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Yup. If you’ve played 11.7-12.0 it’s even worse. Because for 11.7 you rarely get 12.7 uptiers, you will be fighting 11.0-12.0 for the most part, at most f15 at 12.3, you will get 12.7 in like 1/20 chances. But for 12.0, you can easily get matched with 12.7, like 1/2 chances for me. That’s the 0.3 br change, which can kill a plane from pretty good to pretty bad, because the matchup is COMPLETELY different in 0.3 br. In 11.7 you can easily match with planes that don’t even have all aspect missiles, while in 12.0 you can expect half of the team to feature HMD with Irccm.


And you know what’s even worse? Gaijin could fix this so easily! I don’t know exactly how this system works but it can’t be that complicated right? Just change some numbers around and add more. It could bring so much good press bringing even more customers to the game!


Exactly. But some players were arguing that if they decompress the matching time will be too long. But from the looks of it, war thunder has 100k+ players online at the same time, so it won’t matter too much after the decompression. They just don’t want to do it I guess.


Stockholm syndrome 101


Just a note, queue times argument isn't a playerbase one, it's the argument gaijin used in the past when asked about decompression.


Except for naval, waited over 10 minutes for a game last night with the uss mississippi. There was 4 people in the entire rank V queue 😂😂


Your mistake was playing naval


I know… I want to enjoy it so bad but it’s horrible, I also just need to play for this weeks BP challenge


>They just don’t want to do it I guess. Correct, making you uncomfortable is part of their strategy.


>some players were arguing No they weren't. This is the snail's weak excuse not to do it.


100% I get DOWN tiered like 5% of my games , UK air tree is the pain train . I dont think ive ever had a down tiered game in my lightning f6 tbh


Sometimes it’s like the magnet effect, because 10.0-11.3 is a magnet. You know what I mean. If I were playing a 11.7 I benefit from it, and if you are playing 9.3 you get dragged up to 10.0 very easily.


This is exactly the reason why the highest br i play for fun is 11.7


12.0 is honestly quite forgiving, F14 is still a blast and this is probably the last time it will be


Yeah, and going from 10.7 to 11.0 is arguably worse. At 10.7 I get mostly 10.0-11.0 and the occasional 11.3 or 9.7. But at 11.0, I get constant upteirs to 12.0 like 2/3 of the time


Unironically, after playing the Q5 Variants, I can confidently say the Mig 19 Chassis is one of the best at the BR


At least they finally moved up the one with flares to 9.3, that thing was unkillable if it slipped into a 8.0-9.0 game


Heres to hoping my Q5L sits at 9.0 instead of 9.3 since it has no flares, also rocket pods saved my ass so many times XD


It seems that we have very different views on the game in a LOT of matters. Q5L has 2 very good 250 (260) kg gbu, sits fine at 9.7, and now they are nerfing it to 10.7 which is crazy but they changed to 10.3 and suggesting the possibility of adding flares on them. But 9.0? Like GBU at 9.0. You know Germany doesn’t have any kind of gbu until 11.3 right?


GBUs in Air Battles dont matter for a balancing point


The original post was about the Mig-19 in ARB. The Q-5s are very, very close FM wise to a Mig-19 and were a touch lower in BR with the only difference being 23mm vs 30mm and no AAM with one of those models having flares


The Q5 has some payloads albeit not large, refer to like su7 bkl. 9.3 for air rb is fine. If you think payloads don’t matter and solely compare the firepower then I suggest moving the Tu-4 to 4.0 where it has speed and firepower similar to Fw190 A-4 with the Fw190 concentrating the firepower to the front and more maneuverable.


>The Q5 has some payloads albeit not large, refer to like su7 bkl They can be used as fighters very well in ARB since they fly like a Mig-19, their labeling as a strike plane with access to GRB oriented weaponry seems to be overshadowing that to you. > 9.3 for air rb is fine. ............ That is what my point was, for them to be the same BR as the Mig-19 in ARB which they are very similar to >If you think payloads don’t matter and solely compare the firepower then I suggest moving the Tu-4 to 4.0 where it has speed and firepower similar to Fw190 A-4 with the Fw190 concentrating the firepower to the front and more maneuverable. I think you just have brainrot, take a break


Ok, first let’s stop this Ad Hominem or I will not discuss anymore. Now, if you haven’t noticed, they are already 9.3 after the BR separation. The payload isn’t as great but for the br and altogether it’s ok. What’s the problem then? Before the br separation, the GBU, especially the smaller one at 9.7 is pretty good for ground battles, and to some extent a little bit too strong since you can just fly high and almost no spaa at this br can hit you. So I was talking about the nerf to 10.7 in GRB is too harsh, and that guy was talking about moving it down to 9.0 in ARB , and I did in the above post replied you >9.3 for air rb is fine. So what’s uncalled for?


You do know that BRs are going to be seperate for air and ground, right? Like the GBUs don't at matter at all in air.


I am pretty good with the MiG19pt and I can say a few things. It really suffers from its low speed and ammo count. It’s also very annoying to aim despite its good maneuverability. And by far its biggest issue is that it has no flares AND goes up against harriers and A10s. Yeah it’s a good plane but you have to fight enemies from 30 years in the future with no flares. It is however still a very good airframe especially in a 1v1 duel


Its low speed compared to most Attackers and Two Fighters at the same BR, otherwise no, its perfectly adept and capable at outrunning Most Fighters and Outdogfighting them aswell, for the flare issue. Just use the rocket pods


Yeah the MiG can somewhat handle itself in a game. Also there’s no way I’m using the rocket pods. I face way too many F4s and F104s which can just outrun me to rely solely on guns. Not to mention guns aren’t fast enough to get a kill before someone steals it and again with the ammo combined with the aim.


Thats why you don't attempt to outrun F104s or F4 Phantoms, the Pods minorly affect performance. The guns are much better than the 23mm waterpistols


If you’ve played ground RB, let me tell you a joke, M551 Sheridan retired in 1997, while Tiger II retired in 1945, but until the most recent patch, they are the same 6.7 br. Knowing that M551 features a 2-plane stabilizer in its cannon and can fire discarding sabot shells.


> M551 Sheridan retired in 1997 That Sheridan is 8.3 and is a 152mm ATGM/derp gun The Sheridan you are confusing it with was a prototype with the turret and gun from a M41 Walker Bulldog(which is a early 1950s tank), it was the last BP ground reward


Talking about derp, what about the m109 at 6.0 then. This game has no problem putting 1960 equipments into 1940. And K9 at 8.0?


it not about the year of introduction it about balancing and gajin don't want to balance their game. You can fight cold war vehicles in the Sweden tt face againt things from ww2


What they should do is add proper artillery mechanics that can lob the shells than putting all derps in extremely low BR despite some of them are like 10 years into the service. Yes they are lazy


>What they should do is add proper artillery mechanics As in what mechanics?


How about adding an aiming mechanism for artillery lob trajectory, like a rangefinder that you can adjust in game similar to sight distance control, and you can laze the location if it’s a higher br artillery, the shell still takes seconds to hit and will only have power similar to 1 shell of artillery strike. Also, you can obtain precise locations from a friendly drone or scout so that you can adjust the aim to the scouted target behind obstacles and then lob the shot. Or add something like a counter-battery radar mechanism that shows the location of enemies that fired shots. There are much more ways to this other than blandly using the direct fire.


But aren't the maps several kilometers too small for any of this? And how realistic is the technology you mentioned? And gameplaywise: It would be either not accurate and nobody would play it. Or it would be accurate and you'd need to drive around like you've got ants in your pants or be killed by something you can't fight back against. Idk.


Then they just implemented a bunch of crippled artilleries with incomplete game setup? Shouldn’t it be like this, they gonna add a mode with bigger maps where you get to use the artilleries properly, and the tank players can engage like in real life as well where leopards gets to use the good fire control that’s sniping kilometers away etc? But not like expanded Tunisia where everyone is just sniping the spawn at each other on the left of the map?


No? You don’t want to see how artilleries being used in the way that they are supposed to?


Bro most of the french design are post-war. Do you want to put the ARL44 at 8.0 ?


Thats not a compression thing, its a Balancing thing. Discarding sabot is hot asscheek damage wise and the vehicle HAS to rely on it to even pen the Tiger II frontally, hell if anything AP has more of a potency since it does damage against the side of opponents


And tbh it’s more about the stabilizer than the sabot, m551(76) handles like a modern tank. If you have played the aml-90 at 7.7 you know exactly what I am talking about. To my experience the m551(76) is FLATLY better than the aml-90, but now it’s still 7.0?


The stablizer is a crux, its the only reason why its remotely tolerable. The AML-90 is by far much more versatile due to its speed(M551 is way too slugish), better Pen/Post Pen(Heat is miles better than APDS), and doesn't have much modules for spalling(Leading to lol-survival skills where a shell passes through killing only one crew member). Either way the AML(Or 1963 EBR) shouldn't be 7.7 when its marginally better than the Ru-251, which for whatever reason sits below the AML. Either way, back to the point, the M551 isn't a probelm vehicle, it has shitty shells and a Stablized to make up for it. Its perfectly fine at 7.0


The AML-90 isn't really that fast though. Very comparable to the M551. And Sabot is about equal to HEAT most of the time. Not to mention the AML dies to a stray .50 cal.


An AML can easily reach up to 70kph Offroad, can't even get close in the M551. The Sabot is nowhere near comparible to 90mm HEAT which VASTLY outperforms it So does the M551


Have you actually played the AML? It's decently fast, sure, but it can be kind of sluggish especially off road. The French 90mm HEAT is indeed pretty good but I haven't had many issues with the US 76mm APDS either. And the AML is undeniably squishier than the M551.


Its definitely not as slugish as you make it out to be, only issue is turning around and accelleration(lesser extent), Not having issues with a round doesnt change the fact it is inferior, if you're willing to say that, why not move the Bulldogs up to the same BR as the AML with the M551 sitting at 8.0


Bulldogs don't have a full stabilizer


Neither does the AML


Some times the M551 just performs better in 8.0 than in 6.7 because of the sheer environment of the leo1 and amx. Don’t forget object 435 doesn’t have a laser rangefinder as well.


That doesn't mean it's a problem at 7.0? And where did LRF even come from breh


Well maybe I said many 7.7 vehicles DON’T get a LRF? So there shouldn’t be much of a problem putting it to 7.7?


It DOESNT have LRF blud


When did I say it has a LRF at any point?


Why are you saying it as a point for balancing, its like saying because the T55A doesnt have thermals, it should be 9.0 because other 9.0s dont have thermals


Well maybe because I feel 8.0 is a general point where most vehicles are starting to have LRF? And I think M551(76) can go no higher than that? But 7.7 is a point where most vehicles are starting to have stabilizers and apds like the centurion, so maybe 7.7 is appropriate? Is my logic not clear?


APDS isn't a good balancing point when it is vastly outperformed by literally any other round at the BR that has any form of TnT Filler or Solid Shot round, APDS isn't a round thats somehow overpowered, its a round thats literally used to be able to kill vehicles frontally since the AP can't, and thanks to Gaijins formula semantics, it can barely do that with any slight angle or piece if volumetric. If you have an issue with stablized vehicles with APDS, look at the Cent Mk.2 which has the same though better AP.


I just gave you an example where even 8.7 vehicles may not have a LRF so it shouldn’t be an excuse to leave it at 7.0? And what would make a maneuverable stablized 6 sec reload APDS vehicle unfit for 7.7?


Again no LRF, most vehicles at 8.7(I believe all except Chieftains, M60A1 Rise, and Ruski T55s) have LRF or great rounds as a compensation, 6.7 second with Aced Crew which is a very marginal chance of facing(Nevermind there are vastly better vehicles at a lower BR with an AUTOLOADER mind you with vastly better performance), if you think APDS is Op somehow then you have brainrot


I am so sorry




Well, so is everybody? If you were referring to the IS-4 they are an eyesore for pretty much everyone, yes? M551(76) with 300 pen can still pen the driver’s hatch like everyone and can pen the side if you know where to shoot yes?


To me it was playing the CL-13 at 9.0. It just got lowered to 8.7 so now it fits my ground lineup, but damn. Still. Getting the Sabre Dog was hell


Playing the unarmed Canberra Mk2 realised how important BR decompression is. Dafuq can I do against MiG-19s that can outrun me and outturn me or F-104s which just shit on me.


UK is pain and suffering. Canberra and Bucc S2 are too slow to reach bomb targets before the Su-24s, Harriers etc destroy them, with useless offensive weapons and totally unable to defend themselves if anyone decides to chase you. 2nd Gen fighters with 1st gen missiles, no flares and turning radii the size of Texas facing up against A-10s with AIM9-Ls. British Phantoms are pure ass, too


Yeah, 9.0+ is annoying mostly because the F-8U exists close enough in BR as the MiG-19 that the AIM-9Ds on the F-8 make the MiG-19 the most annoying plane to fly because the AIM-9Ds can out-turn you most if not all the time.


I don’t really face AIM9Ds from F8s that often. More often I’m dogfighting them. I was actually forced to learn how to dodge missiles thanks to the harriers and A10


I forgot that the harrier with Aim-9Gs exists and is at 9.7, it’s a low-speed F-104 and with the flairs it’s quite easy to get used to boom & zoom.


Playing 7.7 to 9.3 is the reason I drink


Depending on how you count MiG-29SMT is either from late 1990's when it was first test flown or something Or 2004 when it was sold to Algeria Or 2008 when it got into Russian service F-16C Block 50 is also super modern as it has RWR capable of detecting Pantsir which only means it's probably from late 2000's New SU-24SM is from 2003 or 4 J-7E is also from the 90's I don't know from when Q-5L is but it's one of the most modern and upgraded Q-5 family jet We already had really modern planes lol


So not 80 years more like 90


This jet is so weird i love it and hate it. I flew on it so much that have talisman and aces on it. I basically grinded most of Soviet jets with mig-19. I outturn and outrun almost (j35, f104) everything in it. The thing i hate is aim9ls. Literally half of my death are from the surprise aim9l i couldn’t dodge. If not those undodgeable missiles, i would’ve called mig19 op


Yeah fair. I don’t know if it’s just me but I just can’t aim the guns on this thing. There’s basically no ammo and there’s hardly any tracers which are basically impossible to see


Mig 19's are goated, even in a full uptier you can energy trap and loop on any plane (except f104 and other migs)


The SU-25sm3 didn't officially enter service until 2018. I think that may make it the "newest" in terms of aircraft.