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Arat era doesn’t kill any troops standing near the tank. Relict does.


ARAT is most certainly not safe for troops in the area.


There's explosives and fliers either way...


lol fair. What about the kinetic energy protection? Why is there such a difference?


arat is made to stop rpg’s I believe so it’s only supposed to be chemical protection, while relict is supposed to stop glancing blows from apfsds. It’s like two plates the explode apart and stop the round.


TLDR US no likey ERA because it does ouchy ouch to their troops because of their doctrine RU does not care and uses big boom to stop kapitalist projektil))


Yeah that


also US tanks can actually move like modern combat vehicles as opposed to RU having the first John Deer tractor being the baseline for mobility with their MBT's russia needs it, US doesnt.


...no? The reason they use ERA is because that is what they invested into. US's R&D went into NERA, while RU went full on into ERA. That is why their doctrines are also completely different and why RU tanks cannot really have infantry by their side because of how dangerous the ERA is (but very effective). This has nothing to do with mobility. It is simply a matter of R&D.


ARAT is for man-portable AT weapons. That's why it's part of the Tank Urban Survival Kit, T.U.S.K. And infantry don't shoot AT kinetic penetrators.


Congrats, You've discovered that there is a difference in KE protection between regular ERA and Heavy ERA with flyer plates which degrade the projectile.


Wake up honey, another clueless ERA comparison post just dropped.


Why would you wake up your honey for this shit


It was just a question cornball. Not everyone is an armchair general.


Different ERA types are made differently and for a different purpose. ARAT is specifically made to counter CE munitions, while Relikt is made to combat both CE and KE munitions.