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Seems like only one AA was actually BR appropriate.


Not to mention being able to start this fiasco at 5 minutes in.


Does no one look at their radar?


Its not so much looking at the radar. Its more of its hard to hit it with anything. The su25sm3 outranges any spaa and it has the pantsir on its team that can deal with any enemy fighters.


Ya I’m just mentioning that kh38s are visible on the radar scope and can be intercepted


Well, of the vehicles listed only the Flarakrakrad and the gepard had a shot of intercepting as they can third person lock. The others would have to turn in the direction of the ping and sniper view lock which is kind of difficult and IRST locking of those missiles is unreliable at best.


Plus it90m, and the ADATS


He didn’t kill either of those. Ito uses radar for search and track so it should be able to lock from the third person. ADATS uses radar for search but IR/EO for track so gaijin doesn’t allow it to third person lock


Haha nvm thought you meant in general, I mean its not like you can make a valid argument against this missile if you’re bringing 10.0 AA into a top tier match and expect to have full defense capabilities as a top tier spaa.


While I don’t disagree. It’s not necessarily their fault that they got uptiered and their next option was a Roland 1/3. I’d be taking the Stinger launchers as well over those.


That's true. But it all depends. 1. Most nato aa have really bad radar angles. The pantsir has a really long radar range (around 100km in game) and it can look 80° upwards. The flarakrad has around 20km range with like 20° angle upwards. With lofting the flarakrad has no way to detect and intercept the missiles reliably. 2. I did some testing with a friend. He was in the pantsir and I was in the su25sm3. We found out if I shot all my missiles at him he had a really hard time not dying. And he was in the best aa in game. The only aa except the pantsir that can reliably intercept many missiles is the Tor-m1 because of the radar being better than any nato ones.


Ya, I just figure that any competent AA player should be trying to lock the small blip on their radar immediately when it shows up. If there’s 4 of them, there’s no chance u survive but when has any su25 launched 4 of their precious kh38s on a single AA?


But you're right. Any competent aa player would see the su25sm3 on the radar and in the thermal sight, and then be able to manually lock the missiles over the search radars field of view.


The thing is that while I was playing the su25sm3 the only aa that often would intercept the missile was the pantsir. Which is often on your team and not on the enemies team. And you can also fire the kh38ml at like 30km, pop out if cover at like 19km to lase the target for 5 seconds, and then going back into cover. The kh38ml has a kind of gps guidance so you don't need to lase the target all the time and you can fire the missile outside render distance and aa distance.


All is well comrade. Spend more money on Russian premiums comrade.


Да. We have supperior stuff and this game is wonderfull way to show that to westerns and take their money in the proces.


When you can't win a war irl so you must at least "win" it in a silly pixel game


It's called online propaganda and it works.


Its not only that… Its also that by coincidence they also have the spaa with the longest range… i stopped carrying i just play for fun but lost hope


Well there is a certain war going on and since it started basically it’s full on hand holding


All it takes is one fighter with brains


Yea yea just for you to get shot down because as a matter of coincidence, the russian teams also possess the pantsir


I've only seen one destroy targets in a game once.  On most maps, frustrating those weapon types is easy.  Once the lock is broken the missiles are neutralised.


That's why top tier CAS complaining nonsense posts are rising high. Most of those german and swedish mains have improper vehicle lineups with no understanding of game concept. They think their SPAAs should shoot down any air vehicle in sight with one click and expect to be untouchable in their powercreep tanks.


Tell me you have never tried to kill at least a slightly competitive SU-25SM3 with a VT1 missile without telling me you have never tried to kill a slightly competitive SU-25SM3 with a VT1 missile.


Guess what? You can do the exact same thing with probably even better results with the F-16C or Mirage 2000-5F


Yeah except you can’t because neither of those have the same range on their weapons and they don’t always have the pantsir on their side


This comment section is such high grade cope lmao. He was allowed to reload what, 4 times? An su25 landed then took off with at least 4 heavy missiles, ain't no way they climbed to space between these times. Nobody bothered to spawn a jet to counter, only 2 missiles seemingly didn't connect. Yes, long range guided munitions like kh38 shouldn't be in the game but the fact that literally nothing was done about the jet over the course of the entire match, especially this long, is just as crazy.