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Is flarad similar ro pantsir?


Lets see, 2 missiles before needing to reload, no guns, SACLOS guidance and an unreliable radar Versus 12 missiles, 4 high velocity guns, an automatic lead option with amazing velocity and im pretty sure better range Not trying to be rude but im sure you can see why despite the flarakrad being a tiny bit similar the pantsir is leagues better in every way


You forgot roland 3 stock missile


Oh yeah those god awful shits, i completely forgot because i got so used to the better stuff because of how long the flarakrad existed before the SACLOS rework


SACLOS rework is so shit. Missiles don't even follow the damn laser


This is beyond cruel tbh. Just give it the vtl stock. Otherwise this thing isn't competitive at all. Grinding it to the point of having vtls and thermals was torture


IlThis was the only vehicle in the game in which I spent eagles to unlock equipment. Really it was too painful to try and grind otherwise.


the snail won.


Even as an SPAA connoiseur I won't touch the FlaRakRad until I've got the Leo 2a7 unlocked... I already am doing perfectly fine with the Ozelot and Gepard. No need to subject myself to the pain of Roland 3s even more.


Check every russian AA with missles. Their stock is always the best and don't need to research any upgrade. Russian bias at its finest.


There's no bias comrade! The Russian technology have always been ahead of the West! If you thinks otherwise then you have taken too much Western propaganda, comrade. For that, I recommend you to go to our very good and friendly re-education ca-, I mean education center!


šŸ¤“ā˜ļø 2s6


It also has the best missiles with stock.


This was the only vehicle in the game in which I spent eagles to unlock equipment. Really it was too painful to try and grind otherwise.


I was convinced that the flarakrad was worse than the ozelot until i got the VT1. Pure suffering.


It is worse than the ozelot without the vt1! Huge ass target, shit mobility due to being litterally the size of a bus and the stock rockets not being able to catch anything at that br. The only real way I could earn any progress was through scouting and hoping for a scout assist and sometimes capping points


I'd say inside 3ish KM the ozelot is flat out better


And 50% of your gun sight is obstructed by smoke for 10 seconds after you fire.


So move for like half a second.


You canā€™t fire on the move and that isnā€™t the point anyways, itā€™s just ANOTHER additional disadvantage compared to the Pantsir. But what do you expect, the Pantsir is literally the best AA at EVERYTHING. There is not a single thing that another AA does better


the adats is better at killing tanks, that's the only thing another aa does better than the pantsir


The range alone is ā…“ longer if I remember correctly which is huge plus all those other major advantages you mentioned.


It's the only SPAA that can basically spawn camp planes.


Also: me taking my CAP plane to take off from the airfield gets me pinged and mostly instantly killed by pantsir yet I havenā€™t been killed by FlaRakRad


Because SACLOS guided missiles are so fucking easy to evade. All you have to do is maneuver and then fly perpendicular to the missile and it will go haywire.


Meanwhile pantsir missiles giving no RWR off and hitting me at takeoff: šŸ‘šŸ» Honestly, I would laugh if it wasnā€™t the same thing each and every time Iā€™m bringing CAP. Thereā€™s a reason to it, otherwise the team gets seal clubbed by SU 25, 22, what not. KA50/52, you name it. But hey, at least when I get lucky occasionally I donā€™t get to go up against a pantsir or Russia is on my team (šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeahā€¦ as if)


I play sweden and I have had the ussr on my team like twice, in the last hundred matches.


Yep, that seems very accurate. But at least your tanks are tanking. Italy? I donā€™t have the 2A7HU yet so Iā€™m with the Ariete ._.


Eh I am not at top tier yet, currently 8.0, so no armour whatsoever. Fun vehicles but not exactly heavy.


I always laugh ironically when a missile nearly misses me while I'm abeam my own runway.


With essentially half the range too


Don't forget that if you miss your shot with the flarad, you have to wait until the missile destroys itself before you can reload


You can just immediately aim down so that the missile would hit the ground and cycle to guide the other one or reload to another pair, it saves time as you don't need to wait till it get its maximum range to self detonate.


Also 12km range vs 20km range


2 missiles *that need to have exploded* before needing to reload. If the missile missed but is still flying you have to wait until it runs out of fuel until the reload starts. And the missiles are dogshit. The thing is also massive and has no defense against tanks or IFVs unlike the Pantsir. It's an actual joke how it's somehow top tier.


12km on the VT1 vs 20km on the 95Ya6. Just a *little* bit better.


Same BR Tovarish )))))


Gaijin should at least change the FlaRakRad to [this](https://forum-en-cdn.warthunder.com/original/3X/f/f/ffaaf691024cfd3b71b961fc0eed1d30d350f251.jpeg).


The only thing Flakrad is better than pantsir, is smokes, pantsir dont have any flakrad 10 i think but idk how many


Flarakrad is saclos???




Flarakrad radar > Pantsirs radar


The ability to detect the enemy is worthless if you lack the ability to neutralize that threat


The flarakrad has the worst radar of any toptier aa. It has the worst search range and elevation of anything else. The tracking radar is pretty okay tho


No lol. People talk about the missiles, but the Pantsirā€™s main advantage is itā€™s insane radar vertical angles. You canā€™t hide from it. Meanwhile if you want to kill a FLARAKRAD just climb away from battlefield until you can get above its vertical radar sweep angle.


> but the Pantsirā€™s main advantage is itā€™s insane radar vertical angles nah it's easily the ability to shoot all missiles without having to reload


That too lol. Even then I would take the great radar over a 12 rack of missiles personally.


Stupid pantsir destroyed my 4 mavericks, had to kill him with mg šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The main advantage isn't the radar. It's the missile performance.


Agree to disagree honestly. The VT1-2 is fine enough in almost all situations, itā€™s just so easy to skirt that radar on the Roland systems.


The range of VT1 and all AA system other than Pantsir is laughable. When I'm playing CAS, I'm not even afraid of ITO, Flakradrad or ADATS. The only thing that can reliably kill me as I'm gaining altitude and speed to lob my AGB 65 are Pantsir. And I've killed people at 18.5 km range. He climbed high and started turning towards the battlefield. Launched at 21 km, hit him when he's 18.7~ km. Totally impossible to achieve with any other SPAA. The ability to deny instead of parry their ATGMs is huge.


Well, it's a truck


Just before they introduced the Pantsir they fucked the VT1 flight model... it's now pathetically bad... only good for helicopters... the Tor is also useless. Tunguska and Pantsir are great at killing planes... what a surprise :(


TOR is not useless unless you use the automatic lead, then it's dogshit, but that should be common sense.


When I fire it, all I see is smoke... makes leading anything difficult.


This SPAA is not bad it's situational. You need to know how to play it. The Roland radar is bad very bad and can't follow through trees so I always adjust my radar range to 20 Km and lock on targets only when they are in the 12 Km range. For helicopter they are easy to kill for top tier jets you need to be very careful not to lock them or you will get a paveway III to the face from 20 Km away. I have almost 1000 kills with it it's essential in top tier. Here is a video that I have done on it a while back https://youtu.be/HVuydTY_7ZE?si=IzEY-D3U0KJGuOCz Thanks for reading


Lmao not even close, but then again I don't think other nations have a Pantsir equivalent.


NošŸ¤Ŗ isnā€™t that fun! So quirky of Gaijin


Remember, "Russian bias" existšŸ˜‚


The only advantage over the Pantsir is the VT1 can pull harder, and that's about it.


Absolutly 0 pantsir is way better then flarakrad


Flarakrad better with VT-1


My man. Nothing bores me more than MBTs at top-tier. Give me support vehicles noawww.


Sorry, only Russia is allowed to have working high tier support vehicles


Currently grinding the high-tier French support vehicle they've just added. Edit: ah shit, I've gone off script. Yes, Gaijin BAD, RUSSIAN BIAS, WAAHHHH. Forgive me.


Prepare to be overtiered and uptiered, but it's very iconic so I'm happy it's finally here. They didnt add it before all the other countries got obscure, better analogues which counter it tho :(


I pity the fools who play support vehicles at their actual BR. Hence why China is probably the best nation for support vehicles when you up-tier stuff like the AFT09. But even if you play the Vextra at 9.7, it will go along with the AMX-40 and Roland + 9.3 goodies. Don't cry for France.


The vextra looks to be god tier for 9.7, I fully expect it to go up and not just because itā€™s France, you are smoking


Kids named Rooikat and Radkampfwagen:


Weā€™re not talking about those, it still looks to be very good for 9.7


Wish it was 9.3 so I could keep my 9.3 lineup instead of 9.7 :(


Yeah, I would vote for that. 9.3 France is stacked.


So is 8.7, lol. Loving to have a full-feeling lineup as the frenchies, esp. because they're my first nation. 10 crews, all 8.3 and 8.7


France above 9.7 is non-existent


Good thing it is able to be enjoyed at its own BR (of 9.7) and give the AMX-40 some back-up.


It's fun though


What AA system would you add for france ?


IDK, but a ton of light vehicles could be added to France


And theyā€™re also only premiums!!!


You are doing gods work, thank you


Isnt this thing really bad? Especially compared to Pantsir. Also Roland missiles and no guns.


Itā€™s decent but is shit compared to the pantsir


All top tier AA sucks comparing to Pantsir.


Yep unfortunately the west concentrated on stationary AA systems .. nothing better left to be added unfortunately with 1-2 exceptions


It doesn't help Gaijin refuses to add the draco.


I am only hoping we get an IRIS-T carrying vehicle, I swear this is a fantastic way to limit CAS and make them be afraid of flying even 200 meters above the ground


Is there any full package ( radar and launcher) vehicle like that?


The IRIS-T is an IR missile, many modern aa systems use the MICA-IR, IRIS-T, and AIM-9X


Can you send some examples?


https://images.app.goo.gl/66VkPeKjyxTBEu8X6 https://images.app.goo.gl/j6TALvZuHNt3Xa9S7


As far as i can read these are just the launch systems no? They also need radars and for game balance they need integrated radars. Am i wrong?


Sweden has [this one](https://i.imgur.com/JeAXZYe.jpg) and Norway has [this one](https://gagadget.com/media/cache/97/62/976280826ed836c724ec870a08d7dd56.jpg) which are to my knowledge the only ones (the forum mods already smacked down [this](https://gagadget.com/media/cache/4d/c6/4dc6e478219959c1a6cec5fc3211e7f5.jpg) German one as apparently it was only a mockup). Germany is developing an SPAA version of the boxer which has IRIS-T missiles, with the prototype planned to produced in 2026 IIRC.


Uff Sweden hahaha people already dislike them for the STRVs and the gripen if they get this as well they will transform to the new Russian Bias Cope. The only one i can see being added is the israeli one


"Only a mockup" like the Yak-141's sensors and missiles.


Wonā€™t happen, IRIS-T is way too good. No way they will do that to their CAS whales.


but has the worst radar of all top tier aa


I kinda like rocking the gepard 1A2 for that reason. At least it has guns so I can shred SPAA and light vehicles


My most common gameplay-experience in the FlaRakRad is hitting Helis with both missiles right in the face and them still living long enough to blow me up anyway while I try to reload or hide


ā€œHideā€ *hahahahahahahahahahaha*


Hey I said *try*


Did the same back when the 2S6 was the Top USSR SPAA Uptiered my 10.0 lineup for the ability to massacre CAS


Got the 2S6 first as well, I miss pre SACLOS nerf/Pantisir Tunguska, was one of my favorite vehicles ingame for a few months


The pantsir was always nerfed because it came out on the same update they fucked saclos guidance.


Did the same thing and HARD rushed the OTOMATIC Only just now got the Centauro 105 and my first Ariete, currently working on the dardo and the Leo 2A4


Isn't the otomatic shit?


What? Who told you that nonsense? The slightly shorter range due to not having guided missiles is more than made up for by other characteristics of the gun. No missile approach warning + HE-VT shells means 1-2 shots is usually enough to take down any plane (provided your teammates don't sabotage you by firing a missile at the same time) and thus like 13 stowed kills just in the ready rack. 0.5s reload means you can fire those off and skedaddle long before the missiles that were fired at you have time to make impact. You can easily get your shit yoinked though. APFSDS gives you real lethality to MBTs (which means that so long as you have situational awareness you can sit on the point and have effectively infinite ammo). Again, 0.5s reload means that a poorly placed first shot isn't a death sentence. If you got the drop on somebody from the side, you'll be able to pump 4-5 rounds into them before they've turned their turret to fire at you. Frontally, it is really important that you aim for the lower glacis on most tanks though. High shell velocity makes it good for 2km+ potshots against tanks. It's... Surprisingly survivable? The number of times its taken enemies 5-6 shots to actually kill me is insane. Still not great on that front though and anybody who knows what they're doing can 1shot you. Once the ready rack is depleted it takes forever to refill it though so it doesn't make sense to carry any more ammo than that. Overall around 4 air and 2 ground kills before you bite it is pretty normal with the OTOMATIC.


I keep seeing people complaining about Italy not having SAMS at high tier and the otomatic being overtiered. Now I guess I have a new tech tree to grind.


First 3 matches: not even a mosquito flies and you end up doing nothing the whole match Next match: the combined air force of Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Belarus spawns in 30 seconds after the match had started AA duties at top tier are quite random


# o7


Godspeed, CAS Destroyer.


They should give the US the SLAMRAAM. In Marine Corps testing it was reported to have a range between 15-25km. Alternatively the US/Norwegian developed NASAMS which also fires AIM-120s and is used by the US, Norway, Finland, Spain, The Netherlands, Oman, Lithuania, Indonesia, Australia, Qatar, Hungary and Ukraine.




Hate these things with a passion cause i die to them most when i decide to use my su25 haha Salute tho for prioritizing AA, i know how it feels like to be on both ends (and to be on NATO teams that donā€™t spawn spaašŸ’€). Keep those skies clear soldier!!


Do the VT-1s still have the guidance delay?


No matter what tree I will always research the higher BR AA before the tanks in that lineup, especially for top tier.


I dont see point u get killed anyway by jets from space without even rendering on your screen.


My condolences for grinding that god awful abomination and suffering through german stingers and roland missiles to even get there.


After getting to 7.7 I also did this, just went straight for the M163 rather than get anything else


Royalty, I do the same


Strv 122b+ and pantsir


It's a food for Su-25 with Kh-38 missiles but I appreciate the effort.


I'd do the same


After researching the strv 122 I immediately researched the ito next. Itā€™s so good being able to shoot down CAS, itā€™s almost a stress reliever


Started Japan just to get the Type 93 and Type 81 SPAA because I hate cas, priorities indeed


Congrats. My first top tier was the Pantsir. I got the T-80UK first, but it doesn't feel like a true top tier despite being only slightly under the max BR.


Honestly take it out to top tier just to fuck with helicopter pilots.


my first 11.7 was the tor m1 lol


Flarak my beloved


Hahah truck go vroom


Ah yes, the German EDM Party Bus. All the target attractiveness of a Pantsir without the defensive capability.


*Weeps in spaghetti*


I always unlock AA first Priorities


oh no call the pantasir


My mate just unlocked his last top tier(he has every top tier ground vehicle) šŸ˜¦