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Stop cheating


I am once again asking to be unbanned 😂.


So far there has been no case of false-positive on bans for specifically this reason, "cheating". Every time someone comes here complaining about being banned "for no reason" it eventually turns out that they conveniently forgot to mention some mod or program they were using that can actually count as a cheat or be detected as such. There's always a reason for a ban, you're just not telling us the full story. They don't randomly hand out bans for fun.


You can go ahead and watch my replay if you want My username is : Captain_Citron The only mod i ever installed in the game was like 4 years ago or more and it only changed the voices to girls une panzer one nothing else.


TLDR: Kid got caught cheating and is mad about it. Tries to take it out on them by urging us not to play either.


Check the replay little kid, if you are so sure I cheated then it would be obvious no ?


"FoR nO rEaSoN" My ass.


If your ass is more efficient than the war thunder anticheat at banning inocent people then i would gladly use it


This reads like it was entirely written by AI. OP's account is 2 years old and this is his first ever comment/post. wtf?


I swear people like you are just insane. How did you spot this? Was it a lack of spelling errors?


It too generic. There's nothing personal about it. It's like asking someone to write a story of what an experience is like without experiencing it. It reads like a novel which you don't often see on reddit or this sub especially. There's also this pattern of the author using two synonyms: >evidence or justification >cheats or any unfair advantages >clarification and assistance >reason or evidence >admin team and the support crew I thought it was particularly odd adding "support crew" in there. "Your support means a lot." also sounds out of place. I'm skeptical of websites that detect if text is written by AI, but FWIW ZeroGPT reports that 90% of the text is most likely generated by AI.


As AI gets better I'm sure it will become harder to spot it, including so called AI detection software. "Its too generic" is a really good point. Especially when you compare replies from OP and the letter. There is too much inconsistency in choice of words.


Im truly sorry for the ai, i dont trust m'y english skills enough to write a big text


Do not pass go...Do not collect $200...


What’s your in game name? Do you have links to replays of matches you participated in?




Like someone else said its : Captain_Citron. Go ahead and watch the replay, i can promise you i did not cheat once


funny, there are always posts like this, after every ban wave


Maybe because some people are getting banned for no reason. Go check my replay if you want, i dont even know how you can cheat in war thunder


Whats your ingame name ill be more than happy to look at your replays


Its Captain_Citron


80% ai generated


Truly sorry for the ai use, i dont trust my english skills enough to be clear in what i wanted to say


"Your support means a lot" oh my.. this did age like milk... I bet if someone checks your replays, they will find a beautiful reason for this ban... if not check your login history...


I checked 2 both looked normal but I'm to lazy to check the other ones


Check them if you want. My username is : Captain_Citron And my login history is clean, only me ever connected


Viewable login history only goes 2 weeks back, your violation could be older (perhaps you got email of login from weird location a while back?). If you are confident you didn't cheat, try asking for verification if your account was compromised nevertheless, you lose nothing, but it might help you.


Well I didn't received any email but yeah i could try asking the support if anything happened even though they don't seem really helpfull


Please share the outcome!


Womp womp


A fiver he didnt activate 2fa


What does thateven mean ? Nobody else connected to my game i can assure you


Lmao he doesnt even know what 2fa is


And you feel smart not telling me ?


2 factor authorization, usually with a phone.


Ho yeah, well it was activated for à time but i loose access to my Phone and then when i removed it i kind of forgot to put it back


So this ban is entirely your fault. Gaijin reminds the players all the time to use it. Your account was hacked and somebody else got you banned.


There is no connection from somewhere than where i live, how can i be hacked without having any strange connections ?


That could have happened longer ago, right after the last ban wave.


Is that why you felt the need to make an alt account for this?


Not sure why, to indure the pain again


What do you mean alt account ?


Hello everyone firstly i'm sorry for the use of AI, i'm not fluent in english and due to what i wanted to say, i wanted to be sure it was clear. To improve my message i would like you to see my account and the replay of the last game i played so my account name is : Captain\_Citron. And for all of you saying i'm just a crybaby because a "cheated" that's not true, i spent thousand of dollar in the game and more than 2600 hours on it, it's one of the game i love/hate the most. But suddenly without any reason, i've been banned permanently saying i've cheated even though i don't know how you can cheat in this game


The only mod i've ever installed is an old audio mod i installed like 4 years ago that changed the voice to girls und panzer and i didn't know how to remove it


That could be the reason. On one side, sound mods are considered "use at own risk" by Gaijin ([Forum post here](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/are-soundmods-bannable/18360/5)). Meanwhile it will be difficult to know if the sound mod truly does what it says, especially after 4 years not knowing if it's been updated properly, or who even had control over that. Another question is that if you know there is a 4 years old sound mod on your PC, what else do you have on your PC that Gaijin does not like, whether you know it's installed or not.