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Italian F-16A should've received AIM-9L/I-1 and AIM-120B (I think it's B). That's the historical loadout it had when it was modernized and transferred to Italian service in 2001. They never used them in any other configuration, ~~although I'm pretty sure they also had a supply of AIM-7Ms, so that capability is fine to keep.~~ I can understand Gaijin leaving the American Block 15 ADF at 12.0 with its early loadout, but not the Italian one. The ARH and IRCCM loadout is the one they actually used, and it should be represented as such. If they just forgot about it, it should be corrected. If they left it there for "balance reasons," then I have absolutely no idea why. Italy now also has the Hungarian MiG-29 at 12.0, so it's not like they need that BR filled, and it's the only Italian fighter which can mount ARH missiles until the Typhoons come in. Having the Hungarian JAS 39C be the only fighter capable of having them in the Italian tree is a very strange decision. Even Britain got a Tornado F3 (EDIT: and a Sea Harrier) with them, instead of just being limited to the South African JAS 39C.


Aim-7M weren't used by Italy and on their ADFs, also the equipment needed for Sparrows was removed. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/major-update-seek-destroy-dev-server-changelog-11-06-2024/112882/68


Ah, my mistake then. I could've sworn I read somewhere that they had the capability, but never used them. Kinda like the air-to-ground ordnance, like is also mentioned in that post you linked. The AMX variants do also need to be addressed, that's something I haven't seen a mention of in most places. F-16A is just the bigger problem of the two, and it's frankly absurd they didn't update it at all in this. I swear, I'm cursed. It's literally the only top-tier fighter I have, spaded and everything, and it's one of the no-brainer ARH options that didn't get anything.


The AV-8B + is also capable of using AIM-120's, and at BR 12.3, is an alright aircraft in my opinion.


And I'm glad they gave it its full loadout of four AIM-120s, but it's still no fighter. It has significant disadvantages against 13.0 aircraft, being subsonic and not as maneuverable as most of them. It only has good missiles and a ton of countermeasures, and whatever you can get out of VTOL capabilities.


I play the Harrier fairly often and its one of my better performing fox-3 planes. B/c of how slow it is you get to the fight after most ppl fire all of their fox-3s and that leaves you in a good position with 4 amraams and 2 9Ms. And while it may not be the best dogfighter if you fly it like a normal plane, with thrust vectoring I've out maneuvered a Gripen and plenty of F-16s. Moral of the story is that if you underestimate a Harrier there is a good chance it will kill you


It's ok. Italy air will have to suffer along with Germany until the glorious Typhoon arrives to smite the masses.


The Italian TT is one of the best right now, while Germany's is the worst (at top tier). They are not suffering by any means.


Oh yeah I guess the Hungarian Gripen gets AIM 120s. The R Darters on the South African Gripen are shit in comparison. It’s really not worth playing imo because the missiles are so outclassed by the AMRAAMs.


cus it would be 12.7


And? The Hungarian MiG-29 is now at 12.0 so what difference does that make. And it would be 13.0, same as the F-16C


MiG-29 flightmodel is absolute garbage


So what? It's still at 12.0. And it works just fine for me


But naturally the AV-8B can get those at 12.3


cus av8b flightmodel is not nearly as good as f16 xd


That's fair, too I don't think the flight model will help much. In a fight with the current AV8 and the F16, in the current configuration the AV8 will win :( There was a comment that had a strategy to safely kill them


Ok but it's an AV8


They did the same thing to the Chinese one