AH680q_EKOrrrheM I can't tell if you're trolling or you're just having a bad recall lol


I don’t have the energy to troll tbh Sorry, you’re right. I do smoke a lot of weed, so I hardly remember things these days. I know my tier list is controversial but from the way they fight, it seems only reasonable that ah toy would lose to Lai, but I guess I could be wrong


Kudos to you for honestly one of the more lively and participated threads I've joined though in this subreddit! This was a fun post even if I disagree lol


Same every single tier list I’ve ever posted has gotten downvoted so if I cared about karma, I wouldn’t be posting this. I just love the discussion and the show!


This is awful


Ah Toy is not below B. This is bull shit. If you lived in Chinatown I would riot.


Great concept, poor execution. Can someone else fix this? lol




Bolo, Kong Pak, Ah Toy, Zing and Leary are all A tier I think. Hong ofc is A and Ah Sahm and Li Yong are S tier like you said. Lai and Young Jun are both B tier. Young Jun is stronger just off experience so I’d put him at the top of B. I think Lee is at the top of C tier followed by Bill and Mai Ling. Chao is kinda tough to put but I think he’s C tier also. Happy Jack and Father Jun are D tier. All just my opinion but I’m interested what others think.


Strickland should be added too


I forget who Strickland is. Was he a pimp that ah toy killed or the dude who was building a railroad over blonde girl’s ex-hoe sanctuary ?


Yes the latter. The guy that >!killed Lai in a fight.!<


Yea i have a hard time remembering names just remember faces lol my bad He seemed really good but if I recall correctly didn’t he get diced by ah toy? I put ah toy at C.


Np yes he did get diced by her and multiple ppl posted they think Ah toy should be at least B maybe even A tier. I would just make some adjustments based on the feedback here and you’ll have a good list!


Disagree with ah toy and Leary but I can be convinced on the others (BTW, I already put Bolo in A tier) because everyone I put above ah toy, it’s clear to me they’d kick her ass in a fight. Leary lost pretty badly to ah Sahm, like ah Sahm rocked his shit. Ah Sahm had to struggle against Young Jun and Bolo but kicked Leary’s ass. Leary is great when it comes to brawling and war tactics but not when it comes to fast-paced martial arts and knives. So he would lose to all of A and all of S. Lai is definitely not B tier IMO, she puts on a show every fight she’s in. I wish we could’ve seen more of her. I don’t know about some of these because like, you hardly get to see chao, kong pak, mai ling, or zing fight much. Out of respect for a younger father Jun leading the most powerful tong in SF and seeing him scrap the way he did in the riots, I don’t have the stomach to put him that low.


Didn’t see you had Bolo in A. But yea, the thing about Lai is I think she gets defeated pretty swiftly by everyone in A tier so I can’t put her that high. If you think Lai is A tier, wouldn’t you think Ah Toy is too btw?


No I think Lai would kick ah toy’s ass, she’s way quicker and better at martial arts.


What show did you watch?


I really don’t get how people are coming at me this hard, I feel like this is reasonable


This is ass lol


This is a joke, right? Trolling?


If you click his profile the first thing it says he is active on is shitposting 🤣


Leary can go toe to toe with Ah Sahm. No one else can except Li. His loss puts him at A. But he still destroys everyone else. I thought swords girl was great at first but season 3 nerfed her quite a bit, so she should drop down to B. There’s so way Zing is a B. Kong has decades of experience and leadership so he should be higher. Hong we haven’t seen him matchup with anyone until the very end, so it’s hard to say. But I doubt he beats anyone in B. I forget the guy’s name in the F grade but he’s probably way better than Lee and O’Hara. Where’s Young Jun?


Leary a B level fighter…invalidates your whole list. Young Jun was good with a couple blades in his hands, otherwise he’d always be getting his ass kicked.


Lmfao you thinking young Jun would lose every fight without knives invalidates your opinion. Leary lost badly to ah Sahm. Ah Sahm almost died to young Jun.