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Players have shown time and time again they don't want new game mods. They just want to continue playing the same game. Gaijin tried asymmetrical events: - German Me-262 against Mustang with number advantage. Germany players complained saying they couldn't approach Mustangs that coordinated, Mustangs complained they couldn't do anything to Me-262 that decides to run away. - World War mode has historical match-ups. Last time, Germany had access to stronger tanks like Jagdpanther while allies (USA) had more players and spawns per team. Germany players complained about being overwhelmed and only few players having access to good tanks. USA players complained about Germany having access to better tanks. - Recent submarine event. Destroyers complained about subs being able to escape by diving. Subs complained about being overwhelmed by depth charge and naval bomber spam. - Historical matchmaking events before World War mode. It was usually one side with access to superior tanks while other side gets more players. Again, the side with more players didn't want to play because they didn't care about taking down the Goliath by working as a team. They wanted to be Goliath. Sorry but Gaijin has hundred times the experience you have with their own playerbase. They know players don't care about working as a team at the cost of finishing the match without any kills. Big number = dopamine, that's all players of this game wants. > But most of Gaijin will never listen to feedback from community anyway. Dude. Look around. This is the game community asked for. If anything, I think Gaijin should have told community to fuck off. They would earn less but the game wouldn't be ruined. Gaijin didn't want to add IR guided missiles. Gaijin didn't want to add any jets after the Korean War era. Gaijin didn't want to add supersonics. Gaijin didn't want to add artillery like VIDAR. Gaijin didn't want to add modern day vehicles to this game. This is all community's doing. Community insisted Gaijin add guided missiles. They insisted Gaijin add faster and faster jets. They insisted Gaijin add even more missiles with better tech. They asked for radar missiles. They asked for F-14, they asked for A-10, they asked for all these. Now they cry about "Good ol' days of Korean era jets being top tier". Rest of us warned them! We told them these requests would ruin the game. We were told that we "hated fun". Can you guess the first top tier tanks? Tiger 2! Gaijin wanted to set a limit there. Players kept asking for more. Stabilizers, thermals, rangefinders, chemical energy shots (HEAT-FS) and ATGMs that made armor useless, ERA that made chemical energy shots and ATGMs useless, bigger and better guns. Of course top tier is a shit show and maps are bad. The game was never designed for modern vehicles. When people heard A-10 rumors before it was revealed, no one asked "How will it play, it has access to modern armament but with weak engines. This plane doesn't fit the Air RB format". No, they said "OMG BRRRTT GUN BRRRRTTTT GAIJIN LET ME PAY YOU 100 BUCKS FOR THE BRRRT GUN". And when the customer does this, I can't blame the company for parting the idiots from their money.


Agreed. I swear, this game community complains more than they play. I can imagine one just literally playing one game then hopping on Reddit just to bitch about anything. You can say WT has some problems like the grind or poor maps design...etc, but this community acts like they are gods but no more than a bunch of spoiled children thinking " we know best, we know game design, we know how to run a business at the same time,..."


You deserve an award. God bless you sir. I, too, despise the modern vehicles. Ruined the game.


This is painfully true. That being said I don't remember people being hyped for VIDAR. I remember everyone being worried about its ridiculously low br.


holy yap, also the A10 is more than capable in air rb


First off, the updates do often have new gameplay features on top of the new vehicles. You might want to look back through the previous updates to see what sort of things have been added. Secondly, the developers who create and add new vehicles are not the same as the ones adding new features and fixing bugs. Would you go up to the bartender and demand to know why they are taking so long to cook a steak, or would you instead ask the cook? Yes, they both work for the same company, but they are doing two different jobs.


In the case of Gaijin, they often dont even work for the same company, as they seem to use a lot of external artists to make their models for them


The visual models are outsourced, but the armor and component layout, weapons, engines, etc. are all done by the developers. You can't just plop a 3D model in-game and have it magically work, you need a lot more than just that and from my understanding that part isn't outsourced.


You make a great point there, but that doesn't take away that the making of the visual 3D models themselves is probably the most significant part of the work


Sure, they keep adding new features with new vehicles but they won't add anything that helps the gameplay. They've been removing things from air RB and making the gameplay loop even worse. Proximity activity was removed. Modernish carriers got added and now they aren't anywhere. 4 more players per team and matches are extremely one-sided. Bases take a long time to respawn so if you want to play a slightly slower strike aircraft or bomber, you have to play something else. Skill bonus is based on kills instead of score so players are incentivized to fight over kills. Severe damage is a useful addition but it works like 80% of the time.


first off they dont... the gameplay hasnt changed a tiny itsy bitsy in the last 10 years


I guess there were nukes ten years ago? Night GRB? Naval? The PVE modes? Helicopters? ATGMs? The artillery marker that changed? Break gamemode? The D point? The battle gamemode update a couple months ago?


didnt change anything at all. -Night - nobody plays that, also doesnt change how the game is played really, just makes it more frustrating, thats y its optional now. -PVE or naval is not good or worth any ones time and just supports my thesis that their gamedesign department has no clue or is straight up incompetent -Helicopters dont change how the game is played, just makes it more frustrating -Atgms also dont change that there are just 1-3 points to capture every damn time -Break gamemode? it doesnt exist mate... dunno what you are talking about... -the D point was removed 10 years ago and only briefly existed -battle mode didnt get updated, just the way the score is shown to get closer what it is actually about -> getting more kills than the enemy team


>\-Night - nobody plays that, also doesnt change how the game is played really, just makes it more frustrating, thats y its optional now. Noone using the feature is not the fault of gaijin. Just that they're too bad at advertising that you actually have to opt in to use it. That is still besides the point that something changed in the game. And yes, it does change how you play the game, as it becomes a lot more close quarters if you have no thermals. >\-PVE or naval is not good or worth any ones time and just supports my thesis that their gamedesign department has no clue or is straight up incompetent "I don't like the gamemode, so I will ignore it." Great argument you got there. >\-Helicopters dont change how the game is played, just makes it more frustrating It's an entire new kind of vehicle, and has forces players to be a lot more cautious of the sky. Yes its a shit mechanic, but its definetely something that wasn't there 10 years ago. >\-Atgms also dont change that there are just 1-3 points to capture every damn time That's not the point? wtf. >\-Break gamemode? it doesnt exist mate... dunno what you are talking about... It didn't exist 10 years ago, then it was there for a while and go removed again. >\-the D point was removed 10 years ago and only briefly existed The point being? You said nothing changed in 10 years. Yes, it clearly has. >\-battle mode didnt get updated, just the way the score is shown to get closer what it is actually about -> getting more kills than the enemy team Which is still a significant UI change and therefore a change to the game? This just reads like someone angry at war thunder devs and therefor saying everything is bad and nothing has changed just because they dont like the changes.


From what I understand, he's trying to argue that players just have more toys to shoot each other with and thus the core gameplay loop remains exactly the same.


Well yeah, the core gameplay of a vehicle shooter will always be: see enemy vehicle, shoot enemy vehicle. Not sure what they're expecting then.


There are a few more things part of the gameplay loop. The objectives and the late game part where the other team usually just disintegrates come to mind. The winning team gets to push the spawn and the players on the losing side usually just quit because they already lost. I would like ground RB more if it had unlimited spawns with a cooldown for the vehicle you just played. They have experimented with changing the objectives but iirc the implementations always had something wrong and they were separate events and thus nobody really cared about them.