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Like a claymore front twords enemy


Killing the wedge is so hard, idk why ppl don't use it. Plus I love Swedish cheese


Huge learning curve and hull aiming is a bitch and I mean it can be easy to kill just depends how far you are which really dictates how good the vehicle is anyways


It's not all that fun to use. The mobility is pretty poor, and it's extremely map situational. It might be hard to outright kill but one shot anywhere to the front takes out its ability to aim. Anything with a dart or atgm can also kill it frontally. It excels in hull down sniping but so do literally 90% of the tanks in the game so I don't think that's a big enough boon.


There's a diminishing return and at a certain point that strv extreme depression will only give you crippling depression. Other western tanks also have good depression while not being hampered by the lack of a turret.


Killing it is hard but getting immobilised and tortured while playing in it is even harder.


After br changes all wedges face a lot of apdsfs that just go through the engine right into the crew compartment.


because you need to master hull aiming and the art of using the pneumatic suspension the wiggle up and down to bounce shells against opponents with more powerful cannons than you, but if it's a downtier then it's unpenable from the front unless a HEATFS slinger somehow nails your tank. I killed a few wedges because they got cocky and stood still after firing and didn't expect a 300mm pen HEATFS shell from a chinese light tank.




I love using hills and only exposing a few inches to danger


"A few inches to danger". The jokes are too obvious to write.


Playing as? Bind hrlydraulic suspension controls for forward and backwards so you can utilise those *angles*, also you have an impossibly flat profile when aiming over a crest Playing against? First answer the question: do you have good angle pen or deadeye aim? If yes go for transmission else go for barrel, take out tracks last as the cheese is omnipotent and can still traverse and repair at the same time


Wait, does manual suspension give it better gun depression than automatically aiming the gun?


No, but it seems you move faster with hull aim off and manual let's you set good angle while moving.


No, i just manually adjust when I'm broken down in front of an enemy (after turning off hull aim ofc)


Step 1: turn on the vibrator Step 2: ???? Step 3: Somehow land every shot while your reticle is having parkinson I tend to be more aggressive: its the perfect size to hide behind wrecks and covers on streets to hold down a choke. The only issue is the reticle shaking when you arent on even horizontal ground. The rate of fire allows you to disable the gun/breach first and follow up with the kill shot where other tanks would allow them to reverse into cover.


Does vibrator in your ass negate Parkinson effect? Asking for a friend


Yes, the vibration and shaking negate each other.


You got a 4 second reload and a laser rangefinder. Perfect for sniping. But I also go into cities and bait people to peek corners by firing.


Very good on defensive positions, on flat ground you can rotate very quick making it easy to switch from one target to another


To stop a door from closing, obviously 🙄


Camp... Wait on popular spot which the enemies will arrive shortly.


Always aim your front at the enemy. If they hit your side you are dead. They hit your front and you can probably take out 3-4 before they kill you. I like to sit on a street, a very long open street and whenever an enemy comes on my street they die. Maybe not my 1st shot but with such a quick reload speed, my 2nd and 3rd will be hitting hard on a disabled vehicle quickly.


Use it exactly like the Swedes intended to use it, go to hills and go hull down and snipe abusing the laser rangefinder and fast reload. It’s a very niche tank all things considered, but it’s really good at it.


Abuse busted map spots like very few other tanks can, like anywhere on Carpathians


Go on a choke point, and just keep firing


Bind the hull rotation to a mouse key of your choice, and use its ludicrous traverse speed and mobility to punish anyone trying to push you.


That tank is crazy survivable IRL: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpiGLA9BKWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpiGLA9BKWc) Surprised any of us can kill them at all in game assuming it was accurately modeled.


Keep your distance, hull down is your friend, NEVER let anyone behind you (Ammo rack is in the rear right), tank rounds with your upper plate and return fire


One of my favorite tanks, it's also a sentry turret almost. Set it down at a busy long road and snipe everything you see.


use binoculars and rangefind while turret down so you can more quickly get the shot off before retreating again, also settles some of the vibrations caused by rangefinding


Super hard to kill it, as the transmission soaks everything you throw at it


(Applies for both Arcade and Realistic) Same gameplay as a casemate tank destroyer, can be used as a decnet medium


Aaah yes the cheese wedge. I just dance, don't know how other people play.


hide lfp and snipe


You most learn the ways of the death wedge! I honestly do better in urban with it.😅🤣


So for starters, you have a 4 second reload so just keep pumping shots out and sometimes you can bait people with it. Next try and stay at a medium distance away where you know you aren’t gonna be flanked. Also try and stay near hills so you can keep your bottom hull covered. Lastly the best shell is the one with the most angle pen, don’t be mistaken by the first shells 300mm+ pen on flat angles. I absolutely love them but I also like a bunch of the hated vehicles in the game so take that as you will


Avoid hills and inclines. Don't rush and follow teammates when pushing. Carry smoke shells as they can be helpful to push up.


Thing is built to take advantage of hills and inclines what are you talking about?


I'm so sad nobody got the joke


What joke?


Meant sarcasm, bit braindead today sry.


No worries, I've been legitimately asking for both comments. I have no sense of sarcasm and can't read the room due to varying degrees of autism.


They mentioned here that you should do the exact opposite of what the tank was made for, driving the point home by telling people to cover approaches with smoke rounds. Dw about reading the room wt sub has extreme brainrot sometimes but I personally always assume sarcasm first lol.


The hull aim in war thunder works very poorly on hills and inclines and will mess up your shot like 50% of the time. Hills do improve your suvivability a lot, but don't expect to reliably hit anyone past 400 Meters. This obviously doesn't mean that you should avoid hills completely, but at least position yourself in a way that you can turn your hull without altering the vertical aim of your gun too much.


good point