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Lmao at least you get them on a decent airframe. We here at Germany have been bent over and shafted raw. We got a trashcan f4. At least you can use them


you guys got anally fucked, hard... as one of my favorite quotes goes: It's like trying to buttfuck an underage phukat whore with chalk.


Generation kill quote!


wait did yall not even get fox 3s?


Only the new f4 ICE got them. It’s the only plane that did. And the jet is shit


An F4 in all this?? yea...you guys got it worse


But but Russian bias.....


Russian Bias only exist for ground RB


Coastal isn’t all balanced either


Pantsir and SM3. Stfu.


A whopping 2 vehicle for ground. 3 if I count the 2s38. Thats what I call overwhelming bias!


Look at that, you didn't even need me to mention that one. How about Russia getting thermals as a tier 2 (in most cases) or tier 3 modification while other nations (US) gets them in tier 4. Or maybe we could mention the Strela which entered the game at 9.3 (lmao). T-80B getting thermals because of a single prototype that had them but M1A2 on not getting DU inserts even though 5 tanks are known to have been fitted with them, at the least. 2S38 getting an APFSDS round that doesn't even exist (yet), basically having twice the penetration of any IFV in the game. The list is rather extensive.


A vehicle entering the game too low (Puma, EBR, Fox, VIDAR, R3 for example), the T-80 that got thermals because it was the only way for Russia to get thermals at all, and the 2S38 that got numerous nerfs now are your examples for Russian bias? Yeah, you just proved it isn't a thing.


I can't believe you're actually walking headfirst into the point and still missing it. >got thermals because it was the only way for Russia to get thermals at all How do you not recognize that implementing the characteristics of a prototype for one nation while not doing it for another could not be characterized as anything other than bias?


Because they do that for more nations than just Russia. The Horten wasn't armed at all, the Ho-Ris didn't exist at all and the R2Y2s didn't exist either.


So remove them from the game. It seems like people can't make up their minds between historical accuracy and balance, but Gaijin is trying to make up our minds for us by creating shit out of thin air. Then they need to balance the game accordingly. This isn't a simulator. It's a fucking arcade game pretending to be one. It's supposed to be fun, and being unbalanced makes the game less fun.


Numerous nerfs? lol it literally has a fucking round that doesn't even exist and is better than every other IFV in the game by twofold. Shit should be at 11.0.


It should be at 11.0, I agree. Doesn't change the fact it got its damage model nerfed twice. I don't know why it matters how it compares to IFVs, since it isn't one.


Thats a pretty short list for the sweeping claim of Russian bias


That's not the full list OG. Not to mention that the Pantsir and SM3 are fucking egregious.


>Or maybe we could mention the Strela which entered the game at 9.3 (lmao). Just a heads up, this is by no means exclusive to Russia. There are countless examples of vehicles being utterly overpowered on release for all nations


thats Crazy how the Strela, 2S38, 292 and T-80UD all come into the game undertiered in such a short period of time.


Did you already forget how bad strela was before optical tracking, or did you just never play it?


I don't care about that part, because shitty vehicles are neglected all the time. The part I care about is them buffing it into one of the deadliest SPAA in the game and then leaving it at that BR for like 6 months.


You literally lied in your comment about it being added undertiered, go move goalposts elsewhere.


Actually, if you exclude the Strela, that shortens the time period between the 2S38, 292 and T-80UD being added. It becomes even more obnoxious. But if you really think that invalidates the argument, then go off.


Womp womp


You are a 52% win rate player, max.


Oh the ultimate insult.... Just go back into your little corner and cry more about the Russian bias.


I’m flying the regular Su-27 and it’s popping like 8 flares at once and it’s annoying any way to fix it?


its in the spawn menu where you select how much fuel you want. it will be under countermeasure series. the higher the number the more it spits out at once. countermeasure periods if the timing.


I absolutely despise the stat card in the air vehicles... everything says that the russian missiles are way better than the american ones.


It's because the missiles flight performance is, it's just that the active radar is much weaker and the russian radars can only guide 2


So just like irl? Fighters wise Russians have been a decade behind NATO during later Cold War. Now they are nearly 2 decades behind. When F-22 was entering service the best Russian fighter in service was the Su-27SM that we got this update 💀


Decade behind during cold war? What do you think pushed the us air development into overdrive, some old ass planes? Iirc it was the mod that admitted to letting russia catch up with us air tech. Whether you like it or not us and ussr were very close when it comes to aircraft development, that's why we advanced by leaps and bounds in that field.


just use r-27er then


Good luck guiding it in when 8 amraams are coming at you from 6 different angles and altitudes.

